218 research outputs found

    La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en pacientes con degeneración macular asociada con la edad

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    La degeneración macular asociada con la edad (DMAE) es una enfermedad de la retina que no solo afecta la función visual, sino que influye en la salud general del paciente y en su calidad de vida por esta razón, la medición de la salud visual típicamente efectuada con los indicadores clínicos debe, además, abarcar una evaluación que permita obtener un valor numérico que represente la enfermedad dentro del estado funcional del paciente. Objetivo establecer diferencias estadísticamente significativas de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) en los participantes diagnosticados con DMAE y en pacientes sanos. Metodología: estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal muestra para pruebas piloto con un total de diecisiete participantes sanos y trece participantes con DMAE. Un especialista efectuó una valoración de retina y aplicó el cuestionario de CVRS denominado National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEI VFQ-25) posteriormente, se desarrolló un análisis estadístico para correlacionar los datos entre los dos grupos. Resultados: se establecieron diferencias en la CVRS entre participantes con DMAE e individuos sanos se encontró en las subescalas visión general, actividades de cerca, actividad a distancia, función social, dificultad en un rol, dependencia, visión del color y bienestar y sufrimiento diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p ≤ 0,05). Conclusiones: los participantes con DMAE presentaron una disminución de la CVRS, asociada a puntuaciones más bajas en las subescalas del NEI VFQ-25

    Estratigrafía sísmica de alta resolución frente a Tambo de Mora (12.5°S - 13.5°S)

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    En junio el año 2017, el INGEMMET lideró el crucero INGEMAR II a bordo del nuevo buque de investigación BAP Carrasco donde se adquirió sísmica de refl exión monocanal de alta resolución con el perfilador de subsuelo SBP120 de KONGSBERG frente a Tambo de Mora. El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar un modelo estratigráfico de alta resolución (escala de decenas de metros) en la plataforma continental de la zona de estudio. En base al reconocimiento estratigráfico sísmico se han diferenciado dos zonas en plataforma: (1) el sector norte el cual es y habría sido afectado por una dinámica intensa de corrientes de fondo marino durante periodos de escala milenial, (2) el sector sur que habría estado en una zona protegida en el pasado reciente dado que existe una superficie de máxima inundación producto de una subida del nivel del mar asociándolo a un periodo transgresivo marino (Transgresive System Tract – TST)

    Esporogénesis y esporas de <i>Equisetum bogotense</i> (Equisetaceae) de las áreas montañosas de Colombia

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    Sporogenesis and spores of Equisetum bogotense (Equisetaceae) from mountain areas of Colombia. Studies on some reproductive traits in Equisetum species are scarce and valuable to understand species distribution. Therefore, a detailed study of the sporogenesis process and spore development in E. bogotense is presented, with an analysis of the main events during meiosis, maturation of spores, spore wall ultrastructure, orbicules and elaters. Specimens were collected from 500 to 4 500m in Cauca, Colombia. Strobili at different maturation stages were fixed, dehydrated, embedded in resin, and ultra-microtome obtained sections were stained with Toluidine blue. Observations were made with optical microscopy with differential interference contrast illumination technique (DIC), transmission and scanning electron microscopy (TEM and SEM). Ultrathin sections (70-80μm) for TEM observations were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate; while samples for SEM observations, were fixed, dehydrated in 2.2-dimethoxypropane and dried at critical point as in standard methods. Strobili have numerous mature sporangiophores, each one with a peltate structure, the scutellum, bearing five-six sessile sporangia attached to the axis of strobilus by the manubrium. Immature sporocytes (spore mother cells) are tightly packed within the young sporangia. The sporocytes quickly undergo meiosis, by passing the stage of archesporium and give origin to tetrads of spores. The tapetum loses histological integrity during early stages of sporogenesis, intrudes as a plasmodial mass into the cavity of the sporangium, partially surrounding premeiotic sporocytes, and then, tetrads and adult spores. The tapetum disintegrates towards the end of the sporogenesis, leaving spores free within the sporangial cavity. Spores present several cytological changes that allow them to achieve greater size and increase the number of plastids, before reaching the adult stage. Sporoderm includes three layers external to the cytoplasmic membrane of the spore cell, and they are pseudoendospore, exospore and perispore. Viewed with SEM, the exospore is smooth to rugulate, with micro perforations, while the perispore is muriform, rugate, with narrow, delicate, discontinuous, randomly distributed folds delimiting incomplete, irregular areolae, externally covered by of different size, densely distributed orbicules. These orbicules are also found all over the external face and margins of the elaters, while the internal face is smooth and lack orbicules. Viewed with TEM, the exospore is a thick layer of fine granular material, while perispore is a thinner layer of dense, separate orbicules. The elaters are composed by two layers of fibrillar material: an inner layer with longitudinally oriented fibrils and an outer, thicker and less dense layer with fibrils transversely fibrils and abundant, external orbicules. It is suggested that the processes of ontogeny and characters of the sporoderm are relatively constant in Equisetum; however, sporogenesis in E. bogotense is synchronous and this condition has been observed so far only in E. giganteum, a tropical genus also found in Colombia.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Esporogénesis y esporas de <i>Equisetum bogotense</i> (Equisetaceae) de las áreas montañosas de Colombia

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    Sporogenesis and spores of Equisetum bogotense (Equisetaceae) from mountain areas of Colombia. Studies on some reproductive traits in Equisetum species are scarce and valuable to understand species distribution. Therefore, a detailed study of the sporogenesis process and spore development in E. bogotense is presented, with an analysis of the main events during meiosis, maturation of spores, spore wall ultrastructure, orbicules and elaters. Specimens were collected from 500 to 4 500m in Cauca, Colombia. Strobili at different maturation stages were fixed, dehydrated, embedded in resin, and ultra-microtome obtained sections were stained with Toluidine blue. Observations were made with optical microscopy with differential interference contrast illumination technique (DIC), transmission and scanning electron microscopy (TEM and SEM). Ultrathin sections (70-80μm) for TEM observations were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate; while samples for SEM observations, were fixed, dehydrated in 2.2-dimethoxypropane and dried at critical point as in standard methods. Strobili have numerous mature sporangiophores, each one with a peltate structure, the scutellum, bearing five-six sessile sporangia attached to the axis of strobilus by the manubrium. Immature sporocytes (spore mother cells) are tightly packed within the young sporangia. The sporocytes quickly undergo meiosis, by passing the stage of archesporium and give origin to tetrads of spores. The tapetum loses histological integrity during early stages of sporogenesis, intrudes as a plasmodial mass into the cavity of the sporangium, partially surrounding premeiotic sporocytes, and then, tetrads and adult spores. The tapetum disintegrates towards the end of the sporogenesis, leaving spores free within the sporangial cavity. Spores present several cytological changes that allow them to achieve greater size and increase the number of plastids, before reaching the adult stage. Sporoderm includes three layers external to the cytoplasmic membrane of the spore cell, and they are pseudoendospore, exospore and perispore. Viewed with SEM, the exospore is smooth to rugulate, with micro perforations, while the perispore is muriform, rugate, with narrow, delicate, discontinuous, randomly distributed folds delimiting incomplete, irregular areolae, externally covered by of different size, densely distributed orbicules. These orbicules are also found all over the external face and margins of the elaters, while the internal face is smooth and lack orbicules. Viewed with TEM, the exospore is a thick layer of fine granular material, while perispore is a thinner layer of dense, separate orbicules. The elaters are composed by two layers of fibrillar material: an inner layer with longitudinally oriented fibrils and an outer, thicker and less dense layer with fibrils transversely fibrils and abundant, external orbicules. It is suggested that the processes of ontogeny and characters of the sporoderm are relatively constant in Equisetum; however, sporogenesis in E. bogotense is synchronous and this condition has been observed so far only in E. giganteum, a tropical genus also found in Colombia.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Variables de operación en el proceso de transesterificación de aceites vegetales: una revisión - catálisis química

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados de una revisión bibliográfica de los efectos de las variables de operación sobre el rendi- miento en la transesterificación química de aceites vegetales. Las variables estudiadas fueron: temperatura y tiempo de reacción, concentración molar alcohol:aceite vegetal, tipo de alcohol, tipo de catalizador, concentración de catalizador, intensidad del mezclado, y concentración de ácidos grasos libre y humedad. También se reporta que este proceso se ha llevado a cabo em- pleando catalizadores ácidos y básicos, a través de procesos catalíticos homogéneos y heterogéneos, para una amplia variedad de aceites. Se encontró que el rendimiento de la reacción se incrementa cuando la temperatura y el tiempo de reacción aumen- ta, pero disminuye a bajas concentraciones de catalizador ( and lt; 0,5% w/w) y altos contenidos de ácidos grasos libres ( and gt; 1% w/w) y humedad ( and gt; 3% w/w) en el aceite.This article describes the results of a bibliographic review of the effects of operation conditions on process yield in the chemical transesterification of vegetable oil. The parameters studied were: temperature and time reaction, alcohol:oil molar ratio, catalyst and alcohol type, catalyst concentration, mixed intensity and free fatty acid and water concentration. It also reports that this pro- cess has been carried out with basic and acid catalysts using homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic processes for a wide va- riety of oils. It was found that reaction yield increased when temperature and time reaction increased; however this parameter de- creased at low catalyst concentration ( 1% w/w) and water ( and gt; 3% w/w) concentration in oil

    Solid-State Synthesis and Phase Transitions in the RE2(MoO4)3 Family Monitored by Thermodiffraction

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    Solid-state synthesis and phase transitions of RE2(MoO4)3 (RE ≡ Nd, Sm, Eu, and Gd) samples have been monitored by X-ray thermodiffraction with synchrotron radiation. The experiment was divided in two stages. In the first heating, different non-stoichiometric molybdates (Eu4Mo7O27, Eu2Mo4O15, and Pr2Mo4O15 structure types) emerged from the RE2O3 and MoO3 oxides before the expected phases (with α-Eu2(WO4)3 and La2(MoO4)3 structure types and the β-Gd2(MoO4)3 phase). The formation and coexistence of intermediate phases have been explained by common structural motifs with unit cell volumes per atom among those with the formula RE2(MoO4)3. Subsequent heating–cooling cycles showed the occurrence of the reversible and reconstructive α [La2(MoO4)3] ↔ β phase transition, including the less common transition β → α [La2(MoO4)3] obtained by heating the β′-Gd2(MoO4)3 phase from room temperature and clarifying much of the controversy in the literature. The transition mechanisms were studied by proposing a common supercell and comparing the RE and vacancy ordering within similar layers of MoO42– tetrahedra. The possible formation of stacking faults in Nd2(MoO4)3 was explained as a mixture of modulated scheelite phases. This research supports the importance of a directed and rational synthesis analyzing the intermediate products and their phase transitions for the enrichment of materials with new or improved properties.This work has been partially supported by the Agencia Canaria de Investigación, the Innovación y Sociedad de la Información of Gobierno Autónomo de Canarias (PROID2021010027, PROID202101010, and PROID2020010067), and by Cajacanarias Foundation (from Caixa Bank, Spain) with code 2021ECO5. We also wish to thank the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) organization, in particular, the BM25A beamline

    Resultados geoquímicos y mineralógicos preliminares del testigo de sedimento marino obtenido frente a Tambo de Mora (13°s) en la campaña INGEMAR II

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    El Instituto Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET) en cooperación estratégica con la Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación (DHN) de la Marina de Guerra del Perú (MGP) han iniciado un reconocimiento sistemático y detallado del fondo marino peruano. Durante el Crucero INGEMAR II a bordo del BAP Carrasco se obtuvo un testigo de sedimento (88 cm) frente a las costas de Tambo de Mora, a 135 m de profundidad en la plataforma continental. El objetivo es caracterizar la composición mineralógica y elemental del registro sedimentario de los testigos. En este trabajo se presenta la radiografía, composición elemental, mineral y orgánica del testigo mencionado. Particularmente, se observa que los sedimentos limo- arcillosos están relacionadas con valores altos de materia orgánica, bajo porcentaje de terrígenos (silicatos) carbonatos, y minerales variados como la pirita framboidal, calcita y clorita. En contraste, las partes del testigo donde la granulometría del sedimento es arena fina, se observa niveles reducidos de materia orgánica, altos porcentaje de terrígenos (80%) suelen estar acompañados por ocurrencias de albita y zirconio. Un nivel rico en conchas desarticuladas (75-74 cm del testigo) corresponde a corrientes de turbidez. El presente estudio representa el primer paso de INGEMMET para explorar testigos de sedimento marino en el Mar Peruano. Del análisis realizado se ha obtenido conocimiento valioso para entender la evolución geológica y deposicional del margen convergente peruano

    Laponite Composites:In Situ Films Forming as a Possible Healing Agent

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    A healing material must have desirable characteristics such as maintaining a physiological environment, protective barrier-forming abilities, exudate absorption, easy handling, and non-toxicity. Laponite is a synthetic clay with properties such as swelling, physical crosslinking, rheological stability, and drug entrapment, making it an interesting alternative for developing new dressings. This study evaluated its performance in lecithin/gelatin composites (LGL) as well as with the addition of maltodextrin/sodium ascorbate mixture (LGL MAS). These materials were applied as nanoparticles, dispersed, and prepared by using the gelatin desolvation method—eventually being turned into films via the solvent-casting method. Both types of composites were also studied as dispersions and films. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and rheological techniques were used to characterize the dispersions, while the films’ mechanical properties and drug release were determined. Laponite in an amount of 8.8 mg developed the optimal composites, reducing the particulate size and avoiding the agglomeration by its physical crosslinker and amphoteric properties. On the films, it enhanced the swelling and provided stability below 50 °C. Moreover, the study of drug release in maltodextrin and sodium ascorbate from LGL MAS was fitted to first-order and Korsmeyer–Peppas models, respectively. The aforementioned systems represent an interesting, innovative, and promising alternative in the field of healing materials.</p

    Abdomen agudo quirúrgico en el adulto mayor

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    Introduction: with the aging of the population an increasing number of patients attend consultation for acute abdominal symptoms that require timely and comprehensive care. Objective: to describe the causes and evolution of the acute surgical abdomen in the elderly. Methods: a descriptive observational study was carried out at the “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Hospital in the Province of Villa Clara from January 2017 to December 2018. The population consisted of 780 patients who entered the Surgery Services for acute abdomen. Sex, age, cause of acute surgical abdomen and post-surgical complications were study variables. Methods of descriptive statistics were used. The information was extracted from the medical records. Results: 54.2% were men and there was a predominance of the age group between 60 and 70 years. Complicated abdominal wall hernias were the disease with the highest incidence (34.7%), 81.4% of the adults who had undergone surgery had no post-surgical complications and mortality was 1.4%. Conclusions: the main causes of acute surgical abdomen in the elderly patient in this series were complicated abdominal wall herniation, acute appendicitis, intestinal occlusion and acute cholecystitis. There were low complications and mortality rates. The control of the acute surgical abdomen depends on the careful evaluation of the acute condition and the elective correction of known abdominal diseases.Introducción: con el envejecimiento de la población un número cada vez mayor de pacientes asisten a consulta por síntomas abdominales agudos que requieren una atención oportuna e integral. Objetivo: describir las causas y la evolución del abdomen agudo quirúrgico en el adulto mayor. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en el Hospital “Arnaldo Milián Castro” de la Provincia de Villa Clara de enero de 2017 a diciembre de 2018. La población estuvo constituida por 780 pacientes que ingresaron a los Servicios de Cirugía por abdomen agudo. Constituyeron variables de estudio el sexo, la edad, la causa de abdomen agudo quirúrgico y las complicaciones postquirúrgicas. Se emplearon métodos de la estadística descriptiva. La información fue extraída de las historias clínicas. Resultados: el 54,2% fueron hombres y se observó predominio del grupo de edad comprendido entre 60 y 70 años. Las hernias de la pared abdominal complicadas fueron la enfermedad de mayor incidencia (34,7%), el 81,4% de los adultos mayores intervenidos no presentaron complicaciones postquirúrgicas y la mortalidad fue de 1,4%. Conclusiones: las principales causas de abdomen agudo quirúrgico en el paciente adulto mayor en esta serie fueron la hernia de la pared abdominal complicada, la apendicitis aguda, la oclusión intestinal y la colecistitis aguda. Se presentaron bajas tasa de complicaciones y mortalidad. El control del abdomen agudo quirúrgico depende de la evaluación cuidadosa del cuadro agudo y de la corrección electiva de las enfermedades abdominales conocidas

    Servicios de gestión de infraestructura IT en zentyal server 5.0

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    Las imágenes adjuntas intentan dar una explicación gráfica de los resultados obtenidos en el proceso de despliegue de los módulos.En la siguiente actividad se da a conocer la implementación, instalación y configuración de Zentyal Server en su versión 5.0 distribución de GNU/Linux que consta de un panel de control en una interfaz gráfica, el cual permite la configuración e implementación de varios servicios de comunicación que se ajustan a la necesidad del usuario, estableciendo seguridad para los paquetes y una comunicación estable y beneficiosa para el sistema.In the following activity the implementation, installation and configuration of Zentyal Server 5.0 GNU / Linux distribution is presented. It has a control panel in a graphical interface, which allows the configuration and implementation of several communication services that adjust to the user's need, establishing security for packets and stable and beneficial communication for the system