323 research outputs found

    Robust area coverage with connectivity maintenance

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    Robot swarms herald the ability to solve complex tasks using a large collection of simple devices. However, engineering a robotic swarm is far from trivial, with a major hurdle being the definition of the control laws leading to the desired globally coordinated behavior. Communication is a key element for coordination and it is considered one of the current most important challenges for swarm robotics. In this paper, we study the problem of maintaining robust swarm connectivity while performing a coverage task based on the Voronoi tessellation of an area of interest. We implement our methodology in a team of eight Khepera IV robots. With the assumptions that robots have a limited sensing and communication range - and cannot rely on centralized processing - we propose a tri-objective control law that outperforms other simpler strategies (e.g. a potential-based coverage) in terms of network connectivity, robustness to failure, and area coverage

    From seaweeds to cosmeceutics: A multidisciplinar approach

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    Macroalgae are widespread on the coasts of all the globe and lead to a negative ecological impact, requiring expensive remediations. Therefore, the valorization of invasive seaweed as a renewable source of bioactive products could represent a valid solution. In this context, three algal biomasses, belonging to brown, green, and red families (Sargassum muticum, Ulva lactuca, Solieria filiformis), collected in the venetian Laguna, were investigated as a source of active compounds for the formulation of cosmeceutics. Microwave (MW) and ultrasound (US) were applied to enhance the algae extraction by means of a hydroalcoholic solution. According to total phenolic content (TPC) evaluation, MW demonstrated the best performing outcomes, resulting in 19.77, 22.02, and 16.94 mgGAE/gExtr (30 min at 90◦C) for brown, green, and red algae, respectively. Antioxidant activity was tested as well, showing comparable trends (49.19, 26.24, and 3.02 mmolTrolox eq./gExtr for brown, green, and red algae, respectively). Due to natural algae predisposition to absorb contaminants, the metal content analysis helped to screen the applicability of these extracts, identifying Ulva lactuca as the most suitable source of antioxidants for cosmetic formulations. This MW extract was then adopted to formulate two different preparations, namely a gel and an emulsion. Thermal and mechanical tests confirmed the stability of each formulation, together with neutral organoleptic characteristics. Finally, the actives release was investigated by means of a tape stripping essay, showing an efficient controlled release for gel formulation, even after 7 h of test. The produced cosmeceutics merged non-conventional extraction technologies with formulation expertise, offering a valuable alternative to solve the macroalgae disposal issue

    Serological identification of HSP105 as a novel non-Hodgkin lymphoma therapeutic target.

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    We reported that the clinical efficacy of dendritic cell-based vaccination is strongly associated with immunologic responses in relapsed B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL) patients. We have now investigated whether postvaccination antibodies from responders recognize novel shared NHL-restricted antigens. Immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry showed that they cross-react with allogeneic B-NHLs at significantly higher levels than their matched prevaccination samples or nonresponders' antibodies. Western blot analysis of DOHH-2 lymphoma proteome revealed a sharp band migrating at approximately 100 to 110 kDa only with postvaccine repertoires from responders. Mass spectrometry identified heat shock protein-105 (HSP105) in that molecular weight interval. Flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry disclosed HSP105 on the cell membrane and in the cytoplasm of B-NHL cell lines and 97 diagnostic specimens. A direct correlation between HSP105 expression and lymphoma aggressiveness was also apparent. Treatment of aggressive human B-NHL cell lines with an anti-HSP105 antibody had no direct effects on cell cycle or apoptosis but significantly reduced the tumor burden in xenotransplanted immunodeficient mice. In vivo antilymphoma activity of HSP105 engagement was associated with a significant local increase of Granzyme B(+) killer cells that very likely contributed to the tumor-restricted necrosis. Our study adds HSP105 to the list of nononcogenes that can be exploited as antilymphoma targets

    Evidence for heavy fuel oil combustion aerosols from chemical analyses at the island of Lampedusa: a possible large role of ships emissions in the Mediterranean

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    Measurements of aerosol chemical composition made on the island of Lampedusa, south of the Sicily channel, during years 2004–2008, are used to identify the influence of heavy fuel oil (HFO) combustion emissions on aerosol particles in the Central Mediterranean. Aerosol samples influenced by HFO are characterized by elevated Ni and V soluble fraction (about 80% for aerosol from HFO combustion, versus about 40% for crustal particles), high V and Ni to Si ratios, and values of V<sub>sol</sub>>6 ng m<sup>−3</sup>. Evidence of HFO combustion influence is found in 17% of the daily samples. Back trajectories analysis on the selected events show that air masses prevalently come from the Sicily channel region, where an intense ship traffic occurs. This behavior suggests that single fixed sources like refineries are not the main responsible for the elevated V and Ni events, which are probably mainly due to ships emissions. <br><br> V<sub>sol</sub>, Ni<sub>sol</sub>, and non-sea salt SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup> (nssSO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup>) show a marked seasonal behaviour, with an evident summer maximum. Such a pattern can be explained by several processes: (i) increased photochemical activity in summer, leading to a faster production of secondary aerosols, mainly nssSO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup>, from the oxidation of SO<sub>2</sub> (ii) stronger marine boundary layer (MBL) stability in summer, leading to higher concentration of emitted compounds in the lowest atmospheric layers. A very intense event in spring 2008 was studied in detail, also using size segregated chemical measurements. These data show that elements arising from heavy oil combustion (V, Ni, Al, Fe) are distributed in the sub-micrometric fraction of the aerosol, and the metals are present as free metals, carbonates, oxides hydrates or labile complex with organic ligands, so that they are dissolved in mild condition (HNO<sub>3</sub>, pH1.5). <br><br> Data suggest a characteristic nssSO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup>/V ratio in the range 200–400 for HFO combustion aerosols in summer at Lampedusa. By using the value of 200 a lower limit for the HFO contribution to total sulphates is estimated. HFO combustion emissions account, as a summer average, at least for 1.2 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, representing about 30% of the total nssSO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup>, 3.9% of PM<sub>10</sub>, 8% of PM<sub>2.5</sub>, and 11% of PM<sub>1</sub>. Within the used dataset, sulphate from HFO combustion emissions reached the peak value of 6.1 μg m<sup>−3</sup> on 26 June 2008, when it contributed by 47% to nssSO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup>, and by 15% to PM<sub>10</sub>

    Saharan dust aerosol over the central Mediterranean Sea: PM<sub>10</sub> chemical composition and concentration versus optical columnar measurements

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    This study aims to determine the mineral contribution to PM<sub>10</sub> in the central Mediterranean Sea, based on 7 yr of daily PM<sub>10</sub> samplings made on the island of Lampedusa (35.5° N, 12.6° E). <br><br> The chemical composition of the PM<sub>10</sub> samples was determined by ion chromatography for the main ions, and, on selected samples, by particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) for the total content of crustal markers. Aerosol optical depth measurements were carried out in parallel to the PM<sub>10</sub> sampling. <br><br> The average PM<sub>10</sub> concentration at Lampedusa over the period June 2004–December 2010 is 31.5 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, with low interannual variability. The annual means are below the EU annual standard for PM<sub>10</sub>, but 9.9% of the total number of daily data exceeds the daily threshold value established by the European Commission for PM (50 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, European Community, EC/30/1999). <br><br> The Saharan dust contribution to PM<sub>10</sub> was derived by calculating the contribution of Al, Si, Fe, Ti, non-sea-salt (nss) Ca, nssNa, and nssK oxides in samples in which PIXE data were available. Cases in which crustal content exceeded the 75th percentile of the crustal oxide content distribution were identified as elevated dust events. Using this threshold, we obtained 175 events. Fifty-five elevated dust events (31.6%) displayed PM<sub>10</sub> higher than 50 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, with dust contributing by 33% on average. <br><br> The crustal contribution to PM<sub>10</sub> has an annual average value of 5.42 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, and reaches a value as high as 67.9 μg m<sup>−3</sup> (corresponding to 49% of PM<sub>10</sub>) during an intense Saharan dust event. <br><br> The crustal content estimated from a single tracer, such as Al or Ca, is in good agreement with the one calculated as the sum of the metal oxides. Conversely, larger crustal contents are derived by applying the EU guidelines for demonstration and subtraction of exceedances in PM<sub>10</sub> levels due to high background of natural aerosol. The crustal aerosol amount and contribution to PM<sub>10</sub> showed a very small seasonal dependence; conversely, the dust columnar burden displays an evident annual cycle, with a strong summer maximum (monthly average aerosol optical depth at 500 nm up to 0.28 in June–August). We found that 71.3% of the dust events identified from optical properties over the atmospheric column display a high dust content at the ground level. Conversely, the remaining 28.7% of cases present a negligible or small impact on the surface aerosol composition due to the transport processes over the Mediterranean Sea, where dust frequently travels above the marine boundary layer, especially in summer. <br><br> Based on backward trajectories, two regions, one in Algeria–Tunisia, and one in Libya, are identified as main source areas for intense dust episodes occurring mainly in autumn and winter. Data on the bulk composition of mineral aerosol arising from these two source areas are scarce; results on characteristic ratios between elements show somewhat higher values of Ca / Al and (Ca + Mg) / Fe (2.5 ± 1.0, and 4.7 ± 2.0, respectively) for Algeria–Tunisia than for Libyan origin (Ca / Al = 1.9 ± 0.7 and (Ca + Mg) / Fe = 3.3 ± 1.1)

    Raman spectroscopy vs voltammetry: a voltammetric approach to elucidate different chemicals in a range of pharmaceutical tablets.

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    Over the years, Electroanalysis has been widely applied to elucidate redox behavior of novel molecules. The selectivity and low cost are spotlight features in pharmacopeial methods of identification, that can be reached by voltammetric approaches. In this work, differential pulse voltammetric (DPV) profile and the slope of the linear regression obtained from calibration graphs along with the scan study are proposed as new perspective of identification assays. With the proposed methodology we were able to identify the similarities among DPV profile and the slopes obtained for each tablet. In addition, this new technology was successfully employed to identify the following chemicals: Paracetamol (PAR), Promethazine (PMZ), Diclofenac (DIC), Piroxicam (PRX), Indomethacin (IND) and Cyclobenzaprine (CBP) in pharmaceutical assays using Pencil Graphite Electrodes. Furthermore, our new methodology was effectively compared to Raman Spectroscopy for the analysis of the range of chemicals in the pharmaceutical assays


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    Os cursos universitários buscam capacitar o aluno de forma que o mesmo, assim que formado, possa ingressar no mercado de trabalho com conhecimentos compatíveis às suas atribuições. Para isso, os conhecimentos teóricos precisam estar associados aos conhecimentos práticos. Vários laboratórios precisam ser disponibilizados para cursos universitários, inclusive para cursos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e Engenharia Civil, entre eles o canteiro de obras experimental, que insere o aluno no contato direto da obra. No entanto, este ambiente não tem sido implantado com frequência. Desse modo, este artigo visa a analisar sua importância. A metodologia de pesquisa está baseada em análises documentais e projetuais

    FGF trapping inhibits multiple myeloma growth through c-Myc degradation-induced mitochondrial oxidative stress

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    Multiple myeloma (MM), the second most common hematological malignancy, frequently relapses because of chemotherapeutic resistance. Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) act as pro-angiogenic and mitogenic cytokines in MM. Here, we demonstrate that the autocrine FGF/FGFR axis is essential for MM cell survival and progression by protecting MM cells from oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. In keeping with the hypothesis that the intracellular redox status can be a target for cancer therapy, FGF/FGFR blockade by FGF trapping or tyrosine kinase inhibitor impaired the growth and dissemination of MM cells by inducing mitochondrial oxidative stress, DNA damage and apoptotic cell death that were prevented by the antioxidant vitamin E or mitochondrial catalase overexpression. In addition, mitochondrial oxidative stress occurred as a consequence of proteasomal degradation of the c-Myc oncoprotein that led to glutathione depletion. Accordingly, expression of a proteasome-non-degradable c-Myc protein mutant was sufficient to avoid glutathione depletion and rescue the pro-apoptotic effects due to FGF blockade. These findings were confirmed on Bortezomib-resistant MM cells as well as on bone marrow-derived primary MM cells from newly diagnosed and relapsed/refractory patients, including plasma cells bearing the t(4;14) translocation obtained from high-risk MM patients. Altogether, these findings dissect the mechanism by which the FGF/FGFR system plays a non-redundant role in MM cell survival and disease progression, and indicate that FGF targeting may represent a therapeutic approach for MM patients with poor prognosis and advanced disease stage

    Effect of extrusion and autoclaving on the biological potential of proteins and naturally-occurring peptides from common beans: Antioxidant and vasorelaxant properties

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    Aiming to understand the impact of hardening on the biological potential of bean protein and peptides, we evaluated the antioxidant and vasorelaxant properties of common beans after and before hardening. It was also evaluated the effect of extrusion and autoclaving in the biological potential of hardened beans. In general, hardening caused a reduction from 13.5 to 39.6% on the antioxidant activity of the peptide-rich fractions. On the other hand, hardening did not strongly interfere with the vascular reactivity in thoracic aorta rings, being observed maximal relation varying from 801% to 84.7%. The thermal treatment caused a general increase in the antioxidant and vasorelaxant potential of these fractions, being observed EC50 values ranging from 0.22 mg mL -1 to 0.26 mg mL -1. We can conclude that hardening did not seem to affect definitively the bioactivity of the obtained peptide-rich fractions. Finally, this study allows suggesting practical applications of extrusion as a thermal process in the production of functional food ingredients, and as ready-to-eat products presenting nutraceutical potential. In addition, autoclaving can be used as a pre-treatment of the hardened grains aiming to use them as whole grains with potentialized benefits for human health

    Ultraviolet Study of the Active Interacting Binary Star R Arae using Archival IUE Data

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    The eclipsing and strongly interacting binary star system R Arae (HD149730) is in a very active and very short-lived stage of its evolution. R Ara consists of a B9V primary and an unknown secondary. We have collected the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) archival data on R Ara, with most of the data being studied for the first time. There are 117 high resolution IUE spectra taken in 1980, 1982, 1985, 1989, and 1991. We provide photometric and spectroscopic evidence for mass transfer and propose a geometry for the accretion structure. We use colour scale radial velocity plots to view the complicated behavior of the blended absorption features and to distinguish the motions of hotter and cooler regions within the system. We observed a primary eclipse of R Ara in 2008 and have verified that its period is increasing. A model of the system and its evolutionary status is presented.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA