2,159 research outputs found

    Fermion Mass Hierarchy in Lifshitz Type Gauge Theory

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    We study the origin of fermion mass hierarchy and flavor mixing in a Lifshitz type extension of the standard model including an extra scalar field. We show that the hierarchical structure can originate from renormalizable interactions. In contrast to the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism, the higher the dimension of associated operators, the heavier the fermion masses. Tiny masses for left-handed neutrinos are obtained without introducing right-handed neutrinos.Comment: 13 pages; clarifications of some point

    On the Definition of Decoherence

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    We examine the relationship between the decoherence of quantum-mechanical histories of a closed system (as discussed by Gell-Mann and Hartle) and environmentally-induced diagonalization of the density operator for an open system. We study a definition of decoherence which incorporates both of these ideas, and show that it leads to a consistent probabilistic interpretation of the reduced density operator.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, SJSU/TP-93-1

    Dirac neutrino mass from the beta decay end-point modified by the dynamics of a Lorentz-violating equation of motion

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    Using a generalized procedure for obtaining the equation of motion of a propagating fermionic particle, we examine previous claims for a lightlike preferred axis embedded in the framework of Lorentz-invariance violation with preserved algebra. In a high energy scale, the corresponding equation of motion is reduced to a conserving lepton number chiral (VSR) equation, and in a low energy scale, the Dirac equation for a free is recovered. The new dynamics introduces some novel ingredients (modified cross section) to the phenomenology of the tritium beta decay end-point.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Unification via intermediate symmetry breaking scales with the quartification gauge group

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    The idea of quark-lepton universality at high energies has been introduced as a natural extension to the standard model. This is achieved by endowing leptons with new degrees of freedom -- leptonic colour, an analogue of the familiar quark colour. Grand and partially unified models which utilise this new gauge symmetry SU(3)_\ell have been proposed in the context of the quartification gauge group SU(3)^4. Phenomenologically successful gauge coupling constant unification without supersymmetry has been demonstrated for cases where the symmetry breaking leaves a residual SU(2)_\ell unbroken. Though attractive, these schemes either incorporate ad hoc discrete symmetries and non-renormalisable mass terms, or achieve only partial unification. We show that grand unified models can be constructed where the quartification group can be broken fully [i.e. no residual SU(2)_\ell] to the standard model gauge group without requiring additional discrete symmetries or higher dimension operators. These models also automatically have suppressed nonzero neutrino masses. We perform a systematic analysis of the renormalisation-group equations for all possible symmetry breaking routes from SU(3)^4 --> SU(3)_q x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y. This analysis indicates that gauge coupling unification can be achieved for several different symmetry breaking patterns and we outline the requirements that each gives on the unification scale. We also show that the unification scenarios of those models which leave a residual SU(2)_\ell symmetry are not unique. In both symmetry breaking cases, some of the scenarios require new physics at the TeV scale, while others do not allow for new TeV phenomenology in the fermionic sector.Comment: 25 page

    Gapless Hartree-Fock Resummation Scheme for the O(N) Model

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    A modified selfconsistent Hartree-Fock approximation to the lambda*phi^4 theory with spontaneously broken O(N) symmetry is proposed. It preserves all the desirable features, like conservation laws and thermodynamic consistency, of the selfconsistent Dyson scheme generated from a 2PI functional, also known as the Phi-derivable scheme, while simultaneously respecting the Nambu-Goldstone theorem in the chiral-symmetry broken phase. Various approximate resummation schemes are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures / Version accepted by Phys. Rev. D: the introduction has been expanded by a few remarks in order to further clarify the goal of the pape

    Decoherence of Hydrodynamic Histories: A Simple Spin Model

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    In the context of the decoherent histories approach to the quantum mechanics of closed systems, Gell-Mann and Hartle have argued that the variables typically characterizing the quasiclassical domain of a large complex system are the integrals over small volumes of locally conserved densities -- hydrodynamic variables. The aim of this paper is to exhibit some simple models in which approximate decoherence arises as a result of local conservation. We derive a formula which shows the explicit connection between local conservation and approximate decoherence. We then consider a class of models consisting of a large number of weakly interacting components, in which the projections onto local densities may be decomposed into projections onto one of two alternatives of the individual components. The main example we consider is a one-dimensional chain of locally coupled spins, and the projections are onto the total spin in a subsection of the chain. We compute the decoherence functional for histories of local densities, in the limit when the number of components is very large. We find that decoherence requires two things: the smearing volumes must be sufficiently large to ensure approximate conservation, and the local densities must be partitioned into sufficiently large ranges to ensure protection against quantum fluctuations.Comment: Standard TeX, 36 pages + 3 figures (postscript) Revised abstract and introduction. To appear in Physical Review

    Chiral symmetry patterns of excited mesons with the Coulomb-like linear confinement

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    The spectrum of qˉq\bar q q mesons in a model where the only interaction is a linear Coulomb-like instantaneous confining potential is studied. The single-quark Green function as well as the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking are obtained from the Schwinger-Dyson (gap) equation. Given the dressed quark propagator, a complete spectrum of "usual" mesons is obtained from the Bethe-Salpeter equation. The spectrum exhibits restoration of chiral and U(1)AU(1)_A symmetries at large spins and/or radial excitations. This property is demonstrated both analytically and numerically. At large spins and/or radial excitations higher degree of degeneracy is observed, namely all states with the given spin fall into reducible representations [(0,1/2)⊕(1/2,0)]×[(0,1/2)⊕(1/2,0)][(0,1/2) \oplus (1/2,0)] \times [(0,1/2) \oplus (1/2,0)] that combine all possible chiral multiplets with the given JJ and nn. The structure of the meson wave functions as well as the form of the angular and radial Regge trajectories are investigated.Comment: 1. Order of references has been changed and one reference has been added; 2. A short discussion of nonrelativistic and semirelativistic quark models has been added in the conclusion part on referee's request. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Conservation Laws in the Quantum Mechanics of Closed Systems

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    We investigate conservation laws in the quantum mechanics of closed systems. We review an argument showing that exact decoherence implies the exact conservation of quantities that commute with the Hamiltonian including the total energy and total electric charge. However, we also show that decoherence severely limits the alternatives which can be included in sets of histories which assess the conservation of these quantities when they are not coupled to a long-range field arising from a fundamental symmetry principle. We then examine the realistic cases of electric charge coupled to the electromagnetic field and mass coupled to spacetime curvature and show that when alternative values of charge and mass decohere, they always decohere exactly and are exactly conserved as a consequence of their couplings to long-range fields. Further, while decohering histories that describe fluctuations in total charge and mass are also subject to the limitations mentioned above, we show that these do not, in fact, restrict {\it physical} alternatives and are therefore not really limitations at all.Comment: 22 pages, report UCSBTH-94-4, LA-UR-94-2101, CGPG-94/10-

    Nonextensive diffusion as nonlinear response

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    The porous media equation has been proposed as a phenomenological ``non-extensive'' generalization of classical diffusion. Here, we show that a very similar equation can be derived, in a systematic manner, for a classical fluid by assuming nonlinear response, i.e. that the diffusive flux depends on gradients of a power of the concentration. The present equation distinguishes from the porous media equation in that it describes \emph{% generalized classical} diffusion, i.e. with r/Dtr/\sqrt Dt scaling, but with a generalized Einstein relation, and with power-law probability distributions typical of nonextensive statistical mechanics

    Decoherence and classical predictability of phase space histories

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    We consider the decoherence of phase space histories in a class of quantum Brownian motion models, consisting of a particle moving in a potential V(x)V(x) in interaction with a heat bath at temperature TT and dissipation gamma, in the Markovian regime. The evolution of the density operator for this open system is thus described by a non-unitary master equation. The phase space histories of the system are described by a class of quasiprojectors. Generalizing earlier results of Hagedorn and Omn\`es, we show that a phase space projector onto a phase space cell Γ\Gamma is approximately evolved under the master equation into another phase space projector onto the classical dissipative evolution of Γ\Gamma, and with a certain amount of degradation due to the noise produced by the environment. We thus show that histories of phase space samplings approximately decohere, and that the probabilities for these histories are peaked about classical dissipative evolution, with a width of peaking depending on the size of the noise.Comment: 34 pages, LATEX, revised version to avoid LATEX error
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