
More on the Possible Composition of the Meridiani Hematite-Rich Concretions


Elsewhere in these proceedings, Schneider et al. discuss compositional constraints on hematite-rich spherule (blueberry) formation at Meridiani Planum. Schneider et al. provide the background for work done to date to understand the composition and mineralogy of the spherules and devise a test of possible concretion growth processes. They also report the results of area analyses of spherules in targets analyzed with the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) and test several possible models for included components other than hematite. In this abstract, we use the compositional trends for spherule-rich targets to compute possible elemental compositions of the spherules. This approach differs from that of, which also used a determination of the area of spherules in APXS targets, coupled with a correction for the radial acceptance function, to try to un-mix the compositions directly, using 2 and 3-component models and mass balance. That approach contained a fair amount of uncertainty owing to problems associated with irregular and heterogeneous target geometry, unknown composition of non-spherule lithic components, and variable dust coatings on spherules. Since then, Opportunity has analyzed additional spherule-rich targets, and the compositional trends so obtained permit a more direct assessment of the data

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