270 research outputs found
Self-assembled porphyrinoids: one-component nanostructured photomedicine
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is becoming a promising way to treat various kinds of cancers, with few side effects. Porphyrinoids are the most relevant photosensitizers (PS) in PDT, because they present high extinction coefficients, biocompatibility, and excellent photochemical behavior. To maximize therapeutic effects, polymer-PS conjugates, and PS-loaded nanoparticles have been developed, with insights in improving tumor delivery. However, some drawbacks such as non-biodegradability, multistep fabrication, and low reagent loadings limit their clinical application. A novel strategy, noted by some authors as the “one-for-all” approach, is emerging to circumvent the use of additional delivery agents. This approach relies on the self-assembly of amphiphilic PS to fabricate nanostructures with improved transport properties. In this review we focus on different rational designs of porphyrinoid PS to achieve some of the following attributes in nanoassembly: i) selective uptake, through the incorporation of recognizable biological vectors; ii) responsiveness to stimuli; iii) combination of imaging and therapeutic functions; and iv) multimodal therapy, including photothermal or chemotherapy abilitiesThe research team has been supported by MINECO (CTQ2017- 85393-P) and ERA-NET/MINECO EuroNanoMed2017-191/PCIN 2017-042. IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Program for Centers of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, Grant SEV-2016-0686
Recuperación de Información sobre Patentes: Comparación de Recuperación de Información Web Entre Patentscope y Google Patents
The goal is to present the main free and open access search engines such as PATENTSCOPE and Google Patents. It also seeks to verify the information retrieval system, which seeks to transform the user's information needs into a list or collection of documents whose content satisfies that need. We present the comparison of both verifying each one independently and then, a summary table. Finally, it is concluded that the constant search for inventions can make the difference between the positions of competences between global companies; It is for this reason that patents prove to be a source of reliable information on the subjects of interest of the people or companies. Pantestscope and Google Patents allows you to download as much data as a table for future analysis of the information. Keywords: Information retrieval, Patents, Patentscope, Google Patents, We
Real World Data en la Sanidad Española
In recent years, thanks to the progress of electronics and computing, it is possible to process a large volume of clinical data. As a result of this scenario, real world data (RWD) are gaining enormous relevance. RWD are the data, whose origin is the usual clinical practice, used to make medical decisions about drugs or medical practice. This research is aimed to study the current situation of RWD in Spain. To achieve this objective, we have assessed the data sources on which these are fed. We have also analyzed the main publications based on RWD. Our findings are: firstly, both records and databases as well as medical histories have a high level of computerization and have also a great deal of information to be used for research; and secondly, the scientific studies carried out are of a great quality, but society is not aware of the importance RWD have and there is discoordination between the Autonomies and the Government. Keywords: RWD, clinical data, medical decisions, practical decisions, medical historie
Metallo-organic ensembles of tritopic subphthalocyanine ligands
"This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: M. Ángel Revuelta-Maza, Ettore Fazio, Gema de la Torre and Tomás Torres, Metallo-organic ensembles of tritopic subphthalocyanine ligands, Journal of Porphyrins and PhthalocyaninesVol. 21, No. 12, pp. 782-789 (2017), which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1142/S1088424617500882I. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use Self-Archived Versions"Organic building blocks containing amines and aldehydes can be used for the preparation of complex metallo-organic structures, such as M2L3 triple helicates or face-capped M4L4 tetrahedral cages, through the formation of both dynamic covalent and coordinative linkages during the self-Assembly process. Herein we describe how the subcomponent self-Assembly method can be succesfully applied over a triamine-functionalized subphthalocyanine (SubPc) ligand to build metallo-supramolecular helicates. Two isomeric SubPcs (C1-SubPc1 and C3-SubPc1) have been prepared from the corresponding C1-SubPcI3 and C3-SubPcI3 precursors under optimized Suzuki conditions. We selected the tritopic C3-SubPc1 derivative as ligand for the subcomponent self-Assembly experiments, which involved the reaction with 2-formylpyridine and different Fe(II) salts. The self-Assembly process was mainly studied by mass spectrometry (ESI direct injection techniques), and in all the conditions applied, we could observe the formation of helicate-Type Fe2SubPc3 structures and/or Fe2SubPc4 species, which can be considered as open precursors of Fe4SubPc4 tetrahedral cages. © 2017 World Scientific Publishing Company.Financial support from Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (S2013/MIT- 2841, FOTOCARBON), and Spanish MICINN (CTQ2014-52869-P) is acknowledged
Estudio de la Seguridad en Redes de Sensores Corporales aplicadas al Ámbito Sanitario
Nowadays, the technology has become necessary in daily aspects of everyday life, included healthcare and healthy lifestyle. Thus, in the last years has taken place an important development of Body Sensor Networks (BSN) to let a continuous monitoring. Security is becoming increasingly important in all areas related to Information Technology, and becomes even more important when patient’s health is involved. Confiability and privacy are necessary requirements for patients to feel secure with the sensors, but the reliability is necessary too, because if all measured data are lost or damage before reaching their destination, it cannot be made an adequate monitor or make the best diagnosis. The aim of this work is to provide a review of the security for BSN applied to the healthcare, in order to enable the development of applications to improve the patient's diagnosis and treatment with chronic diseases.Keywords: BSN, healthcare,confiability, reliability, chronic diseases
In-situ hydration studies of ye’elemite at early ages for understanding eco-cement performances'
Póster; ALBA User Meeting and VI AUSE Conferenc
Phthalocyanines and Porphyrinoid Analogues as Hole-and Electron-Transporting Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells
Organic–inorganic lead halide perovskite absorbers in combination with electron and hole transporting selective contacts result in power conversion efficiencies of over 23% under AM 1.5 sun conditions. The advantage of perovskite solar cells is their simple fabrication through solution-processing methods either in n-i-p or p-i-n configurations. Using TiO2 or SnO2 as an electron transporting layer, a compositionally engineered perovskite as an absorber layer, and Spiro-OMeTAD as a HTM, several groups have reported over 20% efficiency. Though perovskite solar cells reached comparable efficiency to that of crystalline silicon ones, their stability remains a bottleneck for commercialization partly due to the use of doped Spiro-OMeTAD. Several organic and inorganic hole transporting materials have been explored to increase the stability and power conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells. IIn this review, we analyse the stability and efficiency of perovskite solar cells incorporating phthalocyanine and porphyrin macrocycles as hole- and electron transporting materials. The π–π stacking orientation of these macrocycles on the perovskite surface is important in facilitating a vertical charge transport, resulting in high power conversion efficiencyWe are grateful for the financial support of the MINECO, Spain
(CTQ2017-85393-P) and the Comunidad de Madrid (FOTOCARBON,
S2013/MIT-2841). IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from
the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D
(MINECO, Grant SEV-2016-0686). MKN thanks the EPFL and the
Swiss National Science Foundatio
Pushing limits in higher education: inclusion services’ perspectives on supporting students with learning disabilities in Spanish universities
The unprecedented growth of universities in recent years has meant that there are more students with learning disabilities attending courses. Consequently, universities have had to adapt, improve and create new resources to ensure greater inclusivity. These resources, their design, and development are managed by inclusion support services, aiming to the full inclusion of students with disabilities and the promotion of community awareness. This article aims to shed light on the current role of inclusion services in supporting students with learning disabilities, and the link these services have with the different university stakeholders, using a thematic analysis from the experiences of this services staff in eight Spanish universities. The results show that: i) there is no uniformity in the support services; and ii) more resources and work are needed to ensure increased inclusion and awareness. The discussion and conclusions drawn highlight the trends, challenges, and opportunities for universities improving their inclusion.Postprint (author's final draft
La educación familiar en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje del educando
The role of the family is very important in the education of the students, since they reflect values, principles and emotions that allow the student to function in the educational environment, the objective of the research was to evaluate family education in the process of teaching-learning from the actions developed in the Educational Unit 13 de Octubre considering that it is a necessary topic for the educational community, for this reason, in the present article the theoretical foundations and the results of an exploratory study developed with the objective of Investigate the causes of the previously mentioned educational problems. The survey and interview technique was used as methodology. Finally, an approach is made to the causes that are limiting the participation of the family in the school process as an essential aspect to solve the problem investigated. In addition, among the most relevant results, a limited incidence of the home in school life was evidenced, through multiple factors such as time, the level of preparation of the parents or the available resources, whether financial or material, that make it difficult to and cause the incorrect intervention of the family in education.El rol de la familia es muy importante en la educación de los estudiantes, ya que en ellos se reflejan valores, principios y emociones que permiten al alumno desenvolverse en el ambiente educativo, el objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar la educación familiar en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje a partir de las acciones desarrolladas en la Unidad Educativa 13 de Octubre considerando que es un tema necesario para la comunidad educativa, por ello, en el presente artículo se presentan los fundamentos teóricos y los resultados de un estudio exploratorio desarrollado con el objetivo de investigar las causas de la problemática educativa anteriormente enunciada. Como metodología se empleó la técnica de encuesta y de la entrevista. Por último, se realiza un acercamiento a las causas que están limitando la participación de la familia en el proceso escolar como aspecto esencial para solucionar la problemática investigada. Además, entre los resultados más relevantes se evidenció una limitada incidencia que tiene el hogar en la vida escolar, a través de múltiples factores como el tiempo, el nivel de preparación de los padres de familia o los recursos disponibles ya sean económicos o materiales que dificultan y ocasionan la incorrecta intervención de la familia en la educación
Uso de la cáscara de maní en paneles prefabricados para viviendas de interés social en Manabí.
The present work, as a pre-feasibility investigation, studies the possibility of implementing a system of non-bearing panels as masonry, inserting in its elaboration the agricultural residue "peanut shell" as filler material in its mortar within a defined spatial distribution and approved as housing of social interest according to the Ecuadorian normative organisms without changing its structural operation. This with the dual purpose of testing the feasibility of industrialization in low-income housing with execution on site, local labor force and at the same time promoting the criteria of ecological sustainability in the construction of low-income housing with systems that are welcomed by Manabi population. A system of 50x50 panels with double bevel of block type B resistance is presented at a cost of 0.40 cents./unit with replacement of fine snap by peanut shell at 10%. The perception of construction professionals was generally positive after the survey carried out via Google form, as long as the structural behavior of the home is not affected and the finishes are visually maintained.El presente trabajo en carácter de investigación de pre-factibilidad estudia la posibilidad de implementar un sistema de paneles no portantes como mampostería insertando en su elaboración el residuo agrícola “cáscara de maní” como material de relleno en su mortero dentro de una distribución espacial definida y aprobada como vivienda de interés social según los organismos normativos ecuatorianos sin cambiar su funcionamiento estructural. Esto con la doble finalidad de probar la factibilidad de industrialización en viviendas de interés social con ejecución en obra, fuerza de trabajo local y al mismo tiempo potenciar los criterios de sostenibilidad ecológica en la construcción de las viviendas de interés social con sistemas que tengan acogida por la población manabita. Se presenta un sistema de paneles de 50x50 con doble bisel de resistencia del bloque tipo B con un costo de 0.40 ctvs./unidad con reemplazo de chasqui fino por cáscara de maní al 10%. La percepción de lo profesionales de la construcción fue generalmente positiva luego de la encuesta realizada vía formulario de Google form, siempre y cuando no se afecte el comportamiento estructural de la vivienda y los acabados se mantengan visualmente
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