14 research outputs found

    On the Application of Data Mining to Official Data

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    Retrieving valuable knowledge and statistical patterns from official data has a great potential in supporting strategic policy making. Data Mining (DM) techniques are well-known for providing flexible and efficient analytical tools for data processing. In this paper, we provide an introduction to applications of DM to official statistics and flag the important issues and challenges. Considering recent advancements in software projects for DM, we propose intelligent data control system design and specifications as an example of DM application in official data processing.Data mining, Official data, Intelligent data control system


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    Kerman province in southeast Iran, has experienced historical and instrumentally recorded earthquakes. In December 2017, three destructive earthquakes have occurred around Hojedk, in Kerman within 11 days. In this study, first the regional seismotectonics and seismicity is presented. Then, the source mechanisms of main shocks are modeled and the results are compared with the active faults and seismicity pattern is discussed. Moment tensor inversion in time domain is used to obtain the source mechanism of earthquakes. The results indicate that the mechanisms of main shocks and aftershocks are mainly reverse and are in agreement with the trend of tectonic forces as well as the mechanisms of other earthquakes. The epicentral distribution of aftershocks indicates two clusters. The spatial distributions of clusters are in agreement with the epicentral distribution of main shocks. The cluster around the first earthquake in EW cross section has a length 15-20 Km, while the cluster around the second and third has a length about 20-25 Km. The Hojedk earthquakes occurred along the northern extension of previous earthquakes where a kind of seismic gap could be observed and still exists. In 1972, within five days four earthquakes with magnitudes 5.5 to 6.2 occurred in Sefidabeh region in eastern edge of Lut block. In both regions earthquakes have reverse mechanisms and associated with surface ruptures. Thus, it could be concluded that the energy was mainly released with several moderate earthquakes in adjacent faults. In northern extensions of both regions, seismic gaps still could be observed and major earthquakes might occur in future.A província de Kerman, no sudeste do Irã, é uma região que apresenta terremotos históricos registrados. Em dezembro de 2017, três terremotos destrutivos ocorreram em torno de Hojedk, em Kerman, durante o período de 11 dias. Neste estudo, em um primeiro momento é apresentada a sismotectônica regional e a sismicidade dessa região. Em seguida, os mecanismos de origem dos choques principais são modelados e os resultados são comparados com as falhas ativas e o padrão de sismicidade é discutido. A inversão do tensor de momento no tempo é usada para obter o mecanismo de origem dos terremotos. Os resultados indicam que os mecanismos dos principais choques e primários e secundários são principalmente de origem reversa e estão de acordo com a tendência das forças tectônicas, bem como com os mecanismos de outros terremotos. A distribuição epicentral dos tremores secundários indicam dois grupos. As distribuições espaciais em clusters estão de acordo com a distribuição epicentral dos choques principais. O aglomerado em torno do primeiro terremoto na seção transversal EW tem um comprimento de 15-20 Km, enquanto o aglomerado em torno do segundo e terceiro tem um comprimento de cerca de 20-25 Km. Os terremotos de Hojedk ocorreram ao longo da extensão norte do local onde foram registrados terremotos anteriores, onde uma espécie de lacuna sísmica pode ser observada e ainda existente. Em 1972, em cinco dias, quatro terremotos com magnitudes de 5,5 a 6,2 ocorreram na região de Sefidabeh na borda leste do bloco de Lut. Em ambas as regiões, os terremotos têm mecanismos reversos e associados a rupturas de superfície. Assim, pode-se concluir que a energia foi liberada principalmente com vários tremores moderados em falhas adjacentes. Em extensões ao norte de ambas as regiões, lacunas sísmicas ainda podem ser observadas e grandes terremotos podem ocorrer no futuro


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    Kerman province in southeast Iran, has experienced historical and instrumentally recorded earthquakes. In December 2017, three destructive earthquakes have occurred around Hojedk, in Kerman within 11 days. In this study, first the regional seismotectonics and seismicity is presented. Then, the source mechanisms of main shocks are modeled and the results are compared with the active faults and seismicity pattern is discussed. Moment tensor inversion in time domain is used to obtain the source mechanism of earthquakes. The results indicate that the mechanisms of main shocks and aftershocks are mainly reverse and are in agreement with the trend of tectonic forces as well as the mechanisms of other earthquakes. The epicentral distribution of aftershocks indicates two clusters. The spatial distributions of clusters are in agreement with the epicentral distribution of main shocks. The cluster around the first earthquake in EW cross section has a length 15-20 Km, while the cluster around the second and third has a length about 20-25 Km. The Hojedk earthquakes occurred along the northern extension of previous earthquakes where a kind of seismic gap could be observed and still exists. In 1972, within five days four earthquakes with magnitudes 5.5 to 6.2 occurred in Sefidabeh region in eastern edge of Lut block. In both regions earthquakes have reverse mechanisms and associated with surface ruptures. Thus, it could be concluded that the energy was mainly released with several moderate earthquakes in adjacent faults. In northern extensions of both regions, seismic gaps still could be observed and major earthquakes might occur in future.A província de Kerman, no sudeste do Irã, é uma região que apresenta terremotos históricos registrados. Em dezembro de 2017, três terremotos destrutivos ocorreram em torno de Hojedk, em Kerman, durante o período de 11 dias. Neste estudo, em um primeiro momento é apresentada a sismotectônica regional e a sismicidade dessa região. Em seguida, os mecanismos de origem dos choques principais são modelados e os resultados são comparados com as falhas ativas e o padrão de sismicidade é discutido. A inversão do tensor de momento no tempo é usada para obter o mecanismo de origem dos terremotos. Os resultados indicam que os mecanismos dos principais choques e primários e secundários são principalmente de origem reversa e estão de acordo com a tendência das forças tectônicas, bem como com os mecanismos de outros terremotos. A distribuição epicentral dos tremores secundários indicam dois grupos. As distribuições espaciais em clusters estão de acordo com a distribuição epicentral dos choques principais. O aglomerado em torno do primeiro terremoto na seção transversal EW tem um comprimento de 15-20 Km, enquanto o aglomerado em torno do segundo e terceiro tem um comprimento de cerca de 20-25 Km. Os terremotos de Hojedk ocorreram ao longo da extensão norte do local onde foram registrados terremotos anteriores, onde uma espécie de lacuna sísmica pode ser observada e ainda existente. Em 1972, em cinco dias, quatro terremotos com magnitudes de 5,5 a 6,2 ocorreram na região de Sefidabeh na borda leste do bloco de Lut. Em ambas as regiões, os terremotos têm mecanismos reversos e associados a rupturas de superfície. Assim, pode-se concluir que a energia foi liberada principalmente com vários tremores moderados em falhas adjacentes. Em extensões ao norte de ambas as regiões, lacunas sísmicas ainda podem ser observadas e grandes terremotos podem ocorrer no futuro

    On the Application of Data Mining to Official Data

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    Retrieving valuable knowledge and statistical patterns from official data has a great potential in supporting strategic policy making. Data Mining (DM) techniques are well-known for providing flexible and efficient analytical tools for data processing. In this paper, we provide an introduction to applications of DM to official statistics and flag the important issues and challenges. Considering recent advancements in software projects for DM, we propose intelligent data control system design and specifications as an example of DM application in official data processing

    On the Application of Data Mining to Official Data

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    Retrieving valuable knowledge and statistical patterns from official data has a great potential in supporting strategic policy making. Data Mining (DM) techniques are well-known for providing flexible and efficient analytical tools for data processing. In this paper, we provide an introduction to applications of DM to official statistics and flag the important issues and challenges. Considering recent advancements in software projects for DM, we propose intelligent data control system design and specifications as an example of DM application in official data processing

    Ambient noise surface wave tomography of the Makran subduction zone, south-east Iran : Implications for crustal and uppermost mantle structures

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    Seismic ambient noise of surface wave tomography was applied to estimate Rayleigh wave empirical Green’s functions (EGFs) and then to study crust and uppermost mantle structure beneath the Makran region in south-east Iran. 12 months of continuous data from January 2009 through January 2010, recorded at broadband seismic stations, were analyzed. Group velocities of the fundamental mode Rayleigh wave dispersion curves were obtained from the empirical Green’s functions. Multiple-filter analysis was used to plot group velocity variations at periods from 10 to 50 s. Using group velocity dispersion curves, 1-D v S velocity models were calculated between several station pairs. The final results demonstrate significant agreement to known geological and tectonic features. Our tomography maps display low-velocity anomaly with SW-NE trend, comparable with volcanic arc settings of the Makran region which may be attributable to the geometry of Arabian Plate subducting beneath the overriding the Lut block. The northward subducting Arabian Plate is determined by high-velocity anomaly along the Straits of Hormuz. At short periods (<20 s), there is a sharp transition boundary between low- and high-velocity transition zone with the NW trending at the western edge of Makran which is attributable to the Minab fault system

    Microseismicity and seismotectonics of the Firuzkuh and Astaneh faults (East Alborz, Iran)

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    International audienceIn 2007 and 2008, we installed two local seismological networks of 10 stations around the two active faults of Firuzkuh and Astaneh, which are part of the Sharud fault system located in Central Alborz, ~ 150 km east of Tehran, Iran. These networks were deployed for about 7 months each and recorded 785 and 1194 earthquakes, respectively. We analyzed the seismicity and focal mechanisms together with data from the permanent network of the Institute of Geophysics (University of Tehran). The tectonics of this area shows a pull-apart relay (Bashm and Chashm faults) between the 2 left-lateral strike-slip faults of Firuzkuh and Astaneh. Firstly, we computed the velocity structure which minimizes the travel time residuals and obtained a sedimentary cover of 4 km overlying an 8 km-thick upper-crust with a Moho located at a depth of 33.5 km. Secondly, we located the seismicity which is distributed mainly on the Astaneh fault and Chashm fault. Seismicity is also associated with the North Semnan fault located farther south. Cross sections show that the North Semnan fault is dipping north and both the Chashm and Astaneh faults are vertical. The Garmsar, Bashm and North Alborz faults seem to be less active. Focal mechanisms associated with the Chashm and Astaneh faults show mainly strike-slip motion (left-lateral on a NE-SW trending active plane) with no difference between the 2 faults, suggesting they behave similarly

    A Field Study on Various Phenomena Associated with the 1990 Rudbar, Northwest Iran, Earthquake of M7.3

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    1990年6月に発生したイラン北西部の地震(M7.3)の現地調査を実施した.訪問した市町村はカスピ海沿岸のRasht市,本震の震源付近のRudbar市やManjil市など15以上に上る.建造物や地盤等の地震による変形や破損の様子を観察すると同時に,住民から人的被害の程度,地震にともなった現象の有無や状況について聴取した.建物の調査対象としてはRashtの市役所やRudbarの病院など,地盤災害ではカスピ海沿岸Sefidrudデルタ地帯での液状化による地盤の変形が主なものである.激震区の町や村の人的被害は,最高47%の死亡率,そのほかは10~30%であった.ブロック塀の倒壊方向や人の証言に基づき強震動の方向を推定した.とくに,余震域南東端付近の震動は複雑である.震源域一帯では斜面崩壊や地辷り,地割れが多数見られた.余震域の南東端付近のPakdeh村では西北西-東南東に延びる開口性の大きな地割れ群,この村の1~2km北方には南北走向の地辷り性の地割れ群が出現した.これらは,近傍直下の震源断層の活動の2次的な効果であると考えられる.そのほか地震の随伴現象には,発光現象や地下水の変化などがあった.今度の地震は歴史地震活動の空白域に発生した.イランにおける最近100年間の主な地震活動の時間特性によると,ほぼ10年ぶりの今回の活動期はまだ数年つづくかもしれない.Damage to buildings, facilities and people as well as various earthquake phenomena caused by the Rudbar earthquake of June 20, 1990 were studied by using the method of field observation and inquiry of the inhabitants. We visited more than 15 cities and villages from July 18 to July 26, 1990

    Aftershock Distribution of the 1990 Rudbar, Northwest Iran, Earthquake of M7.3 and Its Tectonic Implications

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    One of the largest earthquakes in Iran occurred on June 20, 1990, at 21:00 UT at around Rudbar and Manjil Cities in Gilan Province, northwest Iran. An aftershock observation has been conducted around the source region from 30 days after the mainshock and has been continued for more than 5 months. The epicenters of the aftershocks are extending as long as 90km striking WNW-ESE in parallel with the trend of the northern and southern marginal longitudinal faults of the Qezel-Owzan basin along the Talesh-Alborz seismo-tectonic zone. A strike-slip fault, running along the aftershock zone on the uplifted side of the northern marginal fault, is proposed judging from the topographic map and the Landsat image. The part of the aftershock area southeast of the main shock epicenter is more active than the northwestern part. Particularly, microseismic activity is very high in the southeastern end close to Pakdeh, where remarkable surface fissures were observed. The Vp/Vs ratio is inferred as 1.88±0.60 for the region covered by the seismic network. The aftershock decay rate was such that p=1.5 for the modified Omori formula, although the p value for a short period of 4 days at the beginning of the observation was around 4.0.1990年6月20日21時00分13.12秒(世界時),イラン北西部ギーラーン州のルードバール市付近でM7.3の浅発地震が発生した.地震の30日後から余震観測を実施した. 60kmのスパンの3点観測網(Saravan, Abbar, Abtorsh)による観測は5ヶ月以上の期間続けられた.ほかに3ヶ所において2~5日間の短期観測(Masuleh, Bivarzin, Jirandeh)をおこなった