109 research outputs found

    Elastic turbulence in curvilinear flows of polymer solutions

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    Following our first report (A. Groisman and V. Steinberg, \sl Nature 405\bf 405, 53 (2000)) we present an extended account of experimental observations of elasticity induced turbulence in three different systems: a swirling flow between two plates, a Couette-Taylor (CT) flow between two cylinders, and a flow in a curvilinear channel (Dean flow). All three set-ups had high ratio of width of the region available for flow to radius of curvature of the streamlines. The experiments were carried out with dilute solutions of high molecular weight polyacrylamide in concentrated sugar syrups. High polymer relaxation time and solution viscosity ensured prevalence of non-linear elastic effects over inertial non-linearity, and development of purely elastic instabilities at low Reynolds number (Re) in all three flows. Above the elastic instability threshold, flows in all three systems exhibit features of developed turbulence. Those include: (i)randomly fluctuating fluid motion excited in a broad range of spatial and temporal scales; (ii) significant increase in the rates of momentum and mass transfer (compared to those expected for a steady flow with a smooth velocity profile). Phenomenology, driving mechanisms, and parameter dependence of the elastic turbulence are compared with those of the conventional high Re hydrodynamic turbulence in Newtonian fluids.Comment: 23 pages, 26 figure

    Fundamental scaling laws of on-off intermittency in a stochastically driven dissipative pattern forming system

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    Noise driven electroconvection in sandwich cells of nematic liquid crystals exhibits on-off intermittent behaviour at the onset of the instability. We study laser scattering of convection rolls to characterize the wavelengths and the trajectories of the stochastic amplitudes of the intermittent structures. The pattern wavelengths and the statistics of these trajectories are in quantitative agreement with simulations of the linearized electrohydrodynamic equations. The fundamental τ3/2\tau^{-3/2} distribution law for the durations τ\tau of laminar phases as well as the power law of the amplitude distribution of intermittent bursts are confirmed in the experiments. Power spectral densities of the experimental and numerically simulated trajectories are discussed.Comment: 20 pages and 17 figure

    Stem cell function and stress response are controlled by protein synthesis.

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    Whether protein synthesis and cellular stress response pathways interact to control stem cell function is currently unknown. Here we show that mouse skin stem cells synthesize less protein than their immediate progenitors in vivo, even when forced to proliferate. Our analyses reveal that activation of stress response pathways drives both a global reduction of protein synthesis and altered translational programmes that together promote stem cell functions and tumorigenesis. Mechanistically, we show that inhibition of post-transcriptional cytosine-5 methylation locks tumour-initiating cells in this distinct translational inhibition programme. Paradoxically, this inhibition renders stem cells hypersensitive to cytotoxic stress, as tumour regeneration after treatment with 5-fluorouracil is blocked. Thus, stem cells must revoke translation inhibition pathways to regenerate a tissue or tumour.This work was funded by Cancer Research UK (CR-UK), Worldwide Cancer Research, the Medical Research Council (MRC), the European Research Council (ERC), and EMBO. Research in Michaela Frye's laboratory is supported by a core support grant from the Wellcome Trust and MRC to the Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Cambridge Stem Cell Institute.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature1828

    The Ionizing Radiation-Induced Bystander Effect: Evidence, Mechanism, and Significance

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    It has long been considered that the important biological effects of ionizing radiation are a direct consequence of unrepaired or misrepaired DNA damage occurring in the irradiated cells. It was presumed that no effect would occur in cells in the population that receive no direct radiation exposure. However, in vitro evidence generated over the past two decades has indicated that non-targeted cells in irradiated cell cultures also experience significant biochemical and phenotypic changes that are often similar to those observed in the targeted cells. Further, nontargeted tissues in partial body-irradiated rodents also experienced stressful effects, including oxidative and oncogenic effects. This phenomenon, termed the “bystander response,” has been postulated to impact both the estimation of health risks of exposure to low doses/low fluences of ionizing radiation and the induction of second primary cancers following radiotherapy. Several mechanisms involving secreted soluble factors, oxidative metabolism, gap-junction intercellular communication, and DNA repair, have been proposed to regulate radiation-induced bystander effects. The latter mechanisms are major mediators of the system responses to ionizing radiation exposure, and our knowledge of the biochemical and molecular events involved in these processes is reviewed in this chapter

    Extensive astrocyte synchronization advances neuronal coupling in slow wave activity in vivo

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    Slow wave activity (SWA) is a characteristic brain oscillation in sleep and quiet wakefulness. Although the cell types contributing to SWA genesis are not yet identified, the principal role of neurons in the emergence of this essential cognitive mechanism has not been questioned. To address the possibility of astrocytic involvement in SWA, we used a transgenic rat line expressing a calcium sensitive fluorescent protein in both astrocytes and interneurons and simultaneously imaged astrocytic and neuronal activity in vivo. Here we demonstrate, for the first time, that the astrocyte network display synchronized recurrent activity in vivo coupled to UP states measured by field recording and neuronal calcium imaging. Furthermore, we present evidence that extensive synchronization of the astrocytic network precedes the spatial build-up of neuronal synchronization. The earlier extensive recruitment of astrocytes in the synchronized activity is reinforced by the observation that neurons surrounded by active astrocytes are more likely to join SWA, suggesting causality. Further supporting this notion, we demonstrate that blockade of astrocytic gap junctional communication or inhibition of astrocytic Ca2+ transients reduces the ratio of both astrocytes and neurons involved in SWA. These in vivo findings conclusively suggest a causal role of the astrocytic syncytium in SWA generation

    навчальний посібник

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    Психолого-педагогічні та правові засади діяльності поліції із захисту прав дитини : навч. посіб. / [Д. В. Швець, О. М. Бандурка, О. І. Федоренко та ін.], за заг. ред. Д. В. Швеця; МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків: ХНУВС, 2020. – 284 с. – ISBN 978-966-610-175-7.Shvets D. V. (ed.), 2020. Psychological, Pedagogical and Legal Principles of Police Activities on Protecting Children Rights [Psykholoho-pedahohichni ta pravovi zasady diialnosti politsii iz zakhystu prav dytyny]. Kharkiv: Kharkivskyi natsionalnyi universytet vnutrishnikh sprav.У навчальному посібнику висвітлено матеріал, що відображає сучасний стан питань щодо психолого-педагогічних та правових аспектів захисту прав дітей, особливостей реагування і профілактики злочинів проти дитинства та злочинів неповнолітніх. Для курсантів і студентів, психологів та науково-педагогічного складу закладів вищої освіти МВС, практичних психологів, працівників підрозділів ювенальної превенції, патрульної поліції, дільничних офіцерів поліції та всіх, хто цікавиться діяльністю поліції із захисту прав дитини.The textbook covers material that reflects the current state of issues on psychological, pedagogical and legal aspects of protection of children's rights, features of response and prevention of crimes against childhood and juvenile delinquency. For cadets and students, psychologists and scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, practical psychologists, employees of juvenile prevention units, patrol police, police officers and anyone interested in the activity police for the protection of children's rights.В учебном пособии освещены материал, отражающий современное состояние вопросов психолого-педагогических и правовых аспектов защиты прав детей, особенностей реагирования и профилактики преступлений против детства и преступлений несовершеннолетних. Для курсантов и студентов, психологов и научно-педагогического состава высших учебных заведений МВД, практических психологов, работников подразделений ювенальной превенции, патрульной полиции, участковых офицеров полиции и всех, кто интересуется деятельностью полиции по защите прав ребенка

    Ribosome profiling reveals the what, when, where and how of protein synthesis

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    Ribosome profiling, which involves the deep sequencing of ribosome-protected mRNA fragments, is a powerful tool for globally monitoring translation in vivo. The method has facilitated discovery of the regulation of gene expression underlying diverse and complex biological processes, of important aspects of the mechanism of protein synthesis, and even of new proteins, by providing a systematic approach for experimental annotation of coding regions. Here, we introduce the methodology of ribosome profiling and discuss examples in which this approach has been a key factor in guiding biological discovery, including its prominent role in identifying thousands of novel translated short open reading frames and alternative translation products

    Nanotechnological Approaches to Therapeutic Delivery Using Elastin-Like Recombinamers

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