21 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of the awareness of students from the X-ray technician and Dental technician programs on issues related to the specifics of the work and the professional risk

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    Всеки човек в един момент от своя живот трябва да направи своя избор за това каква ще е неговата професия. За да бъде мотивиран изборът му, той трябва да е информиран и да познава естеството на работата, с която ще се заеме. Студентите от специалностите „Рентгенов лаборант` и „Зъботехник` попадат в специфична работна среда. Тези професии изискват определени професионални качества и компетент-ност от упражняващите я. Целта е да се проучи информираността на новоприетите студенти относно начина на избор на професия, спецификата на работата и имат ли представа за наличието на професионални вредности. Използвани са документален, социологически и статистически метод. Проведена е собствена анонимна анкета сред новопостъпили студенти в специалностите „Рентгенов лаборант` и „Зъботехник` на Медицински колеж „Й. Филаретова` - София. Проучването показа, че резултатите от отговорите на респондентите от двете сравнявани групи са близки като количествени показатели. Наблюдава се съществено различие при отговорите относно информираността по повод спецификата на работа, където 83% от рент-геновите лаборанти отговарят положително, a само 34% от зъботехниците дават отговор „да`. На базата на сравнителния анализ на получените резултати са направени изводи. И от двете изследвани групи по-голяма част е направила самостоятелен избор на професията си; информация за професията са получили от семейството и приятелите си; водеща мотивация за избор на професията е възможността за професионална реализация. По-голяма част от изследваните твърдят, че са запознати с професионалните вредности, но се установява, че малко са анкетираните, които ги изброяват вярно. За да се промени това, е необходимо да има по-пълна и достъпна информация на сайта на висшето училище.Everyone should make his or her own choice about what their profession will be at some point in life. To motivate this choice, he or she should be informed about the nature of that profession. The students from the X-ray Technician and Dental Technician programs enter a specific working environment. Each of these professions requires certain professional qualities and competences from the practitioners. The aim of this paper is to study the information that new students have about how to choose a profession, the specifics of the job and whether there is professional risk. Documentary, sociological and statistical methods have been used. An anonymous poll among the new students in the the X-ray Technician and Dental Technician programs at Medical College „J. Filaretova` - Sofia was conducted. The study showed that the results obtained from responses by students from both compared groups were similar as quantitative indicators. There is a significant difference in the responses due to the specifics of the work. Of all participants, 83% X-ray Technicians and only 34% of Dental Technicians responded positively. Based on the comparative analysis of the results obtained, conclusions were drawn. The vast majority of both groups have made an independent choice of profession, information concerning the profession has been received from family and friends, the leading motivation for choosing the profession was the possibility of professional realization. The majori ty of those surveyed said that they are aware of the professional risk, but there were only a few respondents who could list them correctly. In order to change this, it is necessary to share more complete and accessible in-formation on the site of the Medical College

    Prevalence, New Incidence, Course, and Risk Factors of PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and Panic Disorder during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 11 Countries

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    We aimed to evaluate the prevalence and incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety and panic disorder (PD) among citizens in 11 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. We explored risks and protective factors most associated with the development of these mental health disorders and their course at 68 days follow up. We acquired 9543 unique responses via an online survey that was disseminated in UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, India, Latvia, Poland, Romania, and Sweden. The prevalence and new incidence during the pandemic for at least one disorder was 48.6% and 17.6%, with the new incidence of PTSD, anxiety, depression, and panic disorder being 11.4%, 8.4%, 9.3% and 3%, respectively. Higher resilience was associated with lower mental health burden for all disorders. Ten to thirteen associated factors explained 79% of the variance in PTSD, 80% in anxiety, 78% in depression, and 89% in PD. To reduce the mental health burden, governments should refrain from implementing many highly restrictive and lasting containment measures. Public health campaigns should focus their effort on alleviating stress and fear, promoting resilience, building public trust in government and medical care, and persuading the population of the measures’ effectiveness. Psychosocial services and resources should be allocated to facilitate individual and community-level recovery from the pandemic

    Perceived Effectiveness, Restrictiveness, and Compliance with Containment Measures against the Covid-19 Pandemic: An International Comparative Study in 11 Countries

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    National governments took action to delay the transmission of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) by implementing different containment measures. We developed an online survey that included 44 different containment measures. We aimed to assess how effective citizens perceive these measures, which measures are perceived as violation of citizens' personal freedoms, which opinions and demographic factors have an effect on compliance with the measures, and what governments can do to most effectively improve citizens' compliance. The survey was disseminated in 11 countries: UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, India, Latvia, Poland, Romania, and Sweden. We acquired 9543 unique responses. Our findings show significant differences across countries in perceived effectiveness, restrictiveness, and compliance. Governments that suffer low levels of trust should put more effort into persuading citizens, especially men, in the effectiveness of the proposed measures. They should provide financial compensation to citizens who have lost their job or income due to the containment measures to improve measure compliance. Policymakers should implement the least restrictive and most effective public health measures first during pandemic emergencies instead of implementing a combination of many restrictive measures, which has the opposite effect on citizens' adherence and undermines human rights

    International variations in mental-health law regulating involuntary commitment of psychiatric patients as measured by the Mental Health Legislation Attitudes Scale

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    Previous research illustrated that the laws regulating involuntary placement and treatment of people with mental-health problems are diverse across countries. International studies comparing satisfaction levels between countries are rare. We compared the opinions of professionals and family members about the operation of the national mental-health law regulating forcibly admission and treatment of psychiatric patients in 11 countries: Ireland, Iceland, England and Wales, Romania, Slovenia, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway and India. An online survey design was adopted using a Mental Health Legislation Attitudes Scale (MHLAS). This brief nine-item questionnaire was distributed via email to psychiatrists, general practitioners, acute and community mental-health nurses, tribunal members, police officers and family members in each collaborating country. The levels of agreement/disagreement were measured on a Likert scale. Data were analysed both per question and with regard to a total MHLAS ‘approval’ score computed as a sum of the nine questions. We found that respondents in England and Wales and Denmark expressed the highest approval for their national legislation (76% and 74%, respectively), with those in India and Ireland expressing the lowest approval (65% and 64%, respectively). Almost all countries had a more positive attitude in comparison to Ireland on the admission criteria for involuntary placement and the way people are transferred to psychiatric hospitals. There are significant variations across Europe and beyond in terms of approval for how the national mental-health law framework operates in each country

    Schizophrenia-associated somatic copy-number variants from 12,834 cases reveal recurrent NRXN1 and ABCB11 disruptions

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    While germline copy-number variants (CNVs) contribute to schizophrenia (SCZ) risk, the contribution of somatic CNVs (sCNVs)—present in some but not all cells—remains unknown. We identified sCNVs using blood-derived genotype arrays from 12,834 SCZ cases and 11,648 controls, filtering sCNVs at loci recurrently mutated in clonal blood disorders. Likely early-developmental sCNVs were more common in cases (0.91%) than controls (0.51%, p = 2.68e−4), with recurrent somatic deletions of exons 1–5 of the NRXN1 gene in five SCZ cases. Hi-C maps revealed ectopic, allele-specific loops forming between a potential cryptic promoter and non-coding cis-regulatory elements upon 5′ deletions in NRXN1. We also observed recurrent intragenic deletions of ABCB11, encoding a transporter implicated in anti-psychotic response, in five treatment-resistant SCZ cases and showed that ABCB11 is specifically enriched in neurons forming mesocortical and mesolimbic dopaminergic projections. Our results indicate potential roles of sCNVs in SCZ risk

    Mathematical Over XML Family of Technologies

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    This paper presents one theoretical ground and some simple applications of the mathematical tools applied to XML-based technologies, analyzed in the paper. The paper studies XML hierarchical constructions as structures of unranked trees, which lead to modern logical formalisms for querying and navigation over XML documents. By using some advanced algebraic tools, it is possible to work with ordinary linear operators for further data representation on the physical level instead of performing more difficult operations, which are specific for the widely used models. The realizations of the presented algebraic method implemented to real XML hierarchical data structures are connected with possibilities for high efficiency with respect to optimization of the time access to XML information. Some problems in the area of this specific XML terminology are discussed as well