1,604 research outputs found

    Limits to Sympathetic Evaporative Cooling of a Two-Component Fermi Gas

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    We find a limit cycle in a quasi-equilibrium model of evaporative cooling of a two-component fermion gas. The existence of such a limit cycle represents an obstruction to reaching the quantum ground state evaporatively. We show that evaporatively the \beta\mu ~ 1. We speculate that one may be able to cool an atomic fermi gas further by photoassociating dimers near the bottom of the fermi sea.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev

    Multi-vessel stenting during primary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction. A single-center experience

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    BACKGROUND: Recanalization of the culprit lesion is the main goal of primary angioplasty for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction and multivessel disease are, therefore, usually subjected to staged procedures, with the primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) confined to recanalization of the infarct-related artery (IRA). Theoretically at least, early relief of stenoses of non-infarct-related arteries could promote collateral circulation, which could help to limit the infarct size. However, the safety and feasibility of such an approach has not been adequately established. METHODS: In this single-center prospective study we examined 73 consecutive patients who had an acute STEMI and at least one or more lesions > or = 70% in a major epicardial vessel other than the infarct-related artery. In the first 28 patients, forming the multi-vessel (MV) PCI group, all lesions were treated during the primary procedure. In the following 45 patients, forming the culprit-only (CO) PCI group, only the culprit lesion was treated during the initial procedure, followed by either planned-staged or ischemia-driven revascularization of the non-culprit lesions. Fluoroscopy time and contrast dye amount were compared between both groups, and patients were followed up for one year for major adverse cardiac events (MACE) and other significant clinical events. RESULTS: The two groups were well balanced in terms of clinical characteristics, number of diseased vessels and angiographic characteristics of the culprit lesion. In the MV-PCI group, 2.51 lesions per patient were treated using 2.96 +/- 1.34 stents (1.00 lesions and 1.76 +/- 1.17 stents in the CO-PCI group, both p < 0.001). The fluoroscopy time increased from 10.3 (7.2-16.9) min in the CO-PCI group to 12.5 (8.5-19.3) min in the MV-PCI group (p = 0.22), and the amount of contrast used from 200 (180-250) ml to 250 (200-300) ml, respectively (p = 0.16). Peak CK and CK-MB were significantly lower in patients of the MV-PCI group (843 +/- 845 and 135 +/- 125 vs 1652 +/- 1550 and 207 +/- 155 U/l, p < 0.001 and 0.01, respectively). Similar rates of major adverse cardiac events at one year were observed in the two groups (24% and 28% in multi-vessel and culprit treatment groups, p = 0.73). The incidence of new revascularization in both infarct- and non-infarct-related arteries was also similar (24% and 28%, respectively, p = 0.73). CONCLUSION: We may state from this limited experience that a multi-vessel stenting approach for patients with acute STEMI and multi-vessel disease is feasible and probably safe during routine clinical practice. Our data suggest that this approach may help to limit the infarct size. However, larger studies, perhaps using drug-eluting stents, are still needed to further evaluate the safety and efficiency of this procedure, and whether it is associated with a lower need of subsequent revascularization and lower costs

    Evaporative Cooling of a Two-Component Degenerate Fermi Gas

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    We derive a quantum theory of evaporative cooling for a degenerate Fermi gas with two constituents and show that the optimum cooling trajectory is influenced significantly by the quantum statistics of the particles. The cooling efficiency is reduced at low temperatures due to Pauli blocking of available final states in each binary collision event. We compare the theoretical optimum trajectory with experimental data on cooling a quantum degenerate cloud of potassium-40, and show that temperatures as low as 0.3 times the Fermi temperature can now be achieved.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Sympathetic cooling of an atomic Bose-Fermi gas mixture

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    Sympathetic cooling of an atomic Fermi gas by a Bose gas is studied by solution of the coupled quantum Boltzmann equations for the confined gas mixture. Results for equilibrium temperatures and relaxation dynamics are presented, and some simple models developed. Our study illustrate that a combination of sympathetic and forced evaporative cooling enables the Fermi gas to be cooled to the degenerate regime where quantum statistics, and mean field effects are important. The influence of mean field effects on the equilibrium spatial distributions is discussed qualitatively.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.Let

    Homogenous recycling of transuranium elements from irradiated fast reactor fuel by the EURO-GANEX solvent extraction process

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    The EURO-GANEX process was developed forco-separating transuranium elements from irradiatednuclear fuels. A hot flow-sheet trial was performed in acounter-current centrifugal contactor setup, using a genuinehigh active feed solution. Irradiated mixed (carbide,nitride) U80Pu20 fast reactor fuel containing 20 % Pu wasthermally treated to oxidise it to the oxide form which wasthen dissolved in HNO3. From this solution uranium wasseparated to >99.9 % in a primary solvent extraction cycleusing 1.0 mol/L DEHiBA (N,N-di(2-ethylhexyl)isobutyramidein TPH (hydrogenated tetrapropene) as the organicphase. The raffinate solution from this process, containing10 g/L Pu, was further processed in a second cycle of solventextraction. In this EURO-GANEX flow-sheet, TRU andfission product lanthanides were firstly co-extracted intoa solvent composed of 0.2 mol/L TODGA (N,N,N′,N′-tetran-octyl diglycolamide) and 0.5 mol/L DMDOHEMA (N,N′-dimethyl-N,N′-dioctyl-2-(2-hexyloxy-ethyl) malonamide)dissolved in Exxsol D80, separating them from most otherfission and corrosion products. Subsequently, the TRUwere selectively stripped from the collected loaded solventusing a solution containing 0.055 mol/L SO3-Ph-BTP(2,6-bis(5,6-di(3-sulphophenyl)-1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)pyridinetetrasodium salt) and 1 mol/L AHA (acetohydroxamicacid) in 0.5 mol/L HNO3; lanthanides were finally strippedusing 0.01 mol/L HNO3. Approximately 99.9 % of the TRUand less than 0.1 % of the lanthanides were found in theproduct solution, which also contained the major fractionsof Zr and Mo

    Embodied Knowledge: Writing Researchers’ Bodies Into Qualitative Health Research

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    After more than a decade of postpositivist health care research and an increase in narrative writing practices, social scientific, qualitative health research remains largely disembodied. The erasure of researchers’ bodies from conventional accounts of research obscures the complexities of knowledge production and yields deceptively tidy accounts of research. Qualitative health research could benefit significantly from embodied writing that explores the discursive relationship between the body and the self and the semantic challenges of writing the body by incorporating bodily details and experiences into research accounts. Researchers can represent their bodies by incorporating autoethnographic narratives, drawing on all of their senses, interrogating the connections between their bodily signifiers and research processes, and experimenting with the semantics of self and body. The author illustrates opportunities for embodiment with excerpts from an ethnography of a geriatric oncology team and explores implications of embodied writing for the practice of qualitative health research

    Hard probes in heavy ion collisions at the LHC: PDFs, shadowing and pApA collisions

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    This manuscript is the outcome of the subgroup ``PDFs, shadowing and pApA collisions'' from the CERN workshop ``Hard Probes in Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC''. In addition to the experimental parameters for pApA collisions at the LHC, the issues discussed are factorization in nuclear collisions, nuclear parton distributions (nPDFs), hard probes as the benchmark tests of factorization in pApA collisions at the LHC, and semi-hard probes as observables with potentially large nuclear effects. Also, novel QCD phenomena in pApA collisions at the LHC are considered. The importance of the pApA program at the LHC is emphasized.Comment: The writeup of the working group "PDFs, shadowing and pApA collisions" for the CERN Yellow Report on Hard Probes in Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC, 121 pages. Subgroup convenors: K.J. Eskola, J.w. Qiu (theory) and W. Geist (experiment). Editor: K.J. Eskol

    An overview of solvent extraction processes developed in Europe for advanced nuclear fuel recycling, Part 2 — homogeneous recycling

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    The hydrometallurgical separation concepts for the recycling of irradiated nuclear fuels developed in Europe are presented and discussed. Whilst Part 1 of the review focused on concepts for heterogeneous recycling of minor actinides, this article focuses on group recycling of transuranic actinides, which would support homogeneous recycling scenarios. Most of these concepts were developed within European collaborative projects and involve solvent extraction processes separating all the actinides (U-Cm) in two cycles. The first cycle uses a monoamide extractant to recover uranium leaving all the transuranic actinides in the aqueous raffinate with the fission products. The second cycle aims for a group recovery of the transuranium elements and several strategies have been proposed for this stage. In this review article, the various solvent extraction processes are summarised and the key features of the process schemes are compared

    The Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluative Education Model: a school-based method of assessing and selecting interventions for classroom use

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    Evaluating educational programs and interventions is generally considered a normal part of curriculum development and improvement, and published findings are readily accessible through peer-reviewed journals. Recently, however, researchers and practicing educators have identified a lack of evaluative research regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) educational practices in the peer-reviewed literature. Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) has an established evidence-informed ASD curriculum that is constantly reviewed and updated to meet the needs of the students in Aspect schools and classes. Through a methodical evaluative process, all educational interventions and support processes and devices undergo a series of Evidence-Based Research Trials and evaluations before they are implemented in classes. This article demonstrates how a workflow model can deliver a systematic method for identifying, evaluating, implementing, and disseminating the research findings of a program or support intervention. The Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluative Education (ASDEE) model is discussed

    A quasi-diagonal approach to the estimation of Lyapunov spectra for spatio-temporal systems from multivariate time series

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    We describe methods of estimating the entire Lyapunov spectrum of a spatially extended system from multivariate time-series observations. Provided that the coupling in the system is short range, the Jacobian has a banded structure and can be estimated using spatially localised reconstructions in low embedding dimensions. This circumvents the ``curse of dimensionality'' that prevents the accurate reconstruction of high-dimensional dynamics from observed time series. The technique is illustrated using coupled map lattices as prototype models for spatio-temporal chaos and is found to work even when the coupling is not strictly local but only exponentially decaying.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX (RevTeX), 13 Postscript figs, to be submitted to Phys.Rev.