11 research outputs found

    Sea-level driven land conversion and the formation of ghost forests

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    Ghost forests created by the submergence of low-lying land are one of the most striking indicators of climate change along the Atlantic coast of North America. Although dead trees at the margin of estuaries were described as early as 1910, recent research has led to new recognition that the submergence of terrestrial land is geographically widespread, ecologically and economically important, and globally relevant to the survival of coastal wetlands in the face of rapid sea level rise. This emerging understanding has in turn generated widespread interest in the physical and ecological mechanisms influencing the extent and pace of upland to wetland conversion. Choices between defending the coast from sea level rise and facilitating ecosystem transgression will play a fundamental role in determining the fate and function of low-lying coastal land

    Leveraging the Interdependencies Between Barrier Islands and Backbarrier Saltmarshes to Enhance Resilience to Sea-Level Rise

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    Barrier islands and their backbarrier saltmarshes have a reciprocal relationship: aeolian and storm processes transport sediment from the beaches and dunes to create and build marshes along the landward fringe of the island. In turn, these marshes exert a stabilizing influence on the barrier by widening the barrier system and forming a platform onto which the island migrates, consequently slowing landward barrier migration and inhibiting storm breaching. Here, we present a novel framework for applying these natural interdependencies to managing coastal systems and enhancing barrier-island resilience. Further, we detail application of these principles through a case study of the design of a marsh creation project that showcases the interdisciplinary engagement of scientists, engineers, stakeholders, and policymakers. Specifically, we describe: (1) the ecologic, sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and morphologic data obtained from the southern 4 km of Cedar Island (Virginia, United States) and nearby backbarrier tidal channels, tidal flats, and flood-tidal deltas, and (2) the use of those data to develop an engineering and design plan for the construction of a high (46 ha) and low (42 ha) fringing marsh platform located behind the island, proximal to a former ephemeral inlet. Additionally, we chronicle the process used to narrow five initial alternative designs to the optimal final plan. This process involved balancing best-available existing science and models, considering design and financial constraints, identifying stakeholder preferences, and maximizing restoration benefits of habitat provision and shoreline protection. Construction of this marsh would: (1) provide additional habitat and ecosystem benefits, (2) slow the rapid migration (up to 15 m/yr at present) of the barrier island, and (3) hinder island breaching. Ultimately, this project – presently at the final design and permitting stage – may enhance the storm and sea-level rise resilience of the island, backbarrier marshes and lagoons, and the mainland town community; and provide an example of a novel science-based approach to coastal resilience that could be applied to other global barrier settings

    Livestock as a potential biological control agent for an invasive wetland plant

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    Invasive species threaten biodiversity and incur costs exceeding billions of US$. Eradication efforts, however, are nearly always unsuccessful. Throughout much of North America, land managers have used expensive, and ultimately ineffective, techniques to combat invasive Phragmites australis in marshes. Here, we reveal that Phragmites may potentially be controlled by employing an affordable measure from its native European range: livestock grazing. Experimental field tests demonstrate that rotational goat grazing (where goats have no choice but to graze Phragmites) can reduce Phragmites cover from 100 to 20% and that cows and horses also readily consume this plant. These results, combined with the fact that Europeans have suppressed Phragmites through seasonal livestock grazing for 6,000 years, suggest Phragmites management can shift to include more economical and effective top-down control strategies. More generally, these findings support an emerging paradigm shift in conservation from high-cost eradication to economically sustainable control of dominant invasive species

    Effects of Short-Duration and Diel-Cycling Hypoxia on Predation of Mussels and Oysters in Two Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay

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    Although the effects of persistent hypoxia have been well established, few studies have explored the community-level effects of short-duration and diel-cycling hypoxia, for example on predator–prey interactions. Consumer stress models predict that mobile predators will flee hypoxia, while prey stress models predict that sessile species, unable to avoid hypoxic water, will be more susceptible to predation. To test these hypotheses, we studied the effects of diel-cycling hypoxia on predation of the hooked mussel, Ischadium recurvum, and eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in field experiments in two Chesapeake Bay, USA tributaries. We conducted a complementary laboratory experiment that tested the impact of short-duration hypoxia on predation of the two bivalve species by the ecologically and commercially important blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Although we did not observe a significant effect of diel-cycling hypoxia on predation in the field, we did observe an effect of short-duration hypoxia in the laboratory. Callinectes sapidus exhibited depressed feeding rates and reduced preference for I. recurvum in hypoxic conditions. In both field and lab results, we observed a strong preference of predators for I. recurvum over C. virginica, indicating that the relatively understudied mussel I. recurvum merits greater consideration as a part of estuarine food webs

    Research on mutualisms between native and non-native partners can contribute critical ecological insights

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    Mutualisms are important structuring forces in ecological communities, influencing ecosystem functions, diversity, and evolutionary trajectories. New interactions, particularly between native and non-native species, are globally increasing in biotic communities as species introductions accelerate. Positive interactions such as novel mutualisms can affect the fitness of organisms in invaded communities. Non-natives can augment native mutualism networks, replace extinct native partners, or disrupt native mutualisms. Because they are actively forming or newly formed, novel mutualisms offer a unique opportunity to examine in real time the factors governing early mutualism formation and stability, including frequency-dependent processes and those relying on specific traits or functions. These central ecological questions have been inferred from long-formed mutualisms, but novel mutualisms may allow a glimpse of successes and failures in ecological time with insights into the relative importance of these factors as ecological systems shift. To this end, this commentary addresses how novel mutualisms inform our understanding of mutualism formation, stability, the importance of functional traits, and niche vs. neutral processes, using examples across multiple systems. Novel mutualism research thus far has been largely limited in both questions and ecosystems, but if more broadly applied could benefit both theoretical and applied ecology

    Seawater carbonate chemistry and community composition in mangrove ponds with pulsed hypoxic and acidified conditions

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    The potential resilience of biological communities to accelerating rates of global change has received considerable attention. We suggest that some shallow aquatic ecosystems, where temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and pH can exhibit extreme variation on short timescales of hours or days, provide an opportunity to develop a mechanistic understanding of species persistence and community assembly under harsh environmental conditions. Extreme diel swings in DO and pH have been observed in eutrophic temperate ecosystems, and here, we describe a similar phenomenon consistently occurring across tropical sites that included relatively remote atolls on the Meso-American barrier reefs in Belize and oligotrophic coastal lagoons in Panama. In particular, we documented large daily swings in temperature, DO, and pH within shallow ponds of Caribbean mangrove forests. Water in seven of 13 ponds went hypoxic (<2 mg/L DO) during the multiday sampling period, and pH dipped nightly to low levels, falling below 7.0 in some ponds. Minimum pH and minimum DO were correlated, and showed a similar relationship in Belize and Panama, suggesting a common mechanism produced diel cycles. Remarkably, most ponds exhibited high abundance of macroalgae, macroinvertebrates, and fish, despite potentially stressful abiotic conditions. Although fish diversity was negatively correlated with pH range, our overall results from the ponds suggest that many species are sufficiently resistant such that a functionally complex community can persist in the midst of pulsed stressful conditions. We propose that the mangrove ponds could serve as a model ecosystem for investigating resistance and resilience of coastal marine communities to global change factors such as climate change, hypoxia, and ocean acidification

    The present and future role of coastal wetland\ud vegetation in protecting shorelines: answering recent\ud challenges to the paradigm

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    For more than a century, coastal wetlands have been recognized for their ability to stabilize shorelines and protect coastal communities. However, this paradigm has recently been called into question by small-scale experimental evidence. Here, we conduct a literature review and a small meta-analysis of wave attenuation data, and we find overwhelming evidence in support of established theory. Our review suggests that mangrove and salt marsh vegetation afford context-dependent protection from erosion, storm surge, and potentially small tsunami waves. In biophysical models, field tests, and natural experiments, the presence of wetlands reduces wave heights, property damage, and human deaths. Meta-analysis of wave attenuation by vegetated and unvegetated wetland sites highlights the critical role of vegetation in attenuating waves. Although we find coastal wetland vegetation to be an effective shoreline buffer, wetlands cannot protect shorelines in all locations or scenarios; indeed large-scale regional erosion, river meandering, and large tsunami waves and storm surges can overwhelm the attenuation effect of vegetation. However, due to a nonlinear relationship between wave attenuation and wetland size, even small wetlands afford substantial protection from waves. Combining man-made structures with wetlands in ways that mimic nature is likely to increase coastal protection. Oyster domes, for example, can be used in combination with natural wetlands to protect shorelines and restore critical fishery habitat. Finally, coastal wetland vegetation modifies shorelines in ways (e.g. peat accretion) that increase shoreline integrity over long timescales and thus provides a lasting coastal adaptation measure that can protect shorelines against accelerated sea level rise and more frequent storm inundation. We conclude that the shoreline protection paradigm still stands, but that gaps remain in our knowledge about the mechanistic and context-dependent aspects of shoreline protection

    Appendix A. Additional methods plus four figures and three tables presenting statistical summaries, site information, and supporting data, including field verification of the correlation between rock and barnacle body temperatures, daily maximum temperature, and barnacle density and survival at Haffenreffer and Hope Island sites, and the geographic distribution of bedrock and cobble substrates in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island.

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    Additional methods plus four figures and three tables presenting statistical summaries, site information, and supporting data, including field verification of the correlation between rock and barnacle body temperatures, daily maximum temperature, and barnacle density and survival at Haffenreffer and Hope Island sites, and the geographic distribution of bedrock and cobble substrates in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island

    Livestock as a potential biological control agent for an invasive wetland plant

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    Invasive species threaten biodiversity and incur costs exceeding billions of US$. Erad- ication eVorts, however, are nearly always unsuccessful. Throughout much of North America, land managers have used expensive, and ultimately ineVective, techniques to combat invasive Phragmites australis in marshes. Here, we reveal that Phragmites may potentially be controlled by employing an aVordable measure from its native European range: livestock grazing. Experimental field tests demonstrate that rota- tional goat grazing (where goats have no choice but to graze Phragmites) can reduce Phragmites cover from 100 to 20% and that cows and horses also readily consume this plant. These results, combined with the fact that Europeans have suppressed Phragmites through seasonal livestock grazing for 6,000 years, suggest Phragmites management can shift to include more economical and eVective top-down control strategies. More generally, these findings support an emerging paradigm shift in conservation from high-cost eradication to economically sustainable control of dominant invasive species

    Livestock as a potential biological control agent for an invasive wetland plant

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    Invasive species threaten biodiversity and incur costs exceeding billions of US$. Erad- ication eVorts, however, are nearly always unsuccessful. Throughout much of North America, land managers have used expensive, and ultimately ineVective, techniques to combat invasive Phragmites australis in marshes. Here, we reveal that Phragmites may potentially be controlled by employing an aVordable measure from its native European range: livestock grazing. Experimental field tests demonstrate that rota- tional goat grazing (where goats have no choice but to graze Phragmites) can reduce Phragmites cover from 100 to 20% and that cows and horses also readily consume this plant. These results, combined with the fact that Europeans have suppressed Phragmites through seasonal livestock grazing for 6,000 years, suggest Phragmites management can shift to include more economical and eVective top-down control strategies. More generally, these findings support an emerging paradigm shift in conservation from high-cost eradication to economically sustainable control of dominant invasive species