36 research outputs found

    Height growth of solutions and a discrete Painlev\'e equation

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    Consider the discrete equation yn+1+yn1=an+bnyn+cnyn21yn2, y_{n+1}+y_{n-1}=\frac{a_n+b_ny_n+c_ny_n^2}{1-y_n^2}, where the right side is of degree two in yny_n and where the coefficients ana_n, bnb_n and cnc_n are rational functions of nn with rational coefficients. Suppose that there is a solution such that for all sufficiently large nn, ynQy_n\in\mathbb{Q} and the height of yny_n dominates the height of the coefficient functions ana_n, bnb_n and cnc_n. We show that if the logarithmic height of yny_n grows no faster than a power of nn then either the equation is a well known discrete Painlev\'e equation dP ⁣II{\rm dP}_{\!\rm II} or its autonomous version or yny_n is also an admissible solution of a discrete Riccati equation. This provides further evidence that slow height growth is a good detector of integrability.Comment: 26 page

    Efisiensi TIME Saving Dalam Penerapan Pembayaran Transaksi Menggunakan E-money

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    Salah satu penarik faktor kunjungan wisatawan adalah sarana trasnportasi, dengan kemudahan sarana transportasi maka wisatawan dapat menggunakan waktunya secara efisien. Salah satu terobosan yang dianggap efektif dan membantu adalah penerapan e-money dalam pembayaran transportasi umum. Dengan menggunakan sistem e-money maka waktu yang dapat dihemat adalah 2 menit dari rata-rata penggunaan 3 menit dalam kegiatan pembayaran tiket. Kota Surabaya saat ini menyediakan sarana bus “Surabaya Shopping and Culinnary Track (SSCT)” sebagai pengembangan bidang pariwisatanya, bus tersebut membantu wisatawan mengunjungi beberapa tempat wisata, dengan beberapa rute. Peningkatan pelayanan dapat dikembangkan dengan merubah cara pembayaran dari loket manual menjadi pembayaran melalui-e-money. Dari pengguna e-money yang berada di Surabaya efisiensi time savingnya sebesar 5.709.891 menit/ orang/ hari. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pembayaran transportasi umum yang menggunakan e-money menghasilkan 1.447.299 jam/ tahun saving time. Dimana waktu tersebut ekuivalen dengan 1.880 jam kerja/ orang/ tahun. Sehingga kota Surabaya dapat meningkatkan produktivitas kerja 769 orang/ tahun. Kata Kunci: time saving, e-money, efisiensi waktu, time ekuivale

    Organisational Knowledge Management for Defect Reduction and Sustainable Development in Foundries

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    Despite many advances in the field of casting technologies the foundry industry still incurs significant lossesdue to the cost of scrap and rework with adverse effects on profitability and the environment. Approachessuch as Six Sigma, DoE, FMEA are used by foundries to address quality issues. However these approacheslack support to manage the heterogeneous knowledge created during process improvement activities. Theproposed revision of ISO9001:2015 quality standard puts emphasis on retaining organisational knowledgeand its continual use in process improvement (ISO, 2014). In this paper a novel framework for creation,storage and reuse of product specific process knowledge is presented. The framework is reviewed taking intoconsideration theoretical perspectives of organisational knowledge management as well as addressing thechallenges concerning its practical implementation. A knowledge repository concept is introduced to demonstratehow organisational knowledge can be effectively stored and reused for achieving continual processimprovement and sustainable development

    Implications of Synchronous IVR Radio on Syrian Refugee Health and Community Dynamics

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    With 1,033,513 Syrian refugees adding a strain on the Lebanese healthcare system, innovation is key to improving access to healthcare. Our previous work identified the potential for technology to improve access to antenatal care services and increase refugee agency. Using (1) paper mock ups and a mobile based prototype, (2) process mapping, (3) focus groups and interviews and (4) key informant meetings, we explored the concept of refugee led community radio shows to deliver peer-led healthcare. We observed the influence of community radio shows on Syrian refugee health education, community dynamics and community agency in relationships between healthcare providers and refugees. Refugees were positively impacted through situating the technology within the community. We highlight issues around trust, agency, understanding, sel-forganization and privacy that resulted from running the shows through mock ups and a mobile based prototype. Our findings inform future work in community run radio shows

    Loss of a globally unique kelp forest from Oman

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    Kelp forests are declining in many regions globally with climatic perturbations causing shifts to alternate communities and significant ecological and economic loss. Range edge populations are often at most risk and are often only sustained through localised areas of upwelling or on deeper reefs. Here we document the loss of kelp forests (Ecklonia radiata) from the Sultanate of Oman, the only confirmed northern hemisphere population of this species. Contemporary surveys failed to find any kelp in its only known historical northern hemisphere location, Sadah on the Dhofar coast. Genetic analyses of historical herbarium specimens from Oman confirmed the species to be E. radiata and revealed the lost population contained a common CO1 haplotype found across South Africa, Australia and New Zealand suggesting it once established through rapid colonisation throughout its range. However, the Omani population also contained a haplotype that is found nowhere else in the extant southern hemisphere distribution of E. radiata. The loss of the Oman population could be due to significant increases in the Arabian Sea temperature over the past 40 years punctuated by suppression of coastal upwelling. Climate-mediated warming is threatening the persistence of temperate species and precipitating loss of unique genetic diversity at lower latitudes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investigating Pneumonia Etiology Among Refugees and the Lebanese population (PEARL): A study protocol

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    Background: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), a leading cause of mortality, mainly affects children in developing countries. The harsh circumstances experienced by refugees include various factors associated with respiratory pathogen transmission, and clinical progression of CAP. Consequently, the etiology of CAP in humanitarian crisis situations may differ to that of settled populations, which would impact appropriate case management. Therefore, the Pneumonia Etiology Among Refugees and the Lebanese population (PEARL) study was initiated with the objective of identifying the causal pathogenic microorganisms in the respiratory tract of children and adults from both the refugee and host country population presenting with signs of CAP during a humanitarian crisis. Methods: PEARL, a prospective, multicentric, case-control study, will be conducted at four primary healthcare facilities in Tripoli and the Bekaa valley over 15 months (including two high-transmission seasons/winters). Sociodemographic and medical data, and biological samples will be collected from at least 600 CAP cases and 600 controls. Nasopharyngeal swabs, sputum, urine and blood samples will be analyzed at five clinical pathology laboratories in Lebanon to identify the bacterial and viral etiological agents of CAP. Transcriptomic profiling of host le


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    Demam berdarah Dengue merupakan infeksi yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue (DENV) dan rentan terjadi pada anak-anak karena berkaitan dengan sistem imun. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi sistem imun, contohnya jenis kelamin dan usia. Respon imun anak terhadap virus dengue dapat mempengaruhi derajat keparahan infeksi virus dengue yang dideritanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara jenis kelamin dan usia dengan derajat keparahan deman berdarah dengue pada anak di Rumah Sakit dr. Zainoel Abidin Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yaitu rekam medis yang dilakukan pada bulan 28 Oktober-24 November 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional dengan rancangan retrospective. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan Teknik Total Sampling dan didapatkan 78 responden yang terdiri dari 40 pasien laki-laki dan 38 pasien perempuan. Rerata usia pasien adalah 10 tahun dengan usia paling banyak adalah usia 6-18 tahun. Derajat klinis DBD dialami sebagian besar pasien adalah DBD derajat 1 dengan gejala dominan mengalami mialgia dan nyeri kepala. Hasil uji Mann Whitney menunjukkan hubungan jenis kelamin dan derajat keparahan DBD pada anak di RSUDZA Kota Banda Aceh tidak bermakna secara statistik dengan p-value = 0,3 dan pada hasil analisis uji Spearman hubungan usia dengan derajat keparahan DBD pada anak di RSUDZA Kota Banda Aceh bermakna secara statistik dengan p-value = 0,028.Kata Kunci : DBD, jenis kelamin, usia, ana