8 research outputs found

    A History of Discrete Event Simulation Programming Languages

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    The history of simulation programming languages is organized as a progression in periods of similar developments. The five periods, spanning 1955-1986, are labeled: The Period of Search (1955-1960); The Advent (1961-1965); The Formative Period (1966-1970); The Expansional Period (1971-1978); and The Period of Consolidation and Regeneration (1979-1986). The focus is on recognizing the people and places that have made important contributions in addition to the nature of the contribution. A balance between comprehensive and in-depth treatment has been reached by providing more detailed description of those languages which have or have had major use. Over 30 languages are mentioned, and numerous variations are described in the major contributors. A concluding summary notes the concepts and techniques either originating with simulation programming languages or given significant visibility by them

    The new quantum mechanics

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    Receptor Level Mechanisms Are Required for Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)-stimulated Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase (ERK) Activity Pulses

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    In both physiological and cell culture systems, EGF-stimulated ERK activity occurs in discrete pulses within individual cells. Many feedback loops are present in the EGF receptor (EGFR)-ERK network, but the mechanisms driving pulsatile ERK kinetics are unknown. Here, we find that in cells that respond to EGF with frequency-modulated pulsatile ERK activity, stimulation through a heterologous TrkA receptor system results in non-pulsatile, amplitude-modulated activation of ERK. We further dissect the kinetics of pulse activity using a combination of FRET- and translocation-based reporters and find that EGFR activity is required to maintain ERK activity throughout the 10–20-minute lifetime of pulses. Together, these data indicate that feedbacks operating within the core Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK cascade are insufficient to drive discrete pulses of ERK activity and instead implicate mechanisms acting at the level of EGFR

    Cell fate decisions are specified by the dynamic ERK interactome

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    Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) controls fundamental cellular functions, including cell fate decisions(1,2). In PC12, cells shifting ERK activation from transient to sustained induces neuronal differentiation(3). As ERK associates with both regulators and effectors(4), we hypothesized that the mechanisms underlying the switch could be revealed by assessing the dynamic changes in ERK-interacting proteins that specifically occur under differentiation conditions. Using quantitative proteomics, we identified 284 ERK-interacting proteins. Upon induction of differentiation, 60 proteins changed their binding to ERK, including many proteins that were not known to participate in differentiation. We functionally characterized a subset, showing that they regulate the pathway at several levels and by different mechanisms, including signal duration, ERK localization, feedback, crosstalk with the Akt pathway and differential interaction and phosphorylation of transcription factors. Integrating these data with a mathematical model confirmed that ERK dynamics and differentiation are regulated by distributed control mechanisms rather than by a single master switch

    “Astonishing successes” and “bitter disappointment”: The specific heat of hydrogen in quantum theory

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    The specific heat of hydrogen gas at low temperatures was first measured in 1912 by Arnold Eucken in Walther Nernst’s laboratory in Berlin, and provided one of the earliest experimental supports for the new quantum theory. Even earlier, Nernst had developed a quantum theory of rotating diatomic gas molecules that figured in the discussions at the first Solvay conference in late 1911. Between 1913 and 1925, Albert Einstein, Paul Ehrenfest, Max Planck, Fritz Reiche, and Erwin Schrödinger, among many others, attempted theoretical descriptions of the rotational specific heat of hydrogen, with only limited success. Quantum theory also was central to the study of molecular spectra, where initially it was more successful. Moreover, the two problems interacted in sometimes surprising ways. Not until 1927, following Werner Heisenberg’s discovery of the behavior of indistinguishable particles in modern quantum mechanics, did American theorist David Dennison find a successful theory of the specific heat of hydrogen

    “Astonishing Successes” and “Bitter Disappointment”: The Specific Heat of Hydrogen in Quantum Theory

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