18 research outputs found

    Characterisation of Bacteriophage-Encoded Depolymerases Selective for Key Klebsiella pneumoniae Capsular Exopolysaccharides.

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    Capsular polysaccharides enable clinically important clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae to cause severe systemic infections in susceptible hosts. Phage-encoded capsule depolymerases have the potential to provide an alternative treatment paradigm in patients when multiple drug resistance has eroded the efficacy of conventional antibiotic chemotherapy. An investigation of 164 K. pneumoniae from intensive care patients in Thailand revealed a large number of distinct K types in low abundance but four (K2, K51, K1, K10) with a frequency of at least 5%. To identify depolymerases with the capacity to degrade capsules associated with these common K-types, 62 lytic phage were isolated from Thai hospital sewage water using K1, K2 and K51 isolates as hosts; phage plaques, without exception, displayed halos indicative of the presence of capsule-degrading enzymes. Phage genomes ranged in size from 41-348 kb with between 50 and 535 predicted coding sequences (CDSs). Using a custom phage protein database we were successful in applying annotation to 30 - 70% (mean = 58%) of these CDSs. The largest genomes, of so-called jumbo phage, carried multiple tRNAs as well as CRISPR repeat and spacer sequences. One of the smaller phage genomes was found to contain a putative Cas type 1E gene, indicating a history of host DNA acquisition in these obligate lytic phage. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) indicated that some phage displayed an extended host range due to the presence of multiple depolymerase genes; in total, 42 candidate depolymerase genes were identified with up to eight in a single genome. Seven distinct virions were selected for further investigation on the basis of host range, phage morphology and WGS. Candidate genes for K1, K2 and K51 depolymerases were expressed and purified as his6-tagged soluble protein and enzymatic activity demonstrated against K. pneumoniae capsular polysaccharides by gel electrophoresis and Anton-Paar rolling ball viscometry. Depolymerases completely removed the capsule in K-type-specific fashion from K. pneumoniae cells. We conclude that broad-host range phage carry multiple enzymes, each with the capacity to degrade a single K-type, and any future use of these enzymes as therapeutic agents will require enzyme cocktails for utility against a range of K. pneumoniae infections

    Modeling the effectiveness of targeting Rift Valley fever virus vaccination using imperfect network information

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    Livestock movements contribute to the spread of several infectious diseases. Data on livestock movements can therefore be harnessed to guide policy on targeted interventions for controlling infectious livestock diseases, including Rift Valley fever (RVF)—a vaccine-preventable arboviral fever. Detailed livestock movement data are known to be useful for targeting control efforts including vaccination. These data are available in many countries, however, such data are generally lacking in others, including many in East Africa, where multiple RVF outbreaks have been reported in recent years. Available movement data are imperfect, and the impact of this uncertainty in the utility of movement data on informing targeting of vaccination is not fully understood. Here, we used a network simulation model to describe the spread of RVF within and between 398 wards in northern Tanzania connected by cattle movements, on which we evaluated the impact of targeting vaccination using imperfect movement data. We show that pre-emptive vaccination guided by only market movement permit data could prevent large outbreaks. Targeted control (either by the risk of RVF introduction or onward transmission) at any level of imperfect movement information is preferred over random vaccination, and any improvement in information reliability is advantageous to their effectiveness. Our modeling approach demonstrates how targeted interventions can be effectively used to inform animal and public health policies for disease control planning. This is particularly valuable in settings where detailed data on livestock movements are either unavailable or imperfect due to resource limitations in data collection, as well as challenges associated with poor compliance

    Improving community ambulation after stroke: the AMBULATE trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been reported that following rehabilitation, only 7% of stroke survivors are able to walk at a level commensurate with community participation. Previous research indicates that treadmill and overground walking training can improve walking capacity in people living in the community after stroke. The main objectives of the AMBULATE trial are to determine (i) whether a 4-month treadmill walking program is more effective than a 2-month program, compared to control, in improving walking capacity, health and community participation and (ii) the "threshold" walking speed that results in sufficient walking capacity that makes walking self-sustaining.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>A prospective randomised controlled trial of unsupported treadmill training with a 12 month follow-up with concealed allocation and blinded assessment will be conducted. 210 community-dwelling people after stroke who are able to walk independently but slowly will be recruited and randomly allocated to either a 4 month training group, 2 month training group or the control (no intervention) group. Intervention for the two training groups will occur 3 days per week for 30 minutes each session. Measurements of walking, health and community participation will be taken at baseline, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and 12 months. This study has obtained ethical approval from the relevant Human Research Ethics Committees.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>By improving stroke survivors' walking ability, it is likely also to improve their general wellbeing by promoting better health and greater community participation. Furthermore, if stroke survivors can reach a point where their walking and community participation is self-sustaining, this will reduce the burden of care on family and friends as well as the economic burden on the health system. Given the major demographic shift in developed nations involving significant growth in the aged population, this research will make an important evidence-based contribution to the promotion of healthy ageing.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>This trial is registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, (ACTRN012607000227493)</p

    Multi-Locus Sequence Analysis Reveals Profound Genetic Diversity among Isolates of the Human Pathogen Bartonella bacilliformis

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    Bartonella bacilliformis is the aetiological agent of human bartonellosis, a potentially life threatening infection of significant public health concern in the Andean region of South America. Human bartonellosis has long been recognised in the region but a recent upsurge in the number of cases of the disease and an apparent expansion of its geographical distribution have re-emphasized its contemporary medical importance. Here, we describe the development of a multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for B. bacilliformis and its application to an archive of 43 isolates collected from patients across Peru. MLST identified eight sequence types among these isolates and the delineation of these was generally congruent with those of the previously described typing scheme. Phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated sequence data derived from MLST loci revealed that seven of the eight sequence types were closely related to one another; however, one sequence type, ST8, exhibited profound evolutionary divergence from the others. The extent of this divergence was akin to that observed between other members of the Bartonella genus, suggesting that ST8 strains may be better considered as members of a novel Bartonella genospecies

    Transcription analysis of the myometrium of labouring and non-labouring women

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    An incomplete understanding of the molecular mechanisms that initiate normal human labour at term seriously hampers the development of effective ways to predict, prevent and treat disorders such as preterm labour. Appropriate analysis of large microarray experiments that compare gene expression in non-labouring and labouring gestational tissues is necessary to help bridge these gaps in our knowledge. In this work, gene expression in 48 (22 labouring, 26 non-labouring) lower-segment myometrial samples collected at Caesarean section were analysed using Illumina HT-12 v4.0 BeadChips. Normalised data were compared between labouring and non-labouring groups using traditional statistical methods and a novel network graph approach. We sought technical validation with quantitative real-time PCR, and biological replication through inverse variance-weighted meta-analysis with published microarray data. We have extended the list of genes suggested to be associated with labour: Compared to non-labouring samples, labouring samples showed apparent higher expression at 960 probes (949 genes) and apparent lower expression at 801 probes (789 genes) (absolute fold change ≥1.2, rank product percentage of false positive value (RP-PFP) <0.05). Although half of the women in the labouring group had received pharmaceutical treatment to induce or augment labour, sensitivity analysis suggested that this did not confound our results. In agreement with previous studies, functional analysis suggested that labour was characterised by an increase in the expression of inflammatory genes and network analysis suggested a strong neutrophil signature. Our analysis also suggested that labour is characterised by a decrease in the expression of muscle-specific processes, which has not been explicitly discussed previously. We validated these findings through the first formal meta-analysis of raw data from previous experiments and we hypothesise that this represents a change in the composition of myometrial tissue at labour. Further work will be necessary to reveal whether these results are solely due to leukocyte infiltration into the myometrium as a mechanism initiating labour, or in addition whether they also represent gene changes in the myocytes themselves. We have made all our data available at www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/ (accession number E-MTAB-3136) to facilitate progression of this work

    Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in a UK university identifies dynamics of transmission

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    AbstractUnderstanding SARS-CoV-2 transmission in higher education settings is important to limit spread between students, and into at-risk populations. In this study, we sequenced 482 SARS-CoV-2 isolates from the University of Cambridge from 5 October to 6 December 2020. We perform a detailed phylogenetic comparison with 972 isolates from the surrounding community, complemented with epidemiological and contact tracing data, to determine transmission dynamics. We observe limited viral introductions into the university; the majority of student cases were linked to a single genetic cluster, likely following social gatherings at a venue outside the university. We identify considerable onward transmission associated with student accommodation and courses; this was effectively contained using local infection control measures and following a national lockdown. Transmission clusters were largely segregated within the university or the community. Our study highlights key determinants of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and effective interventions in a higher education setting that will inform public health policy during pandemics.</jats:p

    Combating childhood obesity: Discovery and translation of evidence for new strategies to enhance behaviour change

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    Childhood obesity is a significant public health concern in Australia and across the world, with implications for current and future health services. Parent-involved treatment interventions incorporating multiple behavioural components to address the complex variables of obesity are essential in school-age children to prevent physical and psychological comorbidities tracking into adulthood. However, there is a need for greater understanding of the relationships between behaviour change techniques, mechanisms of behaviour change and behavioural outcomes. Behavioural and psychological literature also suggests that the use of incentives to support behaviour change through goal achievement may improve health outcomes related to healthy eating and physical activity. However, there is a lack of robust research on the potential of such schemes and their optimal implementation into future programs in school-age children in the context of family-based behavioural treatment programs (FBTs). Overall, this thesis aimed to contribute to a reduction in childhood obesity through discovery and translation of evidence for a novel strategy to enhance behaviour change. Specifically, the research addressed a gap in the literature on the use of theory to explain mechanisms of change and the motivational impact of incentives on health behaviours in children. In this thesis, the potential role of incentives in health-related behaviour change and implications for future research and translation was investigated through a narrative literature review. Subsequently, the role of parental involvement in FBTs, key characteristics of programs that contribute to positive dietary and physical activity behavioural outcomes, and the key behaviour change techniques and psychosocial variables facilitating behaviour change were investigated through a systematic literature review with realist analysis. This was to build greater contextual understanding on what works and how specifically in FBTs focusing on school-age children incorporating a range of behavioural techniques and including behavioural outcomes. Using the evidence-based concepts identified in the literature reviews as a foundation for analysis, the impact of a multicomponent incentive strategy on dietary and physical exercise behaviour change in school-age children was investigated through two qualitative evaluations. A process evaluation determined motivators to engagement within the strategy to improve attendance and health-related behaviour change in an existing theory-based FBT for overweight and obese children. An impact evaluation determined the contextual factors, including family attitudes towards incentivising children, and active behaviour change components influencing the behavioural outcomes of the strategy. Collectively, the research presented in this thesis highlight three key areas of importance for future treatment interventions to consider; promoting intrinsic motivation, involving the parents, and using incentives for enhancing engagement and retention. Specifically, this research identified that promoting intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy within parents involved in behavioural interventions can support dietary and physical activity behaviour change in school-age children. The involvement of parents in behaviour change strategies was key for supporting behaviour change in participating children, and a short-term role for incentives was identified in enhancing longer-term habit formation via motivating families to continue attending a weight management program. Additional research is required to further understand how best to foster continued intrinsic motivation for sustained behaviour change. The results are important for assisting researchers, community health practitioners and policy makers in the development, implementation and translation of novel behaviour change strategies in FBTs for obese children using a range of behavioural techniques. Findings may also apply to a range of chronic conditions with similar treatment intervention approaches indicated. Ethical approval for this research was given by the South West Sydney Human Ethics Committee review body (HREC/14/LPOOL/480)

    Effectiveness of Family-Based Behavior Change Interventions on Obesity-Related Behavior Change in Children: A Realist Synthesis

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    Effective treatment interventions for childhood obesity involve parents, are multicomponent and use behavior change strategies, but more information is needed on the mechanisms influencing behavioral outcomes and the type of parental involvement that is efficacious in behavioral treatment interventions with school-age children. This review aimed to understand key characteristics of programs that contribute to dietary and physical activity behavioral outcomes, and through which key mechanisms. This was a systematic review with narrative synthesis following PRISMA guidelines and realist analysis using RAMESES guidelines to explain outcome patterns and influence of parental involvement. Overall, the findings contribute to understanding the complex relationship between family barriers to behavior change, strategies employed in treatment interventions and behavioral outcomes. Implications for enhancing future policy and practice include involving parents in goal setting, motivational counselling, role modeling, and restructuring the physical environment to promote mutual empowerment of both parents and children, shared value and whole-family ownership in which intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy are implicit. These characteristics were associated with positive dietary and physical activity behavior change in children and may be useful considerations for the design and implementation of future theory-based treatment interventions to encourage habitual healthy diet and physical activity to reduce childhood obesity