24 research outputs found

    Localisation of mobile robot in known environment using distance sensors

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    Enega temeljnih problemov v mobilni robotiki predstavlja lokalizacija mobilnega robota, saj je uspeh, da se le-ta dobro lokalizira, povezan z različnimi dejavniki. Osnovni pojem pri obravnavani tematiki, predstavlja verjetnost, na temelju česar je tudi nastala verjetnostna robotika, katere verjetnostne teorije so popularne in izredno uspešno uporabljene v praksi. Njihova prednost je predvsem ta, da upoštevajo negotovosti, tako pri izračunih kot tudi pri načrtovanju sistema ter tudi, da z njihovo pomočjo lahko z verjetnostno porazdelitvijo predstavimo stanje nekega sistema. V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočil na splošen problem globalne lokalizacije, katera predstavlja problem znanega zemljevida ter neznane začetne lokacije robota. Za reševanje omenjenega problema je pomembno, da poznamo lokalizacijske algoritme, ter njihove osnove. Algoritmi izračunavajo verjetnostno porazdelitev, tako da je lokalizacija mobilnega robota uspešna. Za namene diplomskega dela sem izvedel dva projekta, pri katerih sem uporabil dva verjetnostna algoritma, histogram filter ter filter delcev. Oba izhajata iz Bayesovega filtra, ki obenem predstavlja izhodišče za vse verjetnostne algoritme. Prvi za predstavitev verjetnostne porazdelitve uporablja diskretno mrežno lokalizacijo (v definirani mreži celic), drugi pa uporablja zvezno Monte Carlo metodo lokalizacije.One of the core problems in mobile robotics is the localisation of the mobile robot, as the success rate of achieving localisation depends on many different factors. The core idea with my chosen topic is represented by probability, which advanced into its own field of robotics – probabilistic robotics, of which theories are incredibly widespread and popular in practice. Their advantage lies mainly in acknowledging uncertaintiesin calculations, system planning and in presenting the state of a certain system through probabilistic distribution The focus of my thesis is in the general problem of global localisation, which represents the problem of the known map and unknown starting location of the robot. In order to solve the aforementioned problem it is important to have knowledge of the localisation algorithms, which calculate the probabilistic distribution in a manner that leads to the successful localisation of a robot. In support of my thesis I engineered two projects, which used two probabilistic algorithms: a histogram filter and a particle filter. Both descend from the Bayes filter, which represents the foundation for all probabilistic algorithms. The former algorithm uses, for the purposes of probabilistic distribution, a discreet grid localisation (in a defined grid cell) while the latter uses the Monte Carlo localisation method

    A glimpse of the lost Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic architecture of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform margin and slope

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    In the southernmost outcrops of the Slovenian Basin the Middle Jurassic coarse-grained limestone breccia (mega)beds are interstratified within a succession that is otherwise dominated by hemipelagites and distal turbidites. In this paper, these beds are described as the Ponikve Breccia Member of the Tolmin Formation. We provide descriptions of the studied sections with detailed geological maps and analysis of the breccia lithoclasts. From the latter, a non-outcropping margin of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform is reconstructed. In the Late Triassic the platform margin was characterized by a Dachstein-type marginal reef. After the end-Triassic extinction event, the platform architecture remained, but the reefs were replaced by sand shoals characterized by ooids. In the late Early Jurassic and/or early Middle Jurassic a slope area might have been dissected by normal faults and a step-like paleotopography was formed. In the Bajocian, during a period of major regional geodynamic perturbations, extensional or transtensional tectonic activity intensified and triggered the large-scale collapses of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform margin producing the limestone breccias described herein. This may in turn have caused a backstepping of the platform margin, as is evident from the occurrence of Late Jurassic marginal reefs that are installed directly above the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic inner platform successions

    Language taboo and vulgarisms

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    V magistrski nalogi smo se osredotočili na vulgarizme, ki jih je družbena sprejemljivost zaznamovala kot jezikovni tabu. Tabuji so v preteklosti predstavljali delovanje posameznika navkljub določenim pravilom in prepovedim v skupnosti. Podobno je v sodobnosti, saj se jezikovni tabu povezuje s kriterijem družbene sprejemljivosti oz. s tem, kaj je v dani družbi in času moralno ter kulturno spodobno. Na podlagi zbranega gradiva prek metode intervjuja smo prikazali (monološko in dialoško) sporazumevalno in jezikovno zgradbo, stilno zaznamovanost in variantnost ter jezikovni pomen vulgarizmov (metaforiziranje, metonimiziranje, komparacijo in pragmatične lastnosti). Izkazalo se je, da vulgarizmi spadajo v besedišče nizkega stila, saj so družbeno negativno zaznamovani v javni sferi sporočanja. Tematska področja vulgarizmov smo proučili in ponazorili s pomočjo spletnih strani Pomenske mreže slovenskih glagolov in Pomenske mreže slovenskih besed. Dokazali smo, da lahko namesto vulgarizmov uporabimo nevtralne vzporedne izraze, mednje na videz spadajo tudi evfemizmi, saj z obliko zakrivajo denotat. Na eni strani z vulgarizmi izražamo čustva, nezadovoljstvo ipd., na drugi strani pa so v rabi kot poimenovanja. Ugotovitve kažejo, da vulgarizmi so in bodo ostali del aktualnega jezika, četudi so označeni kot jezikovni tabu.In our thesis we focused on vulgarisms, which were branded by society as a language taboo. In the past the term taboo represented actions which were undertaken despite the social norms and rules prohibiting them. The definition remains similar in the modern world, as language taboo is closely associated with social acceptability and with the language that is morally and culturally appropriate in the current sociopolitical climate. Based on our research, which included an interview method we presented the communicative and linguistic structure, stylistic characterization and variability and linguistic significance of vulgarisms (metaphorization, metonymization, comparison and pragmatic features). Vulgarisms have proven to belong to a low style vocabulary, as they carry a negative connotation in a public sphere of communication. We studied thematic structures of vulgarisms with the help of web pages »Pomenske mreže slovenskih glagolov« and »Pomenske mreže slovenskih besed«. Furthermore, we proved that neutral expressions (e.g. euphemisms) can be used in place of vulgarisms to mask the negative connotation. Vulgarisms can be used in a plethora of ways, ie. expressing feelings (e.g. anger or dissatisfaction) or simply used as names. Our findings show that vulgarisms will remain part of the modern language despite being marked as a language taboo

    Sedimentology and stratigraphy of Jurassic limestone blocky breccia from Ponikve Tectonic Klippe

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    V okviru magistrskega dela opisujem sestavo in stratigrafski položaj blokovne breče na območju Ponikvanske planote. Območje raziskav se nahaja približno 7 km jugovzhodno od Tolmina. Uvrščeno je v strukturno enoto Južnih Alp in je del Ponikvanske tektonske krpe, ki predstavlja erozijski ostanek Podmelškega pokrova (strukturno najnižji del Tolminskega pokrova). Podmelški pokrov sestavljajo mezozojske kamnine Slovenskega bazena, ki so bile paleogeografsko najbližje Dinarski karbonatni platformi. Južni razvoji Slovenskega bazena so bili do sedaj slabo raziskani, posebno jurska stratigrafija. Blokovne breče sem zajel v enem detajlnem, enem parcialnem in dveh shematskih profilih, ki so bili posneti na podlagi predhodno izdelane in dopolnjene geološke karte. Terenska opazovanja sem dopolnil s preiskavo zbruskov. Starost klastov in veziva sem določil s pomočjo foraminifer. Ponikvansko tektonsko krpo sestavlja zgornjetriasno do zgornjekredno zaporedje globokomorskih kamnin, ki so v inverzni legi. Jursko zaporedje se začne s 110 m tankoplastnatih mikritnih apnencev Krikovske formacije, čez katere je erozijsko diskordantno odložen do 80 m debel horizont blokovne apnenčeve breče, ki je bila predmet raziskav. Sledi 18 m debelo zaporedje močno okremenjenih mikritnih apnencev in presedimentiranih apnencev Tolminske formacije. Jursko zaporedje se zaključi z apnenci tipa biancone. Navidez masivno brečo sestavlja več plasti apnenčeve blokovne breče z erozijsko spodnjo mejo in podrejeno kalkareniti. Klasti pripadajo plitvomorskim in podrejeno globljemorskim faciesom. Fosili, predvsem foraminifere, dokazujejo, da je večji del klastov zgornjetriasne starosti in da so nastajali v perigrebenskem okolju, del klastov pa pripada spodnje- in srednjejurskim kamninam. Starost veziva je zaradi dolomitiziranosti težje določljiva, a posamezne izolirane foraminifere Protopeneroplis striata Weynchenk določajo srednjejursko starost. Masivno brečo zato uvrščam v Tolminsko formacijo. Slaba sortiranost, velika debelina posamičnih plasti in erozijska meja kažejo, da je breča nastala s sedimentacijo iz drobirskih tokov, katerih nastanek je morda povezan s tektonsko pogojenim rušenjem severnega roba Dinarske karbonatne platformeIn the master\u27s thesis I describe composition and stratigraphic position of a blocky limestone breccia from the Ponikvanska planota plateau. Research area is located approximately 7 km southeast of Tolmin (NW Slovenia). It structurally belongs to the Southern Alps and is a part of Ponikva tectonic klippe, which is an erosional remnant of the Podmelec Thrust sheet, the lowermost subunit of the Tolmin Nappe. Podmelec Thrust sheet includes mesosoic successions of the Slovenian Basin which were most proximal to the Dinaric Carbonate platform. The lithostratigraphic succession in this part of the Tolmin nappe is poorly researched, especially regarding the Jurassic part of the sequence. Blocky breccias were investigated in one detailed, one partial and two schematic profiles, which were recorded based on an existing and improved geological map. Field observations were complemented with petrographic microscopy. The age of lithoclasts and matrix is based on foraminiferal assemblage. The Ponikva Tectonic klippe consists of Upper Triassic to Upper Cretaceous deep marine successions of the Slovenian Basin in an inverted position. The Jurassic succession starts with 110 m of thin bedded micritic limestones of the Krikov Formation, which are unconformably overlain by an up to 80 m thick limestone breccia horizon – the main subject of the research. The breccias are overlain by 18 m of bedded cherty micritic limestones and resedimented limestones of the Tolmin Formation. The Jurassic succession ends with limestones of Biancone type. Seemingly massive breccia horizon is actually composed of numerous limestone blocky breccia and subordinate calcarenitic beds. The lower boundary is erosional. Lithoclasts predominantly consist of shallow marine and subordinate deep marine carbonates. Fossils, mostly foraminifera confirm that most of the lithoclasts are Upper Triassic in age and were originally deposited on the platform margins, with some lithoclasts also Lower and Middle Jurassic in age. Due to dolomitization of the matrix, its’ age was difficult to define. But foraminifera Protopeneroplis striata Weynschenk dates the matrix to Middle Jurassic. Therefore, I consider these breccias as a part of the Tolmin Formation. Poor sorting and large bed thickness indicate that the breccias were deposited via debris flows, which might have been a consequence of tectonically induced collapse of the northern margins of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform

    Perception communication of pedagogical workers at teamwork in a kindergarten group

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    Constructive communication of kindergarten teachers at team work within a section is very important for maintaining interpersonal relations as well as for effective team work. It is the main bearer of social occurrences among participants (Lipičnik 1996: 68). Feedback is important to maintain a positive communication process (ibid. 69). With the research within my master’s thesis I wanted to determine how kindergarten teachers feel communication in their teams. I formed research goals and hypotheses which I wanted to answer and which are bound to experience, opinions and observations of kindergarten teachers and their assistants. The research sample includes kindergarten teachers and assistants from Slovene kindergartens. I chose a non-probability, convenience sample. The research included 156 educators, among them 100 (64.1 %) kindergarten teachers and 56 (35.9 %) kindergarten-teacher assistants. The data was collected with a pre-set questionnaire which included closed- and open-type questions and a marking scale. To form the questionnaire I collected the questions and statements from scholarly sources by different authors (A. Polak 2012: 59; 2007: 51—55; C. Razdevšek-Pučko 1994: 23—25). The questionnaire included 4 closed-type questions, 3 open-type questions and a marking scale with 30 statements. The data was gathered anonymously; the educators answered the questionnaire in the form of an internet survey. Based on the research results I can affirm that the perception of communication in teams of kindergarten educators is constructive. With the second research question I explored the expectations of educators regarding team communication. I found out that educators in most cases expect friendly communication, straightforward expressing of criticism in a team, two-way communication, and the possibility of expressing opinions and ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. In the third research question, Which communication problems do kindergarten teachers within a section encounter, the educators most often expressed that there were no problems regarding interpersonal communication within teams in kindergarten sections. In the fourth question I asked about the successfulness of resolving communication problems within a team, and the research results showed that resolving communication problems in teams is successful. In the fifth research question I asked about the strategies of resolving communication problems, and the interviewees in most cases stated that they solved communication problems together with their team co-workers. In the sixth research question I asked about the opinion of educators on advantages of constructive communication, and as an advantage most often the interviewees listed atmosphere (respect, trust, feeling of acceptance, relaxed atmosphere). With the research I confirmed (H1) that in the perception of communication in a team there is a statistically important difference between kindergarten teachers and kindergarten-teacher assistants, (H3), that there is a statistically important difference between kindergarten teachers and kindergarten-teacher assistants in the perception of the successfulness of solving communication problems at team work, and rejected H2. I can conclude that teamwork communication in a kindergarten section has to be positive, honest, open, two-way and trust-worthy, so that the team can work more effectively

    Cultural capital and smoking

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    Kajenje tobačnih izdelkov je že od nekdaj del naše kulture. Vsaka kultura v zapisani zgodovini ima zgodovino kajenja tobaka: kot zdravilo, užitek, del rituala ali kot del popularne kulture. Kajenje cigaret je najbolj značilno pri posameznikih z nizko stopnjo izobrazbe ter pri posameznikih z nizkim dohodkom. V diplomski nalogi se ukvarjam s povezanostjo kulturnega kapitala in kajenja pri mladih. Še posebej me zanima, kako je kajenje pri mladih povezano z različnimi demografskimi podatki. Ugotavljam, kako se subkulturni kapital izraža pri mladih in kako je subkulturni kapital povezan z družbeno-strukturnimi dejavniki (z izborom šole). Raziskujem tudi, kakšno vlogo igrata pri kajenju pri mladih pojma ˝cool˝ in življenjski stil in kako mladi interpretirajo družbene skupine, kateri pripadajo. Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na dva dela, pri čemer znotraj teoretičnega okvira s pomočjo različnih avtorjev pojasnjujem kajenje kot kulturno prakso, pomen cigaretne industrije ter pojem kulturnega in subkulturnega kapitala. V empiričnem delu sem uporabila metodo polstrukturiranega intervjuja in opravila intervjuje s šestimi mladostniki z različnih srednjih šol, na podlagi katerih sem ugotovila, da so prakse in motivi kajenja pri vseh intervjuvancih zelo podobne. Posebej pomembno vlogo pri kajenju pri mladih imata pojem življenjskega stila in pojem ˝cool˝, medtem ko je izražanje subkulturnega kapitala v tesni povezavi z družbeno-strukturnimi dejavniki.Tobacco smoking has always been a part of our culture. Every culture in recorded history has a history of tobacco smoking, either as a medicine, pleasure, smoking as a part of a ritual, or as a part of a popular culture. Cigarette smoking is most common among people with low level of education and among people with low income. In my bachelor’s thesis, I try to find out the connection between the cultural capital and smoking among young people. Especially, I am interested in how smoking among young people is related to various demographic data. I try to find out how subcultural capital is expressed among young people and how subcultural capital is linked to socio-structural factors (choice of school). I also research what role do the concept ˝cool˝ and lifestyle play among young smokers and how young people interpret social groups, to which they belong. The bachelor’s thesis is divided into two parts, in which I explain, within the theoretical framework and with the help of various authors, smoking as a cultural practice, the meaning of the cigarette industry, and the concept of cultural and subcultural capital. In the empirical part, I used the method of semi-structured interview and conducted interviews with 6 adolescents from different secondary schools, based on which I found that the practices and smoking patterns among all the interviewees are very similar. I found out that the concepts of lifestyle and ˝cool˝ are playing a very important role among young smokers. The expression of subcultural capital is also closely related to socio-structural factors