77 research outputs found

    Triple justificación de las secciones de crédito de las cooperativas agrarias de la Comunidad Valenciana: jurídica, económica y social

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    This study aims to justify the survival and support of credit sections from a threefold perspective: legal, economic and social. Firstly, the paper examines the legislation governing cooperatives with a credit section, comparing the Valencian legislation with that of the rest of Spain (in particular, the legislation in Catalonia and Extremadura). Secondly, looking at the matter from an economic perspective, we examine the advantages of credit sections for agricultural cooperatives (transaction costs) and analyse the credit sections’ levels of performance and efficiency, comparing them with those of agricultural credit banks and savings banks. Finally, from a social perspective, we analyse the benefits that credit sections can offer members and other sections of the agricultural cooperative to which they belong. To do this, we examine the financial differential presented by credit sections compared to that of agricultural credit banks.Credit sections, Cooperative Credit, Agricultural cooperatives, Valencia Region, Spain.

    Calidad de vida en pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico

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    Objetivo: describir la calidad de vida en relación a la salud (CVRS) de pacientes lumbalgia crónica inespecífica, así como su relación con distintas variables médicas, socio-demográficas y psicosociales. Diseño: estudio descriptivo- correlacional transversal. Participantes: 94 pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico inespecífico pertenecientes al área de Rehabilitación (Algias) del hospital de referencia. Instrumentos de evaluación: los datos médicos y socio-demográficos fueron obtenidos a partir de las historias clínicas y de una entrevista semi-estructurada. Asimismo, se administraron cuestionarios de CVRS, dolor auto-percibido, discapacidad, sintomatología ansioso-depresiva, apoyo social y satisfacción vital. Resultados: el aspecto físico de la CVRS fue el más deteriorado y éste estuvo explicado en gran parte (R2 =47.3%) por la edad del paciente y su disfunción valorada a partir de la escala Oswestry. Asimismo, el aspecto mental de la CVRS, que se mostró más cercano al promedio poblacional, se explicó por la disfunción y la ansiedad-rasgo (STAI/R) de los pacientes (R2 =47.3%). Conclusiones: la disfunción, la edad y la ansiedad-rasgo de los participantes con lumbalgia crónica han mostrado ser factores clave para explicar su CVRS global. Así pues, es preciso tomarlos en consideración a la hora de favorecer un adecuado abordaje integral y multidisciplinar de esta población.Objective: To describe health-related quality of life in (HRQoL) in a sample of patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain, and their relationship with various medical, socio-demographic and psychosocial variables. Design: Descriptive- correlational cross-sectional study. Participants: A total of 94 patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain treated in the Rehabilitation Department from the reference hospital. Assessment tools: Medical and socio-demographic data were obtained from medical records and a semi-structured interview. Furthermore, HRQoL, self-perceived pain, functional disability, anxiety-depressive symptoms, social support and life satisfaction questionnaires were administered. Results: The physical domain of HRQoL was the most impaired and it was largely explained (R2 = 47.3%) by patient age and functional dysfunction assessed by means of the Oswestry scale. Similarly, the mental domain of HRQoL, that showed average mean scores more similar to normative population, was also explained by functional dysfunction and anxiety trait (STAI/T) of patients (R2 = 47.3%). Conclusions: Functional dysfunction, age and anxiety trait of participants with chronic low back pain have been shown to be key factors in explaining their overall HRQoL. Thus, these factors should be properly consider


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    Incidencia de la Covid-19 en las ventas de las empresas B2B y cómo han ayudado las herramientas digitales a reducirla

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    En el presente estudio, se ha procedido a tratar de conocer la incidencia de la Covid-19 en la venta de las empresas B2B, además del modo en que se ha tratado de mitigar dicha incidencia a través de las herramientas digitales puestas a su disposición.De este modo, se ha podido observar como la pandemia ha hecho cambiar de forma bastante notable la manera en la que las empresas llevan a cabo sus negociaciones, obligándolas a hacer uso de este tipo de estrategias del mundo digital. Estas herramientas, conllevan una serie de ventajas y desventajas para las empresas, aunque se ha podido comprobar como las primeras tienen un peso superior. Además, se ha deducido que han sido de gran ayuda a la hora de mitigar los efectos de la crisis sanitaria en las ventas, viendo una clara tendencia a seguir haciendo un uso, incluso mayor que el actual, de estas herramientas cuando se de por finalizada la pandemia.Esto podría ser una gran oportunidad para avanzar en el mundo digital, permitiendo a las empresas abrir nuevas puertas, además de dar pie a los desarrolladores de estas herramientas digitales a amoldarse a las necesidades que existen y conseguir así alcanzar un uso mayor de sus estrategias.<br /

    Collaborative system for data labeling

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Facultad de Informatica UCM, Curso 2021/2022. Todos los recursos del proyecto están disponibles en el siguiente enlace: https://github.com/AdriSC/tfgActualmente, al utilizar técnicas de aprendizaje automático es necesario pasar por una etapa de etiquetado manual de datos para entrenar al software. Este proceso de etiquetado puede resultar muy tedioso y ocupar una gran cantidad de tiempo porque en muchas ocasiones debe realizarse de manera manual. Este proyecto consiste en implementar un sistema colaborativo para etiquetar datos de forma más eficiente y fiable. La estrategia que hemos decidido para desarrollar este sistema es implementar un servicio de CAPTCHA. Este tipo de servicios suele funcionar presentando un reto que normalmente consiste en seleccionar los elementos dentro de un conjunto de datos que cumplen una condición determinada, por lo que las respuestas que envían los usuarios que realizan estos retos pueden servir para clasificar esos elementos que han seleccionado. Sin darse cuenta, los usuarios a los que el reto haya verificado como reales, están realizando un proceso de etiquetado de datos.Currently, when using machine learning techniques, it is necessary to go through a stage of manual data labeling to train the software. This data labeling process can be very tedious and take a lot of time because often it is done manually. This project consists of implementing a collaborative system to label data more efficiently and reliably. The strategy we have decided to develop this system is to implement a CAPTCHA service. This type of service usually works by presenting a challenge that generally consists of selecting the elements within a set of data that meet a certain condition, so the answers sent by users who perform these challenges can be used to classify those elements they have selected. Without being aware, users who have been verified as real by the challenge are performing a data labeling process.Depto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Phase II Study of ENZAlutamide Combined With Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy (ENZART) for Localized Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer

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    Altres ajuts: Astellas.Background: Intermediate-risk prostate cancer (PCa) is usually treated by a combination of external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) and a short course of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). ADT is associated with multiple side effects, including weight gain, loss of libido, and hot flashes. In contrast, anti-androgen monotherapy is generally better tolerated in spite of higher rates of gynecomastia. Objective: This study assessed the effectiveness of enzalutamide monotherapy combined with hypofractionated EBRT (Hypo-EBRT) for treating intermediate risk prostate cancer. Method: This trial was a multicenter, open-label phase II study of 6 months of enzalutamide monotherapy combined with Hypo-EBRT for intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Hypo-EBRT was initiated 8-12 weeks after initiating enzalutamide. The primary endpoint was PSA decline >80% measured at the 25th week of enzalutamide administration. Secondary end-points included assessment of toxicity, changes in anthropomorphic body measurements, sexual hormones, and metabolic changes. Results: Sixty-two patients were included in the study from January 2018 to February 2020. A PSA decline of >80% was observed in all evaluable patients at the end of enzalutamide treatment and 92% achieved PSA values under 0.1 ngr/ml. All patients remain in PSA response (<80% reduction of the initial values) 6 months after the end of enzalutamide treatment. The most frequent adverse events were hypertension, asthenia, and gynecomastia. There were no significant changes in bone density, body mass index (BMI), or patient-reported outcomes (PROs). Conclusion: Enzalutamide monotherapy is very effective along with hEBRT in reducing PSA levels for patients with intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Longer follow-up is needed to confirm the potential use of this combination in future randomized trials

    PREventive Care Infrastructure based On Ubiquitous Sensing (PRECIOUS) : A Study Protocol

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    mHealth has experienced a huge growth during the last decade. It has been presented as a new and promising pathway to increase self-management of health and chronic conditions in several populations. One of the most prolific areas of mHealth has been healthy lifestyles promotion. However, few mobile apps have succeeded in engaging people and ensuring sustained use. This paper describes the pilot test protocol of the PReventive Care Infrastructure based on Ubiquitous Sensing (PRECIOUS) project, aimed at validating the PRECIOUS system with end users. This system includes, within a motivational framework, the Bodyguard2 sensor (accelerometer with heart rate monitoring) and the PRECIOUS app. This is a pilot experimental study targeting morbidly obese prediabetic patients who will be randomized to three conditions: (1) Group 1 - Control group (Treatment as usual with the endocrinologist and the nurse + Bodyguard2), (2) Group 2 - PRECIOUS system (Bodyguard2 + PRECIOUS app), and (3) Group 3 - PRECIOUS system (Bodyguard2 + PRECIOUS app + Motivational Interviewing). The duration of the study will be 3 months with scheduled follow-up appointments within the scope of the project at Weeks 3, 5, 8, and 12. During the study, several measures related to healthy lifestyles, weight management, and health-related quality of life will be collected to explore the effectiveness of PRECIOUS to foster behavior change, as well as user acceptance, usability, and satisfaction with the solution. Because of the encouraging results shown in similar scientific work analyzing health apps acceptance in clinical settings, we expect patients to widely accept and express satisfaction with PRECIOUS. We also expect to find acceptable usability of the preventive health solution. The recruitment of the pilot study has concluded with the inclusion of 31 morbidly obese prediabetic patients. Results are expected to be available in mid-2017. Adopting and maintaining healthy habits may be challenging in people with chronic conditions who usually need regular support to ensure mid/long-term adherence to recommendations and behavior change. Thus, mHealth could become a powerful and efficient tool since it allows continuous communication with users and immediate feedback. The PRECIOUS system is an innovative preventive health care solution aimed at enhancing inner motivation from users to change their lifestyles and adopt healthier habits. PRECIOUS includes ubiquitous sensors and a scientifically grounded app to address three main components of health: physical activity, diet, and stress levels. Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02818790; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02818790 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6qfzdfMoU