538 research outputs found

    Reconstrução dos paleoventos do Gonduana no Juro-cretáceo

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    A passagem de um padrão monsoonal para um padrão de circulação atmosférica zonal ocorreu durante o Cretáceo devido à fragmentação do Supercontinente Gonduana. Essa mudança na direção dos paleoventos é registrada no mergulho de estratos cruzados de dunas eólicas acumuladas em várias bacias de Gonduana. Três mapas de reconstrução de paleoventos foram construídos com a integração de dados paleocorrentes compilados de bacias Fanerozoicas brasileiras, Bacia de Neuquén na Argentina e bacias do Congo e Huab na África. O Gonduana foi dominado por ventos do nordeste ao norte e ventos do sudoeste ao sul, deslocando, assim, a Zona de Convergência Intertropical para 15º a 20 sul do equador durante o Jurássico Tardio até o início do Cretáceo. Por sua vez, os ventos apresentaram uma tendência geral para o oeste-noroeste em latitudes baixas e médias no Gonduana no final do Cretáceo Inical. Esses resultados apontam para a existência de um padrão monsoonal durante o Jurássico Tardio até o início do Cretáceo Inicial e a entrada do padrão zonal no final do Cretáceo Inicial, associado à fragmentação de Gonduana.The passage of a monsoonal pattern to a zonal atmospheric circulation pattern occurred during the Cretaceous due to fragmentation of Gondwana Supercontinent. This change in the paleowind direction is recorded in crossstrata dip directions of eolian dunes accumulated in various basins of Gondwana. Three maps of paleowind reconstruction were built with integration of compiled paleocurrent data from Phanerozoic basins in Brazil, Neuquén Basin in Argentina and Congo Basin and Huab Basin in Africa. Gondwana was dominated by northeast winds to the north and southwest winds to the south, thus shifting the Intertropical Convergence Zone to 15º to 20⁰ south of the equator during Late Jurassic to the beginning of the Cretaceous. In turn, winds had a general tendency towards west-northwest at low and mid-latitudes in Gondwana at the end of Early Cretaceous. These results point to the existence of a monsoonal pattern during the Late Jurassic to the beginning of Early Cretaceous and the entry of zonal pattern at the end of Early Cretaceous, associated with fragmentation of Gondwana

    Design, fabrication, test, and evaluation of a prototype 150-foot long composite wind turbine blade

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    The design, fabrication, testing, and evaluation of a prototype 150 foot long composite wind turbine blade is described. The design approach and material selection, compatible with low cost fabrication methods and objectives, are highlighted. The operating characteristics of the blade during rotating and nonrotating conditions are presented. The tensile, compression, and shear properties of the blade are reported. The blade fabrication, tooling, and quality assurance are discussed

    Waiting time distributions for queues with single server, poisson arrivals, and erlang and uniform service

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    The problem considered in this thesis is that of finding the probability distribution of waiting times in a queueing system consisting of: 1- a single server; 2- interarrival times are independent random variables each having the exponential distribution; and 3- service times are independent random variables having either the Erland or uniform distribution

    Wind turbine generator rotor blade concepts with low cost potential

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    Four processed for producing blades are examined. Two use filament winding techniques and two involve filling a mold or form to produce all or part of a blade. The processes are described and a comparison is made of cost, material properties, design and free vibration characteristics. Conclusions are made regarding the feasibility of each process to produce low cost, structurally adequate blades

    Soil characteristics mediate the distribution and response of boreal trees to climatic variability

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    We studied the effects of the soil organic layer (SOL) accumulation on growth and distribution of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) within the Quebec Clay Belt. At the landscape scale, spruce was present over a much larger gradient in SOL thickness (similar to 1 to 100 cm) than aspen (similar to 1 to 30 cm). For trees between 60 and 100 years old, SOL thickness had no effect on the basal area increment (BAI) of spruce but showed a strong and negative correlation with BAI in aspen. Radial growth of black spruce was favored by higher precipitation in June of the previous growing season, higher temperatures in early winter and in spring, and by low temperatures in summer. SOL thickness had statistically significant but moderate effects on the climate-growth relationships in spruce, apparently affecting root insulation during the dormant period and water availability during the growing period. In aspen, current-year June temperature was the most important factor positively correlated with growth. The SOL thickness affected the relationship between the aspen growth and (i) January temperature and (ii) June-August monthly drought code. We predict that the response of black spruce to climate change should be rather uniform across the study region, while the response of aspen is likely to be strongly mediated by SOL thickness

    Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDICs) na escola e em ambientes não escolares

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    A presente dissertação tem como tema a utilização de Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDICs) na escola e em ambientes não escolares, por professores e alunos da Educação Básica, considerando os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem. É sabido que as TDICs passaram a ser inseridas amplamente na sociedade, porém, no ambiente escolar parece haver certo distanciamento da sala de aula. Contudo, é perceptível o interesse dos alunos pelas tecnologias. Assim, o problema de pesquisa que direcionou este estudo foi: “Como professores e alunos da Educação Básica fazem uso das TDICs na escola e em ambientes não escolares, no que se refere aos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem”? A partir desta problemática, objetivou-se investigar as relações entre alunos, professores e TDICs e, mais especificamente: a) Compreender como os professores dos Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental utilizam as TDICs em suas práticas pedagógicas, identificando ferramentas e estratégias que utilizam as tecnologias; b) Conhecer as percepções dos professores quanto ao aprendizado dos alunos com a utilização das TDICs nas aulas; c) Identificar como os alunos utilizam as TDICs para sua aprendizagem, em ambientes escolares e não escolares; d) Analisar as percepções dos alunos quanto à utilização de TDICs por seus professores nas estratégias de ensino e em relação a sua aprendizagem. Esta investigação caracterizou-se como pesquisa básica e de campo, com caráter exploratório e descritivo, utilizando-se do método dedutivo. Sua aplicação, de cunho quali-quantitativa envolveu três escolas do município de Lajeado/RS. Foram entrevistados 12 professores, divididos pelas áreas do conhecimento. As entrevistas foram individuais, gravadas e transcritas, analisadas mediante Análise Textual Discursiva. Envolveu, ainda, 266 alunos, distribuídos em 12 turmas do 6º ao 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Destes, 79 alunos responderam um questionário online, elaborado na plataforma Google Forms, disponibilizado aos mesmos através de e-mail ou rede social. Os dados obtidos geraram gráficos, analisados pela estatística descritiva. Quanto à utilização das TDICs, verificou-se que todos os professores entrevistados utilizam alguma tecnologia, na escola ou fora do ambiente escolar, considerando sua prática pedagógica. A TDIC mais citada foi a Internet. Através dela, os professores buscam frequentemente atividades para complementar suas aulas, desde tarefas básicas a outros recursos midiáticos em menor frequência, realizando atividades pontuais. Em relação à aprendizagem dos alunos, três-quartos dos professores considerou que as TDICs favorecem este processo, tornando-os mais interessados e participativos. Quanto à utilização das TDICs pelos alunos, mais de 70% disse utilizar a Internet para estudar quando está fora da escola, não ficando restrito o estudo ao ambiente escolar. Porém, o conteúdo priorizado não se refere aos estudos, e sim às atividades de lazer e entretenimento, em especial às redes sociais, com destaque para o Facebook. Em relação à visão dos alunos quanto às práticas pedagógicas dos professores, constatou-se que estes percebem pouco o uso das TDICs nas aulas, já que citaram poucas práticas nas quais estas apareceram, sendo mais comumente a pesquisa na Internet. Quanto à aprendizagem, os alunos sentem-se mais envolvidos e julgam mais eficientes as estratégias em que as tecnologias estão presentes.The present dissertation has as its theme the use of digital information and communication technologies (DICT) in school and in non-school environments, by teachers and students of Basic Education, considering the teaching and learning processes. It is known that DICT have come to be widely incorporated in society, but in the school environment there seems to be some distance of it from the classroom. However, students' interest in technologies is perceptible. Thus, the research problem that guided this study was: "How do teachers and students of Basic Education make use of DICT in school and in non-school environments, regarding teaching and learning processes"? From this problem, the objective was to investigate the relationships among students, teachers and DICT and, more specifically: a) To understand how teachers of the final years of Elementary School use the DICT in their pedagogical practices, identifying tools and strategies that use the technologies; b) To know the teachers’ perceptions regarding the students learning with the use of the DICT in the classes; c) To identify how students use the DICT for their learning, in school and non-school environments; d) To analyze the students’ perceptions regarding the use of DICT by their teachers in teaching strategies and in relation to their learning. This research was characterized as basic and field research, with an exploratory and descriptive character, using the deductive method. Its qualitative-quantitative application involved three schools in Lajeado/RS. Twelve teachers were interviewed, divided by areas of knowledge. The interviews were individual, recorded and transcribed, analyzed through discursive textual analysis. It also involved 266 students, distributed in 12 classes from the 6th to 9th grade of Elementary School. Of these, 79 students answered an online questionnaire, elaborated in the Google Forms platform, made available through e-mail or social network. The obtained data generated graphs, analyzed by the descriptive statistics. Regarding the use of DICT, it was verified that all teachers interviewed use some DICT, at school or outside the school environment. The most cited DICT was the Internet. Through it, teachers often look for activities to complement their classes, from basic tasks to other media resources less frequently, performing punctual activities. Regarding students’ learning, three-quarters of the teachers considered that DICT favor this process, making students more interested and participatory. Regarding the use of DICT by students, more than 70% said they use the Internet to study when they are out of school, and the study is not restricted to the school environment. However, the content prioritized does not refer to studies, but to leisure and entertainment activities, especially social networks, highlighting Facebook. Regarding the students view of teachers’ pedagogical practices, it was observed that students perceive little use of DICT in class, since they mentioned few practices in which they appeared, being more common the research in the Internet. Concerning learning, students feel more involved and think the more efficient strategies are those in which technologies are present

    Influence du climat et de l'épaisseur de la couche organique sur la croissance et la distribution du peuplier faux-tremble et de l'épinette noire dans le nord-ouest du Québec

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    Les changements climatiques affectent la distribution et la croissance d'espèces arborescentes telles que le peuplier faux-tremble et l'épinette noire, deux espèces dominantes de la pessière à mousses de l'ouest du Québec, et peuvent ainsi mener à d'importantes modifications de la composition et de la productivité future des forêts. Sur la ceinture d'argile du Québec, l'accumulation de matière organique au sol peut mener à des conditions d'humidité très variables. L'épaisseur de la couche organique est directement liée à un gradient de conditions édaphiques et affecte la croissance et la distribution des arbres à l'échelle du paysage. Afin de mieux comprendre comment les changements climatiques affecteront la croissance de la forêt boréale, l'importance des conditions de site, les relations croissance-climat et les réponses aux extrêmes climatiques du peuplier faux-tremble et de l'épinette noire ont été évaluées. Des régressions ont permis de mettre en évidence l'effet limitant de l'épaisseur de la couche organique sur la distribution et la croissance du peuplier faux-tremble, alors que l'épinette noire n'était pas affectée. Les relations croissance-climat des deux espèces ont été déterminées avec des analyses dendrochronologiques, qui ont montré que le climat affectait différemment la croissance radiale des deux espèces. La croissance de l'épinette noire était favorisée par des printemps doux et des étés frais. Le peuplier faux-tremble était principalement influencé par les conditions climatiques de l'année précédent la croissance et la température au mois de juin. Les extrêmes climatiques n'affectaient qu'une des deux espèces à la fois ou généraient des réponses de croissance opposées entre les deux espèces. L'épaisseur de la couche organique n'avait que peu d'effet sur les relations croissance-climat de l'épinette noire, mais modifiait la réponse du peuplier faux-tremble à certaines variables climatiques. L'épinette noire aura probablement une réponse relativement uniforme aux changements climatiques dans la région, alors que la réponse du peuplier faux-tremble pourrait varier localement selon l'épaisseur de la couche organique. Les réponses spécifiques à chacune des deux espèces au climat annuel et aux anomalies climatiques pourraient induire une séparation temporelle des niches écologiques et permettre une accumulation de biomasse plus constante lors d'extrêmes climatiques dans les peuplements mixtes, comparées aux peuplements purs. Que les changements climatiques aient des effets bénéfiques sur ces deux espèces ou non dépendra principalement de la balance entre la hausse des températures et l'augmentation des précipitations. Les changements climatiques auront des impacts spécifiques sur chaque espèce, qui varieront aussi selon les conditions édaphiques, ultimement menant à des taux de croissance différents entre les espèces et les sites. En augmentant la résilience de la forêt boréale, conserver des peuplements mixtes pourrait permettre de réduire les risques d'observer des effets néfastes des changements climatiques sur la productivité des forêts

    Qualidade lupulada : o significado de artesanal na rede cervejeira gaúcha

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    Nos últimos dez anos, o número de cervejarias registradas no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento cresceu mais de oito vezes. O ocorrido é reflexo de um boom cervejeiro que está efervescendo em todo o país, com mais intensidade a partir de 2010. Esse fenômeno está despertando um movimento cervejeiro artesanal que têm incentivado desde a produção caseira da bebida a cursos, feiras e confrarias. Além disso, vêm proporcionando um redescobrimento da bebida por meio da cultura cervejeira. Este cenário é um recorte dentro de um amplo panorama na alimentação contemporânea que sofre os efeitos da virada para a qualidade, o qual despertou o interesse por alimentos que satisfaçam não apenas aspectos nutricionais, mas também um conjunto de atributos socioculturais. A partir dessa virada, observa-se muitas iniciativas alternativas ao sistema agroalimentar nas quais práticas de consumo local são características evidentes. Todavia, ainda que o movimento legitime o termo artesanal, de maneira geral, não há regulamentação de produtos artesanais no Brasil. Nesse sentido, objetiva-se no presente estudo, analisar a rede cervejeira na capital gaúcha e municípios integrantes da Rota Cervejeira Artesanal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, buscando-se compreender os significados da qualidade artesanal entre os atores da esfera produtiva. A metodologia qualitativa da pesquisa divide-se em duas partes. A primeira é composta por análise de conteúdo em mídia especializada e mapeamento da rede cervejeira artesanal gaúcha a partir da Teoria Ator- Rede. A segunda, entrevista com roteiro semi-estruturado e visita técnica. Realizou-se onze entrevistas na cidade de Porto Alegre e Nova Petrópolis. Analisou-se as entrevistas por meio do software Nvivo. Os dados da pesquisa indicam que há práticas que perpassam uma “ética do artesanal” na rede cervejeira artesanal gaúcha. À luz da abordagem das redes alimentares alternativas, essas práticas convergem a relações de confiança e consumo local ainda que os ingredientes utilizados pelas cervejarias artesanais sejam majoritariamente importados. O processo é diferenciado em relação a uma cervejaria de massa, pois acaba dependendo mais do fator humano na produção. As receitas e oferta de produtos são mais variadas. Apesar disso, os equipamentos não são centrais na definição da qualidade artesanal, qualidade essa que é uma construção social entre os atores da rede. Não obteve-se consenso em relação à escala de produção que caracterize a produção artesanal, mas se observou que em produções de escala maior é difícil se manter as práticas colaborativas da rede. Portanto, falar em qualidade cervejeira artesanal significa um conjunto de práticas desenvolvidas pelas cervejarias artesanais que convergem a saber fazer cervejeiros, atores com capital cervejeiro e práticas alternativas cervejeiras, isto é, são o resultado do conjunto processo, pessoas e lugar.In the last ten years, the number of breweries registered under the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture has multiplied more than eight times. This phenomenon is a reflection of a brewing boom that has taken hold of the whole the country, which has intensified since 2010. It has awakened a handcrafted brewing movement, encouraging enterprises from the home production of the drink, to courses, fairs and specialized confraternities revolving around beer. Besides that, it has provided a rediscovery of the malt liquor through the so-called beer culture. This scenario is a cut within a broad panorama in contemporary food trends that suffers the effects of a quality turn, which consists in a growing interest for foods that satisfy not only nutritional aspects, but also a set of sociocultural attributes. From this shift, many alternative initiatives have been observed as a deviation from the standard agri-food system, with practices such as local consumption and production, and fair trade being evident characteristics. However, although the movement provides legitimacy for the term hand crafted, there is no regulation for handcrafted products in Brazil as a general rule. In this sense, this research had the objective of analyzing the brewery network in the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and the municipalities that make up the Craft Brewery Route in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, seeking to understand the meaning of handcrafted quality for the players in the productive sphere. The qualitative methodology of this research it divides in two parts. The first one is composed of content analysis of specialized media and mapping of the handcrafted brewery network of Rio Grande do Sul using the Actor Network Theory. The second methodology consists of technical visits and semi-structured scripted interviews. Eleven interviews in total were conducted in the city of Porto Alegre and Nova Petrópolis. The analyzes were performed through Nvivo software. The research data indicated that there are practices that undergo a "handcraft ethic" inside the craft brewery network in Rio Grande do Sul. In the light of the alternative food networks approach, these practices lead to trusted relationships and consumption of local produce, even though the ingredients used by these craft breweries Sul are mostly imported. The process as a whole is differentiated when compared to a mass brewery, as it ends up depending more on the human factor during manufacturing. Also, receipts and product selection are more varied than in mass production industries. Despite this, the equipment is not central in the definition of artisanal quality, it is a social construction among the actors of the network. There was no consensus regarding the scale of production, but it was observed that in large-scale productions it is difficult to maintain the collaborative practices of the network. Therefore, talking about craft brewing quality means a set of practices developed by artisanal breweries that converge on brewing know-how, people with brewer's capital and alternative practices in brewing. In other words, it is the entirety between process, people and place

    Species-specific growth responses of black spruce and trembling aspen may enhance resilience of boreal forest to climate change

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    To understand how the future climate will affect the boreal forest, we studied growth responses to climate variability in black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.) and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) two major co-occurring boreal tree species of the eastern Canadian boreal forest. We analysed climate growth interaction during (i) periods of non-anomalous growth and (ii) in years with strong growth anomalies. We utilized paired tree level data for both growth and soil variables, which helped ensure that the studied growth variability was a function of species specific biology, and not of within stand variation in soil conditions. Redundancy analysis conducted on spruce and aspen tree ring chronologies showed that their growth was affected differently by climate. During non-anomalous years, growth of spruce was favoured by cooler temperatures and wetter conditions, while aspen growth was favoured by higher temperatures and drier conditions. Black spruce and trembling aspen also showed an inverse pattern in respect to expression of growth anomalies (pointer years). A negative growth anomaly in spruce tended to be associated with positive ones in aspen and vice versa. This suggested that spruce and aspen had largely contrasting species specific responses to both "average" weather conditions and extreme weather events. Synthesis. Species specific responses to environmental variability imply that tree responses to future climate will likely be not synchronized among species, which may translate into changes in structure and composition of future forest communities. In particular, we speculate that outcome of climate change in respect to relative abundance of black spruce and trembling aspen at the regional levels will be highly dependent on the balance between increasing temperatures and precipitation. Further, species specific responses of trees to annual climate variability may enhance the resilience of mixed forests by constraining variability in their annual biomass accumulation, as compared to pure stands, under periods with high frequency of climatically extreme conditions

    O Processo de Incorporação de Conhecimentos na Psicologia Social da América Latina

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    O texto discute a incapacidade da psicologia latino-americana em trabalhar os problemas reais apontados pela realidade latino-americana. Aponta a condição de passividade da teoria produzida, sempre cativa do pensamento europeu ou estadunidenses e sugere a necessidade de um imediato processo de libertação dos sistemas de referenciamento, dos modos de pensar e operar a realidade que escravizam a forma de manifestar o pensamento e que, com isso, impedem de mudar a realidade e de pôr na História a marca criativa, propositiva e fazedora de vida, típica da existência latino-americana