813 research outputs found

    Població universitària d’Eivissa i Formentera (2011): passat, present i futur de l’educació superior a les illes Pitiüses

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    En aquest treball es presenten una sèrie de dades referents a l’alumnat universitari d’Eivissa i Formentera que ha estudiat durant el curs 2010-11. Aquestes dades, que també van acompanyades d’algunes reflexions, s’han complementat amb d’altres, com un històric de dades, per poder tenir una visió més detallada de la situació educativa. També es vol remarcar la importància de l’educació superior per a la societat, i la transmissió de la cultura que desenvolupen les universitats presents a les illes Pitiüses.En este trabajo se presentan una serie de datos referentes al alumnado universitario de Ibiza y Formentera que ha estudiado durante el curso 2010-11. Estos datos, que también van acompañados de algunas re!exiones, se han completado con otros, como un histórico de datos, para poder tener una visión más detallada de la situación educativa. También se quiere remarcar la importancia de la educación superior para nuestra sociedad, y la transmisión de la cultura que desarrollan las universidades presentes en las Pitiüses

    Deu anys del sistema educatiu d’Eivissa i Formentera: Mancances, millores i incerteses

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    Aquest article mostra dades sobre el sistema educatiu d’Eivissa i Formentera durant els deu anys d’existència de l’Anuari de l’Educació de les Illes Balears. La comparació de les dades permet veure l’evolució positiva dels diversos indicadors, tot i la persistència de problemes històrics a les illes Pitiüses. Les conclusions pretenen ser una reflexió sobre les seves característiques pròpies, reivindicar millores llargament demanades i, finalment, valoritzar tot allò de positiu que s’ha fet en el marc dels centres educatius.Este artículo muestra datos sobre el sistema educativo de Ibiza y Formentera durante los diez años de existencia del Anuari de l’Educació de les Illes Balears. La comparación de los datos permite ver la evolución positiva de los diversos indicadores, a pesar de la persistencia de problemas históricos en las islas Pitiusas. Las conclusiones pretenden ser una re!exión sobre sus características propias, reivindicar mejoras largamente demandadas y, "nalmente, valorizar todo lo positivo que se ha hecho en el marco de los centros educativos

    On the occurrence of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff tephra in the Northern Phlegraean Fields offshore (Eastern Tyrrhenian margin; Italy)

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    A main volcanic marker has been identified for the first time on the continental shelf of the northern Phlegraean Fields in the Gaeta Gulf (Campania region, eastern Tyrrhenian margin, Italy) by means of Subbottom Chirp profile grid and stratigraphic analysis of a core collected on the slope. In the seismic sections, the core bottom corresponds to the top of a continuous and parallel reflector (V) interbedded within the transgressive deposits of the Late Quaternary-Holocene depositional sequence. The Transgressive System Tract deposits are particularly thick compared to the majority of the transgressive deposits of other shelf settings. This might be due to the input of pyroclastic and volcanoclastic deposits related to the intense eruptive activity of the Campania Plain during the Late Pleistocene-Holocene time span. Undulations and pockmarks are the main morphological features of the sea floor and they might be linked to gas uprising, widely detected in the study area. The V reflector is located on the shelf from northeast to southwest at different depths, ranging from 10 ms (about 8 m) to 30 ms (about 25 m) below sea floor and it can be mapped down to the continental slope. The geological calibration of this continuous reflector coupled with tephrostratigraphic analysis, allowed to correlate it with the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff deposits emplaced at Phlegraean Fields at ca. 15 ka

    Neurophysiological Measures and Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): Hypothesizing Links between Clinical Severity Index and Molecular Neurobiological Patterns

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    In 1987, Cloninger proposed a clinical description and classification of different personality traits genetically defined and independent from each other. Moreover, he elaborated a specific test the TCI to investigate these traits/states. The study of craving in Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) assumed a greater significance, since ever more data seems to suggest a direct correlation between high levels of craving and a higher risk of relapse in alcoholics. Thus, our study aim is to explore the possible correlations among TCI linked molecular neurobiological pattern (s), craving and alcohol addiction severity measures in a sample of Italian alcoholics

    Trace Element Partitioning between CAI-Type Melts and Grossite, Melilite, Hibonite, and Olivine

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    We determined the mineral-melt partition coefficients (Di's) and the compositional and/or temperature dependency between grossite, melilite, hibonite, olivine and Ca-, Al-inclusion (CAI)-type liquids for a number of light (LE), high field strength (HFSE), large ion lithophile (LILE), and rare earth (REE) elements including Li, Be, B, Sr, Zr, Nb, Ba, La, Ce, Eu, Dy, Ho, Yb, Hf, Ta, Th. A series of isothermal crystallization experiments was conducted at 5 kbar pressure and IW+1 in graphite capsules. The starting compositions were selected based on the calculated and experimentally confirmed phase relations during condensation in CI dust-enriched systems (Ebel and Grossman, 2000; Ebel, 2006; Ustunisik et al., 2014). Partition coefficients between melt and gehlenite, hibonite, and grossite show that the trace element budget of igneous CAIs is controlled by these three major Al-bearing phases in addition to pyroxene. In general, LE, LILE, REE, and HFSE partition coefficients (by mass) decrease in the order of Di(Gehlenite-Melt) > Di(Hibonite-Melt) > Di(Grossite-Melt). Results suggest that Di(Gehlenite-Melt) vary by a factor of 2-3 in different melt compositions at the same T (~1500 C). Increased melt Al and Ca, relative to earlier work, increases the compatibility of Di(Gehlenite-Melt), and also the compatibility of Di(Hibonite-Melt), especially for La and Ce. Olivine partitioning experiments confirm that olivine contribution to the trace element budget of CAIs is small due to the low Di(Olivine-Melt) at a range of temperatures while D-Eu, Yb(Olivine-Melt) are sensitive to changes in T and oxygen fugacity. The development of a predictive model for partitioning in CAI-type systems would require more experimental data and the use of analytical instruments capable of obtaining single phase analyses for crystals < 5 micron.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, 5 table

    Talent management in English universities during the coronavirus pandemic

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    This article reports a longitudinal study exploring talent management, through narratives provided by a group of managers of doctoral programmes in eight UK universities during the 2020 coronavirus outbreak. These managers were also academics, researchers and doctoral supervisors and their perspectives were gathered before and during “lockdown,” and then into the subsequent confused period of semi-lockdown / second lockdown, as cases of Coronavirus increased again in late 2020. Changing socio-economic circumstances, together with the added pressures of family responsibilities, impacted on participants' perceptions of changing roles and relationships during the pandemic. Over 12 months, six semi-structured online interviews (each lasting between 50 and 120 minutes) were conducted, using available platforms, with intervening emails. The narratives showed both formal and informal “talent management methods” and emphasized the need to use both to attract and retain international students

    Anuari de l'educació de les Illes Balears

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe muestran datos sobre el sistema educativo de Ibiza y Formentera durante los diez años de existencia del Anuari de l’Educació de les Illes Balears. La comparación de los datos permite ver la evolución positiva de los diversos indicadores, a pesar de la persistencia de problemas históricos en las islas Pitiusas. Las conclusiones son una reflexión sobre sus características propias, reivindican mejoras largamente demandadas y, finalmente, valoran todo lo positivo que se ha hecho en el marco de los centros educativos.Es mostren dades sobre el sistema educatiu d’Eivissa i Formentera durant els deu anys d’existència de l’Anuari de l’Educació de les Illes Balears. La comparació de les dades permet veure l’evolució positiva dels diversos indicadors, tot i la persistència de problemes històrics a les illes Pitiüses. Les conclusions pretenen ser una reflexió sobre les seves característiques pròpies, reivindicar millores llargament demanades i, finalment, valoritzar tot allò de positiu que s’ha fet en el marc dels centres educatius.Universitat de les Illes Balears. Departament de Pedagogia i Did'actiques Específiques; Cra. de Valldemossa, km 7.5; Palma; Tel.: +34971 17 30 00; http://biblioteca.uib.cat/ES

    Predicting Cloud Conditions in Substellar Mass Objects Using Ultracool Dwarf Companions

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/We present results from conducting a theoretical chemical analysis of a sample of benchmark companion brown dwarfs whose primary star is of type F, G or K. We summarize the entire known sample of these types of companion systems, termed "compositional benchmarks", that are present in the literature or recently published as key systems of study in order to best understand brown dwarf chemistry and condensate formation. Via mass balance and stoichiometric calculations, we predict a median brown dwarf atmospheric oxygen sink of 17.82.3+1.7%17.8^{+1.7}_{-2.3}\% by utilizing published stellar abundances in the local solar neighborhood. Additionally, we predict a silicate condensation sequence such that atmospheres with bulk Mg/Si \lesssim 0.9 will form enstatite (MgSiO3_3) and quartz (SiO2_2) clouds and atmospheres with bulk Mg/Si \gtrsim 0.9 will form enstatite and forsterite (Mg2_2SiO4_4) clouds. Implications of these results on C/O ratio trends in substellar mass objects and utility of these predictions in future modeling work are discussed.Peer reviewe

    Potential use of local and systemic humoral immune response parameters to forecast Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae associated lung lesions

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    Immunopathological events are key for the development of enzootic pneumonia (EP), which is macroscopically observed as cranioventral pulmonary consolidation (CVPC). This study aimed to investigate the putative association between the humoral immune response against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyopneumoniae) and prevalence and extension of CVPC in 1) experimentally infected pigs, 2) slaughtered pigs and 3) sequentially necropsied pigs in a longitudinal study. CVPC was scored by means of the European Pharmacopoeia recommended methodology. Specific IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 antibodies were assessed in serum. In addition, mucosal IgG and IgA antibodies were analyzed in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from experimentally challenged pigs. The systemic humoral immune response in experimentally infected pigs was delayed in onset whereas humoral respiratory mucosal immune response appeared more rapidly but declined earlier. Although low, BALF IgG antibodies showed the highest correlation with CVPC scores (r = 0.49, p<0.05). In slaughter-aged pigs, both percentage of lungs with CVPC and mean lung lesion score were significantly higher inM. hyopneumoniae seropositive farms compared to the seronegative ones (p<0.001). Similarly, seropositive sequentially necropsied pigs showed more severe CVPC than seronegative ones. Overall, mean serological values might help to forecast prevalence and severity of EP-like lung lesions using a population based approach. Remarkably, the specific systemic humoral immune response was found to be predominated by the IgG2 subclass, suggesting a dominant Th1- mediated immune response toM. hyopneumoniae.This work was supported by a collaborative agreement for independent research from Boehringer Ingelheim and a grant from Secretaria del Departament d'Economia i Creixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Industrial Doctorate: DI2013-0039). Boehringer Ingelheim provided support in the form of salaries for authors BGM and TC. The specific roles of BGM and TC are articulated in the ªauthor contributionsº section

    Productivism in postgraduate programs from the perspective of the activity-centered ergonomics

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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a atividade de trabalho docente de nível superior, identificando os constrangimentos a que os profissionais dessa categoria estão submetidos, devido, especialmente, ao sistema de avaliação da produção intelectual atrelado aos programas de pós-graduação. Foram estudadas as atividades do corpo docente que atua no departamento de Engenharia de Produção (EP) de uma universidade pública federal, no interior do estado de São Paulo. A escolha dessa temática considera que o trabalho docente passou a ter nova lógica nas rotinas acadêmicas, baseada na aceleração e intensificação de atividades e no estímulo à produtividade, que reproduz no âmbito universitário as características próprias do trabalho flexível. Quanto ao delineamento metodológico, esta pesquisa é classificada como descritiva, de abordagem qualitativa, complementada pela aplicação de um estudo de caso único, delineado pela abordagem metodológica da Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET). Os resultados mostram que os docentes que atuam no programa de pós-graduação da instituição selecionada estão submetidos a constrangimentos e experimentam sentimento de frustração devido às cobranças por publicação em detrimento de outras atividades que consideram ter mais sentido e propósito. Parte dos docentes considera a avaliação da produção intelectual um processo opressivo e motivador de um produtivismo sem retorno, que não traduz o desempenho de um bom professor no exercício de suas atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão.The purpose of this article is to analyze the higher education teaching work, identifying the constraints faced by this professional category mostly due to the system of intellectual production evaluation linked to postgraduate programs. We studied the activities of the faculty that works in the Department of Production Engineering (EP) of a federal public university located in the countryside of the state of São Paulo. This theme has been chosen because teaching work started having a new logic in academic routines, based on the acceleration and intensification of activities and stimulus to productivity, which reproduces the characteristics of flexible work in the university scope. As to the methodological design, it is a qualitative descriptive research, complemented by the application of a single case study, outlined by the methodological approach of the Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA). The results show that the professors who work in the postgraduate program of the selected institution are submitted to constraints and experience frustration because of the demand for publication in detriment of other activities that they consider to have more meaning and purpose. Some of the professors consider the intellectual production evaluation an oppressive process, which motivates productivism with no results and that does not reflect the good professors’ performance when exercising their teaching, research and extension activities