61 research outputs found

    What Magis Really Means and Why It Matters

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    Many definitions of the magis are proffered in Jesuit circles, not all of which are clear or helpful. The best definition, in terms of practicality, fidelity to the sources, and correspondence to other Ignatian themes, is “the more universal good.” It is closely linked to the unofficial motto of the Society of Jesus, “For the Greater Glory of God.

    Cura Personalis: Some Ignatian Inspirations

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    Cura personalis is an expression of recent vintage, but the three meanings most commonly given to it have deep roots in the spirituality and lived experience of St. Ignatius. An awareness of the latter can shed light upon the organic unity of Ignatian spirituality as a whole and help to regulate proper usage of the term

    Myths, Misquotes and Misconceptions about St. Ignatius Loyola

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    A number of inaccuracies are circulating in the field of Ignatian Spirituality that can hinder a richer and more profitable understanding of the saint and his doctrine. Jesuits and colleagues would do well to remain conscious of the conditions that generate and perpetuate these inaccuracies. Also included in this essay is the true origin of a quotation popularly attributed to Fr. Pedro Arrupe, SJ, “There is nothing more practical than finding God.

    Rezim tanpa Rezim: Kepenataan dan Wacana Komunisme di Ranah Perbukuan Indonesia Kontemporer

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    During the course of the New Order in Indonesia, communism and Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) as its manifestation was constructed as the nemesis of the state and even the whole nation. Communism became a taboo that everyone has to avoid or condemn. With the fall of the New Order, a lot of historical discourses about communism in Indonesia were produced to contend the official historiography. Formal discrimination through several laws and regulations against ex-PKI or allegedly communists was also stripped by the new government. However, the taboo and abjection itself is not entirely died out. In post-Reformasi Indonesia, the mechanism of rejection and condemnation to the communism has been working through many social processes. One of them is the censorship towards ‘leftist publications’ and persecutions towards public forums discussing ‘leftist discourses’, usually orchestrated by non-state actors, particularly civil or mass organizations. This article, using ethnography as its method and Foucauldian analysis of governmentality as theoretical framework, aims to discuss how such censorships and persecutions occur as a symptom of the ongoing abjection towards communism in Indonesia

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen dengan Ekuitas Merek sebagai Variabel Moderasi (Survei pada Pembeli Handphone Samsung Android di Matahari Singosaren Surakarta)

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze: 1) the effect of product quality on customer satisfaction 2) the effect of brand equity on consumer satisfaction 3) the effect of product quality on customer satisfaction with the brand equity as a moderating variable. This study is a survey on consumer handphone Samsung in the Matahari Singosaren Plaza. The research sample of 100 people with sampling used purposive sampling and accidental sampling. The technique of collecting data used questionnaires. Data were analyzed used multiple linear regression and test of absolute difference. The results showed that the product quality has significant effect on consumer satisfaction Samsung android. Brand equity has significant effect on consumer satisfaction Samsung android. Brand equity does not moderate the effect of product quality on customer satisfaction Samsung android


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    Artikel ini membahas tentang peranan serikat pekerja dalam pembuatan dan pelaksanaan perjanjian kerja bersama. Pilihan tema ini dilatarbelakangi sedikitnya jumlah perjanjian kerja bersama yang ada di kabupaten Malang dan PT. Ekamas Fortuna merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang mengadakan perjanjian kerja bersama. Permasalahan yang diangkat adalah bagaimana efektivitas peranan Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (SPSI) unit kerja PT. Ekamas Fortuna dalam pembuatan dan pelaksanaan perjanjian kerja bersama di PT. Ekamas Fortuna serta faktor-faktor penghambat efektivitas peranan serikat pekerja dalam pembuatan dan pelaksanaan perjanjian kerja bersama dan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris dengan metode pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan di SPSI unit kerja PT. Ekamas Fortuna kabupaten Malang. Sumber data diperoleh melalui wawancara maupun studi kepustakaan yang relevan dengan permasalahan yang di teliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peranan SPSI unit kerja PT. Ekamas Fortuna dalam pembuatan dan pelaksanaan perjanjian kerja bersama mengalami beberapa hambatan sehingga peranan SPSI unit kerja PT. Ekamas Fortuna belum efektif. Hambatan yang dihadapi serikat pekerja adalah perbedaan pendapat, keterlibatan induk perusahaan, keterbatasan dana, tindakan karyawan dan juga kebijakan kantor pusat. Adapun upaya-upaya yang dilakukan adalah penyesuaian pendapat, koordinasi dengan manajemen PT. Ekamas Fortuna, pembinaan terhadap karyawan dan menempuh langkah-langkah penyelesaian sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan. Saran dari penulis adalah bagi serikat pekerja adalah peningkatan kemampuan pengurus dalam bernegosiasi khususnya tim perunding pembuatan Perjanjian Kerja Bersama, bagi perusahaan hendaknya dapat melakukan perundingan pembuatan perjanjian kerja bersama tanpa keterlibatan induk perusahaan, serta bagi dinas tenaga kerja hendaknya meningkatkan penyuluhan agar jumlah perjanjian kerja bersama di kabupaten Malang bertambah.Kata Kunci: Peranan, Serikat Pekerja, Perjanjian Kerja Bersama


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    The  objective  of  this  research  is  to  investigate  the  optimal  casting  temperature  to produce  the  best  molding  on  the  hardness  and  microstructure  of  the  aluminum  remelting product of Supra X motorcycle drum brake with metal mould.This  research  used  three  casting  temperature  variations,  namely:  7000C,  7250C,  and 7500C. The aluminum material  used in this molding was used back drum brake aluminum of Supra X motorcycle.This  research  used  the  experimental  method  with  the  descriptive  data  analysis.  The data of the research were gathered through the calculation of the hardness of each specimen and the microstructure photograph-taking of each specimen. The result of the calculation of the hardness was then displayed in graphs for analysis.The  result  of  the  research  shows  that  the  highest  molding  hardness  is  found  in  the casting  temperature  variation  of  7000C  with  the  value  of  86.17  BHN,  whereas  the  lowest molding  hardness  is  found  in  the  casting  temperature  variation  of  7500C  with  the  value  of 83.03  BHN,  and  the  hardness  of  the  drum  brake  aluminum  of  Supra  X  aluminum  itself  is 90.36BHN. Based on the microstructure photograph, the casting temperature variation of 7000C  results  in  the  best  structure  granules  as  indicated  by  the  tiny  size  of  Al-si  granules, compared  to  the  results  of  the  other  casting  temperature  variations  of  7250C,  and  7500C respectively of which the size of granules become larger along with the increase of the casting temperature variations. Thus,  based  on  the  result  of  the  research,  a  conclusion  is  drawn  that  the  casting temperature variation of 7000C results in the most optimal hardness and good microstructure, and among the tree casting temperature variations the casting temperature variation of 7000C results  in  casting  temperature  of  which  the  quality  of  the  aluminum  remelting  product approaches the quality of back aluminum drum brake of Supra X motorcycle. The hardness of the aluminum remelting product decreases along with the increase of the casting temperature variations, and the size of microstructure of the granules also becomes larger along with the increase of the casting temperature variations

    Рекурсивні системи у мистецтві та дизайні: питання класифікації

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    The recursion concept and feature of the recursive systems is exposed in the article, the attempt of their classification is done. Visual recursion is considered as the method of harmonization of in–spatial environment. The types of the visual recursive systems (planar, volume–spatial, combined) are first analyses in the art and design.В статье раскрыто понятие рекурсии и особенности рекурсивных систем, сделана попытка их классификации. Визуальная рекурсия представлена как способ гармонизации предметно–пространственной среды. Впервые проанализированы типы визуальных рекурсивных систем (плоскостная, объемно–пространственная, комбинированная) в искусстве и дизайне.У статті висвітлено поняття рекурсії та особливості рекурсивних систем, зроблено спробу їх класифікації. Розглянуто візуальну рекурсію як засіб гармонізації предметно–просторового середовища. Вперше проаналізовано типи візуальних рекурсивних систем (площинна, об’ємно–просторова, комбінована) у мистецтві та дизайні

    Possibilities of the Mixed Research Methods Application in the Management of a Modern University (On the Materials of Sociological Research)

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    The paper discusses the possibilities of using mixed methods research in the management of a modern university. The goal of the study is to substantiate the heuristic potential of mixed methods research to identify effective approaches to managing the faculty in modern conditions.The study describes iterative data analysis within the framework of a mixed strategy:1) standard quantitative analysis; 2) quantitative triangulation, including the use of several methods, such as the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA); 3) standard qualitative analysis; 4) mixed triangulation, which ultimately led to a synergistic effect.The research results lie in different ways, including methodological and content related. The methodological results include the identification of the special heuristic potential of mixed methods during exploratory research; in the substantive part, a situation of social maladjustment of faculty was diagnosed in the context of developing “academic capitalism”, when the academic community, taking into account both economic and increasing social deprivation, is demotivated for effective labor activity