274 research outputs found

    Experimental Test of an Event-Based Corpuscular Model Modification as an Alternative to Quantum Mechanics

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    We present the first experimental test that distinguishes between an event-based corpuscular model (EBCM) [H. De Raedt et al.: J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 8 (2011) 1052] of the interaction of photons with matter and quantum mechanics. The test looks at the interference that results as a single photon passes through a Mach-Zehnder interferometer [H. De Raedt et al.: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74 (2005) 16]. The experimental results, obtained with a low-noise single-photon source [G. Brida et al.: Opt. Expr. 19 (2011) 1484], agree with the predictions of standard quantum mechanics with a reduced χ2\chi^2 of 0.98 and falsify the EBCM with a reduced χ2\chi^2 of greater than 20

    Optimal estimation of entanglement and discord in two-qubit states

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    Recently, the fast development of quantum technologies led to the need for tools allowing the characterization of quantum resources. In particular, the ability to estimate non-classical aspects, e.g. entanglement and quantum discord, in two-qubit systems, is relevant to optimise the performance of quantum information processes. Here we present an experiment in which the amount of entanglement and discord are measured exploiting different estimators. Among them, some will prove to be optimal, i.e., able to reach the ultimate precision bound allowed by quantum mechanics. These estimation techniques have been tested with a specific family of states ranging from nearly pure Bell states to completely mixed states. This work represents a significant step in the development of reliable metrological tools for quantum technologies

    Experimental quantum cryptography scheme based on orthogonal states

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    Since, in general, non-orthogonal states cannot be cloned, any eavesdropping attempt in a Quantum Communication scheme using non-orthogonal states as carriers of information introduces some errors in the transmission, leading to the possibility of detecting the spy. Usually, orthogonal states are not used in Quantum Cryptography schemes since they can be faithfully cloned without altering the transmitted data. Nevertheless, L. Goldberg and L. Vaidman [\prl 75 (1995) 1239] proposed a protocol in which, even if the data exchange is realized using two orthogonal states, any attempt to eavesdrop is detectable by the legal users. In this scheme the orthogonal states are superpositions of two localized wave packets travelling along separate channels. Here we present an experiment realizing this scheme

    Improved implementation of nonclassicality test for a single particle

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    Recently a test of nonclassicality for a single qubit was proposed [R. Alicki and N. Van Ryn, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41, 062001 (2008)]. We present an optimized experimental realization of this test leading to a 46 standard deviation violation of classicality. This factor of 5 improvement over our previous result was achieved by moving from the infrared to the visible where we can take advantage of higher efficiency and lower noise photon detectors.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Anomalous Weak Values and the Violation of a Multiple-measurement Leggett-Garg Inequality

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    Quantum mechanics presents peculiar properties that, on the one hand, have been the subject of several theoretical and experimental studies about its very foundations and, on the other hand, provide tools for developing new technologies, the so-called quantum technologies. The nonclassicality pointed out by Leggett-Garg inequalities has represented, with Bell inequalities, one of the most investigated subject. In this letter we study the connection of Leggett-Garg inequalities with a new emerging field of quantum measurement, the weak values. In particular, we perform an experimental study of the four-time correlators Legget-Garg test, by exploiting single and sequential weak measurements performed on heralded single photons. We show violation of a four-parameters Leggett-Garg inequality in different experimental conditions, demonstrating an interesting connection between Leggett-Garg inequality violation and anomalous weak values

    Experimental realization of Counterfactual Quantum Cryptography

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    In counterfactual QKD information is transfered, in a secure way, between Alice and Bob even when no particle carrying the information is in fact transmitted between them. In this letter we fully implement the scheme for counterfactual QKD proposed in [T. Noh, \PRL \textbf{103}, 230501 (2009)], demonstrating for the first time that information can be transmitted between two parties without the transmission of a carrier

    Detection of multimode spatial correlation in PDC and application to the absolute calibration of a CCD camera

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    We propose and demonstrate experimentally a new method based on the spatial entanglement for the absolute calibration of analog detector. The idea consists on measuring the sub-shot-noise intensity correlation between two branches of parametric down conversion, containing many pairwise correlated spatial modes. We calibrate a scientific CCD camera and a preliminary evaluation of the statistical uncertainty indicates the metrological interest of the method

    Quantifying backflash radiation to prevent zero-error attacks in quantum key distribution

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    Single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) are the most widespread commercial solution for single-photon counting in quantum key distribution applications. However, the secondary photon emission that arises from the avalanche of charge carriers that occurs during the detection of a photon may be exploited by an eavesdropper to gain information without inducing errors in the transmission key. In this paper, we characterize such backflash light in gated InGaAs/InP SPADs and discuss its spectral and temporal characterization for different detector models and different operating parameters. We qualitatively bound the maximum information leakage due to backflash light and propose solutions for preventing such leakage

    Quantifying backflash radiation to prevent zero-error attacks in quantum key distribution

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    Single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) are the most widespread commercial solution for single-photon counting in quantum key distribution applications. However, the secondary photon emission that arises from the avalanche of charge carriers that occurs during the detection of a photon may be exploited by an eavesdropper to gain information without inducing errors in the transmission key. In this paper, we characterize such backflash light in gated InGaAs/InP SPADs and discuss its spectral and temporal characterization for different detector models and different operating parameters. We qualitatively bound the maximum information leakage due to backflash light and propose solutions for preventing such leakage

    Limitations of Bulk Diamond Sensors for Single-Cell Thermometry

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    The present paper reports on a Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis of the experimental situation corresponding to the measurement of the temperature variation in a single cell plated on bulk diamond by means of optical techniques. Starting from previous experimental results, we have determined-in a uniform power density approximation and under steady-state conditions-the total heat power that has to be dissipated by a single cell plated on a glassy substrate in order to induce the typical maximum temperature increase ΔTglass=1 K. While keeping all of the other parameters constant, the glassy substrate has been replaced by a diamond plate. The FEM analysis shows that, in this case, the maximum temperature increase is expected at the diamond/cell interface and is as small as ΔTdiam=4.6×10-4 K. We have also calculated the typical decay time in the transient scenario, which resulted in τ≈ 250 μs. By comparing these results with the state-of-the-art sensitivity values, we prove that the potential advantages of a longer coherence time, better spectral properties, and the use of special field alignments do not justify the use of diamond substrates in their bulk form
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