1,577 research outputs found

    The effects of Quadmill training on balance: An intervention study 2017

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    The purpose of this study was to observe and compare the effects of two separate training interventions using the QuadmillTM to a control group on balance in college-aged individuals. It was hypothesized that both experimental groups (I1 and I2) would experience improvements in balance over the intervention whereas the control group would remain at baseline. It was secondarily hypothesized that I2 would experience greater improvements than I1 in balance due to the nature of the exercise protocol. Data was collected using three systems; Balance Tracking Systems, Star Excursion Balance Test, and the Biodex Balance system. A two-way mixed methods ANOVA revealed no significant group by time interaction or group main effects for any dependent variable. Further analysis showed a significant main effect of time for nine dependent variables with a statistical significance for each of p\u3c .05. It was concluded that there was no difference between the two QuadmillTM training methods (I1, I2) on improving balance. It was also concluded that there was no difference between I1 and I2 and the control group C1

    Abemaciclib: A CDK4/6 inhibitor for the treatment of HR+/HEeR2- advanced breast cancer

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    Although early breast cancer (BC) is highly curable, advanced or metastatic disease poses numerous challenges in terms of medical management and treatment decisions and is associated with significantly worse prognosis. Among the new targeted agents, anticancer drugs exploiting the cell-cycle machinery have shown great potential in preclinical studies. CDK4/6 inhibitors target the cyclin D/CDK/retinoblastoma signaling pathway, inducing cell-cycle arrest, reduced cell viability and tumor shrinking. As the cyclin D/CDK complex is activated downstream of estrogen signaling, the combination of CDK4/6 inhibitors with standard endocrine therapies represents a rational approach to elicit synergic antitumor activity in hormone receptor-positive BC. The results of clinical trials have indeed confirmed the superiority of the combination of CDK4/6 inhibitors plus endocrine therapies over endocrine therapy alone. Currently approved are three compounds that exhibit similar structural characteristics as well as biological and clinical activities. Abemaciclib is the latest CDK4/6 inhibitor approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in view of the results of the MONARCH 1 and 2 trials. Further trials are ongoing as other important questions await response. In this review, we focus on abemaciclib to examine preclinical and clinical results, describing current therapeutic indications, open questions and ongoing clinical trials

    Changes in Exercise Habits of University Students During the Covid-19 Lockdown

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    The purpose of this investigation was to investigate how the exercise habits of college students changed during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Data were collected via an online survey distributed through the University of Southern Maine student email distribution list. All current university students were invited to participate in the survey starting in February 2021 through March 2021. The study included a questionnaire designed to capture the exercise habits of university students three months before the lockdown of COVID-19 (January – March 2020) and their exercise habits after a lockdown in (February - April 2021). The survey questions were based on the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) physical activity guidelines to analyze the participant's exercise habits. The participants showed a decrease in the exercise along with an increase in weekly sitting time. Before COVID-19, 21.8% of participants were sitting >35 hours per week. After the COVID-19 lockdown, 50.45% of participants were sitting >35 hours per week. The results of this study could be used for further research to promote an increase in exercise at home. With the uncertainty of the pandemic, motivating people to stand and walk more could be the first step in breaking the increase in sitting habits and help to increase exercise habits. The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed imposed many restrictions on our daily routines, but it could also guide us to new approaches for prescribing exercise programs in the future

    Utilizzo di Mineral Trioxide Aggregate nella riparazione di perforazioni della forcazione: due casi clinici

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    Aims: Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA), a Portland Cement-like materi- al, developed in 1993 by M. Torabine- jad, has been suggested in the treat- ment of furcal perforation. The aim of this study is to describe two case reports of teeth with furcal perforation treated with mineral trioxide aggre- gate. Clinical cases: two molars with a furcal perforation, due to decay and iatro- genic mistake, respectively, were treated with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate during the conventional retreatment. Clinical and radiological controls show the healing of periodontal tissues. Conclusions: the MTA seems to be the best material in the treatment of furcal perforation. Its excellent action may be connected with highly reduced quantity of liquid and bacterial leak- age, and this clinical condition seems to allow the healing of periodontal tissues


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    openA distanza di più di tre anni dallo scoppio della pandemia di Covid-19, l’Italia ed il Mondo si trovano di fronte alle conseguenze, socio-economiche e psicologiche, di una crisi apparentemente senza precedenti. La crisi economica si inserisce su un impianto nazionale precario, le differenze sociali si acuiscono, i mesi di lockdown hanno ritardato lo sviluppo dei compiti evolutivi nelle fasce d’età più sensibili. Il disagio è in aumento, la domanda di un sostegno psicologico da parte delle più giovani generazioni è in crescita, ma tali aspetti sembrano essere invisibili alla maggioranza delle istituzioni. Questa tesi sperimentale si propone di indagare tale disagio e di analizzare le ripercussioni della pandemia di Covid-19 sulla salute mentale e sul benessere psicologico di adolescenti e adulti emergenti. La tesi, suddivisa in cinque capitoli, origina da una ricerca condotta, mediante un questionario self-report, su un campione di 513 adolescenti e adulti emergenti, con un’età compresa tra i 12 e i 26 anni. Il questionario si costituisce di una parte anagrafica iniziale seguita da sette diverse scale volte ad analizzare nello specifico: la capacità di regolazione emotiva (DERS, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation), il supporto sociale percepito (MSPSS, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support), l’autostima (RSES, Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale), la resilienza (ER89-R, Ego Resiliency Scale Revised), lo stress percepito in relazione al Covid-19 (CSSQ, Covid Student Stress Questionnaire), il possibile trauma associato al Covid-19 (IES-R, Impact of Event Scale – Revised) e lo stato generale di benessere psicologico (PGWBI, Psychological General Well-Being Index). L’ipotesi da cui la ricerca muove è quella di indagare la presenza di una correlazione tra lo stress esperito durante il periodo pandemico e l’impatto che questo ha avuto sul funzionamento psichico e il benessere di adolescenti e adulti emergenti nel lungo periodo. All’interno di tale analisi, la ricerca si propone di indagare il ruolo di alcuni fattori di mediazione: da un lato costrutti psicologici quali l’autostima, la resilienza, il supporto sociale percepito e la difficoltà di regolazione emotiva, dall'altro il ruolo del genere, dell’età e del sonno, dell’attività sportiva, e dell’uso dei social media

    Cyclin dependent kinase 4 and 6 inhibitors as novel therapeutic agents for targeted treatment of malignant mesothelioma

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    Malignant Mesothelioma (MM) is a rare and aggressive form of tumour that affects the lining of the internal organs for which current treatments have not been proven to be very effective. P16(INK4A) tumour suppressor encoding CDKN2A gene is often downregulated in MM. This protein is a cyclin dependent kinase 4 and 6 inhibitor, that normally phosphorylates RB1, which has to be un-phosphorylated in order to block cell-cycle at G1 in normal cells. Adding CDK inhibitor molecules to MM in pre-clinical studies has been proven to restore the normal function of p16(INK4A), blocking thereby MM cell cycle at G1. Future randomised phase III studies with CDK4/6 inhibitors in MM carrying relevant CDK4/6, cyclin D1/3 or p16 aberrations will be warranted

    Profissionais de relações públicas: história oral de vida

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever o método de história de vida, bem como a história de vida através da oralidade como importantes métodos a serem utilizados nas investigações em Relações Públicas. O método de história de vida é parte da abordagem biográfica, apresentando os conceitos-chave que fazem parte dos métodos e pontos de partida para uma investigação com o profissional de Relações Públicas decorrentes da aplicação dos métodos. O estudo incide sobre a análise das narrativas contadas pelos profissionais de Relações Públicas tendo por base a sua própria “História de Vida”. Centra-se inicialmente no “como”, no “porquê” e no “quando” de uma profissão vistos através da “História Oral de Vida” dos seus profissionais. Está assente em “Como os profissionais chegaram ao exercício da atividade de Relações Públicas?”, “O porquê de seguirem esta escolha?” e “Quando seguiram esta escolha?”. A História Oral de Vida tem sido aplicada noutras áreas, agora sendo relevante para trazer à tona as narrativas dos profissionais de Relações Públicas. A valorização da narrativa pessoal/profissional dos praticantes de Relações Públicas na constituição do profissional, para que se possa estudá-lo para além das organizações. Um dos objetivos relevantes é a possível caracterização da escolha profissional e até que ponto pode contribuir-se para a formação de outros profissionais da área. O papel central do profissional de Relações Públicas que habitualmente fala em nome de uma organização, passa a ser posto à parte para que o profissional seja o sujeito-narrador da sua própria história. O estudo salienta a importância dos profissionais de Relações Públicas através da relevância dada às narrativas. Ao fazer-se a “História Oral de Vida” estamos a trazer à área um novo contributo para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a atividade.The study focuses on the analysis of the narratives told by Public Relations Professionals based on their own "Life History". Initially focuses on the "how ", the " why" and " when " of a profession seen through the " Oral History of Life " of some professionals . This study aims to describe "how the professionals came to the exercise of the activity of Public Relations?", " Why they followed this branch of activity? " And "When to followed this choice?”. The Oral Life History has been applied in other areas of study, and now it appears to be mandatory to expose the Public Relations Professional’s narratives. The appreciation of the narrative personal / professional practitioners of Public Relations in the professional constitution is vital to endure a study that moves beyond the organizations’ field. Therefore one of the most important goals is to characterize the possible career choice and how to extend it can contribute to the formation of other professionals. The central role of the Public Relations professional, who habitually speak on behalf of an organization, shall be set aside so that the professional is the subject-narrator of his own story. At last the study highlights the importance of public relations professionals through the relevance given to their narratives. In making the "Oral Life History" we are bringing to the area a new contribution to deepening the knowledge about the activity

    The importance of the quality of the early parents-child relationship for healthy development: introduction of a psycho-relational form in pediatric health budgets (0-36 months)

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    openPremessa: La letteratura mostra l’importanza della qualità della relazione precoce genitore-bambino per uno sviluppo sano di quest’ultimo. La sensibilità, l’affetto, la sintonizzazione del caregiver sono gli elementi più importanti che contribuiscono alla formazione dell’attaccamento sicuro. Al contrario, risposte incoerenti, disimpegnate o emotivamente distanti nei confronti del bambino incentivano la formazione di un attaccamento insicuro e nei casi più gravi di un attaccamento disorganizzato che è un grande fattore di rischio per lo sviluppo di problematiche a breve e lungo termine. Nell’ambito degli studi psicologici sulla relazione genitore-bambino è stato poco indagato il ruolo della qualità della relazione precoce con entrambi i genitori che invece risulta essere di fondamentale importanza per conoscere i contributi che sia madre che padre apportano allo sviluppo del figlio. Le procedure di valutazione esistenti sono molto lunghe e impegnative, dunque, l’obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di introdurre una scheda da somministrare nei vari bilanci di salute che valutasse oltre allo sviluppo psicologico del bambino anche lo sviluppo relazionale genitori-bambino tramite una Scheda (Scheda Psico-Relazionale) molto semplice e intuitiva che ci ha aiutato ad arrivare a una valutazione finale su due livelli grazie all’introduzione di alcuni parametri di allerta. Metodi: Attraverso una sinergia della Società Italiana di Pediatria e della Società Italiana di Psicoterapia della Gestalt, insieme ad alcuni rappresentanti della Società Italiana di Neuropsichiatria Infantile, sono state raccolte 30 schede di bambini di 1 mese, 30 schede di bambini di 3 mesi, 30 schede di bambini di 6 mesi, 23 schede di bambini di 12 mesi, 17 schede di bambini di 18-24 mesi e 21 schede di bambini di 36 mesi. Lo studio ha indagato le manifestazioni relazionali e psicologiche del bambino, lo stato emotivo-psicologico del genitore e la qualità della relazione genitore-bambino in ogni tappa di età osservata dal Pediatra durante la visita. Risultati: Nei primi mesi di vita i bambini considerati tendevano a raggiungere quasi tutti gli elementi previsti dalla scheda mentre a 18-24 mesi si è verificata una diminuzione di capacità raggiunte che è risalita a 36 mesi. Dallo studio è emersa una differenza significativa fra madre e padre nella modificazione del tono dell’umore e nell’alimentazione dalla nascita del bambino fino ai 12 mesi e una differenza significativa fra madre e padre nella modificazione del sonno dalla nascita del bambino fino a 36 mesi. Inoltre, l’alterazione del sonno del padre è mutata nelle varie fasce di età del figlio: era maggiormente presente quando il bambino aveva 1 mese e tendeva a migliorare quando il bambino cresceva. Infine, si è potuta notare una differenza nell’accompagnamento del bambino alla visita pediatrica: a 1 mese, la maggior parte dei bambini considerati venivano accompagnati da entrambi i genitori mentre, mano a mano che il tempo passava, il bambino veniva sempre più accompagnato da un solo genitore, principalmente la madre. Conclusioni: I risultati si sono rivelati principalmente in linea con quanto atteso e con i contributi teorici precedenti sul tema. Sono discussi i limiti dello studio e considerate le implicazioni promettenti per la ricerca futura.Background: The literature shows the importance of the quality of the early parent-child relationship for the healthy development of the latter. Sensitivity, affection, and attunement of the caregiver are the most important elements that contribute to the formation of secure attachment. In contrast, inconsistent, disengaged or emotionally distant responses to the child incentivize the formation of insecure attachment and in severe cases disorganized attachment, which is a major risk factor for the development of short- and long-term problems. Within the framework of psychological studies on the parent-child relationship there has been little investigation of the role of the quality of the early relationship with both parents, which, on the other hand, turns out to be of fundamental importance in knowing the contributions that both mother and father make to the child's development. The existing assessment procedures are very time-consuming and demanding, therefore, the aim of this research was to introduce a form to be administered in the various health budgets that would assess not only the child's psychological development but also the parent-child relational development through a very simple and intuitive Form (Psycho-Relational Form) that helped us to arrive at a final two-level assessment thanks to the introduction of some alert parameters. Methods: Through a synergy of the Italian Society of Pediatrics and the Italian Society of Gestalt Psychotherapy, together with some representatives of the Italian Society of Child Neuropsychiatry, 30 cards of 1-month-old children, 30 cards of 3-month-old children, 30 cards of 6-month-old children, 23 cards of 12-month-old children, 17 cards of 18-24-month-old children, and 21 cards of 36-month-old children were collected. The study investigated the child's relational and psychological manifestations, the parent's emotional-psychological state, and the quality of the parent-child relationship at each age stage observed by the Pediatrician during the visit. Results: In the first few months of life, the children considered tended to achieve almost all of the items on the form while at 18-24 months there was a decrease in achieved abilities that rose again at 36 months. The study showed a significant difference between mother and father in the change in mood and feeding from the child's birth to 12 months and a significant difference between mother and father in the change in sleep from the child's birth to 36 months. In addition, the father's sleep alteration changed across the various age groups of the child: it was more present when the child was 1 month old and tended to improve as the child grew. Finally, a difference could be seen in the accompanying of the child to the pediatric visit: at 1 month, most of the children considered were accompanied by both parents while, as time passed, the child was increasingly accompanied by only one parent, mainly the mother. Conclusions: The results were mainly in line with what was expected and with previous theoretical contributions on the topic. The limitations of the study are discussed and promising implications for future research are considered
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