284 research outputs found

    Immigració i bones pràctiques a Olot

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    Política educativa i escola rural durant el franquisme

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    Aquest article presenta una panoràmica general del que va ser la política educativa sobre l'escola rural durant l'època franquista (1936/1939-1975). S'incideix de manera especial en aquells aspectes i models organitzatius (com per exemple les escoles graduades, les escoles comarcals i molt especialment les escoles llar) que frenaren i obstaculitzaren el correcte desenvolupament d'un prototipus d'escola que amb el pas del temps ha donat proves de ser una escola amb un alt potencial educatiu, relacional i humà. L'anàlisi s'ha fet, fonamentalment, a partir de la legislació educativa i, quan ha estat possible, s'ha il·lustrat amb casos concrets de les comarques gironines.This article presents an overview of educational policy on the rural school during the Francoist period (1936/1939-1975). Particular mention is made of organisational aspects and models (such as elementary and high/secondary schools, district schools and more particularly boarding schools) that curtailed and hampered the proper development of a prototype of school which over time has proven itself to be a school with great educational, relational and human potential. The analysis has been made basically using the educational legislation and, when possible, is illustrated with specific cases from the districts of Girona

    Gluon propagation inside a high-energy nucleus

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    We show that, in the light-cone gauge, it is possible to derive in a very simple way the solution of the classical Yang-Mills equations for the collision between a nucleus and a proton. One important step of the calculation is the derivation of a formula that describes the propagation of a gluon in the background color field of the nucleus. This allows us to calculate observables in pA collisions in a more straightforward fashion than already proposed. We discuss also the comparison between light-cone gauge and covariant gauge in view of further investigations involving higher order corrections.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    L'Escola rural a Catalunya

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    Més enllà de l'escola rural. Cap a un model integral i integrador de l'educació en el territori

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    L’article presenta i desenvolupa dues idees bàsiques estretament lligades a l’escola rural: les unitats territorials definides per la mateixa Administració i les unitats territorials definides des d’unes determinades necessitats socials i educatives. Des d’aquest plantejament sorgeix una pregunta que és fonamental per entendre el paper de l’escola en el territori: té sentit defensar avui dia una escola per a cada municipi? Cal analitzar no solament la qüestió demogràfica sinó també la voluntat popular i la política per assegurar la integració del centre en el conjunt del teixit social i cultural del poble. En aquesta línia es proposa reflexionar sobre el poble educador, el Projecte educatiu de poble o d’una estructura més àmplia com ara el Projecte educatiu de sector, entès com a sector educatiu, de manera que el territori pugui esdevenir un espai educador integrador i adaptat a les veritables necessitats i demandes dels seus habitants.In this article, two basic ideas closely related to rural schools are presented and developed: the territorial units defined by the Administration, and the territorial units defined by certain social and educational needs. This approach raises a question which is essential to understand the role of school in the territory: Does it make sense, nowadays, to defend the idea of having a school in every town? To find an answer to it, we must analyze not only the demography but also the popular and political will in order to ensure the integration of the school within the town’s social and cultural life. Thus, we propose a wider structure, such as the Sector Educational Project, understood as an Educational Sector, so that it becomes an educational space, which integrates and is shaped according to the true claims and needs of the town’s inhabitants.El artículo presenta y desarrolla dos ideas básicas estrechamente relacionadas con la escuela rural: las unidades territoriales definidas por la propia administración y las unidades territoriales definidas por unas determinadas necesidades sociales y educativas. Desde este planteamiento surge una pregunta que es fundamental para entender el papel de la escuela en el territorio: tiene sentido defender, en la actualidad, una escuela para cada municipio? Para ello es necesario analizar no sólo la demografía sino también la voluntad popular y la política con el objetivo de asegurar la integración del centro en el conjunto del tejido social y cultural del pueblo. En esta línea se propone reflexionar sobre el pueblo educador, el Proyecto educativo de pueblo o de una estructura más ancha como es el Proyecto educativo de sector, entendido como sector educativo, de modo que se convierta en un espacio educador integrador y adaptado a las verdaderas necesidades y demandas de sus habitantes

    Drell-Yan production and Lam-Tung relation in the Color Glass Condensate formalism

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    We study the Drell-Yan production cross section and structure functions in proton (deuteron)-nucleus collisions using the Color Glass Condensate formalism. The nucleus is treated in the Color Glass Condensate framework which includes both higher twist effects due to the inclusion of multiple scatterings and leading twist pQCD shadowing due to the small x resummation, while the proton (or deuteron) is treated within the DGLAP improved parton model. In particular, the Drell-Yan structure functions are used in order to investigate the Lam-Tung relation at small x, which is known to be identically zero at leading twist up to Next-to-Leading order, and is thus a good playground for studying higher twist effects. In agreement with this, we find that violations of this relation are more important for low momentum and invariant mass of the Drell-Yan pair, and also in the region of rapidity that corresponds to smaller values of x in the nucleus.Comment: 25 pages, 16 postscript figure

    Early Time Evolution of High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We solve the Yang-Mills equations in the framework of the McLerran-Venugopalan model for small times tau after a collision of two nuclei. An analytic expansion around tau=0 leads to explicit results for the field strength and the energy momentum tensor of the gluon field at early times. We then discuss constraints for the energy density, pressure and flow of the plasma phase that emerges after thermalization of the gluon field.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; contribution to Quark Matter 2006; submitted to J. Phys.