7 research outputs found

    Determination of suitable age and size for releasing of Salmo trutta caspius by evaluation of osmotic

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    This study was carried out to determine the appropriate size of Caspian trout (Salmo trutta caspius Kessler, 1877) juveniles for releasing to South Caspian Sea or possibility of cage culture in Caspian Sea water. 1611 specimens were exposed in 4 weight groups of 5, 10, 15 and 20 g, in 3 salinity trials: Caspian Water (11- 11.5), inshore water (7) and fresh water (control). Each trial was done in 3 replicates. The blood samples and tissue fixations carried out from juveniles of control group (in fresh water) and 3, 6, 12, 24, 72, 168, 240 hours after exposure of fish in different treatments. Plasma osmolal ity, Na^+ and Cl^- concentrations, were measured by osmometer, flame photometer, RA1000 respectively. Plasma cortisol level was determined by using RIA (radio immunochemical assay). Na^+, K^+-ATPase activity in homogenates of gills was estimated by phosphate released from ATP. Histological indicators including chloride cell diameter and nephron morphometric parameters were assessed using classic preparation and optic microscope with digital camera. Results of osmolality and ions measuring concurrently show that all weight groups can live in salinity of 7 and they maintain the osmolality and ion concentrations. In the Caspian water, weight groups excluding 5 g juveniles show same result. Mean plasma osmolality of 20, 15, 10 and 5 gr juveniles in control group (time of 0) were calculated 331.3±8.7, 307.7±6, 334.7±14.6 and 301±8.7 mosml/l. This parameter in the above weight groups after 240 hours exposure in the Caspian Sea water were measured 329±0.53, 321±9, 325.3±6.7 and 346.5±13.6 respectively. The observation of kidney glomeruli in histological sections shows that the diameter of glomeruli in 5, 10, 15 g weight groups in 7 and all groups in Caspian water decreased after 72 h adaptation period (p0.05) for 5g juveniles, whereas within weight groups of 10, 15 and 20 g in Caspian Sea water and groups of 15, 20 g in water of 7 salinity, the increase (p0.05), although in other groups, a significant increase of this parameter was detected during experiments. Na^+ ,K^+ -ATPase activity in juveniles of 5g weight group in 7 salinity and Caspian water was low (3.2 6.1 mol Pi /mg protein/ h). The enzyme activities in all weight groups were higher under the exposure in Caspian Sea water than that in water of 7 salinity. In group of 10 g juveniles at start time (control in freshwater) the activity of Na^+, K^+ -ATPase was significantly higher (p<0.05) than that in 20g group. It is may be related to some metabolic changes and transforming to parr-smolt

    Deposition Rate, Mineralogy and Size Distribution Pattern of Dust Particles Collected Around the Houralazim Marshland, Khuzestan Province

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    Introduction: Recently, air pollution due to the occurrence of dust storms is one of the worst environmental problems in Western and Southwestern Iran, especially the Khuzestan Province (12, 13). According to the reports of the Meteorological Organization of Iran the average number of dusty days in the cities of Ahvaz and Abadan in the Khuzestan Province reaches 68 and 76 days each year, respectively (6). Previous studies have shown that the yearly damage costs of wind erosion and occurrence of dust storms in the Khuzestan Province reach about 30 Billion Rials (5). However, very few studies have been conducted on the characterization of dust particles and also the identification of their origins in Iran, especially the Khuzestan Province. Hojati et al. (10) reported that dust deposition rate, mean particle diameter, and concentration of soluble ions in samples taken from Isfahan and Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province decrease with altitude, with a significantly lower gradient in periods with dust storms. They reported three factors that control the rate and characteristics of dust deposited across the study transect: 1) climatic conditions at the deposition sites, 2) distance from the dust source, and 3) differences between local and transboundary sources of dust.Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effects of dust storms on deposition rate, mineralogy and size distribution patterns of dust particles from twelve localities around the Houralazim lagoon. Materials and Methods: Dust samples were collected monthly during a 6 month experiment from August 2011 to February 2012. In order to differentiate between the contribution of dust production by local soils and other sources, surface soils were also sampled from the vicinity of the dust sampling sites. The collection trays were made of a glass surface (100 × 100 cm) covered with a 2 mm-sized PVC mesh on the top to form a rough area for trapping the saltating particles (Fig. 2). Dust samples were collected by scraping materials adhered to the glass trays using a spatula. All the trays were wet cleaned before the next collection. The collected dust and soil samples were examined for their grain size distribution using a Malvern Hydro 2000g laser particle size analyzer, as well as their mineral compositions by a Philips PW1840 X-ray diffractometer and a LEO 906 E transmission electron microscope (TEM). Results and Discussion: The results showed that wind speed and direction patterns during the periods with dust storms and those without dust storms were different. Accordingly, in periods with dust storms (3, 5 and 6) the contribution of winds with speeds greater than 11.1 m/sec, especially from the Northwest direction, increased when compared with those from the periods without dust storms (1, 2 and 4). Besides, the direction of prevailing winds in periods without dust storms were mainly from the West and the Northwest. However, in periods with dust storms East-directed winds were also observed (Fig. 3). These show that the source areas of dust particles in these periods are probably different. The results also illustrated that the average amount of deposited particles in the periods with dust storms (12.5 g m-2 month-1) was considerably more than that of the periods without dust storms (7.5 g m-2 month-1) (Figs. 4 and 5). The difference in dust deposition rate between periods having dust storms and those without dust storms seems to be due to dust input from a source outside the study area. Particle size distribution analysis showed that dust particles collected from the study area in both periods (with and without dust storms) are mainly silt-sized particles. This fraction contributes to 60 to 76 % of the particles collected from periods without dust storms and 66 to 82 % of particles affected by dust storms (Table 2). The results also imply that in both periods (with and without dust storms), dust particles collected from the study area had a bimodal distribution pattern which suggests mixing of settled particles from different sources and/or deposition processes (Fig. 6). Mineralogical composition of dust particles were collected from both periods (with and without dust storms) and those from the soils contained quartz, calcite, feldspar, halite, dolomite and palygorskite (Figs. 7 and 8). Moreover, the TEM images of dust particles collected in periods with dust storms showed higher amounts of palygorskite than in periods without dust storms (Fig. 9). Conclusion: The similarity in the physical properties of local soils and deposited particles of the periods with and without dust storms implies that the contribution of local soils and sediments in producing dust particles is high. However, it seems that in periods with dust storms the contribution of a transboundary origin such as Iraqi arid lands in producing dust particles increases