324 research outputs found

    Emily Dickinson\u27s Poetry : Abnormality Defined

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    As a romantic poet, Emily Dickinson was fascinated by nature, individualism, man\u27s relation with God and the universe and the other unperceivable problems of love, pain and death. Emerson and Thoreau dwelt on Transcendentalism” with great enthusiasm; they were absorbed in their pilgrimage into nature and with man\u27s place in this ambiguous universe. Melville\u27s literary interests revealed the tensions that existed in his mind and in the culture at large--tensions set up by the conflict between the will to believe and the need to be shown, between transcendentalism and empiricism in philosophy, between religion and science. Whitman was content with democracy in nature through its “Leaves of Grass” --looking with great pleasure at this brave new continent and gazing with deep admiration and love at man\u27s calloused hands and his drops of sweat. Dickinson was also creating her own world: so private, so crowded and so turned into itself. Her world was limited to the garden and its flowers, mushrooms, birds, insets, spiders and trees. Her window was her channel for the storm, sea, the aurora, the Amherst new train; the window was also her distinctive ear through which she heard the church bells, the birds\u27 songs, the wind\u27s lashes. Her window, too, was her medium to see the people plod along the streets with their hopes and fears. A large part of her world was reading which acquainted her with Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton, the Brontes, Byron, Shelley, Keats, the Brownings, and even her contemporaries such as Emerson and Helen Hunt Jackson. Reading was her magic carpet to Paris and Geneva, the Alps, and The Himalayas and Vesuvius. But Dickinson created a mythological personality through her poetry much more daring and much more attractive than that of Mark Twain\u27s Huck or Stephen Crane\u27s Maggie or even the pale, half-dying, Hellenic women of Edgar Allan Poe. Dickinson has given world literature a unique personality in her poetry where dread mingles with peace, hope with despair, success with failure; where the bee and the butterfly and the spider and the flower communicate their secrets to man. Her poetry yields a personality which will forever allure readers and teach them how “the human heart in conflict with itself --as Faulkner put it in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech will always remain the center of all living literature. like Melville, Dickinson never tried to resolve such a conflict even at her deepest and most complex creative level; instead, she dramatized it. She had learned that the world was too complex to be pictured in black and white. One of her amazing techniques of style is her frequent use of the dash as a punctuation mark. By the dash Dickinson suggests either one of two things: a pause which enables the reader or listener to connect the previous idea or vision with the following one, or a gap that suggests an open-ended vision that no words could express

    Assessment of essential fatty acids status in different blood components in Austrian adults

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    Epidemiologische und tierexperimentelle Studien belegen die schĂŒtzende und vorbeugende Wirkung von langkettigen n-3 PUFA in Hinblick auf die Senkung des Blutdrucks, sowie die Verringerung koronarer Herzkrankheit und Herzrhythmusstörungen. Des Weiteren gibt es Hinweise darauf, dass die erhöhte Aufnahme mehrfach ungesĂ€ttigter FettsĂ€uren bei reduziertem n-6-FettsĂ€ure- aber gelichzeitig gesteigertem n-3-FettsĂ€ure-Anteil der Entwicklung einer Hypertonie vorbeugt (de Wilde et al.; 2003). Studien mit teils jedoch geringer Fallzahl, unterstreichen die Beziehung zwischen einer ungĂŒnstigen FettsĂ€ure-Zusammensetzung von Membranen und neurologischen sowie psychischen Erkrankungen (Wiest et al.; 2009). Einige Studien zeigen einen deutlichen Zusammenhang zwischen der nutritiven Aufnahme von n-3 PUFAs und einigen psychischen Störungen wie Depressionen, Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen und HyperaktivitĂ€t, Impulskontrollestörungen , darunter aggressives Verhalten, und Schizophrenie. . Tierversuche verdeutlichen, dass ein Mangel an n-3 PUFA chemische AblĂ€ufe, sowie die Entwicklung und Neurotransmission im Gehirn verĂ€ndert. Populationen mit hohem Fischkonsum weisen zudem eine vergleichsweise niedrigere Rate von postpartalen Depression und Selbstmord auf. Bei erhöhter Aufnahme an n-3-FettsĂ€uren zeigt sich eine schnelle Verbesserung der Stimmung und eine Verringerung des impulsiven und aggressiven Verhaltens da die aufgenommenen FettsĂ€uren rasch ĂŒber das Blut ins Gehirn transportiert werden (Conklin et al.; 2007). Basierend auf Dr. Harris, sollte daher der Erfassung des Omega-3-Index mit einer standardisierten Methode bzw. der Entwicklung eines solchen Tests sowie einer entsprechenden QualitĂ€tskontrolle eine hohe PrioritĂ€t eingerĂ€umt werden (Harriset al.; 2004).Human epidemiological and experimental animal studies demonstrated the protective and preventive effects of long chain n-3 PUFA in reducing blood pressure in developing hypertension, decrease coronary heart disease, and suppress cardiac arrhythmia. It was also suggested that increasing in poly-unsaturated fatty acids intake with reducing n-6 fatty acid intake and increasing n-3 prevent the development of hypertension (de Wilde et al.; 2003). Small sample size studies highlighted the relation between abnormal concentration of fatty acid membrane composition and neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders (. Wiest et al.; 2009). Many studies implicated the link between dietary n-3 PUFA and some psychology disorders such major depressive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, impulse control problems, including aggressive behavior, and schizopherina. It has been approved in animal studies that n-3 PUFA deficiency alters brain chemistry, development and neurotransmission. Populations with high rate of fish consumption, showed lower rates of postpartum depression and suicide. Increasing in dietary n-3 intake shows rapid improvement in mood and reduction in impulsive and aggressive behaviors as the intake are rapidly delivered to the brain via blood (Conklin et al.; 2007). However, Dr Harris suggested Omega-3 Index had not been measured using a standardized method, and the development of such an assay and quality control materials is a high priority (.Harriset al.; 2004)

    The Impact of Strategic Costing Techniques on the Performance of Jordanian Listed Manufacturing Companies

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    This study provides an effort to present strategic costing techniques as a group in the context of SMA literature, where these techniques were primarily studied separately in the past. The study examines the impact of using strategic costing techniques on Jordanian Listed Manufacturing Companies (JLMC) and to examine the impact of these techniques on the performance of these companies. A survey on JLMC was conducted for data collection. A total of 91 questionnaires were distributed to these companies. Out of this number, only 60 were returned.  The response rate was about 65.9%. Descriptive statistics studies showed that JLMC achieved better performance compared to the period before adopting strategic costing techniques. One-sample t-test showed that all of strategic costing techniques were used by JLMC. The results of multiple regressions showed that these techniques contribute significantly and explain a high percentage of variation of JLMCs' performance. Three of explanatory variables were ABC, TC, and COQ have a statistically significant positive effect on JLMC's overall performance, financial performance, and market performance. The rest of explanatory variables which were attribute costing, LCC, and VCC did not have a statistically significant effect on the mentioned categories of performance of JLMC. Regarding the production performance of JLMC, it has been found that all of explanatory variables except attribute costing technique have a statistically significant positive effect on this category of performance. In respect to the limited studies about the relationship between strategic costing techniques as group and firm performance, this study recommends researchers conduct more studies on this subject. The study also recommends JLMC continue adopting all of SMA techniques in the future.  Keywords: Strategic management accounting, strategic costing techniques, ABC, TC, attribute costing, LCC, COQ, VCC, firm performance

    Reaching Out to Underserved High School Students: An Experiential Approach to Higher Education

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    Research indicates that underserved students are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to entering and succeeding at college. However, with sufficient support, they can turn those disadvantages around. To address the persistent challenges of the underserved college-bound students, institutions of higher education created special pre-college outreach initiatives. This study provides finding regarding how an outreach program can apply experiential learning approach to motivate students through an experiential summer pre-business program that targets specifically targeted underserved high school juniors from various school districts in Southern California. This study also presents eleven years’ outcome assessment of this private university program. Using information from a survey and a lexical analysis of a sample of 574 students over 11-year period, this study finds that the experiential college outreach program increased underserved students’ drive for attending college and may be one promising practice to help close the gap in accessibility to higher education. The results illustrate the value of outreach programs provided by an institution of higher education to support underserved students through the fusion of business education and experiential learning

    Pricing Decisions and Borrowing Costs under International Accounting Standard 23 in Jordanian Industrial Corporations

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    This study investigates how corporations borrowing costs (BC) under IAS 23 will be impacted on pricing decisions (PD) in industrial corporations, Study population of Jordanian industrial corporations, listed on the Amman Stock Exchange for the year 2015 is made up, the number of these corporations stood at 92 industrial corporations, study sample including all corporations availability information to calculate the variables of study during the study period, the number 70 industrial corporation, used three, depending variables, that is pricing decisions, cost-plus price (CPP), contribution margin Price (CMP), and target costing price (TCP), the independent variable is (BC), this, the variables because the increase of dependence on the borrowing lead to increase the cost of  finance and  loading of corporations for expenses, that effect on net profit realize and  loading the service or product for (BC), thus impact on service or product price. Hilton (2005). The simple regression used to test hypotheses.This study indicated to an impact on profit when the capitalization of (BC) for using (CPP) and (CMP) method. There is no impact on profit for using the (TCP) method, but leading to increase competitive advantage a to product, increase the team ability and benefits of the product. Keywords: Pricing decision making, Cost-Plus Price, Contribution Margin Price, Target Costing Price, Borrowing Costs

    Du terme prédicatif au cadre sémantique : méthodologie de compilation d'une ressource terminologique pour les termes arabes de l'informatique

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    La description des termes dans les ressources terminologiques traditionnelles se limite Ă  certaines informations, comme le terme (principalement nominal), sa dĂ©finition et son Ă©quivalent dans une langue Ă©trangĂšre. Cette description donne rarement d’autres informations qui peuvent ĂȘtre trĂšs utiles pour l’utilisateur, surtout s’il consulte les ressources dans le but d’approfondir ses connaissances dans un domaine de spĂ©cialitĂ©, maitriser la rĂ©daction professionnelle ou trouver des contextes oĂč le terme recherchĂ© est rĂ©alisĂ©. Les informations pouvant ĂȘtre utiles dans ce sens comprennent la description de la structure actancielle des termes, des contextes provenant de sources authentiques et l’inclusion d’autres parties du discours comme les verbes. Les verbes et les noms dĂ©verbaux, ou les unitĂ©s terminologiques prĂ©dicatives (UTP), souvent ignorĂ©s par la terminologie classique, revĂȘtent une grande importance lorsqu’il s’agit d’exprimer une action, un processus ou un Ă©vĂšnement. Or, la description de ces unitĂ©s nĂ©cessite un modĂšle de description terminologique qui rend compte de leurs particularitĂ©s. Un certain nombre de terminologues (Condamines 1993, Mathieu-Colas 2002, Gross et Mathieu-Colas 2001 et L’Homme 2012, 2015) ont d’ailleurs proposĂ© des modĂšles de description basĂ©s sur diffĂ©rents cadres thĂ©oriques. Notre recherche consiste Ă  proposer une mĂ©thodologie de description terminologique des UTP de la langue arabe, notamment l’arabe standard moderne (ASM), selon la thĂ©orie de la SĂ©mantique des cadres (Frame Semantics) de Fillmore (1976, 1977, 1982, 1985) et son application, le projet FrameNet (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010). Le domaine de spĂ©cialitĂ© qui nous intĂ©resse est l’informatique. Dans notre recherche, nous nous appuyons sur un corpus recueilli du web et nous nous inspirons d’une ressource terminologique existante, le DiCoInfo (L’Homme 2008), pour compiler notre propre ressource. Nos objectifs se rĂ©sument comme suit. PremiĂšrement, nous souhaitons jeter les premiĂšres bases d’une version en ASM de cette ressource. Cette version a ses propres particularitĂ©s : 1) nous visons des unitĂ©s bien spĂ©cifiques, Ă  savoir les UTP verbales et dĂ©verbales; 2) la mĂ©thodologie dĂ©veloppĂ©e pour la compilation du DiCoInfo original devra ĂȘtre adaptĂ©e pour prendre en compte une langue sĂ©mitique. Par la suite, nous souhaitons crĂ©er une version en cadres de cette ressource, oĂč nous regroupons les UTP dans des cadres sĂ©mantiques, en nous inspirant du modĂšle de FrameNet. À cette ressource, nous ajoutons les UTP anglaises et françaises, puisque cette partie du travail a une portĂ©e multilingue. La mĂ©thodologie consiste Ă  extraire automatiquement les unitĂ©s terminologiques verbales et nominales (UTV et UTN), comme Ham~ala (Ű­Ù…Ù„) (tĂ©lĂ©charger) et taHmiyl (ŰȘŰ­Ù…ÙŠÙ„) (tĂ©lĂ©chargement). Pour ce faire, nous avons adaptĂ© un extracteur automatique existant, TermoStat (Drouin 2004). Ensuite, Ă  l’aide des critĂšres de validation terminologique (L’Homme 2004), nous validons le statut terminologique d’une partie des candidats. AprĂšs la validation, nous procĂ©dons Ă  la crĂ©ation de fiches terminologiques, Ă  l’aide d’un Ă©diteur XML, pour chaque UTV et UTN retenue. Ces fiches comprennent certains Ă©lĂ©ments comme la structure actancielle des UTP et jusqu’à vingt contextes annotĂ©s. La derniĂšre Ă©tape consiste Ă  crĂ©er des cadres sĂ©mantiques Ă  partir des UTP de l’ASM. Nous associons Ă©galement des UTP anglaises et françaises en fonction des cadres crĂ©Ă©s. Cette association a menĂ© Ă  la crĂ©ation d’une ressource terminologique appelĂ©e « DiCoInfo : A Framed Version ». Dans cette ressource, les UTP qui partagent les mĂȘmes propriĂ©tĂ©s sĂ©mantiques et structures actancielles sont regroupĂ©es dans des cadres sĂ©mantiques. Par exemple, le cadre sĂ©mantique Product_development regroupe des UTP comme Taw~ara (Ű·ÙˆŰ±) (dĂ©velopper), to develop et dĂ©velopper. À la suite de ces Ă©tapes, nous avons obtenu un total de 106 UTP ASM compilĂ©es dans la version en ASM du DiCoInfo et 57 cadres sĂ©mantiques associĂ©s Ă  ces unitĂ©s dans la version en cadres du DiCoInfo. Notre recherche montre que l’ASM peut ĂȘtre dĂ©crite avec la mĂ©thodologie que nous avons mise au point.The description of terms in traditional terminological resources is limited to certain details, such as the term (which is usually a noun), its definition, and its equivalent. This description seldom takes into account other details, which can be of high importance for the users, especially if they consult resources to enhance their knowledge of the domain, to improve professional writing, or to find contexts where the term is realized. The information that might be useful includes the description of the actantial structure of the terms, contexts from authentic resources and the inclusion of other parts of speech such as verbs. Verbs and deverbal nouns, or predicative terminological units (PTUs), which are often ignored by traditional terminology, are of great importance especially for expressing actions, processes or events. But the description of these units requires a model of terminological description that takes into account their special features. Some terminologists (Condamines 1993, Mathieu-Colas 2002, Gross et Mathieu-Colas 2001 et L’Homme 2012, 2015) proposed description models based on different theoretical frameworks. Our research consists of proposing a methodology of terminological description of PTUs of the Arabic language, in particular Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), according to the theory of Frame Semantics of Fillmore (1976, 1977, 1982, 1985) and its application, the FrameNet project (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010). The specialized domain in which we are interested is computing. In our research, we compiled a corpus that we collected from online material and we based our method on an existing online terminological resource called the DiCoInfo (L’Homme 2008) in our pursuit to compile our own. Our objectives are the following. First, we will lay the foundations of an MSA version of the aforementioned resource. This version has its own features: 1) we target specific units, namely verbal and deverbal PTUs; 2) the developed methodology for the compilation of the original DiCoInfo should be adapted to take into account a Semitic language. Afterwards, we will create a framed version of this resource. In this version, we organize the PTUs in semantic frames according to the model of FrameNet. Since this frame version has a multilingual dimension, we add English and French PTUs to the resource. Our methodology consists of automatically extracting the verbal and nominal terminological units (VTUs and NTUs) such as Ham~ala (Ű­Ù…Ù„) (download). To do this, we integrated the MSA to an existing automatic extractor, TermoStat (Drouin 2004). Then, with the help of terminological validation criteria, we validate the terminological status of the candidates. After the validation, we create terminological files with an XML editor for each VTU and NTU. These files contain elements, such as the actantial structure of the PTUs and up to 20 annotated contexts. The last step consists of creating semantic frames from the MSA PTUs. We also associate English and French PTUs to the created frames. This association resulted in the creation of a second terminological resource called “DiCoInfo: A Framed Version”. In this resource, the PTUs that share the same semantic features and actantial structures are organized in semantic frames. For example, the semantic frame Product_development groups PTUs such as Taw~ara (Ű·ÙˆŰ±) (develop), to develop and dĂ©velopper. As a result of our methodology, we obtained a total of 106 PTUs in MSA compiled in the MSA version of DiCoInfo and 57 semantic frames associated to these units in the framed version. Our research shows that the MSA can be described using the methodology that we set up
