1,524 research outputs found

    Helicity and alpha-effect by current-driven instabilities of helical magnetic fields

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    Helical magnetic background fields with adjustable pitch angle are imposed on a conducting fluid in a differentially rotating cylindrical container. The small-scale kinetic and current helicities are calculated for various field geometries, and shown to have the opposite sign as the helicity of the large-scale field. These helicities and also the corresponding α\alpha-effect scale with the current helicity of the background field. The α\alpha-tensor is highly anisotropic as the components αϕϕ\alpha_{\phi\phi} and αzz\alpha_{zz} have opposite signs. The amplitudes of the azimuthal α\alpha-effect computed with the cylindrical 3D MHD code are so small that the operation of an αΩ\alpha\Omega dynamo on the basis of the current-driven, kink-type instabilities of toroidal fields is highly questionable. In any case the low value of the α\alpha-effect would lead to very long growth times of a dynamo in the radiation zone of the Sun and early-type stars of the order of mega-years.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Angular momentum transport efficiency in post-main sequence low-mass stars

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    Context. Using asteroseismic techniques, it has recently become possible to probe the internal rotation profile of low-mass (~1.1-1.5 Msun) subgiant and red giant stars. Under the assumption of local angular momentum conservation, the core contraction and envelope expansion occurring at the end of the main sequence would result in a much larger internal differential rotation than observed. This suggests that angular momentum redistribution must be taking place in the interior of these stars. Aims. We investigate the physical nature of the angular momentum redistribution mechanisms operating in stellar interiors by constraining the efficiency of post-main sequence rotational coupling. Methods. We model the rotational evolution of a 1.25 Msun star using the Yale Rotational stellar Evolution Code. Our models take into account the magnetic wind braking occurring at the surface of the star and the angular momentum transport in the interior, with an efficiency dependent on the degree of internal differential rotation. Results. We find that models including a dependence of the angular momentum transport efficiency on the radial rotational shear reproduce very well the observations. The best fit of the data is obtained with an angular momentum transport coefficient scaling with the ratio of the rotation rate of the radiative interior over that of the convective envelope of the star as a power law of exponent ~3. This scaling is consistent with the predictions of recent numerical simulations of the Azimuthal Magneto-Rotational Instability. Conclusions. We show that an angular momentum transport process whose efficiency varies during the stellar evolution through a dependence on the level of internal differential rotation is required to explain the observed post-main sequence rotational evolution of low-mass stars.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Nonaxisymmetric MHD instabilities of Chandrasekhar states in Taylor-Couette geometry

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    We consider axially periodic Taylor-Couette geometry with insulating boundary conditions. The imposed basic states are so-called Chandrasekhar states, where the azimuthal flow UϕU_\phi and magnetic field BϕB_\phi have the same radial profiles. Mainly three particular profiles are considered: the Rayleigh limit, quasi-Keplerian, and solid-body rotation. In each case we begin by computing linear instability curves and their dependence on the magnetic Prandtl number Pm. For the azimuthal wavenumber m=1 modes, the instability curves always scale with the Reynolds number and the Hartmann number. For sufficiently small Pm these modes therefore only become unstable for magnetic Mach numbers less than unity, and are thus not relevant for most astrophysical applications. However, modes with m>10 can behave very differently. For sufficiently flat profiles, they scale with the magnetic Reynolds number and the Lundquist number, thereby allowing instability also for the large magnetic Mach numbers of astrophysical objects. We further compute fully nonlinear, three-dimensional equilibration of these instabilities, and investigate how the energy is distributed among the azimuthal (m) and axial (k) wavenumbers. In comparison spectra become steeper for large m, reflecting the smoothing action of shear. On the other hand kinetic and magnetic energy spectra exhibit similar behavior: if several azimuthal modes are already linearly unstable they are relatively flat, but for the rigidly rotating case where m=1 is the only unstable mode they are so steep that neither Kolmogorov nor Iroshnikov-Kraichnan spectra fit the results. The total magnetic energy exceeds the kinetic energy only for large magnetic Reynolds numbers Rm>100.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    Dissipative Taylor-Couette flows under the influence of helical magnetic fields

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    The linear stability of MHD Taylor-Couette flows in axially unbounded cylinders is considered, for magnetic Prandtl number unity. Magnetic fields varying from purely axial to purely azimuthal are imposed, with a general helical field parameterized by \beta=B_\phi/B_z. We map out the transition from the standard MRI for \beta=0 to the nonaxisymmetric Azimuthal MagnetoRotational Instability (AMRI) for \beta\to \infty. For finite \beta, positive and negative wave numbers m, corresponding to right and left spirals, are no longer identical. The transition from \beta=0 to \beta\to\infty includes all the possible forms of MRI with axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric modes. For the nonaxisymmetric modes, the most unstable mode spirals in the opposite direction to the background field. The standard (\beta=0) MRI is axisymmetric for weak fields (including the instability with the lowest Reynolds number) but is nonaxisymmetric for stronger fields. If the azimuthal field is due in part to an axial current flowing through the fluid itself (and not just along the central axis), then it is also unstable to the nonaxisymmetric Tayler instability, which is most effective without rotation. For large \beta this instability has wavenumber m=1, whereas for \beta\simeq 1 m=2 is most unstable. The most unstable mode spirals in the same direction as the background field.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

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    Fe-Bearing Phases Identified by the Moessbauer Spectrometers on the Mars Exploration Rovers: An Overview

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    The twin Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity have explored the martian surface at Gusev Crater (GC) and Meridiani Planum (MP), respectively, for about two Earth years. The Moessbauer (MB) spectrometers on both rovers have analyzed an aggregate of ~200 surface targets and have returned to Earth information on the oxidation state of iron, the mineralogical composition of Febearing phases, and the distribution of Fe among oxidation states and phases at the two landing sites [1-7]. To date, 15 component subspectra (10 doublets and 5 sextets) have been identified and most have been assigned to mineralogical compositions. Two subspectra are assigned to phases (jarosite and goethite) that are marker minerals for aqueous processes because they contain hydroxide anion in their structures. In this paper, we give an overview of the Febearing phases identified and their distributions at Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum

    Chemistry of Martian Soils from the Mars Exploration Rover APXS Instruments

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    The martian surface is covered with debris formed by several mechanisms and mobilized by various processes. Volcanism, impact, physical weathering and chemical alteration combine to produce particles of sizes from dust to boulders composed of primary mineral and rock fragments, partially altered primary materials, alteration minerals and shock-modified materials from all of these. Impacts and volcanism produce localized deposits. Winds transport roughly sand-sized material over intermediate distances, while periodic dust storms deposit a global dust layer of the finest fraction. The compositions of clastic sediments can be used to evaluate regional differences in crustal composition and/or weathering processes. Here we examine the growing body of chemical data on soils in Gusev crater and Meridiani Planum returned by the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) instruments on the rovers Spirit (MERA) and Opportunity (MERB), following on earlier results based on smaller data sets [1-4]

    More on the Possible Composition of the Meridiani Hematite-Rich Concretions

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    Elsewhere in these proceedings, Schneider et al. discuss compositional constraints on hematite-rich spherule (blueberry) formation at Meridiani Planum. Schneider et al. provide the background for work done to date to understand the composition and mineralogy of the spherules and devise a test of possible concretion growth processes. They also report the results of area analyses of spherules in targets analyzed with the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) and test several possible models for included components other than hematite. In this abstract, we use the compositional trends for spherule-rich targets to compute possible elemental compositions of the spherules. This approach differs from that of, which also used a determination of the area of spherules in APXS targets, coupled with a correction for the radial acceptance function, to try to un-mix the compositions directly, using 2 and 3-component models and mass balance. That approach contained a fair amount of uncertainty owing to problems associated with irregular and heterogeneous target geometry, unknown composition of non-spherule lithic components, and variable dust coatings on spherules. Since then, Opportunity has analyzed additional spherule-rich targets, and the compositional trends so obtained permit a more direct assessment of the data