475 research outputs found

    Forfeiture of the Right to Counsel: A Doctrine Unhinged from the Constitution

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    The author contends that the doctrine of forfeiture of the right to assistance of counsel as a sanction for misconduct by a defendant towards the court or his counsel has no constitutional support in the principles that have defined the Sixth Amendment, is arbitrary in its application within the judicial system, and has become a refuge for courts, which have inadequately complied with established principles to protect fundamental rights

    A detailed view into the eruption clouds of Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, using Doppler radar

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    Using Doppler radar technology we are able to show that eruptions at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, are comprised of multiple explosive degassing pulses occurring at a frequency of 0.2 to 0.3 Hz. The Doppler radar system was installed about 2.7 km away from the active dome on the top of Santa Maria volcano. During four days of continuous measurement 157 eruptive events were recorded. The Doppler radar data reveals a vertical uplift of the dome surface of about 50 cm immediately prior to a first degassing pulse. Particle velocities range from 10 to 15 m/s (in the line of sight of the radar). In 80% of the observed eruptions a second degassing pulse emanates from the dome with significantly higher particle velocities (20-25 m/s again line of sight) and increased echo power, which implies an increase in mass flux. We carry out numerical experiments of ballistic particle transport and calculate corresponding synthetic radar signals. These calculations show that the observations are consistent with a pulsed release of material from the dome of Santiaguito volcano

    Localization of thioredoxin in the rat brain and functional implications

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    The immunoreactivity for thioredoxin, which catalyzes protein disulfide reductions, has previously been shown to exist in nerve cells and their axons. Here we demonstrate the localization of thioredoxin mRNA as revealed by in situ hybridization in the rat brain. The gene is expressed in nerve cells of a variety of brain regions, for example, the cerebral cortex, the piriform cortex, the medial preoptic area, the CA3/CA4 region of the hippocampal formation, the dentate gyrus, the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, the arcuate nucleus, the substantia nigra pars compacta, the locus coeruleus, the ependyma of the 4th ventricle, and the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus. This distribution implicates an important function in nerve cell metabolism, especially in regions with high energy demands and indicates a role of the choroid plexus in nerve cell protection from environmental influences. It was found that after mechanical injury induced by partial unilateral hemitransection the thioredoxin mRNA expression is upregulated in the lesioned area and spreads to the cortical hemispheres at the lesioned level. This induction suggests a function of thioredoxin in the regeneration machinery of the brain following mechanical injury and oxidative stress

    The First Second of Volcanic Eruptions from the Erebus Volcano Lava Lake, Antarctica—Energies, Pressures, Seismology, and Infrasound

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    [1] We describe a multiparameter experiment at Erebus volcano, Antarctica, employing Doppler radar, video, acoustic, and seismic observations to estimate the detailed energy budget of large (up to 40 m-diameter) bubble bursts from a persistent phonolite lava lake. These explosions are readily studied from the crater rim at ranges of less than 500 m and present an ideal opportunity to constrain the dynamics and mechanism of magmatic bubble bursts that can drive Strombolian and Hawaiian eruptions. We estimate the energy budget of the first second of a typical Erebus explosion as a function of time and energy type. We constrain gas pressures and forces using an analytic model for the expansion of a gas bubble above a conduit that incorporates conduit geometry and magma and gas parameters. The model, consistent with video and radar observations, invokes a spherical bulging surface with a base diameter equal to that of the lava lake. The model has no ad hoc free parameters, and geometrical calculations predict zenith height, velocity, and acceleration during shell expansion. During explosions, the energy contained in hot overpressured gas bubbles is freed and partitioned into other energy types, where by far the greatest nonthermal energy component is the kinetic and gravitational potential energy of the accelerated magma shell (\u3e109 J). Seismic source energy created by explosions is estimated from radar measurements and is consistent with source energy determined from seismic observations. For the generation of the infrasonic signal, a dual mechanism incorporating a terminally disrupted slug is proposed, which clarifies previous models and provides good fits to observed infrasonic pressures. A new and straightforward method is presented for determining gas volumes from slug explosions at volcanoes from remote infrasound recordings

    Cloud Photogrammetry from Space

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    The most commonly used method for satellite cloud top height (CTH) compares brightness temperature of the cloud with the atmospheric temperature profile. Because of the uncertainties of this method, we propose a photogrammetric approach. As clouds can move with high velocities, even instruments with multiple cameras are not appropriate for accurate CTH estimation. Here we present two solutions. The first is based on the parallax between data retrieved from geostationary (SEVIRI, HRV band; 1000 m spatial resolution) and polar orbiting satellites (MODIS, band 1; 250 m spatial resolution). The procedure works well if the data from both satellites are retrieved nearly simultaneously. However, MODIS does not retrieve the data at exactly the same time as SEVIRI. To compensate for advection in the atmosphere we use two sequential SEVIRI images (one before and one after the MODIS retrieval) and interpolate the cloud position from SEVIRI data to the time of MODIS retrieval. CTH is then estimated by intersection of corresponding lines-of-view from MODIS and interpolated SEVIRI data. The second method is based on NASA program Crew Earth observations from the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS has a lower orbit than most operational satellites, resulting in a shorter minimal time between two images, which is needed to produce a suitable parallax. In addition, images made by the ISS crew are taken by a full frame sensor and not a push broom scanner that most operational satellites use. Such data make it possible to observe also short time evolution of clouds

    Evolution of E2 transition strength in deformed hafnium isotopes from new measurements on 172^{172}Hf, 174^{174}Hf, and 176^{176}Hf

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    The available data for E2 transition strengths in the region between neutron-deficient Hf and Pt isotopes are far from complete. More and precise data are needed to enhance the picture of structure evolution in this region and to test state-of-the-art nuclear models. In a simple model, the maximum collectivity is expected at the middle of the major shell. However, for actual nuclei, this picture may no longer be the case, and one should use a more realistic nuclear-structure model. We address this point by studying the spectroscopy of Hf. We remeasure the 2^+_1 half-lives of 172,174,176Hf, for which there is some disagreement in the literature. The main goal is to measure, for the first time, the half-lives of higher-lying states of the rotational band. The new results are compared to a theoretical calculation for absolute transition strengths. The half-lives were measured using \gamma-\gamma and conversion-electron-\gamma delayed coincidences with the fast timing method. For the determination of half-lives in the picosecond region, the generalized centroid difference method was applied. For the theoretical calculation of the spectroscopic properties, the interacting boson model is employed, whose Hamiltonian is determined based on microscopic energy-density functional calculations. The measured 2^+_1 half-lives disagree with results from earlier \gamma-\gamma fast timing measurements, but are in agreement with data from Coulomb excitation experiments and other methods. Half-lives of the 4^+_1 and 6^+_1 states were measured, as well as a lower limit for the 8^+_1 states. We show the importance of the mass-dependence of effective boson charge in the description of E2 transition rates in chains of nuclei. It encourages further studies of the microscopic origin of this mass dependence. New data on transition rates in nuclei from neighboring isotopic chains could support these studies.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, 7 tables; Abstract shortened due to character limi

    Negative regulation of syntaxin4/SNAP-23/VAMP2-mediated membrane fusion by Munc18c <i>In Vitro</i>

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    Background: Translocation of the facilitative glucose transporter GLUT4 from an intracellular store to the plasma membrane is responsible for the increased rate of glucose transport into fat and muscle cells in response to insulin. This represents a specialised form of regulated membrane trafficking. Intracellular membrane traffic is subject to multiple levels of regulation by conserved families of proteins in all eukaryotic cells. Notably, all intracellular fusion events require SNARE proteins and Sec1p/Munc18 family members. Fusion of GLUT4-containing vesicles with the plasma membrane of insulin-sensitive cells involves the SM protein Munc18c, and is regulated by the formation of syntaxin 4/SNAP23/VAMP2 SNARE complexes. Methodology/Principal Findings Here we have used biochemical approaches to characterise the interaction(s) of Munc18c with its cognate SNARE proteins and to examine the role of Munc18c in regulating liposome fusion catalysed by syntaxin 4/SNAP23/VAMP2 SNARE complex formation. We demonstrate that Munc18c makes contacts with both t- and v-SNARE proteins of this complex, and directly inhibits bilayer fusion mediated by the syntaxin 4/SNAP23/VAMP2 SNARE complex. Conclusion/Significance Our reductionist approach has enabled us to ascertain a direct inhibitory role for Munc18c in regulating membrane fusion mediated by syntaxin 4/SNAP23/VAMP2 SNARE complex formation. It is important to note that two different SM proteins have recently been shown to stimulate liposome fusion mediated by their cognate SNARE complexes. Given the structural similarities between SM proteins, it seems unlikely that different members of this family perform opposing regulatory functions. Hence, our findings indicate that Munc18c requires a further level of regulation in order to stimulate SNARE-mediated membrane fusion
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