11 research outputs found

    Maternal Platelets—Friend or Foe of the Human Placenta?

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    Human pregnancy relies on hemochorial placentation, including implantation of the blastocyst and deep invasion of fetal trophoblast cells into maternal uterine blood vessels, enabling direct contact of maternal blood with placental villi. Hemochorial placentation requires fast and reliable hemostasis to guarantee survival of the mother, but also for the neonates. During human pregnancy, maternal platelet count decreases gradually from first, to second, and third trimester. In addition to hemodilution, accelerated platelet sequestration and consumption in the placental circulation may contribute to a decline of platelet count throughout gestation. Local stasis, turbulences, or damage of the syncytiotrophoblast layer can activate maternal platelets within the placental intervillous space and result in formation of fibrin-type fibrinoid. Perivillous fibrinoid is a regular constituent of the normal placenta which is considered to be an important regulator of intervillous hemodynamics, as well as having a role in shaping the developing villous trees. However, exaggerated activation of platelets at the maternal-fetal interface can provoke inflammasome activation in the placental trophoblast, and enhance formation of circulating platelet-monocyte aggregates, resulting in sterile inflammation of the placenta and a systemic inflammatory response in the mother. Hence, the degree of activation determines whether maternal platelets are a friend or foe of the human placenta. Exaggerated activation of maternal platelets can either directly cause or propagate the disease process in placenta-associated pregnancy pathologies, such as preeclampsia

    Functional and Structural Microbial Diversity in Organic and Conventional Viticulture: Organic Farming Benefits Natural Biocontrol Agents ▿ †

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    Statistically significant differences in the structure and function of above-ground grapevine-associated microorganisms from organically and conventionally managed vineyards were found. Aureobasidium pullulans, a copper-detoxifying fungus and biocontrol agent, plays a key role in explaining these differences. The black fungus was strongly enriched in the communities of organically managed plants and yielded a higher indigenous antiphytopathogenic potential

    Placental Endocrine Activity: Adaptation and Disruption of Maternal Glucose Metabolism in Pregnancy and the Influence of Fetal Sex

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    The placenta is an endocrine fetal organ, which secretes a plethora of steroid- and proteo-hormones, metabolic proteins, growth factors, and cytokines in order to adapt maternal physiology to pregnancy. Central to the growth of the fetus is the supply with nutrients, foremost with glucose. Therefore, during pregnancy, maternal insulin resistance arises, which elevates maternal blood glucose levels, and consequently ensures an adequate glucose supply for the developing fetus. At the same time, maternal β-cell mass and function increase to compensate for the higher insulin demand. These adaptations are also regulated by the endocrine function of the placenta. Excessive insulin resistance or the inability to increase insulin production accordingly disrupts physiological modulation of pregnancy mediated glucose metabolism and may cause maternal gestational diabetes (GDM). A growing body of evidence suggests that this adaptation of maternal glucose metabolism differs between pregnancies carrying a girl vs. pregnancies carrying a boy. Moreover, the risk of developing GDM differs depending on the sex of the fetus. Sex differences in placenta derived hormones and bioactive proteins, which adapt and modulate maternal glucose metabolism, are likely to contribute to this sexual dimorphism. This review provides an overview on the adaptation and maladaptation of maternal glucose metabolism by placenta-derived factors, and highlights sex differences in this regulatory network

    Histological processing of un-/cellularized thermosensitive electrospun scaffolds

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    Histological processing of thermosensitive electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone)/poly(l-lactide) (PCL/PLA) scaffolds fails, as poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) is characterized by its low-melting temperature (Tm = 60 °C). Here, we present an optimized low-temperature preparation method for the histological processing of un-/cellularized thermosensitive PCL/PLA scaffolds. Our study is aimed at the establishment of an optimized dehydration and low-melting-point paraffin-embedding method of electrospun PCL/PLA scaffolds (un-/cellularized). Furthermore, we compared this method with (a) automatized dehydration and standard paraffin embedding, (b) gelatin embedding followed by automatized dehydration and standard paraffin embedding, (c) cryofixation, and (d) acrylic resin embedding methods. We investigated pepsin and proteinase K antigen retrieval for their efficiency in epitope demasking at low temperatures and evaluated protocols for immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence for cytokeratin 7 (CK7) and in situ padlock probe technology for beta actin (ACTB). Optimized dehydration and low-melting-point paraffin embedding preserved the PCL/PLA scaffold, as the diameter and structure of its fibers were unchanged. Cells attached to the PCL/PLA scaffolds showed limited alterations in size and morphology compared to control. Epitope demasking by enzymatic pepsin digestion and immunostaining of CK7 displayed an invasion of attached cells into the scaffold. Expression of ACTB and CK7 was shown by a combination of mRNA-based in situ padlock probe technology and immunofluorescence. In contrast, gelatin stabilization followed by standard paraffin embedding led to an overall shrinkage and melting of fibers, and therefore, no further analysis was possible. Acrylic resin embedding and cyrofixation caused fiber structures that were nearly unchanged in size and diameter. However, acrylic resin-embedded scaffolds are limited to 3 µm sections, whereas cyrofixation led to a reduction of the cell size by 14% compared to low-melting paraffin embedding. The combination of low-melting-point paraffin embedding and pepsin digestion as an antigen retrieval method offers a successful opportunity for histological investigations in thermosensitive specimens

    (Dis)similarities between the Decidual and Tumor Microenvironment

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    Placenta-specific trophoblast and tumor cells exhibit many common characteristics. Trophoblast cells invade maternal tissues while being tolerated by the maternal immune system. Similarly, tumor cells can invade surrounding tissues and escape the immune system. Importantly, both trophoblast and tumor cells are supported by an abetting microenvironment, which influences invasion, angiogenesis, and immune tolerance/evasion, among others. However, in contrast to tumor cells, the metabolic, proliferative, migrative, and invasive states of trophoblast cells are under tight regulatory control. In this review, we provide an overview of similarities and dissimilarities in regulatory processes that drive trophoblast and tumor cell fate, particularly focusing on the role of the abetting microenvironments