40 research outputs found

    Removal of floral microbiota reduces floral terpene emissions

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    The emission of floral terpenes plays a key role in pollination in many plant species. We hypothesized that the floral phyllospheric microbiota could significantly influence these floral terpene emissions because microorganisms also produce and emit terpenes. We tested this hypothesis by analyzing the effect of removing the microbiota from flowers. We fumigated Sambucus nigra L. plants, including their flowers, with a combination of three broad-spectrum antibiotics and measured the floral emissions and tissular concentrations in both antibiotic-fumigated and non-fumigated plants. Floral terpene emissions decreased by ca. two thirds after fumigation. The concentration of terpenes in floral tissues did not decrease, and floral respiration rates did not change, indicating an absence of damage to the floral tissues. The suppression of the phyllospheric microbial communities also changed the composition and proportion of terpenes in the volatile blend. One week after fumigation, the flowers were not emitting b-ocimene, linalool, epoxylinalool, and linalool oxide. These results show a key role of the floral phyllospheric microbiota in the quantity and quality of floral terpene emissions and therefore a possible key role in pollination

    The neolithic necropolis of Feixa del Moro (Juberri, Andorra): review and new data

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    [EN] The data presented in this paper resume all the available information on the Feixa del Moro site, correcting old mistakes and bias, updating the 1980s archaeological registers and presenting new analyses as well. Our aim is to ensure that Feixa del Moro remains a reference site for the Pyrenean and Western Mediterranean Neolithic. At the same time, we wish to encourage other researchers to undertake new analyses and to embrace new perspectives in order to improve our understanding of Neolithic societies.[FR] Le travail que nous présentons ici rassemble toutes les données disponibles sur la Feixa del Moro jusqu’à aujourd’hui, expose les confusions détectées dans les sources, actualise les registres archéologiques obtenus dans les années 1980 et présente les résultats des nouvelles analyses effectuées. Grâce à cette démarche nous souhaitons que ce site continue d’être une référence pour le Néolithique dans les Pyrénées et la Méditerranée occidentale. Nous souhaitons également attirer l’attention d’autres chercheurs afin qu’ils continuent d’analyser et d’apporter de nouveaux éléments et de nouvelles approches pour mieux comprendre les sociétés néolithiques.Peer Reviewe

    Shifts in plant foliar and floral metabolomes in response to the suppression of the associated microbiota

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    The phyllospheric microbiota is assumed to play a key role in the metabolism of host plants. Its role in determining the epiphytic and internal plant metabolome, however, remains to be investigated. We analyzed the Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) profiles of the epiphytic and internal metabolomes of the leaves and flowers of Sambucus nigra with and without external antibiotic treatment application. The epiphytic metabolism showed a degree of complexity similar to that of the plant organs. The suppression of microbial communities by topical applications of antibiotics had a greater impact on the epiphytic metabolome than on the internal metabolomes of the plant organs, although even the latter changed significantly both in leaves and flowers. The application of antibiotics decreased the concentration of lactate in both epiphytic and organ metabolomes, and the concentrations of citraconic acid, acetyl-CoA, isoleucine, and several secondary compounds such as terpenes and phenols in the epiphytic extracts. The metabolite pyrogallol appeared in the floral epiphytic community only after the treatment. The concentrations of the amino acid precursors of the ketoglutarate-synthesis pathway tended to decrease in the leaves and to increase in the foliar epiphytic extracts. These results suggest that anaerobic and/or facultative anaerobic bacteria were present in high numbers in the phyllosphere and in the apoplasts of S. nigra. The results also show that microbial communities play a significant role in the metabolomes of plant organs and could have more complex and frequent mutualistic, saprophytic, and/or parasitic relationships with internal plant metabolism than currently assumed. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12870-016-0767-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Les sepultures de la Feixa del Moro

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    A inicis dels anys vuitanta, amb motiu de la realització del primer inventari general del patrimoni arqueològic d’Andorra, es va documentar al paratge conegut com la Feixa del Moro, un sepulcre en cista que, per les seves característiques arquitectòniques i els materials recuperats a l’interior, s’adscrivia al neolític mitjà, també conegut com la cultura dels sepulcres de fossa (Bosch Gimpera 1919). Les intervencions posteriors realitzades en aquesta zona de muntanya van posar al descobert diverses estructures d’hàbitat i de producció, així com dues noves sepultures en cista. La magnitud de la troballa i l’aposta que va fer el director de les intervencions per impulsar anàlisis innovadores varen fer d’aquest jaciment arqueològic un dels referents més importants del neolític del nord-est peninsular vigent encara en l’actualitat. Trenta anys després, un equip pluridisciplinari, en el marc de diferents projectes d’investigació (HAR2011-23149, HAR2015-67323-C2-1/2-P, HAR2016-75201-P), ha analitzat i revisat nombrosos enterraments entre els quals es troba el jaciment de la Feixa del Moro. Amb aquest article, els integrants de l’estudi s’han proposat revisar i actualitzar tota la informació existent de la Feixa del Moro per garantir la coherència i el rigor d’aquestes dades en estudis futurs. Alhora es donen a conèixer els resultats de les darreres anàlisis realitzades per engrescar els investigadors a promoure nous estudis que ajudin a entendre les societats neolítiques. Així doncs, l’article té els objectius següents: 1. Revisar tota la informació existent. 2. Actualitzar les dades. 3. Presentar els nous resultats.Peer reviewe

    Impacts of Global Change on Mediterranean Forests and Their Services

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    The increase in aridity, mainly by decreases in precipitation but also by higher temperatures, is likely the main threat to the diversity and survival of Mediterranean forests. Changes in land use, including the abandonment of extensive crop activities, mainly in mountains and remote areas, and the increases in human settlements and demand for more resources with the resulting fragmentation of the landscape, hinder the establishment of appropriate management tools to protect Mediterranean forests and their provision of services and biodiversity. Experiments and observations indicate that if changes in climate, land use and other components of global change, such as pollution and overexploitation of resources, continue, the resilience of many forests will likely be exceeded, altering their structure and function and changing, mostly decreasing, their capacity to continue to provide their current services. A consistent assessment of the impacts of the changes, however, remains elusive due to the difficulty of obtaining simultaneous and complete data for all scales of the impacts in the same forests, areas and regions. We review the impacts of climate change and other components of global change and their interactions on the terrestrial forests of Mediterranean regions, with special attention to their impacts on ecosystem services. Management tools for counteracting the negative effects of global change on Mediterranean ecosystem- services are finally discussed

    Impacts of global change on Mediterranean forests and their services

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    The increase in aridity, mainly by decreases in precipitation but also by higher temperatures, is likely the main threat to the diversity and survival of Mediterranean forests. Changes in land use, including the abandonment of extensive crop activities, mainly in mountains and remote areas, and the increases in human settlements and demand for more resources with the resulting fragmentation of the landscape, hinder the establishment of appropriate management tools to protect Mediterranean forests and their provision of services and biodiversity. Experiments and observations indicate that if changes in climate, land use and other components of global change, such as pollution and overexploitation of resources, continue, the resilience of many forests will likely be exceeded, altering their structure and function and changing, mostly decreasing, their capacity to continue to provide their current services. A consistent assessment of the impacts of the changes, however,remains elusive due to the difficulty of obtaining simultaneous and complete data for all scales of the impacts in the same forests, areas and regions. We review the impacts of climate change and other components of global change and their interactions on the terrestrial forests of Mediterranean regions, with special attention to their impacts on ecosystem services. Management tools for counteracting the negative effects of global change on Mediterranean ecosystem- services are finally discussed