1,574 research outputs found

    Village Community and Flora Biodiversity Management in Home Garden System at Central of Sumba Regency

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    Flora biodiversity is a strategic resource due its various potential uses for human benefit. Population growth is sometimes considered to be a contributory factor in the degradation of the biological resources, conversely, the population plays an important role in its conservation. This research aimed to understand the flora biodiversity management, structure and composition of plants in home-garden system. The research was conducted in Central Sumba Regency. Methods used were interview and observation. Data were analysed descriptively and qualitatively. The result showed that the flora biodiversity management in home garden based on poly-culture approach, a holistic beneficially as a socio-cultural-religious attribute, economic-income and ecology-conservation. The structure and composition of plant in the home-garden they include the variation of the important value index. The expansion of the residential areas positively impact the flora biodiversity conservation in home-garden system

    Lende Ura, sebuah Inisiatif Masyarakat dalam Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan di Sumba Barat Daya

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    Masyarakat lokal memiliki peran strategis dalam mendukung kegiatan rehabilitasi hutan dan lahan. Berbagai pola adaptasi masyarakat lokal terhadap lingkungan merupakan salah satu sumberdaya yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian dalam perencanaan pembangunan kehutanan berkelanjutan. Manusia tidak dapat dipisahkan dari lingkungannya, dan sebaliknya manusia adalah produk dari lingkungan, sehingga berbagai bentuk adaptasi lingkungan banyak dijumpai berdasarkan persepsi dan pengalaman berinteraksi dalam pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan, tanah dan air. Inisiatif lokal pada tataran filosofis maupun praktis, sesungguhnya merupakan modal dasar bagi pembangunan. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang inisiatif lokal Lende Ura yang ada pada masyarakat Sumba Barat Daya, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif melalui pendokumentasian literatur dan wawancara mendalam terkait fokus kajian. Penelitian dilakukan tahun 2009. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif naratif. Lende Ura merupakan salah satu bentuk inisiatif lokal yaitu sebuah filosofi kehidupan masyarakat di Sumba Barat Daya yang memandang hutan sebagai jembatan bagi datangnya hujan. Masyarakat memahami bahwa hutan yang terpelihara dengan baik akan menjadi jembatan bagi turunnya hujan sehingga mendukung USAha pertanian dan ketersediaan air bagi manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya. Konsep Lende Ura mendorong masyarakat menghargai setiap komponen sumberdaya alam yang ada, serta berpengaruh baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap proses terjadinya hujan. Karenanya, masyarakat tidak melakukan penebangan liar, menghindari kebakaran hutan dan lahan, memelihara daerah tangkapan air melalui budidaya pertanian campuran lahan kering serta memanfaatkan hasil hutan non kayu

    Multi-Color Light Curves of Type Ia Supernovae on the Color-Magnitude Diagram: a Novel Step Toward More Precise Distance and Extinction Estimates

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    We show empirically that fits to the color-magnitude relation of Type Ia supernovae after optical maximum can provide accurate relative extragalactic distances. We report the discovery of an empirical color relation for Type Ia light curves: During much of the first month past maximum, the magnitudes of Type Ia supernovae defined at a given value of color index have a very small magnitude dispersion; moreover, during this period the relation between BB magnitude and B−VB-V color (or B−RB-R or B−IB-I color) is strikingly linear, to the accuracy of existing well-measured data. These linear relations can provide robust distance estimates, in particular, by using the magnitudes when the supernova reaches a given color. After correction for light curve strech factor or decline rate, the dispersion of the magnitudes taken at the intercept of the linear color-magnitude relation are found to be around 0m^m.08 for the sub-sample of supernovae with \BVm ≤0m.05\le 0^m.05, and around 0m^m.11 for the sub-sample with \BVm ≤0m.2\le 0^m.2. This small dispersion is consistent with being mostly due to observational errors. The method presented here and the conventional light curve fitting methods can be combined to further improve statistical dispersions of distance estimates. It can be combined with the magnitude at maximum to deduce dust extinction. The slopes of the color-magnitude relation may also be used to identify intrinsically different SN Ia systems. The method provides a tool that is fundamental to using SN Ia to estimate cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant and the mass and dark energy content of the universe.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Indeks Kepuasan Pengguna Situs Web E-Gov di Bali dengan Metode EUCS dan CSI

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    Provinsi Bali memiliki 8 (delapan) situs web Pemerintah Kabupaten, 1 (satu) situs web Pemerintah Provinsi, dan 1 (satu) situs web pemerintah Kota. Akan tetapi pengelola dari masing – masing situs web e-gov tidak pernah melakukan pengukuran indeks kepuasan pengguna terhadap fasilitas layanan informasi yang ditampilkan pada situs web e-gov tersebut secara rutin. Pengukuran indeks kepuasan pengguna situs web e-gov secara nasional terakhir dilakukan oleh Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika (KOMINFO) pada ICT Pura tahun 2012. Untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pengguna terhadap fasilitas layanan pada situs web e-gov Pemerintah di Provinsi Bali, penelitian ini menggunakan metode End-User Satisfaction Index (EUCS) dan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) untuk dapat mengetahui kategori web e-gov dalam suatu survei kepuasan dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan layanan informasi pada situs web e-gov masing –masing Pemerintah Daerah di Provinsi Bali. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah indeks kepuasan pengguna situs web e-gov yang menempatkan situs web Kabupaten Klungkung (tertinggi) dan situs web e-gov Kabupaten Tabanan (terendah)

    Concepciones de ?tica y valores de los estudiantes del grado 11 en dos intituciones educativas Alberto Santofimio Caicedo de Ibagu? y el colegio Colombo Ingl?s del Huila en Neiva

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    96 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo investigativo se ocup? de la identificaci?n y an?lisis de los conceptos de ?tica y valores que tienen los estudiantes del grado once (11) de las instituciones educativas Alberto Santofimio Caicedo y El Colegio Colombo Ingl?s del Huila. De ah? que se aplicar?n dos encuestas, la primera para identificar los conceptos de los estudiantes frente a la ?tica y los valores, dise?ada bajo tres constructos te?ricos: ?tica grecorromana, ?tica moderna, ?tica contempor?nea y una segunda dise?ada por categor?as: Conciencia de Grupo Solidaridad y Bien Com?n (CGSBC), Conciencia de Legalidad (CL) y Conciencia de Compromiso y Responsabilidad (CCR) con el prop?sito de poder caracterizar sus conceptos. En consecuencia se logr? identificar que los estudiantes de las dos instituciones identifican el concepto de ?tica desde la l?nea de pensamiento filos?fico moderno y una caracterizaci?n de la ?tica en las tres categor?as (CGSBC, CL, CCR) tendiente a una frecuencia de decisi?n (siempre, casi siempre, pocas veces, nunca) como casi siempre. Aun as?, con los resultados y an?lisis obtenidos se evidencio que su teor?a y caracterizaci?n son contarios a la vivencia relacional de los estudiantes en su ambiente escolar. Por consiguiente se dise?aron dos momentos de formaci?n y recomendaciones basados en el referente te?rico de la presente investigaci?n, donde se propuso un acercamiento que considero el contexto hist?rico cultural de los educandos y su desarrollo moral evolutivo, que busco una formaci?n en ?tica y valores contempor?nea, pertinente y que a su vez contribuyera a los procesos de afrontamiento de las diferentes problem?ticas de convivencia escolar que afrontan estas dos instituciones. Para tales efectos esta investigaci?n implemento como metodolog?a: Investigaci?n acci?n, acompa?ado de un enfoque cualitativo y un dise?o transversal reflexivo. Por esta raz?n se consider? el contexto inmediato de los discentes en la elaboraci?n, aplicaci?n de instrumentos de recolecci?n de informaci?n y los momentos de formaci?n.The purpose of this research was to reflect slightly upon ethics and values concepts that eleventh graders have. The aim of this is to restate and foster a healthy living together among youngsters at school. Ethics and values concept were determined and characterised based on a selected theoretical foundation that underpinned this final paper. The type of research conducted on this experience was an Action Research project. Surveys and workshops of formation were designed and applied in every research stage. These workshops relied on theory to practice. The sample population was formed by ninety (90) pupils from Alberto Santofimio Caicedo and Colombo Ingles del Huila schools. From the results emerged that students had bias in ethics and values concepts and viewpoints. Students had an unclear vision of Ancient, Modern and Contemporary concepts in ethics and values. The formation workshops were designed and developed in order to talk about socio-critic and light ethics aiming at fostering student?s critical thinking towards situations in their living together where ethics and values should be practiced. Finally, some recommendations were given to each school, mainly in their ethics and values subjects as an improvement plan regarding to themes such as interpersonal relations, acceptance of limits, respect of other?s difference and dignity for the benefit of a healthy living together in their social surrounding. Key words: Ethics, values, concepts, characterization, school context, living together, action research, improvement plan, ethics and values study plan and recommendations

    Local dimension and finite time prediction in spatiotemporal chaotic systems

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    We show how a recently introduced statistics [Patil et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 5878 (2001)] provides a direct relationship between dimension and predictability in spatiotemporal chaotic systems. Regions of low dimension are identified as having high predictability and vice-versa. This conclusion is reached by using methods from dynamical systems theory and Bayesian modelling. We emphasize in this work the consequences for short time forecasting and examine the relevance for factor analysis. Although we concentrate on coupled map lattices and coupled nonlinear oscillators for convenience, any other spatially distributed system could be used instead, such as turbulent fluid flows.Comment: 5 pagers, 7 EPS figure

    Analisis Perbandingan Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Jalan Lentur Menggunakan Beberapa Metode Bina Marga Studi Kasus: (Ruas Jalan Piringsurat – Batas Kedu Timur)

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    Manual guidance highway pavement design issued by Directorate Jenderal Bina Marga is the result of modification to the rules of some developed countries such as AASHTO owned by United States and AUSTROADS owned by Australia. Then, the guidelines are adjusted to the condition of Indonesia to become an official guidelines that serve a reference for planning of highway pavement thickness in Indonesia.In this research, the study and the evaluation using four highway flexible pavement design guidelines starting from 2002 (Pt. T-01-2002-B) up to the latest guidance published in 2013 (No.02/M/BM/2013) with the case study Piringsurat – Batas Kedu Timur road segment. Use data as well as some of the same parameters in pavement design, in order to facilitate the conduct comparisons as traffic growth figures (i) 2,5% before 2020 and 3,5% after 2020. The result of flexible pavement thickness of four methods according to the flexible pavement design guidance, compared and assessed so as to produce an evaluation of each manual guidance flexible pavement design
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