51 research outputs found

    Is there a giant Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the sloshing cold front of the Perseus cluster?

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    Deep observations of nearby galaxy clusters with Chandra have revealed concave ‘bay’ structures in a number of systems (Perseus, Centaurus and Abell 1795), which have similar X-ray and radio properties. These bays have all the properties of cold fronts, where the temperature rises and density falls sharply, but are concave rather than convex. By comparing to simulations of gas sloshing, we find that the bay in the Perseus cluster bears a striking resemblance in its size, location and thermal structure, to a giant (≈50 kpc) roll resulting from Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities. If true, the morphology of this structure can be compared to simulations to put constraints on the initial average ratio of the thermal and magnetic pressure, β = pth/pB, throughout the overall cluster before the sloshing occurs, for which we find β = 200 to best match the observations. Simulations with a stronger magnetic field (β = 100) are disfavoured, as in these the large Kelvin–Helmholtz rolls do not form, while in simulations with a lower magnetic field (β = 500), the level of instabilities is much larger than is observed. We find that the bay structures in Centaurus and Abell 1795 may also be explained by such features of gas sloshing

    Discovery of inverse-Compton X-ray emission and estimate of the volume-averaged magnetic field in a galaxy group

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    Observed in a significant fraction of clusters and groups of galaxies, diffuse radio synchrotron emission reveals the presence of relativistic electrons and magnetic fields permeating large-scale systems of galaxies. Although these non-thermal electrons are expected to upscatter cosmic microwave background photons up to hard X-ray energies, such inverse-Compton (IC) X-ray emission has so far not been unambiguously detected on cluster/group scales. Using deep, new proprietary XMM-Newton observations (∼\sim200 ks of clean exposure), we report a 4.6σ\sigma detection of extended IC X-ray emission in MRC 0116+111, an extraordinary group of galaxies at z=0.131z = 0.131. Assuming a spectral slope derived from low-frequency radio data, the detection remains robust to systematic uncertainties. Together with low-frequency radio data from GMRT, this detection provides an estimate for the volume-averaged magnetic field of (1.9±0.3)(1.9 \pm 0.3) μ\muG within the central part of the group. This value can serve as an anchor for studies of magnetic fields in the largest gravitationally bound systems in the Universe.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Revealing the velocity structure of the filamentary nebula in NGC 1275 in its entirety

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    We have produced for the first time a detailed velocity map of the giant filamentary nebula surrounding NGC 1275, the Perseus cluster’s brightest galaxy, and revealed a previously unknown rich velocity structure across the entire nebula. These new observations were obtained with the optical imaging Fourier transform spectrometer SITELLE at CFHT. With its wide field of view ( ∼11 arcmin × 11 arcmin), SITELLE is the only integral field unit spectroscopy instrument able to cover the 80 kpc  ×  55 kpc ( 3.8 arcmin × 2.6 arcmin) large nebula in NGC 1275. Our analysis of these observations shows a smooth radial gradient of the [N II]λ6583/H α line ratio, suggesting a change in the ionization mechanism and source across the nebula. The velocity map shows no visible general trend or rotation, indicating that filaments are not falling uniformly onto the galaxy, nor being uniformly pulled out from it. Comparison between the physical properties of the filaments and Hitomi measurements of the X-ray gas dynamics in Perseus is also explored

    Deep 230-470 MHz VLA observations of the mini-halo in the Perseus cluster

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    © 2017 The Authors. We present a low-frequency view of the Perseus cluster with new observations from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) at 230-470 MHz. The data reveal a multitude of new structures associated with the mini-halo. The mini-halo seems to be influenced both by the AGN activity and the sloshing motion of the cool core cluster's gas. In addition, it has a filamentary structure similar to that seen in radio relics found in merging clusters. We present a detailed description of the data reduction and imaging process of the dataset. The depth and resolution of the observations allow us to conduct for the first time a detailed comparison of the mini-halo structure with the X-ray structure as seen in the Chandra X-ray images. The resulting image very clearly shows that the mini-halo emission is mostly contained behind the western cold front, similar to that predicted by simulations of gas sloshing in galaxy clusters, but fainter emission is also seen beyond, as if particles are leaking out. However, due to the proximity of the Perseus cluster, as well as the quality of the data at low radio frequencies and at X-ray wavelengths, we also find evidence of fine structure. This structure includes several radial radio filaments extending in different directions, a concave radio structure associated with the southern X-ray bay and sharp radio edges that correlate with X-ray edges. Minihaloes are therefore not simply diffuse, uniform radio sources, but rather have a rich variety of complex structures. These results illustrate the high-quality images that can be obtained with the new JVLA at low radio frequencies, as well as the necessity to obtain deeper, higher fidelity radio images of mini-haloes in clusters to further understand their origin

    Chandra X-ray observations of the hyper-luminous infrared galaxy IRAS F15307+3252

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    Hyper-luminous infrared galaxies (HyLIRGs) lie at the extreme luminosity end of the IR galaxy population with LIR > 1013 L.. They are thought to be closer counterparts of the more distant sub-millimeter galaxies, and should therefore be optimal targets to study the most massive systems in formation.We present deep Chandra observations of IRAS F15307+3252 (100 ks), a classical HyLIRG located at z=0.93 and hosting a radio-loudAGN(L1.4 GHz ∼3.5×1025WHz−1). The Chandra images reveal the presence of extended (r=160 kpc), asymmetric X-ray emission in the soft 0.3-2.0 keV band that has no radio counterpart.We therefore argue that the emission is of thermal origin originating from a hot intragroup or intracluster medium virializing in the potential. We find that the temperature (∼2 keV) and bolometric X-ray luminosity (∼3 × 1043 erg s−1) of the gas follow the expected LX-ray-T correlation for groups and clusters, and that the gas has a remarkably short cooling time of 1.2 Gyr. In addition, VLA radio observations reveal that the galaxy hosts an unresolved compact steep-spectrum (CSS)source, most likely indicating the presence of a young radio source similar to 3C186. We also confirm that the nucleus is dominated by a redshifted 6.4 keV Fe Kα line, strongly suggesting that the AGN is Compton-thick. Finally, Hubble images reveal an overdensity of galaxies and sub-structure in the galaxy that correlates with soft X-ray emission. This could be a snapshot view of on-going groupings expected in a growing cluster environment. IRAS F15307+3252 might therefore be a rare example of a group in the process of transforming into a cluster

    Extended radio emission in the galaxy cluster MS 0735.6+7421 detected with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array

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    MS 0735.6+7421 (z=0.216z = 0.216) is a massive cool core galaxy cluster hosting one of the most powerful active galactic nuclei (AGN) outbursts known. The radio jets of the AGN have carved out an unusually large pair of X-ray cavities, each reaching a diameter of 200200 kpc. This makes MS 0735.6+7421 a unique case to investigate active galactic nuclei feedback processes, as well as other cluster astrophysics at radio wavelengths. We present new low-radio-frequency observations of MS 0735.6+7421 taken with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA): 5 hours of P-band (224−480224-480 MHz) and 5 hours of L-band (1−21-2 GHz) observations, both in C configuration. Our VLA P-band (224−480224-480 MHz) observations reveal the presence of a new diffuse radio component reaching a scale of ∼\sim 900900 kpc in the direction of the jets and of ∼\sim 500500 kpc in the direction perpendicular to the jets. This component is centered on the cluster core and has a radio power scaled at 1.41.4 GHz of P1.4 GHz=(4±2)×1024P_{1.4\text{ GHz}} = (4\pm2)\times 10^{24} WHz−1^{-1}. Its properties are consistent with those expected from a radio mini-halo as seen in other massive cool core clusters, although it may also be associated with radio plasma that has diffused out of the X-ray cavities. Observations at higher spatial resolution are needed to fully characterize the properties and nature of this component. We also suggest that if radio mini-halos originate from jetted activity, we may be witnessing the early stages of this process.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Uplift, Feedback, and Buoyancy: Radio Lobe Dynamics in NGC 4472

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    © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. We present results from deep (380 ks) Chandra observations of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) outburst in the massive early-type galaxy NGC 4472. We detect cavities in the gas coincident with the radio lobes and estimate the eastern and western lobe enthalpy to be (1.1 ± 0.5) × 10 56 erg and (3 ± 1) × 10 56 erg and the average power required to inflate the lobes to be (1.8 ± 0.9) × 10 41 erg s -1 and (6 ± 3) × 10 41 erg s -1 , respectively. We also detect enhanced X-ray rims around the radio lobes with sharp surface brightness discontinuities between the shells and the ambient gas. The temperature of the gas in the shells is less than that of the ambient medium, suggesting that they are not AGN-driven shocks but rather gas uplifted from the core by the buoyant rise of the radio bubbles. We estimate the energy required to lift the gas to be up to (1.1 ± 0.3) × 10 56 erg and (3 ± 1) × 10 56 erg for the eastern and western rims, respectively, constituting a significant fraction of the total outburst energy. A more conservative estimate suggests that the gas in the rim was uplifted at a smaller distance, requiring only 20%-25% of this energy. In either case, if a significant fraction of this uplift energy is thermalized via hydrodynamic instabilities or thermal conduction, our results suggest that it could be an important source of heating in cool core clusters and groups. We also find evidence for a central abundance drop in NGC 4472. The iron abundance profile shows that the region along the cavity system has a lower metallicity than the surrounding undisturbed gas, similar to the central region. This also shows that bubbles have lifted low-metallicity gas from the center
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