72 research outputs found

    Fluorogenic hyaluronan nanogels for detection of micro- and nanoplastics in water

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    Environmental pollution from plastics is exponentially increasing due to human activities. While larger microplastics can be detected with various methods, retrieving micron-sized fragments and nanoplastics remains challenging. Yet, these smaller-sized plastics have been raising considerable toxicological concern. Here, we show that a poorly emissive hyaluronan functionalized with rhodamine B (HA–RB) adheres with high affinity to various microplastic surfaces, becoming brightly emissive. Micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) can be successfully detected with size as small as the diffraction limit of confocal microscopy (ca. 250 nm). FLIM images show that the fluorescence lifetime of the dye moieties changes according to the plastics, making possible a discrimination of the nature of MNPs based on lifetime. HA–RB, compared to previous reports, eliminates false-positive results caused by formation of dye aggregates, resulting in a higher S/N ratio which allows the unequivocal detection of nano-sized fragments

    PluS Nanoparticles Loaded with Sorafenib: Synthetic Approach and Their Effects on Endothelial Cells

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    Silica nanostructures are widely investigated for theranostic applications, since relatively mild and easy synthetic methods allow the fabrication of multi-compartment nanoparticles (NPs) and to finely modulate their properties. Here, we report the optimization of a synthetic strategy leading to brightly fluorescent silica NPs with a high loading ability – up to 45 molecules per NP – of Sorafenib, a small molecule acting as antiangiogenic drug. We demonstrate that these NPs can efficiently release the drug and they are able to inhibit endothelial cell proliferation, migration and network formation. Their lyophilization can endow them with long shelf stability while, once in solution, they show a much slower release compared to analogous micellar systems. Interestingly, Sorafenib released from PluS NPs completely prevented endothelial cell responses and post-receptor MAPK signaling ignited by VEGF, one of the major player of tumor angiogenesis. Our results indicate that these theranostic systems represent a promising structure for anti-cancer applications since NPs alone have no cytotoxic effect on cultured endothelial cells, a cell type to which drugs and exogenous material are always in contact once delivere

    Core–Shell Pluronic-Organosilica Nanoparticles with Controlled Polarity and Oxygen Permeability

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    Nanostructured systems constitute versatile carriers with multiple functions engineered in a nanometric space. Yet, such multimodality often requires adapting the chemistry of the nanostructure to the properties of the hosted functional molecules. Here, we show the preparation of core-shell Pluronic-organosilica "PluOS" nanoparticles with the use of a library of organosilane precursors. The precursors are obtained via a fast and quantitative click reaction, starting from cost-effective reagents such as diamines and an isocyanate silane derivative, and they condensate in building blocks characterized by a balance between hydrophobic and H-bond-rich domains. As nanoscopic probes for local polarity, oxygen permeability, and solvating properties, we use, respectively, solvatochromic, phosphorescent, and excimer-forming dyes covalently linked to the organosilica matrix during synthesis. The results obtained here clearly show that the use of these organosilane precursors allows for finely tuning polarity, oxygen permeability, and solvating properties of the resulting organosilica core, expanding the toolbox for precise engineering of the particle properties

    Blending or Bonding? Mechanochromism of an Aggregachromic Mechanophore in a Thermoplastic Elastomer

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    A straightforward way for the preparation of mechanochromic polymers consists of incorporating a suitable content of a mechanophore in the polymeric matrix either by physical dispersion or via covalent functionalization. Although covalent incorporation may require demanding chemical efforts, this approach can offer significant advantages over physical dispersion. In this work, a common thermoplastic elastomer, styrene-b-(ethylene-co-butylene)-b-styrene triblock copolymer grafted with maleic anhydride (SEBS-MAH), was covalently functionalized with 1-aminomethylpyrene (AMP). MAH functional groups are covalently linked to the ethylene-co-butylene blocks, thus allowing a precise and selective confinement of the chromogenic AMP units in the soft block. Flat, fully conjugated pyrene units undergo the reversible formation of π-πaggregates, readily distinguishable by their red-shifted emission. These aggregates were heavily affected by the application of mechanical stimuli. Despite the low degree of mechanophore functionalization (about 1 wt %), uniaxial deformation of the polymer was reliably monitored via fluorescence and a clear drop in the excimer to monomer emission ratio (IE/IM) was observed starting from 50% of strain. The marked mechanochromism was confirmed by emission lifetime measurements and also by near-field investigations. In addition, the mechanoresponse showed good reversibility after repeated stress-relaxation cycles. Control experiments performed on formulations comprising a physical dispersion of pyrene in unfunctionalized SEBS showed faint excimer emission and a negligible mechanochromic response up to 5 wt % of doping, in substantial agreement with the scanning near-field optical microscopy analysis. An evident drop of the IE/IM ratio occurred for 10 wt % of pyrene, albeit the excimer emission remained predominant even at the highest deformation, being a smaller fraction of pyrene moieties involved. Overall, the covalent approach appeared as an elegant procedure to confine the chromogenic unit in the soft phase of block copolymers and thus to provide an elastomeric film showing a detectable and reversible mechanochromic response with a modest (i.e., ∌1 wt %) amount of pyrene molecules, i.e., 10 times smaller compared to the dispersed system

    Tandem Dye-Doped Nanoparticles for NIR Imaging via Cerenkov Resonance Energy Transfer

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    The detection of the Cerenkov radiation (CR) is an emerging preclinical imaging technique which allows monitoring the in vivo distribution of radionuclides. Among its possible advantages, the most interesting is the simplicity and cost of the required instrumentation compared, e.g., to that required for PET scans. On the other hand, one of its main drawbacks is related to the fact that CR, presenting the most intense component in the UV-vis region, has a very low penetration in biological tissues. To address this issue, we present here multifluorophoric silica nanoparticles properly designed to efficiently absorb the CR radiation and to have a quite high fluorescence quantum yield (0.12) at 826 nm. Thanks to a highly efficient series of energy transfer processes, each nanoparticle can convert part of the CR into NIR light, increasing its detection even under 1.0-cm thickness of muscle

    Role of CaCO3° neutral pair in calcium carbonate crystallization

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    The molecular structure of the units that get incorporated into the nuclei of the crystalline phase and sustain their growth is a fundamental issue in the pathway from a supersaturated solution to the formation of crystals. Using a fluorescent dye we have recorded the variation of the pH value in time along a gel where CaCl2 and NaHCO3 counter-diffuse to crystallize CaCO3. The same pH–space–time distribution maps were also computationally obtained using a chemical speciation code (phreeqc). Using data arising from this model we investigated the space-time evolution of the activity of the single species (ions and ion pairs) involved in the crystallization process. Our combined results suggest that, whatever the pathway from solution to crystals, the neutral pair CaCO3° is a key species in the CaCO3 precipitation system.European Research Council (European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) grant agreement no 340863, and Spanish MINECO grants MAT2014-60533-R and CGL2010-16882 cofounded with FEDERPeer reviewe

    Chemistry of tropical eucheumatoids: Potential for food and feed applications

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    The use of seaweeds as additives in animal nutrition may be a valid option to traditional feed as they represent a rich source of minerals, carbohydrates and antioxidants. The aim of this study was to analyze the chemical composition and in vitro antioxidant capacity of two tropical eucheumatoids, Kappaphycus alvarezii and Kappaphycus striatus, in Malaysian wild offshore waters. The chemical analysis was performed via inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectroscopy for evaluating the concentration of toxic (Cd, Pb, Hg, As) and essential elements (Mn, Fe, Cu, Ni, Zn, Se); NMR spectroscopy was used for carrageenans investigation. Furthermore, the soluble and fat-soluble antioxidant capacities were determined by FRAP, DPPH and ABTS assays. The chemical analysis revealed a higher content of trace elements in K. alvarezii as compared to K. striatus, and both exhibited a high mineral content. No significant differences in metal concentrations were found between the two species. Both samples showed a mixture of prevailing Îș-and t-carrageenans. Finally, the levels of soluble and fat-soluble antioxidants in K. alvarezii were significantly higher than in K. striatus. Our findings suggest that K. alvarezii could be used as a potential feed additive because of its favorable chemical and nutritional features

    The emerging role of cancer nanotechnology in the panorama of sarcoma

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    In the field of nanomedicine a multitude of nanovectors have been developed for cancer application. In this regard, a less exploited target is represented by connective tissue. Sarcoma lesions encompass a wide range of rare entities of mesenchymal origin affecting connective tissues. The extraordinary diversity and rarity of these mesenchymal tumors is reflected in their classification, grading and management which are still challenging. Although they include more than 70 histologic subtypes, the first line-treatment for advanced and metastatic sarcoma has remained unchanged in the last fifty years, excluding specific histotypes in which targeted therapy has emerged. The role of chemotherapy has not been completely elucidated and the outcomes are still very limited. At the beginning of the century, nano-sized particles clinically approved for other solid lesions were tested in these neoplasms but the results were anecdotal and the clinical benefit was not substantial. Recently, a new nanosystem formulation NBTXR3 for the treatment of sarcoma has landed in a phase 2-3 trial. The preliminary results are encouraging and could open new avenues for research in nanotechnology. This review provides an update on the recent advancements in the field of nanomedicine for sarcoma. In this regard, preclinical evidence especially focusing on the development of smart materials and drug delivery systems will be summarized. Moreover, the sarcoma patient management exploiting nanotechnology products will be summed up. Finally, an overlook on future perspectives will be provided

    Supramolecular approaches to organized luminescent nanostructures for sensing, labeling and imaging applications

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    The common thread of this thesis is the will of investigating properties and behavior of assemblies. Groups of objects display peculiar properties, which can be very far from the simple sum of respective components’ properties. This is truer, the smaller is inter-objects distance, i.e. the higher is their density, and the smaller is the container size. “Confinement” is in fact a key concept in many topics explored and here reported. It can be conceived as a spatial limitation, that yet gives origin to unexpected processes and phenomena based on inter-objects communication. Such phenomena eventually result in “non-linear properties”, responsible for the low predictability of large assemblies. Chapter 1 provides two insights on surface chemistry, namely (i) on a supramolecular assembly based on orthogonal forces, and (ii) on selective and sensitive fluorescent sensing in thin polymeric film. In chapters 2 to 4 confinement of molecules plays a major role. Most of the work focuses on FRET within core-shell nanoparticles, investigated both through a simulation model and through experiments. Exciting results of great applicative interest are drawn, such as a method of tuning emission wavelength at constant excitation, and a way of overcoming self-quenching processes by setting up a competitive deactivation channel. We envisage applications of these materials as labels for multiplexing analysis, and in all fields of fluorescence imaging, where brightness coupled with biocompatibility and water solubility is required. Adducts of nanoparticles and molecular photoswitches are investigated in the context of superresolution techniques for fluorescence microscopy. In chapter 5 a method is proposed to prepare a library of functionalized Pluronic F127, which gives access to a twofold “smart” nanomaterial, namely both (i)luminescent and (ii)surface-functionalized SCSSNPs. Focus shifts in chapter 6 to confinement effects in an upper size scale. Moving from nanometers to micrometers, we investigate the interplay between microparticles flowing in microchannels where a constriction affects at very long ranges structure and dynamics of the colloidal paste

    Photo-tunable multicolour fluorescence imaging based on self-assembled fluorogenic nanoparticles

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    Non-fluorescent nanoparticles resulting from the self-assembly of a new perylene diimide behave as fluorogenic probes for biological cells under physiological conditions giving a dosage-dependent green or red fluorescence and showing very low cytotoxicity. The emission colour can be tuned by photo-irradiation to achieve multicolour labelling
