2,052 research outputs found

    Disentangling lattice and electronic contributions to the metal–insulator transition from bulk vs. layer confined RNiO<sub>3</sub>

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    In complex oxide materials, changes in electronic properties are often associated with changes in crystal structure, raising the question of the relative roles of the electronic and lattice effects in driving the metal–insulator transition. This paper presents a combined theoretical and experimental analysis of the dependence of the metal–insulator transition of NdNiO3 on crystal structure, specifically comparing properties of bulk materials to 1- and 2-layer samples of NdNiO3 grown between multiple electronically inert NdAlO3 counterlayers in a superlattice. The comparison amplifies and validates a theoretical approach developed in previous papers and disentangles the electronic and lattice contributions, through an independent variation of each. In bulk NdNiO3, the correlations are not strong enough to drive a metal–insulator transition by themselves: A lattice distortion is required. Ultrathin films exhibit 2 additional electronic effects and 1 lattice-related effect. The electronic effects are quantum confinement, leading to dimensional reduction of the electronic Hamiltonian and an increase in electronic bandwidth due to counterlayer-induced bond-angle changes. We find that the confinement effect is much more important. The lattice effect is an increase in stiffness due to the cost of propagation of the lattice disproportionation into the confining material

    Determination of Asymptotic Waves in Maxwell Media by Double-Scale Method

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    In this paper, in a thermodynamical model of a rheological medium (Maxwell) with one internal variable, derived in the framework of classical irreversible thermodynamics, the asymptotic smooth waves, studied in (1) in a more classical way, are introduced from the point of view of double scale method (see (2)). We give a physical interpretation of the new (fast) variable, related to the surface across which the derivatives of the solution vary steeply. An one-dimensional application is carried out too

    A fast Variational Gaussian Wave-packet method: Size-induced structural transitions in large neon clusters

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    The Variational Gaussian wavepacket (VGW) method is an alternative to Path Integral Monte-Carlo (PIMC) for the computation of thermodynamic properties of many-body systems at thermal equilibrium. It provides a direct access to the thermal density matrix and is particularly efficient for Monte-Carlo approaches, as for an N-body system it operates in a non-inflated 3N dimensional configuration space. Here we greatly accelerate the VGW method by retaining only the relevant short-range correlations in the (otherwise full) 3N×3N3N\times 3N Gaussian width matrix without sacrificing the accuracy of the fully-coupled VGW method. This results in the reduction of the original O(N3)\mathcal{O}(N^3) scaling to O(N2)\mathcal{O}(N^2). The Fast-VGW method is then applied to quantum Lennard-Jones clusters with sizes up to N=6500 atoms. Following Doye and Calvo [JCP 116, 8307 (2002)] we study the competition between the icosahedral and decahedral structural motifs in Ne_N clusters as a function of N.Comment: submitted to JC

    Company purpose and profit need not be in conflict if we ‘grow the pie’

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    An apparent consensus exists amongst politicians, citizens, and even executives themselves – at both ends of the political spectrum and in many countries – that capitalism isn't working for ordinary people

    Genetic survey of alveolar and cystic echinococcoses in Romania: first molecular evidence of Echinococcus multilocularis in humans in the country

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    Cystic echinococcosis (CE) and alveolar echinococcosis (AE) are considered as one of the most important zoonotic diseases in Romania, where they are subject to mandatory reporting. To obtain more knowledge about the genetic diversity of Echinococcus causative agents of these diseases, 11 isolates from humans and ungulate intermediate hosts from the two regions of Romania were genotyped using mitochondrial markers. In clinical samples of fi ve patients from north-eastern Romania (Iasi, Botosani, Vaslui counties), Echinococcus multilocularis was identifi ed as causal agent by cox1 sequence analysis. To the best of our knowledge this fi nding presents the fi rst molecular evidence of E. multilocularis in humans from Romania. Only two cases of AE in patients were previously documented in the country by serological methods. In our four patients the most widespread European variant E5 of E. multilocularis was recorded, whereas in isolate from Vaslui county three nucleotide substitutions were detected as compared to the most related E5 haplotype. One of these mutations (411T/G) matched N1 and N2 haplotypes described previously from North America. In six CE samples retrieved from western Romania (Caras-Severin and Timis counties), two human isolates were diagnosed as Echinococcus canadensis G7, one as E. granulosus s.s. G1 and one as E. granulosus s.s. G3 using atp6 and rrnS sequencing. In ungulates, the cattle isolate was allocated to E. granulosus s.s. G1 and pig isolate to E. canadensis G7. The two G7 fi ndings in humans reinforced the recent view that G7 was underestimated as compared to the E. granulosus s.s. regarding human CE threat that can be further employed for identifying sources of infections and establishing suitable preventive measures

    Understanding Heterogeneous EO Datasets: A Framework for Semantic Representations

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    Earth observation (EO) has become a valuable source of comprehensive, reliable, and persistent information for a wide number of applications. However, dealing with the complexity of land cover is sometimes difficult, as the variety of EO sensors reflects in the multitude of details recorded in several types of image data. Their properties dictate the category and nature of the perceptible land structures. The data heterogeneity hampers proper understanding, preventing the definition of universal procedures for content exploitation. The main shortcomings are due to the different human and sensor perception on objects, as well as to the lack of coincidence between visual elements and similarities obtained by computation. In order to bridge these sensory and semantic gaps, the paper presents a compound framework for EO image information extraction. The proposed approach acts like a common ground between the user's understanding, who is visually shortsighted to the visible domain, and the machines numerical interpretation of a much wider information. A hierarchical data representation is considered. At first, basic elements are automatically computed. Then, users can enforce their judgement on the data processing results until semantic structures are revealed. This procedure completes a user-machine knowledge transfer. The interaction is formalized as a dialogue, where communication is determined by a set of parameters guiding the computational process at each level of representation. The purpose is to maintain the data-driven observable connected to the level of semantics and to human awareness. The proposed concept offers flexibility and interoperability to users, allowing them to generate those results that best fit their application scenario. The experiments performed on different satellite images demonstrate the ability to increase the performances in case of semantic annotation by adjusting a set of parameters to the particularities of the analyzed data

    Seismic vulnerability assessment: Methodological elements and applications to the case of Romania

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    This paper is intended to present some studies undertaken in order to develop a seismic vulnerability estimation system to fit the needs of development of earthquake scenarios and of development of an integrated disaster risk management system for Romania. Methodological aspects are dealt with, in connection with the criteria of categorization of buildings, with the definition of parameters used for characterizing vulnerability, with the setting up of an inventory of buildings and with the calibration of parameters characterizing vulnerability. Action was initiated along the coordinates referred to in connection with the methodological aspects mentioned above. The approach was made, as far as possible, specific to the conditions of Romania. Some data on results obtained to date are presented.seismic vulnerability, vulnerability estimation, earthquake scenarios, categorization of buildings, inventory of buildings, expected earthquake impact

    Crossing a Narrow-In-Altitude Turbulent Auroral Acceleration Region

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    We report on the in situ identification of a narrow electrostatic acceleration layer (electrostatic shock) containing intense plasma turbulence in the upward current region, and its effect on auroral particles. Wave turbulence recorded in the center of the layer differs in character from that recorded above and beneath. It is concluded that the shock is sustained by different nonlinear waves which, at each level, act on the particles in such a way to produce a net upward directed electric field. The main power is in the ion acoustic range. We point out that anomalous resistivities are incapable of locally generating the observed parallel potential drop

    On perturbations of Dirac operators with variable magnetic field of constant direction

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    We carry out the spectral analysis of matrix valued perturbations of 3-dimensional Dirac operators with variable magnetic field of constant direction. Under suitable assumptions on the magnetic field and on the pertubations, we obtain a limiting absorption principle, we prove the absence of singular continuous spectrum in certain intervals and state properties of the point spectrum. Various situations, for example when the magnetic field is constant, periodic or diverging at infinity, are covered. The importance of an internal-type operator (a 2-dimensional Dirac operator) is also revealed in our study. The proofs rely on commutator methods.Comment: 12 page

    Bautin-type bifurkations and stability of energy solutions for a delay differential equation modeling leukemia

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    In [3], [4] a mathematical model of chronic myelogenous leukemia is considered