171 research outputs found

    The Thermal Decomposition of Fine-grained Micrometeorites, Observations from Mid-IR Spectroscopy

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    We analysed 44 fine-grained and scoriaceous micrometeorites. A bulk mid-IR spectrum (8–13 lm) for each grain was collected and the entire micrometeorite population classified into 5 spectral groups, based on the positions of their absorption bands. Corresponding carbonaceous Raman spectra, textural observations from SEM-BSE and bulk geochemical data via EMPA were collected to aid in the interpretation of mid-IR spectra. The 5 spectral groups identified correspond to progressive thermal decomposition. Unheated hydrated chondritic matrix, composed predominantly of phyllosilicates, exhibit smooth, asymmetric spectra with a peak at 10 lm. Thermal decomposition of sheet silicates evolves through dehydration, dehydroxylation, annealing and finally by the onset of partial melting. Both CI-like and CM-like micrometeorites are shown to pass through the same decomposition stages and produce similar mid-IR spectra. Using known temperature thresholds for each decomposition stage it is possible to assign a peak temperature range to a given micrometeorite. Since the temperature thresholds for decomposition reactions are defined by the phyllosilicate species and the cation composition and that these variables are markedly different between CM and CI classes, atmospheric entry should bias the dust flux to favour the survival of CIlike grains, whilst preferentially melting most CM-like dust. However, this hypothesis is inconsistent with empirical observations and instead requires that the source ratio of CI:CM dust is heavily skewed in favour of CM material. In addition, a small population of anomalous grains are identified whose carbonaceous and petrographic characteristics suggest in-space heating and dehydroxylation have occurred. These grains may therefore represent regolith micrometeorites derived from the surface of C-type asteroids. Since the spectroscopic signatures of dehydroxylates are distinctive, i.e. characterised by a reflectance peak at 9.0–9.5 lm, and since the surfaces of C-type asteroids are expected to be heated via impact gardening, we suggest that future spectroscopic investigations should attempt to identify dehydroxylate signatures in the reflectance spectra of young carbonaceous asteroid families

    The parent body controls on cosmic spherule texture: Evidence from the oxygen isotopic compositions of large micrometeorites

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    High-precision oxygen isotopic compositions of eighteen large cosmic spherules (>500 µm diameter) from the Atacama Desert, Chile, were determined using IR-laser fluorination – Isotope Ratio Mass spectrometry. The four discrete isotopic groups defined in a previous study on cosmic spherules from the Transantarctic Mountains (Suavet et al., 2010) were identified, confirming their global distribution. Approximately 50% of the studied cosmic spherules are related to carbonaceous chondrites, 38% to ordinary chondrites and 12% to unknown parent bodies. Approximately 90% of barred olivine (BO) cosmic spherules show oxygen isotopic compositions suggesting they are related to carbonaceous chondrites. Similarly, ∼90% porphyritic olivine (Po) cosmic spherules are related to ordinary chondrites and none can be unambiguously related to carbonaceous chondrites. Other textures are related to all potential parent bodies. The data suggests that the textures of cosmic spherules are mainly controlled by the nature of the precursor rather than by the atmospheric entry parameters. We propose that the Po texture may essentially be formed from a coarse-grained precursor having an ordinary chondritic mineralogy and chemistry. Coarse-grained precursors related to carbonaceous chondrites (i.e. chondrules) are likely to either survive atmospheric entry heating or form V-type cosmic spherules. Due to the limited number of submicron nucleation sites after total melting, ordinary chondrite-related coarse-grained precursors that suffer higher peak temperatures will preferentially form cryptocrystalline (Cc) textures instead of BO textures. Conversely, the BO textures would be mostly related to the fine-grained matrices of carbonaceous chondrites due to the wide range of melting temperatures of their constituent mineral phases, allowing the preservation of submicron nucleation sites. Independently of the nature of the precursors, increasing peak temperatures form glassy textures

    Novel Experimental Simulations of the Atmospheric Injection of Meteoric Metals

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    A newly developed laboratory, Meteoric Ablation Simulator (MASI), is used to test model predictions of the atmospheric ablation of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) with experimental Na, Fe, and Ca vaporization profiles. MASI is the first laboratory setup capable of performing time-resolved atmospheric ablation simulations, by means of precision resistive heating and atomic laser-induced fluorescence detection. Experiments using meteoritic IDP analogues show that at least three mineral phases (Na-rich plagioclase, metal sulfide, and Mg-rich silicate) are required to explain the observed appearance temperatures of the vaporized elements. Low melting temperatures of Na-rich plagioclase and metal sulfide, compared to silicate grains, preclude equilibration of all the elemental constituents in a single melt. The phase-change process of distinct mineral components determines the way in which Na and Fe evaporate. Ca evaporation is dependent on particle size and on the initial composition of the molten silicate. Measured vaporized fractions of Na, Fe, and Ca as a function of particle size and speed confirm differential ablation (i.e., the most volatile elements such as Na ablate first, followed by the main constituents Fe, Mg, and Si, and finally the most refractory elements such as Ca). The Chemical Ablation Model (CABMOD) provides a reasonable approximation to this effect based on chemical fractionation of a molten silicate in thermodynamic equilibrium, even though the compositional and geometric description of IDPs is simplistic. Improvements in the model are required in order to better reproduce the specific shape of the elemental ablation profiles

    An urban collection of modern-day large micrometeorites: Evidence for variations in the extraterrestrial dust flux through the Quaternary

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    We report the discovery of significant numbers (500) of large micrometeorites (>100 μm) from rooftops in urban areas. The identification of particles as micrometeorites is achieved on the basis of their compositions, mineralogies, and textures. All particles are silicate-dominated (S type) cosmic spherules with subspherical shapes that form by melting during atmospheric entry and consist of quench crystals of magnesian olivine, relict crystals of forsterite, and iron-bearing olivine within glass. Four particles also contain Ni-rich metal-sulfide beads. Bulk compositions are chondritic apart from depletions in the volatile, moderately volatile, and siderophile elements, as observed in micrometeorites from other sources. The reported particles are likely to have fallen on Earth in the past 6 yr and thus represent the youngest large micrometeorites collected to date. The relative abundance ratio of barred olivine to cryptocrystalline spherule types in the urban particles of 1.45 is shown to be higher than a Quaternary average of ∼0.9, suggesting variations in the extraterrestrial dust flux over the past 800 k.y. Changes in the entry velocities of dust caused by quasi-periodic gravitational perturbation during transport to Earth are suggested to be responsible. Variations in cosmic spherule abundance within the geologic column are thus unavoidable and can be a consequence of dust transport as well as major dust production events

    Fossil micrometeorites from Monte dei Corvi: Searching for dust from the Veritas asteroid family and the utility of micrometeorites as a palaeoclimate proxy

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    We searched late Miocene sedimentary rocks in an attempt to recover fossil micrometeorites derived from the Veritas asteroid family. This study was motivated by the previous identification of a pronounced 3He peak (4-5x above background) within marine sediments with ages between ∼8.5–6.9 Ma ago (Montanari et al., 2017. GSA Bulletin, 129:1357–1376). We processed 118.9 kg of sediment from the Monte dei Corvi beach section (Italy), the global type-section for the Tortonian epoch (11.6–7.2 Ma). Samples were collected both before and within the 3He peak. Although a small number of iron-rich (I-type) fossil micrometeorites were recovered from each horizon studied (Ntotal = 20), there is no clear difference between the pre- and intra- 3He peak samples. All micrometeorites are compositionally similar, and three out of five horizons yielded similar abundances and particle sizes. Micrometeorites extracted from sediments at the base of the 3He peak were exclusively small (ø 3He values were relatively large (ø 3He signature combined with the absence of fossil micrometeorites or extraterrestrial spinels (Boschi et al., 2019, Spec. Pap. Geol. Soc. Am. 542:383–391) unambiguously related to the Veritas event suggests that the Veritas family is composed of highly friable materials that rarely survive on the sea floor to become preserved in the geological record. Our data supports the existing hypothesis that the Veritas asteroid family is an aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrite parent body, one that contains minimal native metal grains or refractory Cr-spinels. The low yield of fossil micrometeorites at Monte dei Corvi is attributed to loss of particles by dissolution whilst they resided on the sea floor but also due to high sedimentation rates leading to dilution of the extraterrestrial dust flux at this site. As with other fossil micrometeorite collections (e.g. Cretaceous chalk [Suttle and Genge, EPSL, 476:132–142]) the I-type spherules have been altered since deposition. In most particles, both magnetite and wüstite remain intact but have been affected by solid state geochemical exchange, characterised by partial leaching of Ni, Co and Cr and implantation of Mn, Mg, Si and Al. In some particles Mn concentrations reach up to 16.6 wt%. Conversely, in some micrometeorites wüstite has been partially dissolved, or even replaced by calcite or ankerite. Finally, we observe evidence for wüstite recrystallisation, forming a second generation of magnetite. This process is suggested to occur by oxidation during residence on the seafloor and has implications for the use of fossil I-type micrometeorites as a potential proxy for probing Earth’s upper atmospheric composition (oxidative capacity) in the geological past. However, solutions to the limitations of post-depositional recrystallisation are suggested. Fossil I-type spherules remain a potential tool for palaeo-climatic studies