111 research outputs found

    Gaining Greater Insight into HCV Emergence in HIV-Infected Men Who Have Sex with Men: The HEPAIG Study

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    OBJECTIVES: The HEPAIG study was conducted to better understand Hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission among human immuno-deficiency (HIV)-infected men who have sex with men (MSM) and assess incidence of HCV infection among this population in France. METHODS AND RESULTS: Acute HCV infection defined by anti-HCV or HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) positivity within one year of documented anti-HCV negativity was notified among HIV-infected MSM followed up in HIV/AIDS clinics from a nationwide sampling frame. HIV and HCV infection characteristics, HCV potential exposures and sexual behaviour were collected by the physicians and via self-administered questionnaires. Phylogenetic analysis of the HCV-NS5B region was conducted. HCV incidence was 48/10 000 [95% Confidence Interval (CI):43-54] and 36/10 000 [95% CI: 30-42] in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Among the 80 men enrolled (median age: 40 years), 55% were HIV-diagnosed before 2000, 56% had at least one sexually transmitted infection in the year before HCV diagnosis; 55% were HCV-infected with genotype 4 (15 men in one 4d-cluster), 32.5% with genotype 1 (three 1a-clusters); five men were HCV re-infected; in the six-month preceding HCV diagnosis, 92% reported having casual sexual partners sought online (75.5%) and at sex venues (79%), unprotected anal sex (90%) and fisting (65%); using recreational drugs (62%) and bleeding during sex (55%). CONCLUSIONS: This study emphasizes the role of multiple unprotected sexual practices and recreational drugs use during sex in the HCV emergence in HIV-infected MSM. It becomes essential to adapt prevention strategies and inform HIV-infected MSM with recent acute HCV infection on risk of re-infection and on risk-reduction strategies

    L’Asie du Sud-Est 2023 : bilan, enjeux et perspectives

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    Chaque année, l’Institut de recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est contemporaine (IRASEC), basé à Bangkok, mobilise une vingtaine de chercheurs et d’experts pour mieux comprendre l’actualité régionale de ce carrefour économique, culturel et religieux, au cœur de l’Indo-Pacifique. Cette collection permet de suivre au fil des ans l’évolution des grands enjeux contemporains de cette région continentale et archipélagique de plus de 680 millions d’habitants, et d’en comprendre les dynamiques d’intégration régionale et de connectivités avec le reste du monde. L’Asie du Sud-Est 2023 propose une analyse synthétique et détaillée des principaux événements politiques et diplomatiques, ainsi que des évolutions économiques, sociales et environnementales de l’année 2022 dans chacun des onze pays de la région. Ce décryptage est complété pour chaque pays par un focus sur deux personnalités de l’année et une actualité marquante en image. L’ouvrage propose également cinq dossiers thématiques qui abordent des sujets traités à l’échelle régionale sud-est asiatique : les ressorts institutionnels de l’approche de santé intégrée One Health, le vieillissement de la population et sa prise en compte par les politiques publiques, les câbles sous-marins au cœur de la connectivité sud-est asiatique, l’aménagement du bassin du Mékong et ses multiples acteurs, et les enjeux politiques et linguistiques des langues transnationales. Des outils pratiques sont également disponibles : une fiche et une chronologie par pays et un cahier des principaux indicateurs démographiques, sociaux, économiques et environnementaux

    Neuronal Control of Metabolism through Nutrient-Dependent Modulation of Tracheal Branching

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    SummaryDuring adaptive angiogenesis, a key process in the etiology and treatment of cancer and obesity, the vasculature changes to meet the metabolic needs of its target tissues. Although the cues governing vascular remodeling are not fully understood, target-derived signals are generally believed to underlie this process. Here, we identify an alternative mechanism by characterizing the previously unrecognized nutrient-dependent plasticity of the Drosophila tracheal system: a network of oxygen-delivering tubules developmentally akin to mammalian blood vessels. We find that this plasticity, particularly prominent in the intestine, drives—rather than responds to—metabolic change. Mechanistically, it is regulated by distinct populations of nutrient- and oxygen-responsive neurons that, through delivery of both local and systemic insulin- and VIP-like neuropeptides, sculpt the growth of specific tracheal subsets. Thus, we describe a novel mechanism by which nutritional cues modulate neuronal activity to give rise to organ-specific, long-lasting changes in vascular architecture

    Cretaceous to Quaternary planktonic foraminifera in ODP Leg 149 holes

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    This paper presents the results of a biostratigraphic analysis, based on planktonic foraminifers, of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 149 Sites 897- 900 in the Iberia Abyssal Plain, off the coast of Portugal. Dissolution and changes in water-mass temperatures affect the quality of biozonation in some levels of the Pliocene, Miocene, and Paleocene/lower Eocene. Important hiatuses occur in the upper Cretaceous, Paleocene to middle/lower upper? Eocene and uppermost middle to lower upper Miocene in all the sites studied. A major hiatus in Hole 898A, spanning the Pliocene, late Miocene and the latest part of the middle Miocene, could be caused by erosion triggered by climatic cooling and/or erosion connected with middle-late Miocene local tectonic activity
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