332 research outputs found

    Information-Theoretic Active Learning for Content-Based Image Retrieval

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    We propose Information-Theoretic Active Learning (ITAL), a novel batch-mode active learning method for binary classification, and apply it for acquiring meaningful user feedback in the context of content-based image retrieval. Instead of combining different heuristics such as uncertainty, diversity, or density, our method is based on maximizing the mutual information between the predicted relevance of the images and the expected user feedback regarding the selected batch. We propose suitable approximations to this computationally demanding problem and also integrate an explicit model of user behavior that accounts for possible incorrect labels and unnameable instances. Furthermore, our approach does not only take the structure of the data but also the expected model output change caused by the user feedback into account. In contrast to other methods, ITAL turns out to be highly flexible and provides state-of-the-art performance across various datasets, such as MIRFLICKR and ImageNet.Comment: GCPR 2018 paper (14 pages text + 2 pages references + 6 pages appendix

    Subsequent cultivation of chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cells on the devitalised tissue

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    The regeneration of cartilage lesions still represents a major challenge. Cartilage has a tissue-specific architecture, complicating recreation by synthetic biomaterials. A novel approach for reconstruction is the use of devitalised cartilage. Treatment with high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) achieves devitalisation while biomechanical properties are remained. Therefore, in the present study, cartilage was devitalised using HHP treatment and the potential for revitalisation with chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) was investigated. The devitalisation of cartilage was performed by application of 480 MPa over 10 minutes. Effective cellular inactivation was demonstrated by the trypan blue exclusion test and DNA quantification. Histology and electron microscopy examinations showed undamaged cartilage structure after HHP treatment. For revitalisation chondrocytes and MSCs were cultured on devitalised cartilage without supplementation of chondrogenic growth factors. Both chondrocytes and MSCs significantly increased expression of cartilage- specific genes. ECM stainings showed neocartilage-like structure with positive AZAN staining as well as collagen type II and aggrecan deposition after three weeks of cultivation. Our results showed that HHP treatment caused devitalisation of cartilage tissue. ECM proteins were not influenced, thus, providing a scaffold for chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs and chondrocytes. Therefore, using HHP-treated tissue might be a promising approach for cartilage repair

    Orbital electron capture by the nucleus

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    The theory of nuclear electron capture is reviewed in the light of current understanding of weak interactions. Experimental methods and results regarding capture probabilities, capture ratios, and EC/Beta(+) ratios are summarized. Radiative electron capture is discussed, including both theory and experiment. Atomic wave function overlap and electron exchange effects are covered, as are atomic transitions that accompany nuclear electron capture. Tables are provided to assist the reader in determining quantities of interest for specific cases

    High-Dimensional Stochastic Design Optimization by Adaptive-Sparse Polynomial Dimensional Decomposition

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    This paper presents a novel adaptive-sparse polynomial dimensional decomposition (PDD) method for stochastic design optimization of complex systems. The method entails an adaptive-sparse PDD approximation of a high-dimensional stochastic response for statistical moment and reliability analyses; a novel integration of the adaptive-sparse PDD approximation and score functions for estimating the first-order design sensitivities of the statistical moments and failure probability; and standard gradient-based optimization algorithms. New analytical formulae are presented for the design sensitivities that are simultaneously determined along with the moments or the failure probability. Numerical results stemming from mathematical functions indicate that the new method provides more computationally efficient design solutions than the existing methods. Finally, stochastic shape optimization of a jet engine bracket with 79 variables was performed, demonstrating the power of the new method to tackle practical engineering problems.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Sparse Grids and Applications--Stuttgart 2014, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 109, edited by J. Garcke and D. Pfl\"{u}ger, Springer International Publishing, 201

    Bayesian Analysis of the Polarization of Distant Radio Sources: Limits on Cosmological Birefringence

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    A recent study of the rotation of the plane of polarization of light from 160 cosmological sources claims to find significant evidence for cosmological anisotropy. We point out methodological weaknesses of that study, and reanalyze the same data using Bayesian methods that overcome these problems. We find that the data always favor isotropic models for the distribution of observed polarizations over counterparts that have a cosmological anisotropy of the type advocated in the earlier study. Although anisotropic models are not completely ruled out, the data put strong lower limits on the length scale λ\lambda (in units of the Hubble length) associated with the anisotropy; the lower limits of 95% credible regions for λ\lambda lie between 0.43 and 0.62 in all anisotropic models we studied, values several times larger than the best-fit value of λ≈0.1\lambda \approx 0.1 found in the earlier study. The length scale is not constrained from above. The vast majority of sources in the data are at distances closer than 0.4 Hubble lengths (corresponding to a redshift of ≈\approx0.8); the results are thus consistent with there being no significant anisotropy on the length scale probed by these data.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Overexpression of miRNA-25-3p inhibits Notch1 signaling and TGF-ÎČ-induced collagen expression in hepatic stellate cells

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    During chronic liver injury hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), the principal source of extracellular matrix in the fibrotic liver, transdifferentiate into pro-fibrotic myofibroblast-like cells - a process potentially regulated by microRNAs (miRNAs). Recently, we found serum miRNA-25-3p (miR-25) levels were upregulated in children with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) without liver disease, compared to children with CF-associated liver disease and healthy individuals. Here we examine the role of miR-25 in HSC biology. MiR-25 was detected in the human HSC cell line LX-2 and in primary murine HSCs, and increased with culture-induced activation. Transient overexpression of miR-25 inhibited TGF-ÎČ and its type 1 receptor (TGFBR1) mRNA expression, TGF-ÎČ-induced Smad2 phosphorylation and subsequent collagen1α1 induction in LX-2 cells. Pull-down experiments with biotinylated miR-25 revealed Notch signaling (co-)activators ADAM-17 and FKBP14 as miR-25 targets in HSCs. NanoString analysis confirmed miR-25 regulation of Notch- and Wnt-signaling pathways. Expression of Notch signaling pathway components and endogenous Notch1 signaling was downregulated in miR-25 overexpressing LX-2 cells, as were components of Wnt signaling such as Wnt5a. We propose that miR-25 acts as a negative feedback anti-fibrotic control during HSC activation by reducing the reactivity of HSCs to TGF-ÎČ-induced collagen expression and modulating the cross-talk between Notch, Wnt and TGF-ÎČ signaling

    Chiral Symmetry and the Nucleon's Vector Strangeness Form Factors

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    The nucleon's strange-quark vector current form factors are studied from the perspective of chiral symmetry. It is argued that chiral perturbation theory cannot yield a prediction for the strangeness radius and magnetic moment. Arrival at definite predictions requires the introduction of additional, model-dependent assumptions which go beyond the framework of chiral perturbation theory. A variety of such model predictions is surveyed, and the credibility of each is evaluated. The most plausible prediction appears in a model where the unknown chiral counterterms are identified with tt-channel vector meson exchange amplitudes. The corresponding prediction for the mean square Dirac strangeness radius is ⟹rs2⟩=0.24\langle r_s^2\rangle = 0.24 fm2^2, which would be observable in up-coming semileptonic determinations of the nucleon's strangeness form factors.Comment: LaTex 31 pages, four figures available from authors

    Latest Developments from the S-DALINAC*

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    The S-DALINAC is a 130 MeV superconducting recirculating electron accelerator serving several nuclear and radiation physics experiments as well as driving an infrared free-electron laser. A system of normal conducting rf resonators for noninvasive beam position and current measurement was established. For the measurement of gamma-radiation inside the accelerator cave a system of Compton diodes has been developed and tested. Detailed investigations of the transverse phasespace were carried out with a tomographical reconstruction method of optical transition radiation spots. The method can be applied also to non-Gaussian phasespace distributions. The results are in good accordance with simulations. To improve the quality factor of the superconducting 3 GHz cavities, an external 2K testcryostat was commissioned. The influence of electro-chemical polishing and magnetic shielding is currently under investigation. A digital rf-feedback-system for the accelerator cavities is being developed in order to improve the energy spread of the beam of the S-DALINAC. * Supported by the BMBF under contract no. 06 DA 820, the DFG under contract no. Ri 242/12-1 and -2 and the DFG Graduiertenkolleg 'Physik und Technik von Beschleunigern

    Frequency and isostericity of RNA base pairs

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    Most of the hairpin, internal and junction loops that appear single-stranded in standard RNA secondary structures form recurrent 3D motifs, where non-Watson–Crick base pairs play a central role. Non-Watson–Crick base pairs also play crucial roles in tertiary contacts in structured RNA molecules. We previously classified RNA base pairs geometrically so as to group together those base pairs that are structurally similar (isosteric) and therefore able to substitute for each other by mutation without disrupting the 3D structure. Here, we introduce a quantitative measure of base pair isostericity, the IsoDiscrepancy Index (IDI), to more accurately determine which base pair substitutions can potentially occur in conserved motifs. We extract and classify base pairs from a reduced-redundancy set of RNA 3D structures from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and calculate centroids (exemplars) for each base combination and geometric base pair type (family). We use the exemplars and IDI values to update our online Basepair Catalog and the Isostericity Matrices (IM) for each base pair family. From the database of base pairs observed in 3D structures we derive base pair occurrence frequencies for each of the 12 geometric base pair families. In order to improve the statistics from the 3D structures, we also derive base pair occurrence frequencies from rRNA sequence alignments
