295 research outputs found

    Valuing Intellectual Property Rights in an Imperfectly Competitive Market: A Biopharming Application

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    Small research firms developing biotechnology applications often focus on establishing intellectual property rights (IPRs), which can then be sold to more established firms with existing market channels. This paper presents a method for valuing the IPRs for an innovation that lowers product production costs below those associated with the patented process of a monopolist. The application to Glucocerebrosidase enzyme from transgenic tobacco suggests an IPRs value of about $1.75 billion. Despite the innovator’s market power, significant surplus gains also accrue to consumers. Further, U.S. antitrust laws that prohibit IPRs acquisition by the current monopolist increase consumer welfare by almost 50%.biopharmaceuticals, biopharming, economic surplus, imperfect competition, intellectual property rights, Agribusiness, Demand and Price Analysis, Financial Economics, Marketing, D23, M13, D43, D60,

    Market Strategies for a Tobacco Bio-Pharming Application: The Case of Gaucher's Disease Treatment

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    Small firms developing biotechnology applications often focus on establishing intellectual property rights, which can then be sold to more established firms with existing market chains. This paper explores the expected 'Buyout' price and economic surplus changes for an emerging bio-pharming application with transgenic tobacco. The results suggest a 'Buyout' price of about $1.75 billion. Yet despite this potentially large payout to the innovating firm, consumers also see significant surplus gains.Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Tractors on eBay and Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin: An Analysis on the Determinants of Price and Price Differences

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    We investigate the determinants of price for tractor auctions on eBay and tractors that are listed in the Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin (FCMB) in Georgia. Surprisingly, seller reputation is not an important factor while engine hours and the presence of air conditioning appear to influence price on eBay auctions. On average prices for tractors that sold on eBay are not different than those on FCMB. The analysis also suggests that farmers may benefit from the use of online venues.Internet auctions, farm machinery, local listings., Agribusiness, Industrial Organization, D82, L14,


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    The main focus of this paper is on the eclectic analysis of the social and cultural aspects of democratization in Albania within the limits of this influence. Study analysis considers issues related to economic or institutional policy influenced by the model political elite. Consequently, here we will claim an eclectic appreciation of our outward values towards democracy, as well as other democratic ideas from cultural traditions comparing them that can provide a notion for a theory of democracy in Albania. The eclectic analysis will reflect on the relation between the state formation theory and society. We will use qualitative analysis involving theory consuming engaging the questions of whether recently Albania is on a prolonged transition and has failed to democratize. What is the path to the future of democratic consolidation if we approach it with an eclectic analysis? We will explore a few aspects of democratic consolidation in Albania in terms of the strength of democratic values represented theories of universalism, traditionalism, and eclecticism discussed during the analysis. It is envisaged that a critique of the various assumptions and presuppositions of these prominent schools of thought will lead us to a credible theory of Albanian democracy. Under this assumption, understanding the elite’s decision-making is vital in explaining the consolidation of democracies but not sufficient to promise the consolidation due to other specific country-based structural factors.Keywords: Eclectic analysis, Albania, democratic consolidation, political elites, democratic theory, traditionalism and eclecticism


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    Democratic consolidation in Albania should not only be analyzed from a prospective of regime durability. The paradigms of democratization should be focusing on significant democratic contents. The main goal of this work is to investigate democratic consolidation process during last two decades. This will be conducted through a qualitative case study where the method employed, is on the realm of theory consuming. In order to achieve the purpose, this work will raise the questions of, why Albania did not reach democratic consolidation so far? What were the main challenges for further democratic consolidation? I will try to explore a few aspects of democratic consolidation in Albania, in terms of strength of democratic values represented by the ruling elites. Under this assumption, strong and reliable elite’s decision-making are important in explaining the consolidation of democracies but not sufficient to guarantee consolidation. Separated, fragmented and conflictive ruling elite may stop democratic consolidation and alter the process. In addressing these inquiries, certain paradoxes recognized in this case are unparalleled in other contexts that involve elites’ attributes to the process of consolidation. Elongated transition in Albanian has only produced an ongoing crisis and the elites seem to have constantly failing to produce a strong pathway for consolidation. Political elites have shown authoritarian tendencies into monopolization of power. This is analyzed as a main constraint of democratic consolidation in Albania. In this case can be assumed, due to vanishing allegiances of political elites to democratic values, that democratization process will be characterized by, backsliding into facade democracies or competitive authoritarianism.Keywords:  Paradigms, Albania, democratic consolidation, political elites, mutual pacts, democratic values, competitive authoritarianism, backsliding of democracy

    Physical activity benefits for Alzheimer's disease patients (A Review)

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a chronic and degenerative disease which is the main cause for dementia in older adults. It is well known that exercise can reduce the risk level for vascular risk factors, heart diseases (Blair et al., 1996), atherosclerosis (Lakka et al., 2001), stroke (Kurl et al., 2001) and diabetes (Seals et al., 1984; Houmard et al., 1996), diseases that can increase the risk for dementia and AD (Gustafson et al., 2003). Main objective of this study was to review the latest literature recomendations regarding the most appropriate exercise testing, programming and types of physical activity that Alzheimer’s disease patients should practice. The search has been made mainly, focusing in PubMed/MEDLINE, for randomized controlled trial studies which used PA intervention as a weapon for delaying or treating symtoms of AD patients. There are clear evidences which shows that AD patients can benefit from all types of occupational PA and have a positive effect on their psycho-social and cognitive functioning. AD patients who engage in PA, also have positive effect in motor abilities, activities of daily life and makes them more independent from others. Further studies for AD patients involving a larger number of subjects and different types of individualised exercise interventional programs are necessary to be conducted


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan latar belakang rendahnya pemahaman siswa kelas XI IPA MAN Cianjur terhadap konsep yang disebabkan antara lain oleh kurangnya kreativitas dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, kurang disiplinnya siswa dalam belajar, tidak mnggunakan modul pembelajaran LKS serta metode pembelajarannya pun masih menggunakan metode ceramah sehingga dianggap siswa sangat membosankan karena tidak ada variasi pada kegiatan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan modul pembelajaran LKS dengan siswa yang tidak menggunakan modul pembelajaran LKS dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada konsep sistem gerak di MAN Cianjur. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MAN Cianjur dan sampelnya yaitu kelas XI-3 dan XI-5 dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 30 orang di kelas XI-3 dan 30 orang di kelas XI-5. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperimental dengan desain randomized Control Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes kemampuan yang mengukur ranah kognitif berupa 20 soal pilihan ganda yang disesuaikan dengan pencapaian indikator pembelajaran yang sudah di uji cobakan sebelumnya. Setelah dilakukan pretest dan posttest peneliti melanjutkan dengan uji t dan diperoleh dengan hasil perbedaan yang signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dengan menggunakan uji t dimana t hit > t tab dan berdasarkan nilai rata-rata antara siswa yang menggunakan modul pembelajaran LKS yaitu sebesar 77,17 sedangkan siswa yang tidak menggunakan LKS yaitu sebesar 68,33 , pada konsep sistm gerak di MAN Cianjur. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa siswa yang menggunakan modul pembelajaran LKS berbeda dengan siswa yang tidak menggunakan modul pembelajaran LKS serta siswa yang menggunakan modul pembelajaran LKS lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswa yang tidak menggunakan modul pembelajaran LKS. Kata Kunci : Modul Pembelajaran LKS, Hasil Belajar

    Postural and balance evaluation in 18-30 years old albaniana β-thalassemia patients

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    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are at least 70 million thalassemia carriers in the world and in each year 42,000 homozygote children are born. The bone abnormalities such as rickets, spinal deformities, severe osteoporosis, and pathological fractures are important morbidity causes (Rodda CP et al., 1995). Patients with well treated transfusion-dependent thalassemia are generally shorter, have reduced truncal height (Fung EB et al., 2010), and healthy body weight (Vichinsky EP., 1998) compared to the general population. The main objective of this study was to evaluate postural and balance problems in beta thalassemia patients. 28 subjects (7 males 21 females) 18-30 years old from 3 different epidemiologic cities in Albania have participated in this study. Postural screening, which included digital photography in 4 plans (anterior view, right lateral view, posterior view, left lateral view) and postural evaluation with Posture Screen Mobile program were done. Subjects also performed balance tests on the Leonardo Mechanography Platform in 4 different position; BT (Balance Test) 1. (Rom EO); 1a (Rom EC); 2. (SemTanEO); 2a (SemTanEC); 3. (TanEO); 3a (TanEC). Pearson Correlation was used to asses’ associations between head lateral translations and angulations. Based on the results we can say that in beta thalassemia patients the postural problems are a major health related problem. More studies focused on this category are necessary in order to evaluate the most effective PA program. As a very specific group population it is recommended that the postural evaluation need to be part of their health routine check-up in order to prevent degenerative major postural deviations

    Do Rural Community Colleges Supply Unique Educational Benefits?

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    Community colleges likely draw to college individuals who would otherwise not attend due to their low costs and open admission requirements. This is labeled as the democratization effect. They may also divert individuals away from 4-year to terminal 2-year college degrees (the diversion effect). This study estimates democratization and diversion effects separately for nonmetropolitan and metropolitan youth using nationally representative data and models that account for endogenous institution selection. We find the democratization effect to exceed the diversion effect of community colleges for both metro and nonmetro youth. The democratization-diversion ratio is slightly higher for urban youth.rural, colleges, education, diversion, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession, I21, R0,