44 research outputs found

    A summary of the third workshop on theory-informed user modeling for tailoring and personalizing interfaces

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    The third workshop on Theory-Informed User Modeling for Tailoring and Personalizing Interfaces (HUMANIZE) 1 took place in conjunction with the 24th annual meeting of the intelligent user interfaces (IUI) 2 community in Los Angeles, CA, USA on March 20, 2019. The goal of the workshop was to attract researchers from different fields by accepting contributions on the intersection of practical data mining methods and theoretical knowledge for personalization. A total of six papers were accepted for this edition of the workshop.

    Understanding the link between audience engagement metrics and the perceived quality of online news using machine learning

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    This article aims to explain the perceived quality of online news articles. Discovering which elements of a news story influence readers' perceptions could drive online popularity, which is the paramount factor of digital news readership. This work explores an approach to use tree-based machine learning algorithms to address this problem based on selected characteristics, which measure engagement, drawn from prior research mostly developed by communication scientists. A proposed extended model is used to examine the association between the engagement features and perceived quality concerning all the articles depending mainly on their genre. To demonstrate the capacity of using predictive analytics to facilitate journalistic news writing the proposed methodology is applied on a novel data set with 200K articles in total constructed from a blog site. The results of phase A, indicate interesting correlations between the features and the perceived quality of the articles. In stage B, the paper seeks to extract a set of rules that can be used as guidelines for authors in the writing of their next articles, indicating the probability of popularity that their articles may gain if these rules are taken into consideration

    Your Digital News Reading Habits Reflect Your Personality

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    The way people read digital news - as distinct from what news they read - has emerged as a significant concern for research in user modelling and personalisation. Intuitively, some people read the news frequently and broadly whilst others read it occasionally and selectively. It is likely that these differences in news reading behaviour arise in part from differences in peoples' personalities. We report a study that surveyed the digital news reading habits and personality traits of 241 people. We find correlations between most news reading characteristics (e.g., how much time over a day a person reads news) and some personality traits (e.g Openness-to-Experience). The correlations provide a better understanding of the different types of news reading user and why they read news in different ways. They indicate the value of extending user model profiles to include personality traits along with domain specific activity factors

    Towards Implicit User Modeling Based on Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Styles and Web Interaction Data

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    A key challenge of adaptive interactive systems is to provide a positive user experience by extracting implicitly the users' unique characteristics through their interactions with the system, and dynamically adapting and personalizing the system's content presentation and functionality. Among the different dimensions of individual differences that could be considered, this work utilizes the cognitive styles of users as determinant factors for personalization. The overarching goal of this paper is to increase our understanding about the effect of cognitive styles of users on their navigation behavior and content representation preference. We propose a Web-based tool, utilizing Artificial Intelligence techniques, to implicitly capture and find any possible relations between the cognitive styles of users and their characteristics in navigation behavior and content representation preference by using their Web interaction data. The proposed tool has been evaluated with a user study revealing that cognitive styles of users have an effect on their navigation behavior and content representation preference. Research works like the reported one are useful for improving implicit and intelligent user modeling in engineering adaptive interactive systems