535 research outputs found

    Resilience on Wall Street

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    On October 29th, 2019, the most substantial economic depression of the modernized world abruptly began, as the international financial market and the global GDP took a plunge. Over the course of the next decade, all that continued to rise were unemployment and suicide rates. The Wall explores the question of what happens when the lights go out on a society that is irrevocably halted. Questions of responsibility, reparations, and conviction are all weighed as ‘Wall Street’ is revealed as ground zero, and the once-powerful bankers are uncovered as the addicts who have gone too far, gambled too much, and are in need of vital rehabilitation. The dichotomy between primary user groups, ‘the powerful’ and the ‘powerless’ - the tourist and the banker, the public and the addict, still remain heavily apparent on Wall Street

    Analisi del bilancio energetico di uno stabilimento industriale e sintesi di interventi migliorativi.

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    La tesi esplora le possibilità di miglioramento dei risultati di gestione dell’impianto cogenerativo in ciclo combinato installato nello stabilimento di Firenze della General Elecric – Divisione Oil & Gas. Tra queste si distinguono: l’installazione di un gruppo turboespansore, la sostituzione della turbina a gas con un modello più recente, l’installazione di un gruppo assorbitore, la modifica del piano di produzione. Di tutti vengono identificati i possibili vantaggi e stimati i costi di realizzazione. Vengono prese in considerazione anche le opzioni di dismettere l’impianto, affidarlo ad un ente terzo secondo il principio del Project Financing, oppure di installare un nuovo impianto. La trattazione evidenzierà come gli interventi sul piano di produzione possano, con minimo investimento, apportare grandi benefici al risultato economico della gestione dell’impianto. Per confutare tali risultati viene presentato il codice di calcolo utilizzato ed una analisi critica dei dati in ingresso

    Autonomy and dependence of preneoplastic mammary nodules in mice.

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    HYPERPLASTIC alveolar nodules have been shown to represent the preneo-plastic state in mouse mammary tumour development (Bern and Nandi, 1961). With little or no mammary gland substrate (due to the inherited hormonal pattern), neither nodules nor tumours arise unless an appropriate level of activity is artificially induced in the tissue. LAF1 mice (generally considered to be free of the mammary tumour agent), had previously been shown to be refractory to methylcholanthrene mammary carcinogenesis (Haran-Ghera, 1961). This failure could, however, be overcome by stimulating the mammary glands with increased prolactin secretion which in-duced hyperplastic nodules in this tissue. Simultaneous action of the carcinogen and mammary gland stimulation were foumd to induce preneoplastic lesions that eventually developed in intact LAF1 mice into autonomous mammary tumours (Haran-Ghera, 1963). The present experiments were set up on the basis of these findings, in order to determine the hormonal requirements for further neoplastic transformatio


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    CV. Mitra Globalindo Utama Bandung merupakan badanusaha yang menyediakan pelayanan jasa di bidang konveksi. Permasalahan yang dihadapi yaitu belum tercapainya prestasi kerja yang baik pada perusahaan tersebut. Permasalahn tersebut diduga disebabkan karena dalam pelaksanaan kepuasan kerja ada indikator kepuasan kerja yang kurang diperhatikan oleh perusahaan, yaitu kondisi yang sifatnya mendukung. Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan, untuk mengetahui hubungan kepuasan kerja dengan prestasi kerja karyawan pada CV. Mitra Globalindo Utama Bandung. Metode yang digunakan adalah menggunakan Deskripsi Analis, Teknik Pengumpulan Data yang dilakukan, Observasi Non Partisipan, Wawancara Terstruktur, Angket, dan Penelitian Kepustakaan. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian bahwa hubungan kepuasan kerja dengan prestasi kerja karyawan pada CV. Mitra Globalindo Utama Bandung berdasarkan analisis Koefisien Korelasi yang diperoleh melalui perhitungan Rank Spearman sebesar 0,842 untuk N=23. Menurut Sugiono, termasuk katagori hubungan yang sangat kuat. Hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi oleh CV. Mitra Globalindo Utama Bandung dalam pelaksanaan kepuasan kerja yaitu fasilitas perusahaan yang belum memadai untuk menunjang kegiatan perusahaan secara maksimal, dikarenakan kurangnya perhatian dari pihak perusahaan dalam menyediakan dan mengelola fasilitas perusahaan. Usaha-usaha yang dilakukan CV. Mitra Globalindo Utama Bandung adalah pihak perusahaan akan memberikan pelatihan kepada karyawan untuk memperbaiki kerusakan-kerusakan kecil pada fasilitas yang ada, sehingga tidak terlalu mengganggu proses kegiatan perusahaan. Saran-saran, pihak perusahaan hendaknya meningkatkan kinerja para karyawan. Selain itu, pihak perusahaan dalam mengatasi keterbatasan dana, sebaiknya bekerjasama dengan pihak perbankkandan koperasi usaha. Kata Kunci : Kepuasan Kerja dan Prestasi Kerj

    The mechanism of radiation action in leukaemogenesis. The role of radiation in leukaemia development.

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    RADIATION-INDUCED tumours in low leukaemic strains are actually produce

    The mechanism of radiation action in leukaemogenesis. Isolation of a leukaemogenic filtrable agent from tissues of irradiated and normal C57BL mice.

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    IRRADIATION of C57B1 mice induced a high incidence of lymphatic leukaemia, while being refractory to the spontaneous development of the disease. Several investigators have isolated a leukaemogenic agent from these radiation-induced tumours, which produces lymphoid leukaemia when injected into isologous newborn or young adult non-irradiated mice (Lieberman and Kaplan, 1959; Latarjet and Duplan, 1962; Laznicka and Smetanova, 1963; Ilbery and Winn, 1964). It has been assumed that the leukaemogenic agent is present during post-natal life in non-irradiated C57B1 mice, and that ionizing irradiation causes the release of a leukaemogenic agent, in addition to thymus and bone marrow injury, which are essential factors in radiation leukaemogenesis (Kaplan, 1964). Experimental support for this hypothesis was provided by demonstrating the presence of a leukaemogenic agent, for a limited period after completion of the irradiation treatment, in centrifugates prepared from pooled, irradiated, non-]eukaemic thymus and bone marrow (Haran-Ghera, 1966). The aim of the present studies was to isolate a leukaemogenic filtrate fro

    Immune Recovery after Cyclophosphamide Treatment in Multiple Myeloma: Implication for Maintenance Immunotherapy

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a progressive B-lineage neoplasia characterized by clonal proliferation of malignant plasma cells. Increased numbers of regulatory T cells (Tregs) were determined in mouse models and in patients with MM, which correlated with disease burden. Thus, it became rational to target Tregs for treating MM. The effects of common chemotherapeutic drugs on Tregs are reviewed with a focus on cyclophosphamide (CYC). Studies indicated that selective depletion of Tregs may be accomplished following the administration of a low-dose CYC. We report that continuous nonfrequent administrations of CYC at low doses block the renewal of Tregs in MM-affected mice and enable the restoration of an efficient immune response against the tumor cells, thereby leading to prolonged survival and prevention of disease recurrence. Hence, distinctive time-schedule injections of low-dose CYC are beneficial for breaking immune tolerance against MM tumor cells

    Use of Residential Care in Europe for Children Aged Under Three: Some Lessons from Neurobiology

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    This critical commentary reviews the research into the use of residential care for children aged under three years and looks at some of the explanations that can be found for this in neurobiology. There continue to be high numbers and rates of these vulnerable children in institutions not only in the former Soviet states, but also in Western Europe. The new research provides strong evidence on the negative consequences for these children, particularly for those who remain in institutional care beyond the age of six months. Explanations from neurobiology sit well beside understandings drawn from attachment theory and start to show the mechanisms for this and also the ability of the brain to compensate