178 research outputs found

    Formal to Casual- Usage of Laptop Among Students- An Eye Opener

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    The number of college students using laptops is on the rise so is the musculoskeletal disorders reported. This research tries to understand whether university students in India have the same discomfort level as reported in prior studies. The study tries to evaluate the role of parameters like postural adaptation, time related parameters like duration of laptop usage, frequency of rest breaks and the predisposition of MSD among the students. And it is found that neck pain is the most common pain among Indian college students. And that MSD is caused by poor postural adaptation, time spent on the laptop as well as lack of proper ergonomic knowledge

    Psychological Injuries at Work - What Every Manager Should Know

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    A psychological injury is a diagnosable illness that affects a person’s thinking, emotional state and behavior. It can disrupt their ability to work and carry out other daily activities, and to engage in satisfying personal relationships. Unlike a physical injury, a psychological injury cannot be easily recognized and understood. This research document is a conceptual work, which tries to define and isolate stress and stress related injuries, as well as psychological injuries at work. Such an understanding would help the top management to cater and prevent injuries of such extent. Based on literature, a model has been developed for the study and the research document has defined “Psychological injury as an employee’s explicit manifestation of distress in the form of affective behavioral and cognitive dysfunction in work context”. This research document can be considered a seminal work done in Indian context. This works gains importance in the light of increasing number of lawsuits in Indian courts on work- related stress and agony. India still does not have any laws that deal with emotional health and stress related injuries at work or psychological injuries as compared to other countries like Canada, U.K and the U.

    Sinergitas Aktivitas Antibakteri Dari Kelopak Bunga Rosella Dan Kitosan Terhadap Staphylococcus Aureus: Synergistic Antibacterial Activity of Roselle Calyx and Chitosan Against Staphylococcus Aureus

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    Currently, the antibacterial research is increasingly promoted primarily from natural materials, due to the increasing number of pathogenic bacteria that have been resistant to existing antibiotics. One of the pathogenic bacteria that has been much resistant to antibiotics is Staphylococcus aureus. Rosella calyx (Hibiscus sabdariffa  L.) and chitosan are known to have antibacterial activity. The aim of this study to find out the antibacterial synergy of the  roselle calyx extract and chitosan against. S.aureus ATCC 33592. Rosella calyx was extracted by maceration using 80 %  ethanol, while chitosan is obtained from deasetilation chitin of shrimp husk. Test antibacterial synergism using checkboard assay method by calculating the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)  using microdilution assay. The results showed minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of roselle calyx extract and chitosan were 1250 ppm and 50 ppm, respectively.  MIC value of rosella calyx extract in the presence of chitosan was 625 ppm, while the value of MIC chitosan in the presence of rosella calyx extract was < 0.19 ppm. Fractional Inhibition Concentration Index (FICI) was < 0.5 which concluded that the combination of roselle calyx extract with chitosan has a synergistic antibacterial effect on S.aureus ATCC 33592

    Space-time adaptive reduction of unsteady flamalets

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    The Wavelet Adaptive Multiresolution Representation (WAMR) code and the G-Scheme framework are used for the numerical time integration of the flamelet model. The steep gradients are efficiently captured by the WAMR algorithm with an a-priori defined accuracy and an associated large reduction of the number of degrees of freedom (DOFs). A further opportunity to reduce the complexity of the problem is represented by the G-Scheme, to achieve multi-scale adaptive model reduction along-with the time integration of the differential equations

    Il dispositivo teatrale alla prova del Covid-19. Mediatizzazione, liveness e pubblici

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    The COVID-19 emergency had a profound impact on the artistic and cultural sectors, and on performing arts in particular. The lockdown required the suspension of all live performances and rehearsals, including the cancellation of seasons and festivals. Because physical proximity is an essential component of the live shows, this sector will be on pause longer than the others. Since the early stages of the lockdown, the Italian theatre field developed several online initiatives to counterbalance the suspension of its activities. These efforts aimed at keeping the relationship with the remote theatre audiences, by extending the presence of artists, theatres and performances in the online context. However, they also provided an opportunity to reflect at large on the digital transformations of performing arts. The following contribution reflects on how we are researching the online response of the theatrical sector from the perspective of sociology and media studies. The paper aims to contextualise the phenomenon within the processes of theatre mediatisation and digital transformation of liveness, and to the present what we think are the most urgent research questions in this direction. The first part of the article introduces the theoretical premises of the investigation. We present the frame of theatre mediatisation by analysing three interrelated processes: the mediatisation of dramaturgy through the concept of transmedia; the mediatisation of theatrical presence, with the debate on digital liveness, and the mediatisation of the theatrical relationship through social media. The second part will analyse some of the main online initiatives of the theatrical sector, observing how they fit into the previously introduced mediatisation processes. The third part will observe how users have responded to the initiatives presented on social media by some of the main Italian theatres. In the conclusions, we will discuss which research questions we consider crucial to connect the analysis of this critical moment to the main themes of sociological and media studies research on performing arts

    Reatores Aeróbicos para o Biotratamento de Águas Poluídas e Efluentes Sintéticos Contendo Ácido 3-Clorobenzóico

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    The degradation of 3-chlorobenzoic acid in polluted waters and synthetic effluents by a previously isolated indigenous strain of Pseudomonas putida was studied. Batch biodegradation assays were performed using a 2 L microfermentor at 28 °C with agitation. To simulate polluted water, 100 mg.L–1 of 3-chlorobenzoic acid were added to surface river water. Continuous‑flow assays were performed in an aerobic up-flow fixed-bed reactor constructed from PVC employing hollow PVC cylinders as support material. Synthetic wastewater was prepared by dissolving 3-chlorobenzoic acid in non-sterile groundwater. Biodegradation was evaluated by spectrophotometry, chloride release, gas chromatography and microbial growth. In batch experiments the indigenous strain of Pseudomonas putida degrades 100 mg.L–1 of 3-chlorobenzoic acid in 28 hours with a removal efficiency of 92.2 and 87.2%, expressed as compound and chemical oxygen demand removal, respectively. In the continuous-flow reactor the removal of an average influent concentration of 98.6 mg.L–1 reached 91.7% of compound and 88.9% of COD removal. The process efficiency remained approximately constant despite changes in the influent flow, compound concentration and temperature. The absence of metabolites was determined by gas chromatography performed at the end of the batch process and at the effluent of the continuous reactor. The ability of the isolated indigenous strain to degrade 3-chlorobenzoic acid in both batch and continuous reactors represents a promising feature to improve the treatment of effluents.Foi estudada a degradação do ácido 3-clorobenzóico em águas poluídas e efluentes sintéticos por uma cepa nativa previamente isolada de Pseudomonas putida. Ensaios de biodegradação de lotes foram realizados usando um microfermentador de 2 L a 28 °C sob agitação. Para simular água poluída, 100 mg.L–1 de ácido 3-clorobenzóico foram adicionados a água superficial de rio. Foram realizados ensaios de fluxo contínuo num reator aeróbico de fluxo ascendente de leito fixo construído em PVC, utilizando cilindros de PVC como material de suporte. Água sintética residuária foi preparada dissolvendo ácido 3-clorobenzóico em água subterrânea não estéril. A biodegradação foi avaliada por espectrofotometria, liberação de cloreto, cromatografia gasosa e crescimento microbiano. Nos experimentos em lote, a cepa nativa de Pseudomonas putida degrada 100 mg.L–1 de ácido 3-clorobenzóico em 28 horas com uma eficiência de remoção de 92,2 e 87,2%, expressada como remoção de composto e demanda de oxigênio químico, respectivamente. No reator de fluxo contínuo, a remoção de uma concentração média de afluente de 98,6 mg.L–1 atingiu 91,7% do composto e 88,9% da remoção de COD. A eficiência do processo permaneceu aproximadamente constante apesar das mudanças de fluxo, concentração do composto e temperatura. A ausência de metabólitos foi determinada por cromatografia gasosa realizada no final do processo em lote e no efluente do reator continuo. A capacidade da cepa nativa para degradar o ácido 3-clorobenzóico em ambos os lotes e reatores contínuos representa uma função promissora para melhorar o tratamento de efluentes.Fil: Gallego, A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Sanidad Nutrición Bromatología y Toxicología; ArgentinaFil: Rossen, Ariana Altair. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Sanidad Nutrición Bromatología y Toxicología; ArgentinaFil: Gemini, V.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Sanidad Nutrición Bromatología y Toxicología; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial; ArgentinaFil: Fortunato, M. S.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Sanidad Nutrición Bromatología y Toxicología; ArgentinaFil: Rossi, S.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Sanidad Nutrición Bromatología y Toxicología; ArgentinaFil: Planes, E.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial; ArgentinaFil: Korol, S.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Sanidad Nutrición Bromatología y Toxicología; Argentin

    Numerical generation of multidimensional flamelet databases using an adaptive wavelet method

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    The Wavelet Adaptive Multiresolution Representation (WAMR) code is used for the numerical time integration of the one-dimensional laminar diffusion flames equations in trans-critical and supercritical conditions, where the thermodynamic and transport properties exhibit large changes. These steep gradients are efficiently captured by the WAMR algorithm with an a-priori defined accuracy and an associated large reduction of the number of degrees of freedom, allowing a highly efficient flamelet database generation critical conditions

    influence of bitter lupin on consumption and digestibility in organic dairy cattle soya bean free diets

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    One of the main principles of organic husbandry is that animal feed must be GMO free, and soya bean is well-known as a high risk GMO alimentary source. About 25 dry dairy cattle of the Italian Holstein breed, from the Cooperativa Emilio Sereni of Borgo S. Lorenzo (FI), were fed in two successive diets: the first with extruded soya bean (A), and the second in which bitter lupin, faba bean and proteinic pea substituted the soya bean (B). We evaluated both the consumption and the apparent digestibility (using acid insoluble ash as internal marker) of the two diets, repeating the trial twice. The presence of bitter lupin did not influence either the consumption of other feed, or the faecal water content. The apparent digestibility of the organic matter resulted satisfactory in both the diets, but was significantly higher in diet (A) than in diet (B) (71,6% vs 67,3%). In conclusion, even though we wish the cultivation of sweet lupin would be increase in Italy, we retain that also bitter lupin (mixed with other feed to increase the palatability) could be used as alternative protein source in dairy cattle diets

    Quantification and characterization of water and wastewater in dairy farms II. Effluent quality and treatment process efficiency

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    This study was carried out in three dairy production areas in Buenos Aires. Effluent quality, treatment process efficiency, water management strategies and environmental contamination risk by effluent discharge, was characterized in 9 dairy farms. Holding area feces were measured. Treatment lagoons were sampled. Physicochemical and microbiological qualities, and BOD and COD were determined, and used as environmental risk indicators. Plate-cooler water management strategies were established in order to divide the dairy farms in two groups (G1 and G2). Treatment lagoons were inefficient in regards to effluent treatment. BOD, COD, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and enterococci found in the samples were not within acceptable values according to effluent discharge guidelines. NPK concentration would allow its potential use as a nutrient source. Variability found in the several parameters measured is related to the different lagoons? characteristics and water management strategies. Significant differences (p<0.05) were detected in N and P contents between G1 and G2. Proper environmental management in animal production systems requires an appropriate wastewater handling within each farm.Fil: Nosetti, L. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Herrero, M.A. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Producción Animal. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Pol, M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Producción Animal. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Maldonado May, V. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Producción Animal. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Korol, S. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Cátedra de Higiene y Sanidad. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Rossi, S. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Cátedra de Higiene y Sanidad. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Gemini, V. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Cátedra de Higiene y Sanidad. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Flores, M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Salud Pública. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaEl estudio fue realizado en tres cuencas lecheras de Buenos Aires. Se caracterizaron en 9 establecimientos, la calidad de efluentes, la eficiencia de los sistemas de tratamiento, la estrategia del manejo del agua en el ordeño y el riesgo de contaminación ambiental por el vertido de efluentes. Fueron cuantificadas las heces en corrales de espera. Se tomaron muestras de las lagunas de tratamiento, analizando la calidad fisicoquímica y microbiológica. La DBO y DQO fueron utilizados como indicadores de riesgo ambiental. Los tambos fueron agrupados según la utilización del agua de la placa de refrescado (G1 y G2). Las lagunas no resultaron eficientes ya que no completaron el tratamiento de los efluentes, tampoco se obtuvieron valores aceptables de DQO, DBO, Nitrógeno (N), Fósforo (P) y enterococos, compatibles con normativas de vertido para evitar la contaminación de cursos de agua. La concentración de NPK permitiría su uso potencial como abono. La variabilidad de los parámetros analizados se relaciona a las diferentes características de las lagunas y a los sistemas de reutilización de agua. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0.05), entre G1 y G2, para el contenido de nitrógeno y fósforo. Las necesidades de una gestión ambiental adecuada en los sistemas de producción animal, requiere de un manejo apropiado de estos residuos dentro del mismo establecimiento

    Antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with cirrhosis: Current evidence for clinical practice

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    Patients with cirrhosis show an increased susceptibility to infection due to disease-related immune-dysfunction. Bacterial infection therefore represents a common, often detrimental event in patients with advanced liver disease, since it can worsen portal hypertension and impair the function of hepatic and extrahepatic organs. Among pharmacological strategies to prevent infection, antibiotic prophylaxis remains the first-choice, especially in high-risk groups, such as patients with acute variceal bleeding, low ascitic fluid proteins, and prior episodes of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Nevertheless, antibiotic prophylaxis has to deal with the changing bacterial epidemiology in cirrhosis, with increased rates of gram-positive bacteria and multidrug resistant rods, warnings about quinolones-related side effects, and low prescription adherence. Short-term antibiotic prophylaxis is applied in many other settings during hospitalization, such as before interventional or surgical procedures, but often without knowledge of local bacterial epidemiology and without strict adherence to antimicrobial stewardship. This paper offers a detailed overview on the application of antibiotic prophylaxis in cirrhosis, according to the current evidence