21 research outputs found

    Intelligent Diagnosis of Phlebothrombosis

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    Este art铆culo presenta la aplicaci贸n de una t茅cnica de Inteligencia Artificial al campo de la Medicina. Se trata de una red bayesiana especialmente creada para efectuar el diagn贸stico de trombosis venosa profunda o flebotrombosis profunda. La red desarrollada toma en consideraci贸n s铆ntomas, antecedentes cl铆nicos, y resultados de determinadas pr谩cticas m茅dicas y de laboratorio para efectuar la detecci贸n de la afecci贸n en un paciente. Para realizar el testeo de la red se cont贸 con los datos pertenecientes a sesenta casos reales suministrados por una instituci贸n de salud y sus correspondientes diagn贸sticos efectuados por dos m茅dicos especializados. Sobre los resultados se aplicaron las m茅tricas Precision y Recall obteni茅ndose valores satisfactorios.This article presents a bayesian network to diagnose deep vein thrombosis or deep phlebothrombosis. To detect this condition in a patient, the network considers symptoms, medical history and medical practice, and laboratory results. The network test was carried out with 59 real cases and in collaboration with two specialist doctors. The results of the applied metrics were satisfactory

    Deficiencia del factor XIII: reporte de un caso

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    La deficiencia del factor XIII de la cuagulaci贸n se describi贸 por primera vez en 1960 y han sido publicados alrededor de 200 casos. Se caracteriza por la aparici贸n de sangrados tard铆os despu茅s de un traumatismo, se confirma con la cuantifi caci贸n del factor XIII. Se informa de un paciente de 2 a帽os de edad con deficiencia del factor XIII. Primer caso en nuestro hospital. Abstract: Congenital Factor XIII defi ciency was fi rst described in 1960 and about 200 cases have been published about it. It is characterized by the appearance of delayed bleeding after suffering a trauma. It is diagnosed by demonstrating an increase in the solubility of a clot in urea and is confi rmed by quantifi cation of factor XIII. We report a 2-year-old patient with factor XIII defi ciency. This is the fi rst case seen in our hospita

    Realidad aumentada en di谩logos de estudiantes colaborativos

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    Los beneficios que los entornos de Aprendizaje Colaborativo Soportado por Computadora aportan a los procesos de ense帽anza y de aprendizaje est谩n ampliamente investigados. Sin embargo, la inclusi贸n tecnolog铆as actuales en estos entornos, como es la realidad aumentada, abri贸 nuevos caminos de investigaci贸n. Docentes y estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero disponen desde hace varios a帽os de la aplicaci贸n COLLAB. Esta aplicaci贸n fue especialmente creada para dar soporte a las actividades de di谩logo en peque帽os grupos de estudiantes colaborativos. La presente l铆nea de investigaci贸n se enfoca en el estudio de la realidad aumentada aplicada en contextos colaborativos de educaci贸n. En particular, se quiere incorporar nuevas funcionalidades a la aplicaci贸n COLLAB para posibilitar la gesti贸n de recursos aumentados por parte de docentes y estudiantes. Para esto, se desarrollar谩 especialmente un m贸dulo que luego ser谩 acoplado a COLLAB. La experimentaci贸n con grupos de estudiantes reales, que usar谩n la aplicaci贸n durante sesiones colaborativas especialmente dise帽adas, permitir谩 recopilar los datos necesarios para efectuar la validaci贸n correspondiente.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tic

    Incidencia de helicoverpa gelotopoeon Dyar. sobre el cultivo de garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.) en el NE de C贸rdoba

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    Trabajo Final Integrador (脕rea de Consolidaci贸n M茅todos Cuantitativos para la Investigaci贸n Agropecuaria) -- UNC- Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, 2017Helicoverpa gelotopoeon es un Lepidoptero (Noctuidae) ampliamente pol铆fago que muestra preferencia por plantas de la familia leguminosas en general. En el cultivo de garbanzo esta especie no se consideraba importante respecto a p茅rdidas econ贸micas que produc铆a. No obstante, en las 煤ltimas campa帽as se ha registrado un aumento en la poblaci贸n de la plaga sobre el cultivo de garbanzo que ha despertado inter茅s en el estudio de la misma. En este trabajo se plante贸 como objetivo evaluar la incidencia de H. gelotopoeon sobre el rendimiento de las l铆neas Cha帽arito y Norte帽o en condiciones de campo. Se trabaj贸 en parcelas experimentales sembradas en la localidad de Chalacea, Dpto. R铆o I C贸rdoba. Se realizaron muestreos de orugas revisando manualmente 15 plantas al azar de cada cultivar, en cada fecha de muestreo y con frecuencia quincenal, desde fines del per铆odo vegetativo hasta cosecha, durante los a帽os 2012, 2013 y 2014. Bajo estas condiciones, el cv. Norte帽o registr贸 mayor rendimiento que el cv. Cha帽arito para los tres a帽os. El porcentaje de vainas da帽adas fue mayor en Cha帽arito. Se registr贸 una importante variabilidad en el rendimiento del cultivo entre los a帽os del estudio, destac谩ndose el a帽o 2012 con los menores rendimientos debido a un aumento en la incidencia de la plaga fundamentada en las condiciones de escasas precipitaciones y altas temperaturas

    Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation, volume 1

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    This document is the Executive Summary of a technical report on a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) of the Space Shuttle vehicle performed under the sponsorship of the Office of Space Flight of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It briefly summarizes the methodology and results of the Shuttle PRA. The primary objective of this project was to support management and engineering decision-making with respect to the Shuttle program by producing (1) a quantitative probabilistic risk model of the Space Shuttle during flight, (2) a quantitative assessment of in-flight safety risk, (3) an identification and prioritization of the design and operations that principally contribute to in-flight safety risk, and (4) a mechanism for risk-based evaluation proposed modifications to the Shuttle System. Secondary objectives were to provide a vehicle for introducing and transferring PRA technology to the NASA community, and to demonstrate the value of PRA by applying it beneficially to a real program of great international importance

    Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation. Volume 4: System models and data analysis

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    In this volume, volume 4 (of five volumes), the discussion is focussed on the system models and related data references and has the following subsections: space shuttle main engine, integrated solid rocket booster, orbiter auxiliary power units/hydraulics, and electrical power system

    Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation. Volume 5: Auxiliary shuttle risk analyses

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    Volume 5 is Appendix C, Auxiliary Shuttle Risk Analyses, and contains the following reports: Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Space Shuttle Phase 1 - Space Shuttle Catastrophic Failure Frequency Final Report; Risk Analysis Applied to the Space Shuttle Main Engine - Demonstration Project for the Main Combustion Chamber Risk Assessment; An Investigation of the Risk Implications of Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster Chamber Pressure Excursions; Safety of the Thermal Protection System of the Space Shuttle Orbiter - Quantitative Analysis and Organizational Factors; Space Shuttle Main Propulsion Pressurization System Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Final Report; and Space Shuttle Probabilistic Risk Assessment Proof-of-Concept Study - Auxiliary Power Unit and Hydraulic Power Unit Analysis Report

    Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation. Volume 2: Integrated loss of vehicle model

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    The application of the probabilistic risk assessment methodology to a Space Shuttle environment, particularly to the potential of losing the Shuttle during nominal operation is addressed. The different related concerns are identified and combined to determine overall program risks. A fault tree model is used to allocate system probabilities to the subsystem level. The loss of the vehicle due to failure to contain energetic gas and debris, to maintain proper propulsion and configuration is analyzed, along with the loss due to Orbiter, external tank failure, and landing failure or error

    Visualizing alpha-synuclein and iron deposition in M83 mouse model of Parkinson's disease in vivo

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    BACKGROUND Abnormal alpha-synuclein and iron accumulation in the brain play an important role in Parkinson's disease (PD). Herein, we aim at visualizing alpha-synuclein inclusions and iron deposition in the brains of M83 (A53T) mouse models of PD in vivo . METHODS Fluorescently labelled pyrimidoindole-derivative THK-565 was characterized by using recombinant fibrils and brains from 10-11 months old M83 mice, which subsequently underwent in vivo concurrent wide-field fluorescence and volumetric multispectral optoacoustic tomography (vMSOT) imaging. The in vivo results were verified against structural and susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 9.4 Tesla and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) of perfused brains. Brain slice immunofluorescence and Prussian blue staining were further performed to validate the detection of alpha-synuclein inclusions and iron deposition in the brain, respectively. RESULTS THK-565 showed increased fluorescence upon binding to recombinant alpha-synuclein fibrils and alpha-synuclein inclusions in post-mortem brain slices from patients with Parkinson's disease and M83 mice. i.v. administration of THK-565 in M83 mice showed higher cerebral retention at 20 and 40 minutes post-injection by wide-field fluorescence compared to non-transgenic littermate mice, in congruence with the vMSOT findings. SWI/phase images and Prussian blue indicated the accumulation of iron deposits in the brains of M83 mice, presumably in the Fe 3+^{3+} form, as evinced by the STXM results. CONCLUSION We demonstrated in vivo mapping of alpha-synuclein by means of non-invasive epifluorescence and vMSOT imaging assisted with a targeted THK-565 label and SWI/STXM identification of iron deposits in M83 mouse brains ex vivo

    El concepto de estimulaci贸n basal en educaci贸n

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    Resumen tomado del autorDespu茅s de una breve referencia hist贸rica, introducir茅 la definici贸n del usuario de la estimulaci贸n basal, aspectos te贸rico-pr谩cticos, as铆 como perspectivas actuales y de futuro. Ante el reto de la atenci贸n de las personas con pluridiscapacidad, la estimulaci贸n basal, entendida como concepto, nos ofrece una ayuda. Reflexiones, vivencias y pr谩cticas que tienen como objetivo el acercamiento e intercambio comunicativo con la persona gravemente discapacitada. Tal apoyo nos facilita la creaci贸n de experiencias de soporte y andamiaje para que cada uno de nuestros usuarios pueda desarrollarse de forma global. De esta manera, la estimulaci贸n se convierte en un proceso de creaci贸n de condiciones individuales, en las cuales la percepci贸n deja de convertirse en objetivo para ser una herramienta para el desarrollo. Tal proceso se define por su reciprocidad y simplicidad, donde el usuario adquiere un rol de protagonista negociador de nuestra intervenci贸n, donde las experiencias derivan del inicio del desarrollo humano.NavarraBiblioteca General de Navarra; Calle Plaza San Francisco, s. n.; 31001 Pamplona;ES