14 research outputs found

    The stress tensor of a quark moving through N=4 thermal plasma

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    We develop the linear equations that describe graviton perturbations of AdS_5-Schwarzschild generated by a string trailing behind an external quark moving with constant velocity. Solving these equations allows us to evaluate the stress tensor in the boundary gauge theory. Components of the stress tensor exhibit directional structures in Fourier space at both large and small momentum. We comment on the possible relevance of our results to relativistic heavy ion collisions.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures. v2: improved low K discussion; other minor improvement

    Stability of strings binding heavy-quark mesons

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    We investigate the stability against small deformations of strings dangling into AdS_5-Schwarzschild from a moving heavy quark-anti-quark pair. We speculate that emission of massive string states may be an important part of the evolution of certain unstable configurations.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Low-lying gravitational modes in the scalar sector of the global AdS_4 black hole

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    We compute the quasinormal frequencies corresponding to the scalar sector of gravitational perturbations in the four-dimensional AdS-Schwarzschild black hole by using the master field formalism of hep-th/0305147. We argue that the non-deformation of the boundary metric favors a Robin boundary condition on the master field over the usual Dirichlet boundary condition mostly used in the literature. Using this Robin boundary condition we find a family of low-lying modes, whose frequencies match closely with predictions from linearized hydrodynamics on the boundary. In addition to the low-lying modes, we also see the usual sequence of modes with frequencies almost following an arithmetic progression.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures; v2: typos corrected; v3: algebraic derivation of hydrodynamic modes corrected, results unaltere

    Entanglement entropy of two dimensional systems and holography

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    In this note a new method for computing the entanglement entropy of a CFT holographically is explored. It consists of finding a bulk background with a boundary metric that has the conical singularities needed to compute the entanglement entropy in the usual QFT definition. An explicit calculation is presented for d=2.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure: v2 typos fixed, references and comments adde

    Dissipation from a heavy quark moving through N=4 super-Yang-Mills plasma

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    Using AdS/CFT, we compute the Fourier space profile of generated by a heavy quark moving through a thermal plasma of strongly coupled N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory. We find evidence of a wake whose description includes gauge fields with large momenta. We comment on the possible relevance of our results to relativistic heavy ion collisions.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. v2: reference added, other minor improvements. v3: improved the phrasing describing directional structure

    Heterotic non-linear sigma models with anti-de Sitter target spaces

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    We calculate the beta function of non-linear sigma models with S^{D+1} and AdS_{D+1} target spaces in a 1/D expansion up to order 1/D^2 and to all orders in \alpha'. This beta function encodes partial information about the spacetime effective action for the heterotic string to all orders in \alpha'. We argue that a zero of the beta function, corresponding to a worldsheet CFT with AdS_{D+1} target space, arises from competition between the one-loop and higher-loop terms, similarly to the bosonic and supersymmetric cases studied previously in hep-th/0512355. Various critical exponents of the non-linear sigma model are calculated, and checks of the calculation are presented.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figure

    Shock waves in strongly coupled plasmas

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    Shock waves are supersonic disturbances propagating in a fluid and giving rise to dissipation and drag. Weak shocks, i.e., those of small amplitude, can be well described within the hydrodynamic approximation. On the other hand, strong shocks are discontinuous within hydrodynamics and therefore probe the microscopics of the theory. In this paper we consider the case of the strongly coupled N=4 plasma whose microscopic description, applicable for scales smaller than the inverse temperature, is given in terms of gravity in an asymptotically AdS5AdS_5 space. In the gravity approximation, weak and strong shocks should be described by smooth metrics with no discontinuities. For weak shocks we find the dual metric in a derivative expansion and for strong shocks we use linearized gravity to find the exponential tail that determines the width of the shock. In particular we find that, when the velocity of the fluid relative to the shock approaches the speed of light v→1v\to 1 the penetration depth ℓ\ell scales as ℓ∌(1−v2)1/4\ell\sim (1-v^2)^{1/4}. We compare the results with second order hydrodynamics and the Israel-Stewart approximation. Although they all agree in the hydrodynamic regime of weak shocks, we show that there is not even qualitative agreement for strong shocks. For the gravity side, the existence of shock waves implies that there are disturbances of constant shape propagating on the horizon of the dual black holes.Comment: 47 pages, 8 figures; v2:typos corrected, references adde