259 research outputs found

    Total Project Planning: Integration of Task Analysis, Safety Analysis and Optimisation Techniques

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    Safe and successful completion of complex projects in industrial environments requires careful planning and collaboration of different stakeholders. This paper presents the integration of three methods (task analysis, safety analysis, and project optimisation) to apply a holistic approach to complex project planning. The attributes and limitations of the separate elements are discussed, and a case study applying the integrated methodology is presented. The results from the case studies indicate that significant benefits in terms of time, cost and safety can be achieved through the application of the integrated methodology

    Road design for senior drivers and pedestrians

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    Due to the ageing of the population and the increasingly larger demands for elderly mobility our profession is facing new issues and requirements. In the future, more attention will have to be paid to the problems and needs of the elderly, as they will constitute a large part of the society. Cognitive, visual and psycho-motor deficiencies of senior drivers which accompany age-related changes, diseases and are often aggravated by drugs were studied in the thesis with the aim to prolong elderly mobility. Because of these changes, senior drivers experience difficulties in merging into traffic, decreased situation awareness, slower reaction times in traffic situations and difficulties in operating the vehicle.\ud In the second part of the thesis, possible solutions from various countries for adapting the road infrastructure to the needs of senior drivers and pedestrians were presented. By adjusting the geometric elements of intersections, building left- and right-turning lanes, improving horizontal and vertical traffic signs as well as traffic lights, replacing traditional intersections with single-lane roundabouts, using advance signals, additional warnings and other improvements it is possible to facilitate elderly mobility and improve their traffic safety. \ud In the practical part of the thesis, we presented a critical evaluation of the existing dangerous section Dolenja Trebuša–Želin and the intersection Dolgi most with the highway access point Ljubljana-west. Based on this, a road design with suggested improvements for senior drivers\ud and pedestrians was developed

    Hotinja vas in nižinska poselitev na zahodnem obrobju Panonske nižine v starejši železni dobi. Ureditev naselja in njegovo časovno mesto

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    The article presents the main features of the lowland site of Hotinja vas in the edge of the Drava River plain from the Early Iron Age, the Ha C2–C2/D1 phase. The site was discovered during excavations that accompanied the construction of the Slovenian highway network. Main attention is focused on presenting the discovered dwelling remains, settlement plans, and indicators of its arrangement. Activities are also presented that were recognized on the basis of finds and scientific analyses that were undertaken. The settlement was, as expected, short-lived and was classified chronologically on the basis of study of the finds, statistical analysis of the radiocarbon dates, and the characteristics of the stratigraphic sequence. The significance of the settlement and analogies with other, mostly rural, Iron Age lowland settlements in the Pannonian plain are emphasized.V prispevku so predstavljene glavne značilnosti nižinskega najdišča Hotinja vas na Dravskem polju iz starejše železne dobe, iz stopnje Ha C2–C2/D1. Najdišče je bilo odkrito v sklopu raziskav, ki so spremljale gradnjo slovenskega avtocestnega križa. Glavna pozornost je usmerjena na predstavitev odkritih stavbnih ostalin, naselbinskega tlorisa in pokazateljev njegove ureditve. Predstavljene so dejavnosti, ki so bile ugotovljene na podlagi najdb in naravoslovnih analiz. Naselje je bilo domnevno kratkotrajno in je časovno opredeljeno na podlagi študije najdb, statistične analize radiokarbonskih datacij in značilnosti stratigrafske sekvence. Prikazana sta značaj naselja in primerljivost z drugimi, predvsem ruralnimi železnodobnimi nižinskimi naselbinami v Panonski nižini

    Analysis of suitability of cloud subscription packages

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    Cloud computing consists of server resources offered as services. Over the years, the availability and affordability have been improving, which allows large cloud providers to host cloud services of smaller providers. These solutions are becoming increasingly interesting to companies with smaller assets, which begets the question if the model is suitable for micro and small companies. In order to find the answer, we ran a set of measurements on a micro company’s test cloud. Before performing the measurements, it was necessary to ascertain the expected business model, which was then used as a base to determine the typical load. Measurements of cloud resources were performed through simulated runs of the typical load. Throughout this work, we present a technique how to better ascertain whether it is financially sound to provide cloud services. Finally, we show that it may be suitable even for micro companies to become cloud providers

    Ship-to-ship LNG Bunkering: Risk Assessment and Safety Zones

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    In this paper risk assessment for the ship to ship LNG bunkering is carried out by exploiting the results of the projects “SUstainability PERformance of LNG-based maritime mobility – PLUS” (SUPER-LNG PLUS) financed by Interreg-Adrion and the project “Risk management system for design and operation of installations for LNG refuelling” (TRiTON) financed by the Greek government. Ship to ship bunkering constitutes a simple method when storage tanks cannot be installed in the port areas. In brief, risk assessment is conducted in the following basic steps: a) assessment of plant damage states and their frequency of occurrence, b) assessment of consequences and c) risk integration. First, the Master Logic Diagram (MLD) technique is used to identify the initial events that create a disturbance in the installation and have the potential to lead to an LNG release during a ship to ship bunkering operation. Moreover, safety functions and systems for preventing LNG release, are identified and Event trees are developed to model the accident sequences which lead to damage states. By exploiting available failure rate data, the frequency of each damage state is estimated. In parallel, the consequences of LNG release are estimated based on the heat radiation or overpressure dose an individual receives. Finally, iso-risk contours are calculated by combining the frequencies of the various accidents with the corresponding consequences. A case study for a ship to ship bunkering in a Greek port is presented

    A High Capacity Calcium Primary Cell Based on the Ca–S System

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    Conversion reaction cells afford the ability to explore new energy storage paradigms that transcend the dogma of small, low‐charge cations essential to intercalative processes. Here we report the use of earth‐abundant and green calcium and sulfur in unprecedented conversion reaction Ca–S primary cells. Using S‐infiltrated mesoporous carbon (abbreviated S@meso‐C) cathodes, we achieve discharge capacities as high as 600 mAh g^(−1) (S basis) within the geometry Ca|Ca(ClO_4)_2/CH_3CN|S@meso‐C, at a discharge rate of C/3.5. The electrolyte system in the Ca–S battery is of paramount importance as the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) formed on the Ca anode limits the capacity and stability of the cell. We determine that 0.5 M Ca(ClO_4)_2 in CH_3CN forms an SEI that advantageously breaks down under anodic bias to allow oxidation of the anode. This same SEI, however, exhibits high impedance which increases over time at open circuit limiting the shelf life of the cell

    Evaluación ambiental y planificación de la expansión agropecuaria y forestal en la cuenca del río Miriñay

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    La cuenca del río Miriñay en la provincia de Corrientes constituye un área de creciente actividad económica en relación con el cultivo de arroz. Con el objetivo de evaluar ambientalmente la realización y acumulación de proyectos agropecuarios y forestales en la cuenca, se consideró el consumo de agua y la pérdida de ambientes naturales tanto de los proyectos ya realizados como de las posibilidades de expansión a futuro. Se elaboraron mapas de cobertura del suelo para los años 2000 y 2014 a partir de imágenes satelitales. Se desarrolló un modelo hidrológico con el cual se simuló un escenario natural, representativo de las condiciones anteriores al cambio del uso del suelo. Se generaron tres escenarios de expansión considerando la construcción de nuevas represas para riego de arroz y el desarrollo de otras actividades productivas. Al año 2014 las áreas transformadas representaban 12,9% de la cuenca, con 114.260 ha de arroz/pasturas, 15.058 ha de embalses y 26.745 ha de forestaciones. Comparando los indicadores de balance hídrico entre el escenario natural y el actual se observaron variaciones de distinto signo y magnitud en las diferentes subcuencas, con disminuciones que no superan el 8% y aumentos que no llegan al 2%. Del análisis de la pérdida de ambientes naturales en los escenarios futuros se observó que, si bien a nivel de toda la cuenca no pareciera superarse un límite crítico, tres subcuencas llegan a muy altos niveles de transformación en el escenario a largo plazo. Para esos escenarios los cambios en el balance hídrico anual serán relativamente menores. Con el propósito de mitigar el impacto de la pérdida de ambientes naturales, se propone la planificación integrada y el ordenamiento territorial de la cuenca a través de la regulación del porcentaje máximo de cambio de uso del suelo, permitiendo así desarrollar el potencial productivo sin poner en riesgo la conservación de los ambientes naturales.Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen InstitucionalFil: Guizburg, Rubén G. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución. Grupo de Estudios de Sistemas Ecológicos en Ambientes Agrícolas; ArgentinaFil: Torrella, Sebastián A. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución. Grupo de Estudios de Sistemas Ecológicos en Ambientes Agrícolas; ArgentinaFil: Menéndez, A. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución. Grupo de Estudios de Sistemas Ecológicos en Ambientes Agrícolas; ArgentinaFil: Sabarots Gerbec, Martín. Instituto Nacional del Agua. Laboratorio de Hidráulica; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Adámoli, Jorge. Instituto Nacional del Agua. Laboratorio de Hidráulica; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Rujana, Mario Rubén. Instituto Correntino del Agua y del Ambiente; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin