219 research outputs found


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    Enterprise architecture plan of Karawang public housing agency information system designed using Zachman framework and used as reference for planning an enterprise architecture SETTLEMENT AND HOUSING AREA INFORMATION SYSTEM so that able to build an integrated information system to make the good governance comes true, especially in applications. Data collections have been done by Interviews and document analysis. Analysis parameters used are Strenghts, Weakness, Opportunities, threats (SWOT) dan Value Chain. This Enterprise architecture planning intends to build integrated information system from villages to cities through Karawang public housing agency. The result of this research is a blueprint on zachman framework that can be seen from planner and owner perspective with 4 sides, they are Data (what), Function (how), Network (where), and people (who), so that it can support application process in Karawang public housing agency

    Avaliação de dois ciclos de seleção entre e dentro de famílias de meios-irmãos em duas populações de milho no nordeste brasileiro.

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    Durante os anos agrícolas de 1974/75/76, foram realizados dois ciclos de seleção entre e dentro de famílias de meios-irmãos nas populações do milho (Zea mays L.) Dentado Composto e Flint Composto, em diferentes regiões do Nordeste brasileiro. Em cada ciclo foram avaliadas 500 familias de meios-irmãos, de cada população, em látice simples duplicado 10 x 10, com uma repetição por local. Em 1978, os materiais referentes aos ciclos original I e 11 de cada população foram multiplicados através do cruzamento planta a planta. Em 1979, esses seis tratamentos, juntamente com outras dez populações, foram avaliadas em experimentos, no delineamento de blocos casualizados, cinco repetições e em dois locais, com o objetivo de se averiguar a eficiência da seleção. A análise estatística mostrou ocorrência de variação significativa para ciclos de seleção no Dentado Composto, mas ndo no Flint Composto. Não foi detectada significincia para a interação Ciclos/Dentado x Locais nem para Ciclos/ Flint x Locais. Verificou-se significância. para Restantes x Locais, confirmando a sensibilidade dos materiais do Centro-Sul quanto ao efeito de locais, o que nao ocorreu com as populações que estdo em processo de melhoramento no Nordeste. 0 progresso genético estimado por ciclo anual (coeficiente de regressão linear) foi de 475 kg/ha (15,47%) para o Dentado Compsoto, e de 157,5 kg/ha (5,20%) para o Flint Composto, sendo este último estatisticamente não significativo dentro do nível convencional de probabilidade. Os ganhos observados no presente estudo são indicativos de suficiente variabilidade genética nas duas populações, o que permitirá ganhos substanciais nos subseqiientes ciclos de seleção

    Optimizing memory function in temporal lobe epilepsy

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    PURPOSE: The study aimed to assess whether engagement in a memory training programme and performing internet brain training exercises improve memory function in people with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). METHODS: Seventy-seven people with TLE, complaining of memory difficulties, completed the study. Participants ranged in age from 19 to 67 years and 40 had left TLE. Participants were randomised to one of four conditions; Group 1: traditional memory training, Group 2: Lumosity, an on-line cognitive training programme, Group 3: traditional memory training and Lumosity, and Group 4: no training. Memory efficiency and mood were assessed at baseline and three months later. RESULTS: Group analyses indicated improved verbal recall after training (p<0.001) and improved subjective ratings (p<0.007). More participants reported a lessening of the memory burden (p<0.007) after training; differences were significant between Groups 1 and 3 compared to Group 4. Lumosity use was not associated with changes in the memory outcome measures but there was a relationship with depression ratings and the number of memory games played (p<0.01). Conventional memory training, IQ, and post-surgical status were associated with positive memory outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The study indicates traditional memory rehabilitation techniques can help reduce the burden of memory impairment in TLE. There was no evidence that Lumosity the on-line cognitive training programme had specific advantages. Positive change was not universal and larger studies will be required to explore factors associated with successful outcomes

    Testing angular velocity as a new metric for metabolic demands of slow-moving marine fauna: a case study with Giant spider conchs Lambis truncata

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    BackgroundQuantifying metabolic rate in free-living animals is invaluable in understanding the costs of behaviour and movement for individuals and communities. Dynamic body acceleration (DBA) metrics, such as vectoral DBA (VeDBA), are commonly used as proxies for the energy expenditure of movement but are of limited applicability for slow-moving species. It has recently been suggested that metrics based on angular velocity might be better suited to characterise their energetics. We investigated whether a novel metric—the ‘Rate of change of Rotational Movement (RocRM)’, calculated from the vectoral sum of change in the pitch, roll and yaw/heading axes over a given length of time, is a suitable proxy for energy expenditure.ResultsWe found that RocRM can be used as an alternative energy expenditure proxy in a slow-moving benthic invertebrate. Eleven Giant spider conchs Lambis truncata (collected in the Red Sea) were instrumented with multiple channel (Daily Diary) tags and kept in sealed chambers for 5 h while their oxygen consumption, V̇O2, was measured. We found RocRM to be positively correlated with V̇O2, this relationship being affected by the time-step (i.e. the range of the calculated differential) of the RocRM. Time steps of 1, 5, 10 and 60 s yielded an explained variability of between 15 and 31%. The relationship between V̇O2 and VeDBA was not statistically significant, suggesting RocRM to provide more accurate estimations of metabolic rates in L. truncata.ConclusionsRocRM proved to be a statistically significant predictor of V̇O2 where VeDBA did not, validating the approach of using angular-based metrics over dynamic movement-based ones for slower moving animals. Further work is required to validate the use of RocRM for other species, particularly in animals with minimally dynamic movement, to better understand energetic costs of whole ecosystems. Unexplained variability in the models might be a consequence of the methodology used, but also likely a result of conch activity that does not manifest in movement of the shell. Additionally, density plots of mean RocRM at each time-step suggest differences in movement scales, which may collectively be useful as a species fingerprint of movement going forward

    Evidence-Based Interventions and Strategies for the Grand Challenges Approach: The Need for Judgement

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    What is the value of evidence-based interventions in addressing “Grand Challenges”? Building upon the EPOS Grand Challenges work (Sakhrani et al., 2017), this paper explores whether evidence-based approaches developed for management and policy are relevant to addressing Grand Challenges. It discusses the criticisms of the Evidence-based Management approach and argues that evidence is a necessary, but not sufficient input in the decisionmaking process of addressing Grand Challenges

    Ocorrência de montmorilonita em alguns solos desenvolvidos do arenito de Botucatu

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    Five soil profiles developed from Botucatu Sandstone were selected for a study of the occurrence of montmorillonite. These were, respectively, two Regosols (P1 and P2), two Red-Yellow Podzolic-Laras variation (P3 and P4) and an Intergrade Regosol (P5). A total of 33 samples were taken from these profiles. Particle size distribution and routine chemical characterization was done for all samples. The clay fraction of each sample was submitted to the following analysis: determination of %K2O, silica, alluminum, cation exchange capacity, X-ray diffraction and DTA. Kaolinite was the dominant clay mineral in the soil profiles overlying unconsolidated rock material (P1 and P2) whereas montmorillonite was dominant in those overlying consolidated rock (P3, P4 and P5). Average content of montmorillonite in the Red-Yellow Podzolic profiles overlying stratified sandstone was 35%, whereas for the Intergrade Regosol the average was 57%. The results obtained indicate that montmorillonite is an inherited character in these soils. Profiles P1 and P2 are probably derived from materials other than Botucatu Sandstone.Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar a ocorrência de montmorilonita em solos desenvolvidos do arenito de Botucatu no município de Piracicaba. Tais solos são os seguintes: Regossol (série Ribeirão Claro), Podzólico Vermelho Amarelo-variação Laras (série Ibitiruna) e Regossol "intergrade". para Podzólico Vermelho Amarelo. Foram selecionados cinco perfis, sendo dois pertencentes ao Regossol (perfis P1, e &#929;2), dois ao Podzólico (perfis P3 e P4) e um ao Regossol "intergrade" (perfil &#929;5). As amostras dos cinco perfis, em número de 33, foram tratadas convenientemente para se processar a eliminação de sais solúveis e agentes cimentantes (matéria orgânica, óxidos de ferro livres, etc), e assim facilitar o estudo da fração argila. Nesta fração foram feitas as determinações químicas (% de K2O, silica, alumina e C.T.C.) e mineralógicas (raios X e análise térmica diferencial). Também determinações granulométricas e químicas foram realizadas em todas as amostras. Os perfis &#929;1 e P2, que não apresentaram rocha consolidada, tiveram a caolinita como mineral dominante (acima de 50%). Os perfis &#929;3, &#929;4 e &#929;5, que apresentaram como material de origem a rocha arenítica consolidada, tiveram a montmorilonita como mineral dominante, apresentando todavia, diferenças quanto ao teor desse mineral. Assim, o Podzólico Vermelho Amarelo-variação Laras, que possui o arenito de Botucatu de estratificação plano-paralela como material originário, teve um teor médio de montmorilonita de 35%, enquanto que o Regossol "intergrade" para Podzólico Vermelho Amarelo, com o mesmo arenito, mas de estratificação cruzada como material originário apresentou um teor médio de montmorilonita de 57%. A presença da montmorilonita nestes dois solos se deve a uma herança do material originário e não à formação local, por intemperização. Neste caso, o material originário deve ter tido, em outras épocas, condições favoráveis para a formação deste mineral, ou seja, clima semi-árido, riqueza de Ca, Mg, Na, baixa relação Si/Al e baixo teor de H. Pelos resultados obtidos, os perfis &#929;1 e P2), parecem não pertencer ao arenito de Botucatu. Infelizmente, devido à falta de dados mineralógicos da rocha do arenito de Botucatu de outras regiões do Estado, não foi possível verificar se a ocorrência da montmorilonita é ou não comum neste arenito. Outras pesquisas devem ser executadas visando este objetivo