7 research outputs found

    Model Bond albedos of extrasolar giant planets

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    The atmospheres of extrasolar giant planets are modeled with various effective temperatures and gravities, with and without clouds. Bond albedos are computed by calculating the ratio of the flux reflected by a planet (integrated over wavelength) to the total stellar flux incident on the planet. This quantity is useful for estimating the effective temperature and evolution of a planet. We find it is sensitive to the stellar type of the primary. For a 5 M_Jup planet the Bond albedo varies from 0.4 to 0.3 to 0.06 as the primary star varies from A5V to G2V to M2V in spectral type. It is relatively insensitive to the effective temperature and gravity for cloud--free planets. Water clouds increase the reflectivity of the planet in the red, which increases the Bond albedo. The Bond albedo increases by an order of magnitude for a 13 M_Jup planet with an M2V primary when water clouds are present. Silicate clouds, on the other hand, can either increase or decrease the Bond albedo, depending on whether there are many small grains (the former) or few large grains (the latter).Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, uses egs.cls and epsfig.sty, submitted to Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (proceedings of the April 1998 EGS meeting in Nice, France

    Interactions between brown-dwarf binaries and Sun-like stars

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    Several mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of brown dwarfs, but there is as yet no consensus as to which -- if any -- are operative in nature. Any theory of brown dwarf formation must explain the observed statistics of brown dwarfs. These statistics are limited by selection effects, but they are becoming increasingly discriminating. In particular, it appears (a) that brown dwarfs that are secondaries to Sun-like stars tend to be on wide orbits, a\ga 100\,{\rm AU} (the Brown Dwarf Desert), and (b) that these brown dwarfs have a significantly higher chance of being in a close (a\la 10\,{\rm AU}) binary system with another brown dwarf than do brown dwarfs in the field. This then raises the issue of whether these brown dwarfs have formed {\it in situ}, i.e. by fragmentation of a circumstellar disc; or have formed elsewhere and subsequently been captured. We present numerical simulations of the purely gravitational interaction between a close brown-dwarf binary and a Sun-like star. These simulations demonstrate that such interactions have a negligible chance (<0.001<0.001) of leading to the close brown-dwarf binary being captured by the Sun-like star. Making the interactions dissipative by invoking the hydrodynamic effects of attendant discs might alter this conclusion. However, in order to explain the above statistics, this dissipation would have to favour the capture of brown-dwarf binaries over single brown-dwarfs, and we present arguments why this is unlikely. The simplest inference is that most brown-dwarf binaries -- and therefore possibly also most single brown dwarfs -- form by fragmentation of circumstellar discs around Sun-like protostars, with some of them subsequently being ejected into the field.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    The first AllWISE proper motion discovery : WISEA J070720.50+170532.7

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    While quality checking a new motion-aware co-addition of all 12.5 months of Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data, we found that the source WISE J070720.48+170533.0 moved 0.''9 in six months. Backtracking this motion allowed us to identify this source as 2MASS J07071961+1705464, with several entries in the USNO B catalog. An astrometric fit to these archival data gives a proper motion of μ = 1793 ± 2 mas yr–1 and a parallax of piv = 35 ± 42 mas. Photometry from WISE, 2MASS, and the POSS can be fit reasonably well by a blackbody with T = 3658 K and an angular radius of 4.36 × 10–11 radians. No clear evidence of H2 collision-induced absorption is seen in the near-infrared. An optical spectrum shows broad deep CaH bands at 638 and 690 nm, broad deep Na D at 598.2 nm, and weak or absent TiO, indicating that this source is an ultra-subdwarf M star with a radial velocity v rad ≈ –21 ± 18 km s–1 relative to the Sun. Given its apparent magnitude, the distance is about 39 ± 9 pc and the tangential velocity is probably ≈330 km s–1, but a more precise parallax is needed to be certain