293 research outputs found

    Aportación arqueológica al conocimiento del proceso de descomposición del cuerpo humano en posición sentada/ flexionada

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    La excavación arqueológica de restos humanos permite recabar datos sobre el proceso de descomposición. Basándose en estos conocimientos, se puede establecer la disposición original de los restos, distinguir entre manipulación intencional y eventos tafonómicos, así como revelar la presencia de material orgánico desaparecido. A partir de observaciones en contexto arqueológico, se presentan las modalidades de descomposición en posición sentada/flexionada de un fardo funerario y se ilustra cómo los huesos se desplazan naturalmente durante el proceso

    The collective burials of Tablada de Lurin (Lurin Valley, Peru; A.D. 1-300)

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    The Tablada de Lurin necropolis of the first half of the Early Intermediate Period had two distinct phases. The aims of this work were to reconstruct the funerary ritual representative of the second phase and to study decomposition in a sitting/ squatting position. Fieldwork and analysis of previous excavation documents provided details on how the dead were buried and how the remains were moved around the burial chamber. Information was also gathered on decomposition in a sitting/squatting position. Laboratory analysis of the remains confirmed the taphonomical field observations. It also demonstrated the presence of secondary burials and the under-representation of foetuses and infants younger than one year. In conclusion, the subterranean stone burial chambers held collective primary and secondary burials. The dead were placed in baskets, in a sitting/squatting position, and wrapped in a shroud. As the different individuals arrived, the remains were moved to the back and the sides of the tomb, finally forming a large cluster of bones. Subterranean stone burial chambers are present in other parts of Peru, especially in the mountains. Collective burial is not an unknown practice in the Central Highlands. Nevertheless, the Tablada collective funerary ritual stands out because it was applied to all, both young and old, female and male. It was also different to the mortuary treatment of the first phase of the cemetery

    The New Brazilian Arbitration Law

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    This article selects four landmark events: the enactment of Law No. 9.307 on Sept. 23, 1996 (the “1996 Arbitration Law”); (ii) the recognition of the constitutionality of such law by the Supreme Court in 2001; (iii) the ratification of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in 2002; and (iv) the enactment of Law No. 13.129 on May 26, 2015 (the “Amendment”). The first three events are analyzed jointly with the fourth event, in order to identify novel important legal issues involving arbitration in Brazil: (a) subject arbitrability concerning state and state entities; (b) the compromise between institutional rules and parties’ choice by means of changes at the roster of arbitrators and multiparty arbitration, focused at reduction of arbitral awards annulment risks; (c) the amendment of arbitration agreement by using terms of reference, which adjusts limitation periods by the exact date of its interruption; (d) the annulment of arbitral awards and its application in precedents; (e) the provision concerning foreign awards recognition and enforcement, which is closely identified with the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards (“NYC”), strictly interpreted by the Superior Court of Justice in several foreign arbitral decisions recognition precedents; (f) the ‘arbitral letter’, also included and provided as a mechanism of cooperation between arbitrators and courts; finally, (g) the inclusion of arbitration agreements in bylaws of Brazilian corporations, in order to face the growing disputes involving companies since the enactment of the Constitution in 1988

    The New Brazilian Arbitration Law

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    This article selects four landmark events: the enactment of Law No. 9.307 on Sept. 23, 1996 (the “1996 Arbitration Law”); (ii) the recognition of the constitutionality of such law by the Supreme Court in 2001; (iii) the ratification of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in 2002; and (iv) the enactment of Law No. 13.129 on May 26, 2015 (the “Amendment”). The first three events are analyzed jointly with the fourth event, in order to identify novel important legal issues involving arbitration in Brazil: (a) subject arbitrability concerning state and state entities; (b) the compromise between institutional rules and parties’ choice by means of changes at the roster of arbitrators and multiparty arbitration, focused at reduction of arbitral awards annulment risks; (c) the amendment of arbitration agreement by using terms of reference, which adjusts limitation periods by the exact date of its interruption; (d) the annulment of arbitral awards and its application in precedents; (e) the provision concerning foreign awards recognition and enforcement, which is closely identified with the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards (“NYC”), strictly interpreted by the Superior Court of Justice in several foreign arbitral decisions recognition precedents; (f) the ‘arbitral letter’, also included and provided as a mechanism of cooperation between arbitrators and courts; finally, (g) the inclusion of arbitration agreements in bylaws of Brazilian corporations, in order to face the growing disputes involving companies since the enactment of the Constitution in 1988

    The collective burials of Tablada de Lurín, Lurín valley, Peru (AD 1-300)

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    La nécropole de Tablada de Lurín a fait l’objet de deux occupations successives durant la première moitié de l’intermédiaire ancien. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient de reconstituer le rituel funéraire de la deuxième occupation, très différent de celui de la première occupation, ainsi que de se renseigner sur les modalités de décomposition en position assise. La fouille et l’étude des documents de fouilles précédentes ont permis de rétablir le rituel funéraire. Le terrain a offert la possibilité d’observer les modalités de décomposition. L’analyse en laboratoire des restes squelettiques a confirmé les observations taphonomiques faites sur le terrain et a rapporté des informations supplémentaires. En conclusion, la deuxième occupation de Tablada se caractérisait par des sépultures primaires et secondaires collectives, sans distinction d’âge et de sexe (à l’exception des immatures de moins d’un an), dans des chambres funéraires souterraines en pierre. Les individus étaient assis/accroupis dans des paniers, l’ensemble enveloppé dans un linceul. Cette position d’ensevelissement facilite des observations quant à l’ordre dans lequel disparaissent certaines connexions anatomiques pendant la décomposition du cadavre

    Les tombes collectives de Tablada de Lurin (Vallée de Lurin, Pérou ; Ier-IIIe S. AP. J.C.)

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    La nécropole de Tablada de Lurin a fait l’objet de deux occupations successives durant la première moitié de l’intermédiaire ancien. Les objectifs de ce travail sont de reconstituer le rituel funéraire de la deuxième occupation et de se renseigner sur les modalités de décomposition en position assise. La fouille et l’étude des documents de fouilles précédentes ont permis de retracer les déplacements des dépouilles à l’intérieur des chambres funéraires souterraines et de rétablir la façon dont les corps étaient inhumés. En outre, le terrain a offert la possibilité d’observer les modalités de décomposition en position assise. L’analyse en laboratoire des restes squelettiques a confirmé les observations taphonomiques faites sur le terrain. Par ailleurs, il a signalé la présence des sépultures secondaires et la sousreprésentation des immatures de moins d’un an. En conclusion, la deuxième occupation de Tablada se caractérisait par des sépultures primaires et secondaires collectives dans des chambres funéraires souterraines en pierre. Les individus étaient assis / accroupis dans des paniers, l’ensemble enveloppé dans un linceul. Au fur et à mesure que des défunts arrivés, les précédents étaient remaniés et poussés vers le fond et les côtés de la structure, formant un conglomérat osseux. Des structures similaires existent dans d’autres régions du Pérou, notamment à la montagne. Le traitement collectif n’est pas inconnu dans les Andes centrales. Toutefois, le rituel funéraire de Tablada reste unique dans son genre, puisqu’il s’agit d’un traitement collectif pour tous, sans distinction d’âge et de sexe. En outre, il est très différent de celui de la première occupation.The Tablada de Lurin necropolis of the first half of the Early Intermediate Period had two distinct phases. The aims of this work were to reconstruct the funerary ritual representative of the second phase and to study decomposition in a sitting/ squatting position. Fieldwork and analysis of previous excavation documents provided details on how the dead were buried and how the remains were moved around the burial chamber. Information was also gathered on decomposition in a sitting/squatting position. Laboratory analysis of the remains confirmed the taphonomical field observations. It also demonstrated the presence of secondary burials and the under-representation of foetuses and infants younger than one year. In conclusion, the subterranean stone burial chambers held collective primary and secondary burials. The dead were placed in baskets, in a sitting/squatting position, and wrapped in a shroud. As the different individuals arrived, the remains were moved to the back and the sides of the tomb, finally forming a large cluster of bones. Subterranean stone burial chambers are present in other parts of Peru, especially in the mountains. Collective burial is not an unknown practice in the Central Highlands. Nevertheless, the Tablada collective funerary ritual stands out because it was applied to all, both young and old, female and male. It was also different to the mortuary treatment of the first phase of the cemetery

    Análise da evolução da geometria de fossa de erosão a jusante de vertedouro salto esqui

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    O vertedouro salto esqui, em conjunto com a fossa de erosão localizada a jusante, formam um eficiente sistema dissipador. Para que esse tipo de vertedouro seja viável, deve ser prevista uma área que comporte adequadamente a evolução da fossa. Assim, o dimensionamento da geometria da fossa deve considerar a solução que apresente menores indícios de possível comprometimento das estruturas adjacentes. Dada à evolução da fossa, medidas podem ser indicadas no sentido da operação das comportas do vertedouro ou de obras civis que contenham ou redirecionem os avanços da erosão. ⁂ Como proposta desta tese, foi analisada a evolução de fossas de erosão, contemplando aspectos hidráulicos, geométricos e geomecânicos compreendidos em um fenômeno particular, qual seja a erodibilidade para as características do escoamento que ocorre no interior de fossas de erosão a jusante de vertedouros salto esqui. Este estudo foi amparado por modelagens físicas, por semelhança de Froude, e também por métodos dispostos na bibliografia, que auxiliaram na definição dos parâmetros envolvidos. ⁂ As características do escoamento foram avaliadas em duas geometrias de fossa, padronizadas em fundo fixo (não erodível), bidimensionais, por meio das pressões dinâmicas distribuídas ao longo de seus contornos sólidos. O efeito de escala nas pressões dinâmicas, entre esses modelos físicos, nas escalas 1:50 e 1:100, foram identificados com base em condições de contorno dos números de Reynolds e Weber, o que possibilitou consolidar relações adimensionais que explicam o fenômeno no que tange às pressões dinâmicas. Contudo, foi observado que o padrão geométrico da fossa rege a macroturbulência no interior da mesma. Assim, enquanto os efeitos de escala exercem maior influência sobre as pressões dinâmicas médias de impacto do jato mergulhante sobre o fundo, os efeitos do padrão geométrico da fossa preponderam sobre o restante da distribuição de pressão dinâmica que ocorre ao longo dos contornos sólidos da fossa. ⁂ A variação do formato da fossa foi registrada através de amostras de fossa, tridimensionais, tanto de protótipo quanto de modelagem em escala 1:100, em ensaios realizados com leito coesivo. Assim, foram analisadas as características das geometrias resultantes, descrevendo-as através de parâmetros geométricos, o que possibilitou o exame de questões sobre o comprometimento da segurança no entorno da fossa, através de parâmetros como o grau de espalhamento da fossa e sobre a tendência de regressão de sua borda de montante. ⁂ De modo a incorporar maiores detalhes ao conhecimento científico sobre a geometria da fossa, um método disposto na bibliografia, para o cálculo do perfil longitudinal da fossa, foi verificado quanto ao emprego de parâmetros geomecânicos, que combinados definem a erodibilidade do maciço. No âmbito da atuação hidrodinâmica do escoamento, o perfil de fossa resultante desse método foi verificado quanto à zona de dissipação de energia necessária para comportar o desenvolvimento do jato mergulhante e da recirculação do ressalto hidráulico confinado, em uma situação de equilíbrio, ou seja, em que cessam as erosões sobre os contornos sólidos da fossa. ⁂ Os métodos verificados, bem como as relações de parâmetros propostas, fazem parte de uma técnica ampla, sistematizada na presente tese, que vem a contribuir para a adoção de índices de monitoramento da evolução de fossas de erosão.The ski jump spillway, in combination with the scour hole formed downstream, is an efficient energy dissipation system. For the viability of this type of spillway, it must be forecasted an area to adequately contains the evolution of the scour hole. Thus, the dimensioning of the scour hole geometry should consider the solution that presents the minor indications of possible damage to the adjacent structures. Due to the progress of erosion in the pit, interventions may be indicated through changing the operation of spillway gates or by implementing civil works that contain or redirect erosion advances. ⁂ As a proposal of this thesis, it was analyzed the evolution of the scour hole, considering hydraulic, geometrical and geomechanical aspects, which are included in the particular erodibility phenomenon that occurs for the flow conditions in a scour hole downstream of ski jump spillway. This study was supported by physical modeling, by Froude similarly, and also by literature disposed methods, which helped to define the involved parameters. ⁂ The flow characteristics were investigated in two patterns of scour holes geometries, in a fixed bottom (non-erodible), through the dynamic pressures distributed along their solid contours. The scale effect on dynamic pressures, between two-dimensional physical models at 1:50 and 1:100 scales, were identified based on the boundary conditions of the Reynolds and Weber numbers. This made it possible to consolidate dimensionless relationships that explain the phenomenon regarding the measured parameter of dynamic pressures. However, it was observed that the geometric pattern of the scour hole governs the macroturbulence within the scour hole. Thus, while the scale effects exerts significant influence on the mean dynamic pressures at the plunging jet impinge spot on the bottom, the effects of the scour hole geometric pattern prevail over the dynamic pressure distribution that occurs along the solid contours of the pit. ⁂ The variation in the shape of the pit was recorded through three-dimensional samples of scour holes, both for prototype and for 1:100 scale model tests, using cohesive bed. Thus, the characteristics of these scour holes were analyzed, describing them through geometric parameters, which allowed the review of issues about the safety around the scour hole, through the behavior of parameters such as the scour hole spreading index, and the regression tendency of the scour hole upstream edge. ⁂ In order to incorporate more details to the scientific knowledge about the scour hole geometry, a method provided in the bibliography for the calculation of the longitudinal profile of the pit was verified regarding the use of geomechanical parameters, which combined define the erodibility of the rock mass. In the scope of the hydrodynamic performance of the flow, the resulting scour hole profile was verified regarding the energy dissipation zone, necessary to support the development of the plunging jet and the recirculation of the confined hydraulic jump, in an equilibrium state, that is, when erosions cease on the solid contours of the pit. ⁂ The verified methods, as well as the proposed parameter relationships, are part of a broad technique, systematized in the present thesis, which contributes to the adoption of monitoring indexes of the scour hole evolution

    Universo Entreaberto

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    Evaluating three methods to estimate the number of individuals from a commingled context.

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    An estimate of how many individuals are represented in a commingled assemblage is important to interpret the wider context (archaeologically or forensically), for further analyses, and for palaeodemographic studies. The aim of this study was to establish whether the Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI) and Minimum Number of Elements (MNE) estimates produced by three different methods (traditional MNI (White, 1953); zonation method (Knüsel and Outram, 2004); the landmark method (Mack et al., 2015)) are the same or, if different, to evaluate these differences. The methods were applied to an assemblage recovered from a Spanish medieval cemetery from Navarra and used to estimate the Number of Identified Specimens (NISP), the MNI and the MNE according to each method. Fragmentation analysis was also performed. The results indicate different values of MNE and MNI when applying different methods. White's MNI equaled 84; the MNI by zones 68; and the MNI by landmarks 61. All methods showed differences but the disparity between the traditional MNI and the MNI by landmarks was highest. Furthermore, the results indicate that different methods had a minimal impact on estimates of smaller bones. Individuals may be double counted by White's MNI count and the zonation method, when refitting exercises cannot be applied to all fragments from the same context or site, or if the 50% presence rule is not applied to the method. Finally, these findings have important implications for future analysis of commingled remains, because MNE and MNI estimates, as well as levels of fragmentation can impact on decisions made to further analyse the collection. Further research on a known collection is needed to identify the most reliable method to use