18 research outputs found

    Učinkoviti pristup odabira broja baterijskih modula kod hibridnih električnih vozila

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    Selection of higher values for Degree of Hybridization (DOH) increases the fuel economy and reduces the emissions in the Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs). Previously presented methodologies for deciding about the number of battery modules (as an important factor influencing the vehicle performance), presents poor vehicle performance for higher DOHs. In this paper, a new technique has been proposed for deciding about the number of battery modules in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), by which the high performance of the vehicle is guaranteed for higher DOHs. The proposed methodology is based on satisfying two key designing factors: Maximum charge and discharge capability and satisfaction of the PNGV criteria. The proposed methodology, allows us to choose higher DOHs in HEVs, which leads to lower emissions and higher levels of fuel economy. To evaluate efficiency of proposed methodology, it has been applied on model of a test parallel passenger hybrid car available in the ADvanced VehIcle SimulatOR (ADVISOR) software. The obtained results have been compared with that of formerly presented techniques. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of proposed methodology.Povećanje stupnja hibridizacije (DOH) ima za posljedicu smanjenje potrošnje goriva te emisije štetnih plinova kod hibridnih električnih vozila (HEV). Postojeći pristupi za odabir broja baterijskih modula (kao važan faktor koji utječe na performanse vozila) kod većeg stupnja DOH-a rezultiraju lošim performansama vozila. U ovom radu, predložen je novi pristup odabira broja baterijskih modula HEV-a, koji garantira visoke performanse HEV-a i za visok stupanj DOH-a. Predloženi pristup temeljen je na zadovoljavanju dva ključna zahtjeva: maksimalna sposobnost punjenja i pražnjenja te PNGV kriterij. Predložen pristup omogućuje odabir visokog stupnja DOH-a u hibridnim električnim vozilima. Pristup je validiran korištenjem modela hibridnog automobila dostupnog u ADvanced VehIcle SimulatoOR programu. Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s rezultatima trenutno korištenih pritupa odabira broja baterijskih modula te je potvrđena učinkovitost predloženog pristupa

    Effect of Al-5Ti-B Inoculant Addition on the Graded Microstructure of Centrifugally Cast Al-13.8 wt.% Mg2Si Composite

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    To evaluate the effect of inoculant addition on functionally graded microstructure of centrifugally cast Al-Mg2Si composites, two cylinders of Al-13.8 wt.% Mg2Si with and without the addition of 1 wt.% Al-5Ti-B inoculant were cast in a vertical centrifugal casting machine. The chemical composition, microstructures and microstructural phases of the different radial sections of the cast cylinders were studied using induction coupled plasma (ICP) method, optical/scanning electron microscopes, and X-ray diffractometry, respectively. The results showed that in the inoculant content cylinder, owing to the prevailing thermal regime as well as the specific mode of eutectic solidification in this composite, the titanium and boron compounds were segregated towards the middle layer of the cylinder and caused the formation of primary Mg2Si particles and non-eutectic Al () in this layer. In addition, due to the effect of centrifugal force during solidification, a higher volume fraction of the light primary Mg2Si particles, according to Stocks law, was segregated towards the inner layer of the cast cylinders

    Developing a multi- objective mathematical programming model for compost supply chain design regarding the produced compost quality and environmental sustainability.

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    For a long time, waste materials have been used to produce compost by different methods. Despite the high importance of compost as an organic fertilizer for the fertility of agricultural products, the literature review on the compost supply chain shows that this issue has not received much attention. On the other hand, the quality of the compost produced is very important, which is considered by an innovative glance in the form of analytical hierarchical analysis method, in this paper. Therefore, a multi-objective model proposed which discusses the compost production process, compost supply chain design, compost quality, compost supply chain costs and furthermore the reduction of greenhouse gases emission. The multi-objective model is solved by weighted sum and epsilon constraint methods. The model is implemented for a case study to discover the efficiency of the proposed model. According to the sensitivity analyses, useful managerial insights regarded to determining the optimal capacity of suppliers and producers, improving the efficiency of the compost supply chain by considering the quality objective function, determining the appropriate transportation equipment taking into account the management priorities based on the entire supply chain cost and the legal requirements based on the emission of pollutants and determining the optimal method of compost production are extracted