355 research outputs found

    Bridging knowledge to the market: an innovative approach for an innovative development

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    We live in a world of constant development, growth, innovation and changing needs and nonetheless cultural habits. How to sustain this constant change and how to adapt to globalisation, technological change and constant creativity and innovativeness of key human resources inside larger corporations as well as knowledge institutions is answering the concept of corporate entrepreneurship, new ventures and academic spin-off creation. Article will show the trend in the field of new venture and academic spin-off creation, involving human and social capital as key success factors. Barriers and innovative solutions will be presented on how to overcome the issue of lacking cooperation between academia and industry. Relevant best practices and experiences will be presented to be discussed as opportunities that can find the place in the already existing strengths of Slovenia and its entrepreneurial development and regional growthAcademic spin-off, Early-Stage Financing, Knowledge-Intensive Regions, Knowledge-Intensive Companies, new venture

    3D Printing of Drug Nanocrystals for Film Formulations

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    The aim of the study was to prepare indomethacin nanocrystal-loaded, 3D-printed, fast-dissolving oral polymeric film formulations. Nanocrystals were produced by the wet pearl milling technique, and 3D printing was performed by the semi-solid extrusion method. Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) was the film-forming polymer, and glycerol the plasticizer. In-depth physicochemical characterization was made, including solid-state determination, particle size and size deviation analysis, film appearance evaluation, determination of weight variation, thickness, folding endurance, drug content uniformity, and disintegration time, and drug release testing. In drug nanocrystal studies, three different stabilizers were tested. Poloxamer F68 produced the smallest and most homogeneous particles, with particle size values of 230 nm and PI values below 0.20, and was selected as a stabilizer for the drug-loaded film studies. In printing studies, the polymer concentration was first optimized with drug-free formulations. The best mechanical film properties were achieved for the films with HPMC concentrations of 2.85% (w/w) and 3.5% (w/w), and these two HPMC levels were selected for further drug-loaded film studies. Besides, in the drug-loaded film printing studies, three different drug levels were tested. With the optimum concentration, films were flexible and homogeneous, disintegrated in 1 to 2.5 min, and released the drug in 2–3 min. Drug nanocrystals remained in the nano size range in the polymer films, particle sizes being in all film formulations from 300 to 500 nm. When the 3D-printed polymer films were compared to traditional film-casted polymer films, the physicochemical behavior and pharmaceutical performance of the films were very similar. As a conclusion, 3D printing of drug nanocrystals in oral polymeric film formulations is a very promising option for the production of immediate-release improved- solubility formulations

    3D Printing of Drug Nanocrystals for Film Formulations

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    The aim of the study was to prepare indomethacin nanocrystal-loaded, 3D-printed, fast-dissolving oral polymeric film formulations. Nanocrystals were produced by the wet pearl milling technique, and 3D printing was performed by the semi-solid extrusion method. Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) was the film-forming polymer, and glycerol the plasticizer. In-depth physicochemical characterization was made, including solid-state determination, particle size and size deviation analysis, film appearance evaluation, determination of weight variation, thickness, folding endurance, drug content uniformity, and disintegration time, and drug release testing. In drug nanocrystal studies, three different stabilizers were tested. Poloxamer F68 produced the smallest and most homogeneous particles, with particle size values of 230 nm and PI values below 0.20, and was selected as a stabilizer for the drug-loaded film studies. In printing studies, the polymer concentration was first optimized with drug-free formulations. The best mechanical film properties were achieved for the films with HPMC concentrations of 2.85% (w/w) and 3.5% (w/w), and these two HPMC levels were selected for further drug-loaded film studies. Besides, in the drug-loaded film printing studies, three different drug levels were tested. With the optimum concentration, films were flexible and homogeneous, disintegrated in 1 to 2.5 min, and released the drug in 2–3 min. Drug nanocrystals remained in the nano size range in the polymer films, particle sizes being in all film formulations from 300 to 500 nm. When the 3D-printed polymer films were compared to traditional film-casted polymer films, the physicochemical behavior and pharmaceutical performance of the films were very similar. As a conclusion, 3D printing of drug nanocrystals in oral polymeric film formulations is a very promising option for the production of immediate-release improved- solubility formulations

    Giudizio riflettente e creazione di concetti. Il debito deleuziano verso Kant

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    Is Deleuze really in debt to Kant? If so, in which feature of Deleuze's thought can it be traced?The Deleuzian idea of philosophy meant as a creative process for constructing concepts may be deeply rooted in Kant's thought. In his lectures on Kant held at Vincennes in 1978, he acknowledged that Kant first attributed the act of thinking a new absolute meaning: the power to create concepts and no longer a vague meaning to create images or to remember.According to Deleuze the originality of Kant's philosophy lies in creating new words and giving them a new meaning. Although Deleuze had dedicated Kant a significant study in 1963 and four lectures at Vincennes, he did not fully admit to being influenced by Kant, not even in What is Philosophy?, the last monography he wrote with Félix Guattari

    Assessment of Correlations among Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) and Cumulative Illness Rating Index (CI) Scores in the Elderly Patients with Femur Fractures: A Prospective Study

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    Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) has established that injury will be the second principal cause of the world disease onerous by the year 2020. Purpose: In this study comorbidity was evaluated with the Cumulative Illness Rating Index, (CI) and studied in relation to the functional status of the elderly participants, by considering: Activities of Daily Living (ADL), and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), scores. Method: Ninety-five elderly patients with femur fracture were recruited for this study. A prospective investigation and evaluation of their comorbidity and their physical activity conditions was performed. Results: Correlations were evaluated between: ADL and CIRS values (r = 0.23); CIRS and IADL values (r = 0.24), and finally correlations between patients age and CIRS values (r = 0.09).Conclusion: No significant correlations were assessed to standardize the different score levels. Keywords: Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Cumulative Illness Rating Index (CI), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), Elderly Patients. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/63-05 Publication date:June 30th 2019

    How Patients and Nurses defined Advocacy in Nursing? A Review of the Literature

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    Objectives: Advocacy is an important aspect in current professional nursing care and it is a relatively new role for nursing, emerged in the United States in 1980s. This article aimed to explore the basis of advocacy concept viewed by both nurses and patients.Design: A computerized search in PubMed, Medline, Embase databases was conducted to highlight the relevance of nursing advocacy by nurses and patients. This review included qualitative studies which explained better advocacy concept in nursing practice and analyzed the concept of nursing advocacy. Data sources: Fifteen articles were found. Of these, only six met all the requirements of the inclusion criteria Review methods: Articles were compared by considering for each paper the purpose, the design, the methodology, the finding, in order to define advocacy concept by both patients and nurses.Results: Six articles were found, which were published between 1996 and 2018.Conclusions: It was found that the concept and the practice of the nursing advocacy was still enshrouded in confusion, conflict and change. Keywords: Advocacy; Nursing Advocacy; Literature Review; Patient Advocacy. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/63-08 Publication date:June 30th 201

    X-ray diffracted intensity for double reflection channel cut Ge monochromators at extremely asymmetric diffraction conditions

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    The width and the integrated intensity of the 220 x-ray double diffraction profile and the shift of the Bragg condition due to refraction have been measured in a channel cut Ge crystal in an angular range near the critical angle of total external reflection. The Bragg angle and incidence condition were varied by changing the x-ray energy. In agreement with the extended dynamical theory of x-ray diffraction, the integrated intensity of the double diffraction remained almost constant even for grazing incidence condition very close to the critical angle C for total external reflection. A broadening of the diffraction profile not predicted by the extended theory of x-ray diffraction was observed when the Bragg condition was at angles of incidence lower than 0.6?. Plane wave topographs revealed a contrast that could be explained by a slight residual crystal surface undulation of 0.3 degrees due to the etching to remove the cutting damage and the increasing effect of refraction at glancing angles close to the critical angle. These findings confirm that highly asymmetric channel cut Ge crystals can work as efficient monochromators or image magnifiers also at glancing angles close to the critical angle and that the main limitation is the crystal surface preparation

    Relationship between TLR4 signalling alterations and effective human cytomegalovirus infection

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    Toll-like receptors (TLR), the main class of immune-sensor molecules triggering the innate immunity pathways, are known to be involved in the infection of different RNA and DNA viruses, including herpesviruses. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a widespread human beta-herpesvirus that infects 80–90 % of the world’s population and it can cause severe and even fatal diseases in immunocompromised patients and it is also responsible for birth defects as a consequence of congenital infection. Aim of this review is to discuss the existing data regarding the role of TLRs in HCMV concentrating mainly on TLR4. A better understanding in this relationship could be exploited for the development of efficient early diagnosis methodologies and anti viral therapies.Toll-подібні рецептори (TLR) як основний клас молекул імунних датчиків, що регулюють сигнальні шляхи вродженого імунітету, також беруть участь у зараженні різними РНК- і ДНК-вірусами, з-поміж яких віруси герпесу. Цитомегаловірус людини – широко розповсюджений бета-герпесвірус людини, їм заражаено приблизно 80–90 % населення земної кулі, що призводить до серйозних і навіть смертельних захворювань у пацієнтів з імунодефіцитом та є причиною спадкових патологій через вроджені інфекції. Мета цього огляду полягає в обговоренні існуючих даних щодо ролі TLR, і особливо TLR4, в цитомегаловірусній інфекції. Краще розуміння цього може бути використано для розробки ефективних методик ранньої діагностики і противірусних препаратів.Toll-подобные рецепторы (TLR) как основной класс молекул иммунных датчиков, регулирующих сигнальные пути врожденного иммунитета, участвуют также в заражении различными РНК- и ДНК-вирусами, включая вирусы герпеса. Цитомегаловирус человека – широко распространенный бета-герпесвирус человека, им заражаено примерно 80–90 % населения земного шара, что приводит к серьезным и даже смертельным заболеваниям у пациентов с иммунодефицитом и является причиной наследственных патологий из-за врожденной инфекции. Цель представленного обзора состоит в обсуждении существующих данных о роли TLR, и особенно TLR4, в цитомегаловирусной инфекции. Лучшее понимание этого может быть использовано для разработки эффективных методик ранней диагностики и противовирусных препаратов

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan pada Ny.S.M Umur 35 Tahun G3P2A0AH2 Hamil 37 Minggu Janin Hidup Tunggal Letak Kepala Intra Uterin Keadaan Ibu dan Janin baik di Puskesmas Waipare Tanggal 18 April s/d 14 Juni 2019

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    Latar Belakang: Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan adalah asuhan kebidanan yang dilakukan mulai antenatal care, intranatal care, postnatal care, dan bayi baru lahir pada pasien secara keseluruhan. SDKI mencatat AKI di Indonesia tahun 2016 mengalami penurunan dari 395 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup menjadi 305 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. AKI di NTT pada tahun 2016 meningkat yakni sebanyak 176 kasus (133 per 100.000 KH). Di Kabupaten Sikka Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sikka tahun 2017, jumlah kematian ibu 4 dan kematian bayi 25 orang. Puskesmas Waipare, Kecamatan Kangae Jumlah ibu hamil yang melakukan ANC Kunjungan :100%, Kunjungan Lengkap (K4) 66%,INC persalinan tenaga kesehatan (NAKES)100%, PNC, Kunjungan Nifas lengkap 67% dan kunjungan Bayi lengkap 100%, KB 59 % . Puskesmas Waipare tahun 2017 tidak ada kematian ibu dan kematian bayi 4 orang. Tujuan umum: Mampu menerapkan Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan pada Ny.S. M.di Puskesmas Waipare periode 18 April sampai 14 Juni 2019. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi penelaahan kasus dengan unit tunggal. Lokasi penelitian di Puskesmas Waipare subyek penelitian Ny.S.M umur 35 tahun, G3P2A0AH2, usia kehamilan 37 minggu. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil: Kehamilan berjalan normal tidak ada komplikasi. Melahirkan secara spontan di Puskesmas Waipare pada tanggal 02-05-2019 jam 02.00 wita. Keadaan ibu dan bayi baik. Asuhan untuk bayi baru lahir dan ibu nifas dilakukan melalui kunjungan nifas 1-4, dan kunjungan neonatus 1-3. Keadaan ibu selama masa nifas baik. Ibu sudah mengikuti metode kontrasepsi implant saat 42 hari post partum. Simpulan: Setelah dilakukan Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan sejak kehamilan, persalinan, bayi baru lahir dan masa nifas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa keadaan ibu dan bayi sehat, bayi mendapat ASI ekslusif, ibu sudah menjadi akseptor KB implant

    Nursing Perception on Patient Safety Culture: The Latest Methodological Approaches

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    Safety culture can be defined as “the values shared among organization members about what is important, their beliefs about how things operate in the organization, and the interaction of these with work unit and organizational structures and systems, which together produce behavioral norms in the organization that promote safety”. This literature review aimed to identify the latest methodological approaches quantifying patient safety culture perception among nurses. The available literature was searched from January 2018 to today . Eleven eligible works were found and analyzed and the main key concepts highlighted were: the research approaches to assess patient safety culture, the development of quantitative survey tools for data collection for further reproducibility and the levels of data aggregation for conducting data analyses. A cohesive body of literature of evaluation tools is requiring on patient safety culture among nurses which is still limited in the current literature. Keywords: Health Safety; Methodological Approach; Nursing Perception; Patient Safety; Safety Culture; Safety Survey. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/62-12 Publication date:May 31st 201