273 research outputs found

    Three osculating walkers

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    We consider three directed walkers on the square lattice, which move simultaneously at each tick of a clock and never cross. Their trajectories form a non-crossing configuration of walks. This configuration is said to be osculating if the walkers never share an edge, and vicious (or: non-intersecting) if they never meet. We give a closed form expression for the generating function of osculating configurations starting from prescribed points. This generating function turns out to be algebraic. We also relate the enumeration of osculating configurations with prescribed starting and ending points to the (better understood) enumeration of non-intersecting configurations. Our method is based on a step by step decomposition of osculating configurations, and on the solution of the functional equation provided by this decomposition

    On the functions counting walks with small steps in the quarter plane

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    Models of spatially homogeneous walks in the quarter plane Z+2{\bf Z}_+^{2} with steps taken from a subset S\mathcal{S} of the set of jumps to the eight nearest neighbors are considered. The generating function (x,y,z)Q(x,y;z)(x,y,z)\mapsto Q(x,y;z) of the numbers q(i,j;n)q(i,j;n) of such walks starting at the origin and ending at (i,j)Z+2(i,j) \in {\bf Z}_+^{2} after nn steps is studied. For all non-singular models of walks, the functions xQ(x,0;z)x \mapsto Q(x,0;z) and yQ(0,y;z)y\mapsto Q(0,y;z) are continued as multi-valued functions on C{\bf C} having infinitely many meromorphic branches, of which the set of poles is identified. The nature of these functions is derived from this result: namely, for all the 51 walks which admit a certain infinite group of birational transformations of C2{\bf C}^2, the interval ]0,1/S[]0,1/|\mathcal{S}|[ of variation of zz splits into two dense subsets such that the functions xQ(x,0;z)x \mapsto Q(x,0;z) and yQ(0,y;z)y\mapsto Q(0,y;z) are shown to be holonomic for any zz from the one of them and non-holonomic for any zz from the other. This entails the non-holonomy of (x,y,z)Q(x,y;z)(x,y,z)\mapsto Q(x,y;z), and therefore proves a conjecture of Bousquet-M\'elou and Mishna.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figure

    A class of Baker-Akhiezer arrangements

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    We study a class of arrangements of lines with multiplicities on the plane which admit the Chalykh–Veselov Baker–Akhiezer function. These arrangements are obtained by adding multiplicity one lines in an invariant way to any dihedral arrangement with invariant multiplicities. We describe all the Baker–Akhiezer arrangements when at most one line has multiplicity higher than 1. We study associated algebras of quasi-invariants which are isomorphic to the commutative algebras of quantum integrals for the generalized Calogero–Moser operators. We compute the Hilbert series of these algebras and we conclude that the algebras are Gorenstein. We also show that there are no other arrangements with Gorenstein algebras of quasi-invariants when at most one line has multiplicity bigger than 1

    Enumeration of simple random walks and tridiagonal matrices

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    We present some old and new results in the enumeration of random walks in one dimension, mostly developed in works of enumerative combinatorics. The relation between the trace of the nn-th power of a tridiagonal matrix and the enumeration of weighted paths of nn steps allows an easier combinatorial enumeration of the paths. It also seems promising for the theory of tridiagonal random matrices .Comment: several ref.and comments added, misprints correcte

    Multivariate Lagrange inversion formula and the cycle lemma

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    International audienceWe give a multitype extension of the cycle lemma of (Dvoretzky and Motzkin 1947). This allows us to obtain a combinatorial proof of the multivariate Lagrange inversion formula that generalizes the celebrated proof of (Raney 1963) in the univariate case, and its extension in (Chottin 1981) to the two variable case. Until now, only the alternative approach of (Joyal 1981) and (Labelle 1981) via labelled arborescences and endofunctions had been successfully extended to the multivariate case in (Gessel 1983), (Goulden and Kulkarni 1996), (Bousquet et al. 2003), and the extension of the cycle lemma to more than 2 variables was elusive. The cycle lemma has found a lot of applications in combinatorics, so we expect our multivariate extension to be quite fruitful: as a first application we mention economical linear time exact random sampling for multispecies trees

    A Physicist's Proof of the Lagrange-Good Multivariable Inversion Formula

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    We provide yet another proof of the classical Lagrange-Good multivariable inversion formula using techniques of quantum field theory.Comment: 9 pages, 3 diagram

    Advanced Technology Composite Fuselage - Manufacturing

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    The goal of Boeing's Advanced Technology Composite Aircraft Structures (ATCAS) program is to develop the technology required for cost-and weight-efficient use of composite materials in transport fuselage structure. Carbon fiber reinforced epoxy was chosen for fuselage skins and stiffening elements, and for passenger and cargo floor structures. The automated fiber placement (AFP) process was selected for fabrication of stringer-stiffened and sandwich skin panels. Circumferential and window frames were braided and resin transfer molded (RTM'd). Pultrusion was selected for fabrication of floor beams and constant-section stiffening elements. Drape forming was chosen for stringers and other stiffening elements cocured to skin structures. Significant process development efforts included AFP, braiding, RTM, autoclave cure, and core blanket fabrication for both sandwich and stiffened-skin structure. Outer-mold-line and inner-mold-line tooling was developed for sandwich structures and stiffened-skin structure. The effect of design details, process control and tool design on repeatable, dimensionally stable, structure for low cost barrel assembly was assessed. Subcomponent panels representative of crown, keel, and side quadrant panels were fabricated to assess scale-up effects and manufacturing anomalies for full-scale structures. Manufacturing database including time studies, part quality, and manufacturing plans were generated to support the development of designs and analytical models to access cost, structural performance, and dimensional tolerance

    Entanglement in gapless resonating valence bond states

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    We study resonating-valence-bond (RVB) states on the square lattice of spins and of dimers, as well as SU(N)-invariant states that interpolate between the two. These states are ground states of gapless models, although the SU(2)-invariant spin RVB state is also believed to be a gapped liquid in its spinful sector. We show that the gapless behavior in spin and dimer RVB states is qualitatively similar by studying the R\'enyi entropy for splitting a torus into two cylinders, We compute this exactly for dimers, showing it behaves similarly to the familiar one-dimensional log term, although not identically. We extend the exact computation to an effective theory believed to interpolate among these states. By numerical calculations for the SU(2) RVB state and its SU(N)-invariant generalizations, we provide further support for this belief. We also show how the entanglement entropy behaves qualitatively differently for different values of the R\'enyi index nn, with large values of nn proving a more sensitive probe here, by virtue of exhibiting a striking even/odd effect.Comment: 44 pages, 14 figures, published versio