573 research outputs found

    Edge states and topological insulating phases generated by curving a nanowire with Rashba spin-orbit coupling

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    We prove that curvature effects in low-dimensional nanomaterials can promote the generation of topological states of matter by considering the paradigmatic example of quantum wires with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, which are periodically corrugated at the nanometer scale. The effect of the periodic curvature generally results in the appearance of insulating phases with a corresponding novel butterfly spectrum characterized by the formation of fine measure complex regions of forbidden energies. When the Fermi energy lies in the gaps, the system displays localized end states protected by topology. We further show that for certain corrugation periods the system possesses topologically non-trivial insulating phases at half-filling. Our results suggest that the local curvature and the topology of the electronic states are inextricably intertwined in geometrically deformed nanomaterials.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Curvature-induced Rashba spin-orbit interaction in strain-driven nanostructures

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    We derive the effective dimensionally reduced Schr\"odinger equation with spin-orbit interaction in low-dimensional electronic strain driven nanostructures. A method of adiabatic separation among fast normal quantum degrees of freedom and slow tangential quantum degrees of freedom is used to show the emergence of a strain-induced Rashba-like spin-orbit interaction (SOI). By applying this analysis to one-dimensional curved quantum wires we demonstrate that the curvature-induced Rashba SOI leads to enhanced spin-orbit effects.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be published in SPIN (World Scientific) as Topical Issue on Functional Nanomembrane

    The Status of Conference Interpreters: A Global Survey into the Profession

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    The study of status has so far received scant attention as a research topic in Interpreting Studies. Although several authors refer to conference interpreting as “one of the fairest and loftiest occupations in the world” (Herbert, 1952: 3), no empirical investigation has been carried out so far to assess the validity of the myths attached to the profession. Even though the majority of studies have focused almost exclusively on the status of translators, an empirical study carried out by Dam and Zethsen (2013) revealed that conference interpreters do not place themselves at the top of the status continuum, which means that conference interpreters’ considerations on status do not correspond to the assumptions found in literature about the high standing of the interpreting profession. This paper illustrates the findings of a global survey addressed to conference interpreters worldwide, filled out by 803 respondents, whose objective was to assess how conference interpreters perceive their occupational status and how they believe that conference interpreting is regarded in society. The theoretical framework draws insights from Social Theory and the Sociology of the Professions, which seek to shed light both on interpreters’ self-perception of their work and on how the profession is socially represented

    Through Women’s Eyes. Conference Interpreters’ Self-Perceived Status in a Gendered Perspective

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    This paper aims to analyse the differences between female and male conference interpreters’ self-perceived status. Several studies (Angelelli 2004; Katan 2011; Zwischenberger 2011) indicate that women make up most of the professionals working in the translational professions, but little academic attention has been devoted to the question as to whether female and male interpreters have different attitudes towards their profession and their self-perceived status. Sociological studies on feminised professions suggest that women are generally underestimated in the workplace, which leads to them to perceive their status as lower compared to their male colleagues (Cortina/San Román 2006). To test whether this phenomenon was experienced by conference interpreters as well, the responses of a world survey (n = 805) were analysed, with a special focus on interpreters’ self-perception of the status, prestige and social value of their profession. The results showed that, when asked to evaluate their self-perceived status, there were hardly any differences between the scores obtained by female and male interpreters. However, major differences emerged when men and women expressed their opinions on the way they think their work is seen by laypeople, showing that female interpreters perceive their status as far lower than their male counterparts do.&nbsp

    The Professional Status of Public Service Interpreters. A Comparison with Nurses

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    Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the relationship between the professional status of public service interpreters and that which sociologists (Etzioni, 1969; Abbott and Meerabeau, 1998) have attributed to semi-professionals such as nurses. Drawing on the sociological theories of professionalization (Albrecht et al., 2003) and on certain hypotheses suggested by interpreting scholars (Sela-Sheffy and Shlesinger, 2011), the concept of semi-profession will be defined and discussed. Subsequently, the three sociological features shared by the two professions – the lack of specialised training, increasing feminisation and the caring nature of their tasks – will be analysed from a sociological perspective. To test these assumptions, the results of a global questionnaire on the status of public service interpreters – which gathered 888 responses – will be illustrated and commented. The data showed a close relationship between the two professions, which appears to confirm the hypothesis that nurses and public service interpreters are still following the path towards full professionalization.Resumen: Mediante este trabajo pretendemos analizar la relación entre el estatus profesional de los intérpretes de SSPP y el estatus que algunos sociólogos (Etzioni, 1969; Abbott and Meerabeau, 1998) han atribuido a semiprofesionales como las enfermeras. Basándonos en las teorías sobre el proceso de profesionalización (Albrecht et al., 2003) y en las hipótesis sugeridas por algunos estudiosos de interpretación (Sela-Sheffy y Shlesinger, 2011), vamos a definir y discutir el concepto de semiprofesión. Además, las tres principales características sociológicas comunes a las dos profesiones – la falta de educación especializada, la creciente feminización y la actitud solidaria de algunas de las tareas que desarrollan – se analizarán desde una perspectiva sociológica. Para probar estas afirmaciones, los resultados de una encuensta global sobre el estatus profesional de los intérpretes que trabajan en los SSPP – que obtuvo 888 respuestas – serán analizados y comentados. La evidencia ha mostrado una relación cercana entre las dos profesiones, que parece validar la hipótesis de que la interpretación de SSPP y la enfermería todavía están siguendo el camino hacia una mayor profesionalización.

    Designing Electron Spin Textures and Spin Interferometers by Shape Deformations

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    We demonstrate that the spin orientation of an electron propagating in a one-dimensional nanostructure with Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling can be manipulated on demand by changing the geometry of the nanosystem. Shape deformations that result in a non-uniform curvature give rise to complex three-dimensional spin textures in space. We employ the paradigmatic example of an elliptically deformed quantum ring to unveil the way to get an all-geometrical and all-electrical control of the spin orientation. The resulting spin textures exhibit a tunable topological character with windings around the radial and the out-of-plane directions. We show that these topologically non trivial spin patterns affect the spin interference effect in the deformed ring, thereby resulting in different geometry-driven ballistic electronic transport behaviors. Our results establish a deep connection between electronic spin textures, spin transport and the nanoscale shape of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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