35 research outputs found

    The Impact of Immigration on International Trade in Europe: The Case of the EU-Mediterranean-Eastern Europe Zone

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    We study the impact of migration to the European Union on the volume of international trade in EU. We focus on Southern Mediterranean (such as Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey) and Eastern Europe (such as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chech Republic, Romania and Moldova, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia) partner countries as the migration originating countries. The specific question we address is how the stock of immigrants in the host country, diversified by originating countries, affects international trade (exports/imports). We also address how the effects differ by industry. We assemble a panel data set covering the period 1998-2010 for all EU countries. We employ panel estimation techniques to estimate an augmented gravity model of bilateral trade between countries that includes the standard ?gravity variables? such as distance, language, colonial ties, borders, etc. The key explanatory variable in our study is one measuring the number of migrants from each trading partner. This variable is interacted with a dummy variable for Southern Mediterranean Countries (MPCs) and Eastern Europe Countries (EECs) in order to separate out the effects of immigrants from MPCs and EECs. Our preliminary results indicate that the elasticity of the volume of exports with respect to the stock of immigrants is 0.05. This is consistent with the findings in previous studies about the impact of immigrants on exports. The coefficient of the interaction of the log of immigrants with the EEC dummy variable is found to be statistically insignificant. However, the coefficient of the interaction of the log of immigrants with the MPC dummy variable is statistically highly significant with a magnitude of -0.18. This suggests that although immigration has, in general, a positive effect on the export of EU countries, migration from EEC countries actually has an adverse effect. For imports, the coefficient of the log of the stock of immigrants is found to be statistically insignificant. Unlike it was the case for exports, the coefficient of the interaction of the log of immigrants with the MPC dummy variable is found to be statistically insignificant. The coefficient of the interaction of the log of immigrants with the EEC dummy variable is, however, found to be statistically highly significant with a magnitude of 0.21, suggesting a significant and positive effect on imports for immigrants from Eastern Europe Countries

    Hayat dolu kalbi 23.30'da durdu

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 67-Barış MançoUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Comparison of the effects on spinal reflexes of acetylsalicylate and metamizol in spinalized and normal rats.

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    The effects of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, acetylsalicylate and metamizol, on spinal monosynaptic reflexes were investigated in spinalized and normal rats. Adult rats (n=36) weighing 150-200 g were anesthetized with ketamine and artificially ventilated. Half of rats were spinalized at C1 level. A laminectomy was performed in the lumbosacral region. Following electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve by single pulses, reflex potentials were recorded from the ipsilateral L5 ventral root. Acetylsalicylate was administered orally (100 mg/kg for both spinalized and normal rats). Metamizol was administered intramuscularly (15 mg/kg for both spinalized and normal rats). These drug administrations significantly decreased the amplitude of reflex response in all groups (p < 0.05). These data verify that observed inhibition by acetylsalicylicate and metamizol may be at the level of spinal cord. Also we suggested that the cyclooxygenase products of arachidonic acid may play an important role in regulating the reflex potential

    Evaluation of rational drug use in terms of medical ethics

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    Akılcı olmayan ilaç kullanımı, ülkemizde olduğu kadar dünyada da önemli sağlık problemleri arasındadır. İdari açıdan yasal boyutunu belirlemek ve hazırlamak açısından sağlık politikası hazırlayanları, sağlık hizmet sunumu açısından hekimi, ilaçların sağlanması açısından eczacıyı, ilaç kullanımı açısından hastaları etkilemekte olan bu yanlış kullanım son 50 yıl içerisinde her bir paydaşın aktif sorumluluklarının tartışıldığı ve etik açıdan değerlendirmelerin yapıldığı önemli bir konu haline gelmiştir. Bu nedenle konunun özellikle tıp etiği açısından değerlendirilmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Küresel bir problem olan akılcı olmayan ilaç kullanımına karşı Dünya Sağlık Örgütü de bireysel ve toplumsal bağlamda çözüm önerileri getirmiş olmasına rağmen henüz tam olarak etkin bir çözüme ulaşılamadığı görülmektedir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda öncelikle akılcı ilaç kullanımının günümüzdeki yeri ve önemi, küresel çapta neler yapıldığı, ülkemizde ne gibi önlemler alındığı literatürde araştırılmıştır. "Akılcı İlaç Kullanımı", "Akılcı Olmayan İlaç Kullanımı", "Akılcı Antibiyotik Kullanımı", "Tıp Etiği", "Akılcı İlaç ve Etik" başlıkları belirlenmiş ve bu başlıklarda yazılmış makale ve tez çalışmaları çeşitli arama motorlarında taranmıştır. Yapılan tarama sonucunda ilgili başlıklarda toplam 4663 makale, 95 tez çalışması bulunmuştur. Ancak bu çalışmalarda akılcı ilaç kullanımı konusunun tıp etiği açısından değerlendirilmediği saptanmıştır. Ayrıca çalışmaya katkı sağlaması amacıyla Bursa Eczacılar Odası Başkanı Ecz. Okan Şahin ile "Akılcı İlaç Kullanımı"na yönelik bir röportaj gerçekleştirilmiş ve çalışmayı destekler cevaplara varıldığı gözlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada akılcı ilaç kullanımı uygulamaları tıp etiği açısından değerlendirilmiş, tıp etiğine ilkelerine uygun olmayan ilaç kullanımının hem sağlık hem ekonomik boyutuyla problem olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Ayrıca AİK desteklemek amacıyla da çeşitli öneriler geliştirilmiştir.Irrational drug use is among the most important health problems in our country as well as in the world. This misuse, which affects health policy makers, physicians in terms of health service delivery, pharmacists in terms of drug delivery and patients in terms of drug use, has become an important issue in the last 50 years where the active responsibilities of each shareholder are discussed and ethical considerations are made. Therefore, it is of great importance to evaluate the subject especially from the point of view of medical ethics. Despite the fact that the World Health Organization has proposed solutions to the global problem of irrational drug use in an individual and social context, it seems that a fully effective solution has not been reached yet. For this purpose, the place and importance of rational drug use today, what is done globally and what measures are taken in our country have been investigated in the literature. The titles "Rational Drug Use", "Irrational Drug Use", "Rational Antibiotic Use", "Medical Ethics", "Rational Drug and Ethics" were determined and the articles and thesis works written in these titles were scanned in various search engines. A total of 4663 articles and 95 thesis works were found in the related titles as a result of the survey. However, in these studies, it was determined that the issue of rational drug use was not evaluated in terms of medical ethics. In addition, in order to contribute to the study, an interview was conducted with Okan Şahin, the president of the Chamber of Pharmacists of Bursa, regarding the "rational use of drugs" and it was observed that answers were provided to support the study. In this study, rational drug use practices were evaluated from the point of view of medical ethics and it was concluded that drug use that is not in accordance with the principles of medical ethics may be a problem with both health and economic aspects. In addition, various recommendations have been developed to support rational drug use

    Circular keratotomy combined with wedge resection in the management of high astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty

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    WOS: 000457840400067PubMed ID: 29944506Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of circular keratotomy combined with wedge resection for the management of high astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty (PK). Methods: The study included seven eyes of seven patients with previous PK who underwent circular keratotomy combined with wedge resection. The uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), spherical equivalent (SE) refraction, and keratometric powers obtained by corneal topography were evaluated. The power vector method was used to analyze the astigmatic change postoperatively. Results: The mean follow-up period was 18.42 +/- 8.56 months (range 12-33 months). Uncorrected visual acuity, BCVA, and SE were improved in all eyes postoperatively. The mean preoperative astigmatism reduced from 15.11 +/- 5.48 D (range, 10.0-24.4 D) to 4.98 +/- 3.01 D (range, 2.2-9.6 D), postoperatively. According to the vector analysis, the overall mean surgically induced astigmatism at last visit was 12.87 +/- 6.20 D. The most common complication was the loosening of sutures occurred in five eyes within 2 months. Conclusions: Circular keratotomy combined with corneal wedge resection is a favorable option for the management of high astigmatism after PK

    South Azerbaijan National Government

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    Ortadoğu denkleminin en büyük bilinmezlerinden biri olan İran, siyasi dalgalanmaları, zengin petrol yatakları ve jeopolitik konumuyla son iki yüz yıldır dünya kamuoyunun gündeminde kendine yer bulmaktadır. Çok uluslu multi-etnik bir yapıdan oluşan İran muhafazakâr kabuğunun altında modernleşme çabalarını da sürdürmektedir. İranlılık kimliği altında sert bir merkezileştirme olgusuna yönelen siyaseti, Batı dünyası ve ABD'ye karşı kullandığı retoriğiyle dikkatleri üzerine çekmektedir. Satranç tahtasına dönen bölgede özellikle Rusya'nın varlığı ve onun izlemiş olduğu siyaseti, bu coğrafyada çıkarları olan devletleri yeni politikalar üretmeye sevk etmektedir. Özellikle Soğuk Savaş döneminde zirveye ulaşan İran-Rusya-Batı ilişkileri son derece kırılgan bir yapıya ulaşmıştır. Tüm bu yaşananlar sırasında, İran etnik yapısının büyük çoğunluğunu oluşturan Türklerin özgürlük mücadeleleri ele alınmıştır. Bu tez çalışmasında, İran etnik yapısının büyük çoğunluğunu oluşturan Azerbaycan Türklerin (soğuk savaş döneminde) ortaya koydukları özgürlük mücadeleleri ele alınmıştır. Alan yazında konunun uzmanları tarafından kaleme alınmış eserler, makaleler, gazeteler ve dergiler titizlikle incelenmiş, yine o yazarların ulaşmış oldukları sonuçların doğruluğu irdelenmiştir. İran coğrafyasının var olduğu zamanlardan beri bölge de varlığını sürdüren Türk'ler, taraflı birçok yazıda istilacı olarak gösterilmektedir. Genetik kodu farklı birçok etnik yapıya yurt sahipliği yapan bölgede özellikle Azerbaycan Türkleri, sistematik bir şekilde asimileye uğramakta, kimlikleri bilerek değiştirilmektedir. Dünya var olduğu günden beri hüküm sürdüğü bütün topraklarda ilk amacı adaleti sağlamak olan Türk milleti, bölgede neden istenmemektedir? Güney Azerbaycanlı Türklerin başlatmış olduğu bağımsızlık hareketleri niçin başarıya ulaşamamıştır? Bu özgürlük mücadelesinde Türkiye'nin tutumu nedir? Güney Azerbaycan Türklerine yardım eden Sovyetler, gerçek bir dost mu, sinsi bir düşman mı? Tezimiz de bütün bu sorulara belgeler eşliğinde cevaplar aranacaktır. Beş ana başlıktan oluşan tezin ilk bölümü İran tarihi, İran'ın etnik yapısı ve ikili ilişkilerini anlatmaktadır. Tezin ikinci bölümünde, Güney Azerbaycanlı Türklerin bu bölgedeki var oluş yılları ele alınacaktır. Yabancı yazarların dediği gibi Türk'ler bölgeyi istila eden bir millet midir? Tezin üçüncü bölümünü Güney Azerbaycan Türklerinin İran'da başlatmış olduğu ilk meşrutiyet hareketleri ve Azadistan Devleti oluşturmaktadır. Dördüncü bölümde Güney Azerbaycan Milli Hükümetinin kuruluş süreci ve beşinci bölümde Güney Azerbaycan Milli Hükümeti ele alınmıştır. Sonuç bölümünde ise aradığımız soruların cevapları yer almaktadır. Güney Azerbaycan Hükümeti, Sovyetlerin kurmuş olduğu kukla bir yapımı, yoksa özgürlük uğruna canlarını hiçe sayan bir milletin onurlu hikâyesi mi olduğudur.Iran, one of the biggest unknowns of the Middle East equation, has been on the agenda of the world public opinion for the last two hundred years with its political fluctuations, rich oil fields and geopolitical position. Iran, which consists of a multinational and multi-ethnic structure, continues its modernization efforts under its conservative shell. It draws attention with its policies towards a harsh centralization phenomenon under the Iranian identity and its rhetoric against the Western world and the USA. Especially the presence of Russia and its policy has turned the region into a chessboard, prompt the states with interests to produce new policies in the geography.Iran-Russia-Western relations, which reached their peak especially during the cold war, became extremely fragile. During all these events, the freedom struggles of the Turks, who constitute the majority of the Iranian ethnic structure, were discussed. In the literature, the works, articles, newspapers and magazines written by the experts in the field were meticulously examined, and the accuracy of the results reached by those authors was examined. The subject, which is analyzed with an objective paradigm, reveals the illusions of some foreign writers on the subject. The Turks, who have existed in the region since the existence of the Iranian geography, are shown as invaders in many biased articles. In the region, which is home to many ethnic structures with different genetic codes, especially Turks are systematically assimilated and their identities are deliberately changed. Why are the Turks, whose primary purpose is to provide justice in all the lands they have ruled since the existence of the world, not wanted in the region? Why did the independence movements initiated by the Turks not succeed? What is Turkey's stance in these freedom movements? Are the Soviets helping the Iranian Turks a true friend or a sneaky enemy? In our thesis, answers to all these questions will be sought with documents. The first part of the thesis, which consists of five main titles, describes the history of Iran, Iran's ethnic structure and bilateral relations. In the second part of the thesis, the years of existence of the Turks in this region will be discussed. Are the Turks a nation invading the region, as foreign writers say? The third part of the thesis consists of the dynasties ruling in Iran and the Azadistan State, which was established as a result of the first freedom struggle initiated by the Turks in Iran. The fourth part consists of the developments between the First and Second World Wars. In the 5th chapter, The main subject of our thesis, the South Azerbaijan National Government has been discussed. In the conclusion part, there are answers to the questions we seek. Is the South Azerbaijan Government a puppet structure established by the Soviets, or is it the honorable story of a nation that sacrificed their lives for freedom

    Inhibition of spinal reflexes by acetylsalicylate and metamizol (dipyrone) in rats

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    The effects of acetylsalicylate and metamizol on spinal monosynaptic reflexes were tested in spinal rats. Adult rats were anesthetized with ketamine, artificially ventilated, and spinalized at the C1 level. A laminectomy was performed in the lumbosacral region. Following electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve by single pulses, the reflex potentials were recorded from the ipsilateral L5 ventral root. Acetylsalicylate was administered orally via nasogastric tube and metamizol intramuscularly. Acetylsalicylate (50 and 100 mg/kg) and metamizol (15 mg/kg) significantly decreased the amplitude of the reflex response (p < 0.05). But the 10-mg/kg metamizol dose did not significantly decrease the amplitude of the reflex response. The cyclooxygenase products of arachidonic acid may play an important role in regulating the reflex potential. Copyright © 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Comparison of the Effects on Spinal Reflexes of Acetylsalicylate and Metamizol in Spinalized and Normal Rats

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    The effects of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, acetylsalicylate and metamizol, on spinal monosynaptic reflexes were investigated in spinalized and normal rats. Adult rats (n=36) weighing 150–200 g were anesthetized with ketamine and artificially ventilated. Half of rats were spinalized at C1 level. A laminectomy was performed in the lumbosacral region. Following electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve by single pulses, reflex potentials were recorded from the ipsilateral L5 ventral root. Acetylsalicylate was administered orally (100 mg/kg for both spinalized and normal rats). Metamizol was administered intramuscularly (15 mg/kg for both spinalized and normal rats). These drug administrations significantly decreased the amplitude of reflex response in all groups (p<0.05). These data verify that observed inhibition by acetylsalicylicate and metamizol may be at the level of spinal cord. Also we suggested that the cyclooxygenase products of arachidonic acid may play an important role in regulating the reflex potential

    Persistent neonatal hypoglycemia: An unusual finding of congenital hypothyroidism

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    We report a newborn infant who has congenital hypothyroidism associated with profound and persistent neonatal hypoglycemia, Persistent and marked hypoglycemia has not been previously reported in congenital hypothyroidism to our knowledge. The cause of this condition may be reduced glyconeogenesis or insulin clearance