36 research outputs found

    Radical prostatectomies in Austria, 1997–2004

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The introduction of PSA testing in Austria led to a steep increase of the incidence of prostate cancer. We want to present the course of the number of newly diagnosed cases of prostate cancer in Austria since 1997, and set these numbers in relation to the total of radical prostatectomies (with resection of lymph nodes) in the same time period. All numbers were retrieved from health statistics of Statistics Austria. The report period of cancer cases and of RPE comprises the years 1997–2004. All calculations were performed for totals as well as for 5-year age groups (40–89 years of age).</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The number of prostate cancer cases rose from 1997 to 2004 by 35%, while the number of RPE rose by 94% in the same time period. The proportion of RPE in relation to new cases rose from 41% in 1997 to 59% in 2004.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A slight decrease of prostate cancer mortality can already be observed in Austria, but the question of over-treatment still awaits analysis.</p

    Leistungsfaktoren als potenzielle Auswahlkriterien im Medizinstudium

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    In einer prospektiven Studie an 839 (=70%) StudienanfängerInnen an der Medizini­schen Universität Wien wurden Leistungsfaktoren (Schulnoten, fach­spezifische Vorkenntnisse, allgemeine und fachspezifische Lernleistung) erhoben und mit dem Studienerfolg (Zulassung in das zweite Studienjahr) in Beziehung gesetzt. Es zeigte sich, dass keiner der erhobenen Faktoren, obwohl mehrheitlich signifikant, eine ausreichende Trennschärfe aufweist, um als Auswahlkriterium für die Zulassung zum Medizinstudium eingesetzt zu werden. 25.02.2007 | Oskar FRISCHENSCHLAGER, Lukas MITTERAUER & Gerald HAIDINGER (Wien

    Leistungsbeurteilung im MCW []

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    Cancer mortality in Austria: 1970–2002

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    The prevalence of smoking in Austria

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    Background. A population-based cross-sectional study was performed to assess smoking prevalence in Austria and to compare the results with data from 1986. Methods. A representative sample of Austrians (n = 2,400) who in 1995 were у15 years of age was obtained. A total of 2,065 respondents were interviewed about their smoking habits. Results. Approximately 31% of the population age у15 are regular cigarette smokers, 12% are former smokers, 6% smoke occasionally, and 51% have never smoked. Among males, the prevalence of regular smoking increases with age and reaches its highest level between the ages of 25 and 34. The age distribution among female regular smokers shows a similar pattern, peaking in the same age group (35.7% smokers). No significant differences in smoking prevalence were found according to monthly household income, years of school, and number of inhabitants at place of residence. At the time of interview 45.7% of male and 20.9% of female regular smokers consumed &gt;20 cigarettes per day. Compared with data from 1986 the prevalence of regular smokers increased from 18.1 to 24.2% among females and from 35.5 to 38.9% among males. Conclusions. Smoking prevalence increased in Austria between 1986 and 1995 by 33.7% among females and by 9.6% among males. Patterns of smoking among females (prevalence and cigarettes per day) are approaching those of males